
Perception Of Time Quotes

There are 104 quotes

"Nothing ever happened in the past, it happened in the now, nothing will ever happen in the future, it'll happen in the now."
"Our brain encodes new experiences, but not familiar ones, into memory, and our retrospective judgment of time is based on how many new memories we create over a certain period."
"The days are long, but the years fly by. You look up, and your kids are like 18."
"12 years in the internet is a million years in real time."
"Whenever I talk to this guy, I feel like we're just talking for 15 minutes, but it ends up being for just a very long time."
"The specious present is the duration of a deliberate action, like a handshake, or a quick decision, such as how long you alight on a channel while channel surfing before deciding whether to click on to the next one."
"How old would you be if there were no calendars? If there was no concept of time? We would be as old as our thoughts."
"When you are doing something that you're passionate about, something that you enjoy, time flies by."
"I think it's going to pass so fast I think you are not going to remember this in two weeks."
"It is that constant process of comparison—past, present, and future on millisecond time scales—that's what gives us the feeling that time is passing."
"The past is a construct of the mind. It blinds us, it fools us into believing it, but the heart wants to live in the present."
"Time seems to sneak by... the songs I liked as a kid are as old to kids born today as the literal oldies were when I was born."
"Decades appear to speed up until about the age of 50, after which the speed of decades appears to plateau."
"I swear that once you're out of school time goes so much quicker."
"Time is not linear, okay? So when we say 2020 to 2024, let's not get caught up in our ego consciousness and really track those years."
"When I'm with you, time seems to slow down and speed up at the same time."
"Time is an illusion, yet a very persistent one."
"The older you get the faster time goes man it's [ __ ] terrifying."
"The dead don't experience time in a linear way, and so neither do we as the viewers."
"Modern societies tend to see time as a ticking time bomb until they die, a clockwork of standardized gears cranking until they get older, rusty, useless, and stop turning."
"Everything is happening in this now moment... The past and the future become perceptions of reality."
"If a ghost exists for 100 years on Earth, maybe for them that's like five minutes."
"Make sure you do drop a like, drop a sub, turn on those notifications."
"Time can feel like it's moving quickly or moving slowly depending on what's happening."
"Honestly, we've actually here wrap your brain around this okay I'm about to blow your mind all right we've been in here longer than we were in the Langley house."
"Every year feels like it's just going faster and faster."
"Every day, the moment of now is actually all that's real, and the past may be fake. This future, obviously, is just something that you imagine in your mind."
"Time flies when you're having fun, it could be literally making it like we really could be projecting it out of our own pupils."
"Messy hair is epic and time isn't all that bad." - spooky Mayan
"It's magic, it's instant, you forget how long it took, it only took long because you focused on time."
"Think of time as duration, the subjective experience of existence."
"All of Marth's costumes are fairly straightforward, being all plucked from Marth's official appearances in Smash."
"Existing for a while now in physical reality time that might be just a few seconds but in your time as you're sitting there and experiencing this it might feel like an eternity."
"Imagine four years at your job by then you're looked at as a person as a veteran on your job right so much can happen in four years"
"The separation between Mike and the rest of the world was so big and so vast, it looked like he came from the future."
"When we look up at the stars at night, we're looking back in time. The light takes years to get here."
"That doesn't feel like 17 minutes, yeah there we go guys, that's that!"
"Time will appear to be moving very quickly after certain activations."
"When good things are happening, they seem longer."
"It's amazing how fast that seemed back then."
"Time could be an hour; my whole life could be one hour."
"Do you feel like at times in your life where you've been happy you feel like the time has passed a lot quicker than times when you've not been quite so happy?"
"Life just goes by so fast after your early 20s."
"How can the days feel so short but yet the year feels so long?"
"Time is an illusion because how on Earth did that happen so fast? It truly doesn't feel like it's been that long."
"So much daylight to play around with, it's like time slows down to a crawl."
"That minute felt like hours; all I could see behind the gateway was the wall at the other end of the facility."
"That's it. That's 18 holes, wow, that was fast. It did seem like it went super fast, didn't it?"
"Time really is like it's just a man-made concept, man. It's only it's not affecting you only now exist man and so once you understand that man, like understand you creating your reality right now."
"He felt beads of sweat form on his lip and forehead and a few trickles from the hot crevices of his body. Time seemed to slow until it felt like he was in a dream state."
"Time, time, time, these days I swear the days for me seem to be going by like seconds."
"I feel like the older I'm getting the faster life is moving."
"I know that sounds crazy to say but I'm realizing as I get older time flies way faster than it used to."
"I didn't realize how quickly the science would go. I thought that I'd probably be lucky to see a little bit of change in my lifetime like 5, 10, 20 years maybe more."
"I literally have no sense of time."
"Her time seems to run faster whenever she's around him."
"Time does not progress along a line as we supposed but expands outwards and deepens."
"...the Lord's Day is a thousand years."
"Time is just flying by, it really is."
"It feels like I've been here way longer, maybe like five years."
"In his personal subspace, the concept of time did not exist."
"The older you get, things just keep going faster and faster."
"If you can make a 10 minute track not feel like it's 10 minutes you succeeded already."
"The world didn't seem quite so big anymore and the passage of time became nothing more than an afterthought."
"Every day lasts a year. I never enjoy anything, and every morning when I wake up, I dread having to face the world again."
"Time feels different depending on what you're doing, depending on how stimulated you are, but it doesn't matter how time feels because it's never... It's going to keep going and going and going. We just think about existing differently."
"January has been the longest possible month to ever exist."
"Five or six years. No, like, uh, five or six weeks probably. Really? Like over a month would be like 'Damn, I haven't seen you in forever.' Yeah, oh, okay."
"it really makes you feel like the passage of time is meaningless."
"It feels like it's been months since I've seen you guys. I know that's not the case, but it feels like it."
"It feels... four hours feels like four days. I mean, time is like very strange."
"The first day of the Dajjal's rule shall feel like a year."
"Time is different for you when you've been doing time a long time."
"It was crazy how much time slows down when you're in moments like that, it's insane."
"...there's no such thing as time, it's just, it's either right or it's not. That being said also there is like the construct of time, you know?"
"I feel like I've known you much longer but I feel like big bear just happened and so right that shows you how different time I think feels you know where it's like how is it just big bear but I feel to get like and even grace like she's grown so much."
"It's weird how quick time goes when you look back at it. But at the time, it doesn't feel like it's going quickly at all."
"Time is not absolute, it's relative to our emotions, our attention, and our timing."
"It feels like yesterday but feels like a lifetime at the same time."
"Human beings have a subjective point of view; we see life on the ground through a perception of linear time."
"Sometimes the day is like years, and years are like a day."
"Time feels like it's going faster because the amount of time that is passing relative to how long you've been alive is diminishing."
"It appears to me that the older I get, the faster the seasons go, except for winter."
"It didn't feel like five hours, you know, it flew by."
"Time, I'm 19 now, and I remember how fast time seems to go by compared to when I was 11 or 12."
"The curse, of course, is that when you were young, those days lasted forever."
"It seems like yesterday to me and to me it seems like years, long years ago."
"Time flies when you're having fun; time drags when you're worried."
"I genuinely cannot believe how fast time is flying by right now."
"That seems like so long ago, and not at the same time."
"Once we control our emotional responses to events, time will move much more slowly."
"The days go by kind of slow, but then when I look back, time goes by really fast."
"It was over in five minutes, but five minutes that felt like an eternity."
"Time flies now, man. Can't even keep track of time."
"The older you get, now a half hour goes by like a minute."
"If you're in your teens or 20s, five years sounds like a million years. When you're an adult, five years is nothing."
"Time passes slowly for some and with dizzying speed for others."
"You think things are taking longer than they should, but then when they happen, they happen faster than you thought they could."
"It's just for two years, right? And two years are nothing, just a blink of an eye."