
Sense Quotes

There are 331 quotes

"The content of reality can be weirder than you ever expected, and actually, that makes perfect sense."
"Feels so new and different but like it still makes sense."
"Life's too short to be running around here lying and doing stuff that doesn't make any sense."
"On humanitarian grounds, the deal seems to make a lot of sense."
"Most of the laws make sense and promote safety."
"Out of everything that's happened, you're one of the things that's made more sense to me, so let's keep in touch, okay?"
"You can always make a decision to act like you've got some sense."
"I want to fight for common sense."
"Smell is a very powerful sense associated with memory."
"What is the sense of leaving your house if inside there is no music?"
"If it makes dollars, it can make sense."
"You have to do what feels comfortable to you and makes sense to you."
"I'd rather see somebody's passion going to something that makes sense instead of having a what becomes kind of circusy."
"You two are going to make sense, a lot of sense."
"The truth is always going to make sense."
"It should be fine. It doesn't make any sense to let it just be given to a hobby."
"he makes one million percent sense"
"He's someone who has a great sense about him, has a lot of confidence."
"It is fundamentally changing, and the economics as it stands right now just don't make sense."
"I don't think you can compare Five Guys to a DQ or a Wendy's, that doesn't make any sense to me. I don't understand those comparisons when people do that, it's stupid to me."
"When the time is right, it will just make sense."
"I think it makes a lot of sense for a lot of people."
"This makes a lot more sense than anything else out there."
"I simply couldn't do that in the script or anything and it doesn't even make sense of line, but the thing I'm saying it helps me now."
"Individual humans need a sense, and I think that almost everyone has this."
"...I thought that did make sense."
"It's not just the trend, it's what makes more sense."
"It's not a wacky possibility, it's a possibility that makes sense."
"Comparing yourself to other people doesn't make any sense."
"Adding more pink to red doesn't make a lot of sense."
"It makes absolutely no sense that he thinks rescue won't be coming only a couple minutes after the disaster has struck."
"...there are definitely things that make a lot of sense."
"If it makes sense, save that 10 times every day, and you'll get it."
"If we're picking methods that make sense to people and solve our problems that's kind of the best of both worlds."
"They had this kind of sense of religious tolerance and openness."
"So hopefully that one does make a bit of sense."
"If it makes sense, it'll make money."
"It's like, you know, from a performance, from a price to performance standpoint, it makes no sense."
"...the pairing makes a lot more sense."
"Faith is trusting God when life doesn't make sense."
"...I hope it made sense I hope that you guys enjoyed it as always until next time."
"The universe is under no obligation to make sense to any of us."
"I think me and Connor running it back makes a lot of sense at this point"
"That's what makes sense to me, anyway."
"How do people with that little sense get that much money?"
"Every common-sense farmer will get only common-sense results; it takes special sense to get a special harvest."
"It's like a nice relationship... that just makes sense."
"Russell's dish... it just makes sense, you know."
"When you present something to the mind if it doesn't make sense it becomes senseless."
"Maybe if it's based off of a book, it would make more sense to me."
"It totally makes sense right it makes sense how could you screw that up."
"Tim's gut reaction to this is this doesn't make sense."
"It just makes more sense you know the more you think about the more sense it makes."
"You know what, if you're able to do this sometimes, this is about taking the sense out of nonsense. In essence, you've got to take the sense out of nonsense."
"I love how everything is advertised as gluten-free these days, even when it's beyond. Like it doesn't make any sense. You'll be buying a lettuce and it'll be saying gluten-free."
"Well done touche you finally did something that makes sense."
"I just don't think it makes sense on paper."
"The only logical extensions of this are that you have earned nothing... hating somebody for anything makes as little sense as hating an earthquake."
"They feel like a unit, they make sense."
"That's not magic, it's very sensible magic."
"Everything Willie said made absolute sense."
"Dogs are literally the only things that make sense."
"Nothing else to me really makes sense."
"I must have even if I didn't, couldn't you have had the sense to ask?"
"Love has no conflict, it has no sense of conflict."
"You gotta challenge laws that don't make sense."
"We cannot expect that everyone, to use the phrase of a decade ago, will talk sense. But we can hope that fewer people will listen to nonsense."
"Football is important. It's an island. It makes sense."
"Even if your rope doesn't really make sense right now, go for it!"
"Blindly counting calories when you're on some magical 400 calorie a day diet makes absolutely no sense."
"It might not make sense to pay so much upfront."
"I've always thought she had a lot of sense."
"The rhythm is the sense and the sense is the rhythm."
"But just because something is great, it doesn't mean you can talk complete nonsense about it."
"Boredom doesn't make a lot of sense, it's more like I'm uncomfortable."
"It's crazy it's almost like God knew what he was doing it seems to make total sense to me."
"Everything was like poetic in a sense, you know?"
"It makes no more sense than being a philosophy major."
"I'm very happy with it makes a lot of sense"
"There's no better sense of community than what happened here."
"The goal of developing a deeper business acumen is to develop your business sense."
"If it makes sense, it makes money."
"A strong force of attraction, it makes sense."
"If it don't make sense, it don't make dollars."
"The name actually makes sense, 'Sandaloud,' you know when you smell it because it has this, again, this dryness to it, it kind of conveys that feeling of the desert."
"The Joker's schemes make sense to nobody but himself."
"Even in such deep water the small seed makes sense."
"Even if it is good feedback it doesn't mean that it necessarily makes sense to take it right now."
"There is this sense of wonderment that I'm left with."
"Well, if that's not a perfect encapsulation of our show I don't know what is. So yeah, write more reviews like that. That's helpful. It actually does help us especially when they make as much sense as that one does."
"Not because we're liberals but because it just makes sense."
"Now if it tells us to eat and drink for God's glory, is it possible for us to not eat and drink for God's glory? Does that make sense?"
"The world only makes sense if you force it to."
"Keep in mind the big picture, and then it becomes the only intelligent thing to do. Nothing else makes sense."
"At a certain level, you have to assume the universe is benevolent. It's the only way for anything else to make sense."
"I'm with the crowd, even though it doesn't make much sense."
"Medicine and sense, two words that don't come together like an honest salesman."
"Sometimes there are situations where life doesn't make sense and people take the only way they can see."
"A true super car in every sense of the word."
"The process of being able to test drive a car, even as much as 24 hours, makes a lot of sense."
"It made so much sense for her and I think it was something that we were both excited to put on the show."
"It all fits so perfectly, it's all making sense."
"If it makes you happy, it doesn't have to make sense to anybody else."
"I'm almost positive that doesn't make any sense, because she was given a whole box of leprechaun's gold in just the other scene."
"From goth to boss, you know it makes sense."
"You spending a dollar to save 25 cents. It don't make sense."
"White shirts make sense every time."
"Why would you pay more money to grow your own plant and vegetables and do the same thing that the industries are trying to do? It doesn't make any sense."
"Sometimes things just make sense."
"It just doesn't seem as though it makes sense in the story where we're at."
"The incredible sense needed more than ever today of Lenin."
"It felt like a real show, it had a beginning, middle, and end, and it made sense."
"It just, it makes sense. This is still really cool, this is just more practical, this makes more sense."
"I don't think anything was rigged. Everything made sense."
"People got something to say, it don't make any sense to me."
"With God in the picture, things make more sense."
"Faith doesn't make sense, but it will make you."
"Three thousand dollars a day, in no way is that gonna make sense."
"Gotta make it make sense, if you don't make dollars, they don't make sense."
"But that was the only thing that made sense."
"If it don't make dollars, then it don't make sense. Sprinkle, sprinkle."
"It doesn't make sense to pay a ransom for this because it doesn't make sense."
"You literally smell irresistible."
"Good people go to heaven, and I'm a good person. This makes sense."
"I think for me, it was just like, 'Oh, I can make sense of even my prayer life with this song.'"
"The ending makes a hell of a lot of sense."
"This one just makes so much more sense, and also makes me feel so much more respected."
"Hope for people who can't make any sense out of the troubles they're in."
"God waits all this time to redeem Israel, and then two-thirds of them are going to be slaughtered again? It makes absolutely no sense."
"Memory in terms of morphic resonance would make so much better sense of the available data."
"That can occur even though it doesn't make sense, sometimes that's why it's called paradoxical."
"If it did make sense hallelujah you know praise God praise your true self and praise all life and all beings."
"It all just makes too much sense."
"Weddings don't really make a lot of sense to me anyway."
"If it ain't if it don't make dollars it don't make sense."
"It would not make sense at all to stop trying."
"This is Medicosis Perfect Nails, where medicine makes perfect sense."
"Let's make it make sense, man. You gotta make it make sense because guess what, if it made sense for T.I., if it made sense for Terrence, it's gotta make sense for you either."
"Wrestling back in my day made sense."
"Can the Bible make sense of the modern world?"
"The universe isn't obligated to make sense but it does have rules that it must follow."
"Addiction makes sense and one of the one of the reasons why people turn to these strange ways of trying to treat addiction is that they think it makes no sense they say I'll try you know maybe you know taking a moral inventory of myself will help oh that is powerful."
"I think that makes a lot of sense on this box."
"Boundaries make sense, no longer allowing sexual acting out."
"...this for like 50k makes a lot of sense."
"It's like somebody went in and bought it and they just didn't pay for it. Stuff like that just doesn't make any sense to me, man. It doesn't make any sense at all."
"The sense of smell is the purest faculty that exists. You smell it, that's why something takes you back to your childhood, right?"
"...that actually made a lot of sense."
"Considering how straightforward and easy it is to make it, I feel like buying it makes absolutely no sense."
"It just doesn't make sense for him and I to be in each other's lives there's no there there's doesn't make any sense."
"I don't want to eat breakfast but then when I do, when you go out to breakfast, it totally makes sense."
"When all the evidence is taken together, it shows that only one theory makes the most sense of all of the evidence."
"I promise you this will make sense. I hope so."
"Life makes sense and I am one of the threads in this massive beautiful tapestry."
"It seems pretty foolproof. Like, it makes so much sense."
"this whole show makes sense this year has been since and with jet Lawrence going perfect"
"...I actually feel like that makes a lot of sense."
"Following that path makes a lot of sense."
"Language does not make sense, you make sense."
"I think the use of binaural does make a lot of sense."
"I want to talk about substance, I want to talk about reality, I want to talk about sense."
"Franchising makes a lot of sense."
"Quin's business model just makes sense."
"Once it has a home it's not clutter anymore, so that's decluttering makes sense."
"Things make a lot of sense when you believe in reincarnation."
"Thinking was what actually made things make sense."
"I hear it. I actually hear it. It does make sense."
"If it doesn't make sense, it cannot be right."
"How do you know if you have good values, if they make sense?"
"This is where it really makes sense."
"For me anyway, this just makes a ton of sense."
"Why is Filch doing anything? Nothing about Filch makes sense."
"I am going to start off with my opinion, I think that makes sense."
"The universe does ultimately make sense, if not always for the reasons you might initially have guessed."
"Once someone said that to me, I was like, man, makes a hell of a lot of sense."
"The logic was sound, it made sense."
"I don't think anything where you play just to earn money makes any sense."
"Roth conversions make complete sense."
"It doesn't need to be realistic or anything, just needs to make sense; that's what's important."
"It makes more sense from a realism point of view."
"Time only makes sense when considered within an eternal framework."
"It's the stuff he says makes sense, man, it's funny."
"It's the kind of thing you wouldn't expect to exist but it makes total sense once you know it's here."
"It's brilliant, so okay, that makes a lot of sense."
"Not terrible, a good booking, it makes sense."
"This concept is very interesting and it actually makes the crossover anthology make sense."
"Use your eyes, ears, and common sense to come to your own conclusions."
"If there was ever a crossover that made the most sense, it would probably be this one."
"Sometimes making the choice that makes the least sense makes the most sense."
"Go with your gut and what will make the most sense."
"Just because you don't understand doesn't mean that it doesn't make sense; it just means that you lack the ability to understand."
"I support any stance that's gonna make sense and have an impact against oppression."
"The reference of A is equal to the reference of B, but the sense we associate with A is not equal to the sense we associate with B."
"I think that would work, I think that would make sense."
"Sometimes you have to not think. Sometimes you have to feel your way in order for things to make sense."
"It's just using your initiative; it's just using common sense."
"If you have a little bit of compassion and you listen, it actually makes a lot of sense."
"It's kind of Disney-ish, but it makes sense, man."
"Use your common sense. Put your critical thinking caps on."
"I don't believe it, I don't want to believe it because I don't think it makes sense."