
Business Failure Quotes

There are 130 quotes

"65% of startups will fail because of the relationship between the co-founders."
"65% of startups fail because the relationship between the co-founders busts."
"The ironic part is if his brand is the only thing that's actually keeping him afloat because his uh businesses suck so much that's kind of ironic if you have a brand as a businessman even though you suck as a businessman."
"Circuit City and Kmart went out of business. They got arrogant and cocky."
"Great entrepreneur, poor market; market wins."
"Worst case scenario: Sancho doesn't come and United have wasted weeks on a deal they knew all the problems about."
"Startup failures: a high-risk, high-reward industry."
"Evil is everywhere around us and within us. It may make us feel safer to pretend it's a political issue or a policy issue, but we are fooling ourselves."
"The creation of Thunder was what destroyed WCW."
"This is the stakes are [ __ ] super high, super high for something like this. It's not just a software company failing, no, it's people's lives, many people's lives."
"Know your numbers, or your business will fail."
"Sometimes businesses don't work because you have the wrong people."
"I mean, at the time of his life when the president was marketing himself as being the most successful businessman of his age, we now know his business record at that time was that he was on average losing $100 million a year."
"That person may not be the best at what they do. That's why businesses go under."
"That was the first time I ever got put out of business: vending machines."
"Every successful business fail because of accountability goals."
"It's such a bummer. They had it in the palm of their hands and they messed it up." - Gerard
"This doll hospital is being closed down for malpractice. These thrift shops just love it when you come in there because they get rid of all the crap that no other sane person would ever want to buy."
"The root of all product failure starts with an unclear or poorly planned vision."
"I've never seen a gaming company that's failed and managed to disappoint their own fans at literally every step and in every way possible."
"It's an interesting tale of its rise and fall but it also is just as nearly perfect case study in how not to run a major global financial institution."
"Empathy is a prerequisite for leadership... if you don't care about your employees, your company will fail."
"Blockbuster's failure to recognize the potential of Netflix cost them their crown as the king of sofa-side cinema."
"Unsuccessful brands commit suicide by assuming they have everything right from pricing to audience."
"It's not that we thought that the Stadia controller was bad or that the service was bad, it was they monetized it in the worst possible way and it failed. The market spoke and you [ __ ] up."
"You don't assist in any other business they would have gone out of business by now."
"A sad, sad day for the little guy: Stadia was a victim of timing."
"Most of these penny stocks go out of business."
"The whole business falls apart at this point."
"Eighteen thousand dollars for a goddamn Popeyes! I am a business failure."
"Many of the most famous car companies at some point fail, but their legacy remains."
"The first significant ill in his illustrious career of W's Phil Harrison relayed the news personally saying that while stadia yada yada it didn't blah blah blah blah blah and therefore effective 2023 it would be boomed."
"The story of failure is not understanding your player base or simply not caring about them."
"If they just came up with a bad corporate idea that we were able to take advantage of and then they folded shop and they're like, 'Well, that sucked, we didn't make money,' we'd say, 'Yeah, sorry, that was us but thanks for the ride.'"
"This will probably be shown in like University classes on just how not to run a company."
"The launch was so disastrous, the reviews so mediocre."
"Melvin should be out of business... you caused irreparable damage."
"Bordeaux's downfall began with a change of ownership in November 2018."
"The ambitious vision of WeWork is effectively dead, period."
"Sadly in 2009 due to financial troubles Midway games filed for bankruptcy."
"Tower Records, once one of the largest music retailers, failed to replicate its high street success."
"Craft Heinz will likely go down as Warren Buffett's biggest mistake."
"This company was a mess from the very beginning, and it's still a mess now."
"The firm's closure was blamed on mismanagement and financial discrepancies."
"Nothing's ever too big to fail, just look at Star Wars."
"Blaming Kmart which by the way it went out of business so great job but why it had nothing to do with Kmart."
"The price will be much higher if those businesses go to the wall."
"Eagle Food Centers: Crushed by larger chains, went bankrupt in 2000."
"The scheduling meltdown at Southwest Airlines is one for the business record books."
"Avoidable reasons for failure: not knowing your customer or your audience."
"This was a great little system that really had awful marketing."
"Sometimes it's okay to do a startup bankruptcy like sometimes it's okay to take that L get to sustainable."
"That's part of business, sometimes you're gonna have to fail multiple times."
"It means that the Trump organization may very well go Belly Up."
"Twitter's all of it, sorry guys. The world's richest man buying the biggest social media website and just completely torpedoing it into the ground kind of a big deal newsworthy."
"The story of Mixer is one that will be remembered for some time - it's the story of possibly the best Twitch competitor failing yet to slay the beast."
"You're gonna be sitting there with your new beer company that's failing, realizing that you pissed your life away drinking at the end of the bottle." - Jake Paul
"Conor doesn't care. He's got a failing business. He could have 10 failing businesses right now and still be worth double what Jake Paul is." - Unknown
"That myth is gone forever... he took his father's real estate Empire and flushed it down the toilet of fraud."
"I've been working my butt off all year and it's just falling apart in my hands."
"You won't watch it on Facebook. You won't watch it on YouTube. You cunts don't you understand, you're gonna tank this business from all of you."
"The decline was due to micromanaging and bad decisions."
"The quickest way to ruin your business is bad customer service."
"Maybe Signature Valley Bank was meant to go under because massively unprofitable startups don't deserve to survive in a recession."
"Square Enix just, to me, is such a failure that I'm happy that they're selling off and giving it to a company that's not going to make these games exclusive."
"At a restaurant, if everything on the menu sucks, they'll close."
"Great ideas fail every day due to poor planning."
"I wasn't sad when they went out of business, so that's karma."
"I don't want to walk away with financial troubles."
"But if Tesla disappeared, it would be horrendously bad for society."
"Your idea might be brilliant, but if it's too early and the customers don't have the necessary means to use it, you will probably fail."
"The entire thing has frozen, sales have stopped, dealerships have closed."
"The number one reason why people fail is they don't bring in enough clients."
"They were inseparable, finished each other's sentences, but also fought like crazy."
"So the result of all of this succession of of just really terrible decisions by pylon was they actually lost to the contract to manufacture the l96."
"The story of Bill Huang is a cautionary tale of greed."
"Lil Jon's wine idea might not have worked out but he sure did have an influence."
"Auto-Train Corp. did not go broke because nobody wanted to ride, but because it became a textbook example of what's meant by, ‘a hell of a way to run a railroad.’"
"This will not be the last major bankruptcy in the next two months guaranteed."
"This is destined to fail. Either this thing will die or Twitter will die trying to keep it alive."
"FTX officially filed for chapter 11 bankruptcy after being unable to find any financing to cover the company's missing funds."
"We're witnessing one of the most spectacular corporate disasters of living memory."
"That's how some restaurants die, they get rid of what used to be good and try something completely new and jarring."
"Juicero closed its doors in 2017, becoming synonymous with all the worst aspects of Silicon Valley cons."
"Mo was using rigged rolls to advertise a site called CS:GO Diamonds."
"That's just literally the beginning of the end when you get to a point where you don't have the income to keep your asset and your business going, that's what you do, you give up."
"...the most common reason that small businesses fail is not because they don't have a good service or a good skill or you know something good a good product it's because of cash flow."
"How on earth do you destroy a $100 billion company in a matter of months?"
"Most businesses fail because the leader gets tired of selling the dream and acting like it."
"I saw their Yelp reviews had tanked and all the recent ones were complaining that the entire kitchen had closed... and eventually they shut down."
"I was married for 22 years. My wife and I had a business and when she passed away, the business failed."
"One of the biggest reasons most businesses fail."
"Most businesses fail because they run out of cash, period."
"Here are 10 of the worst failed fast food chain restaurants that no one misses."
"Atari didn't survive; the company went defunct in 1984."
"Tragically, Gnome was a victim of its own success by creating a viable market for SF novels that attracted larger, stronger, and more efficient competitors."
"Running the business into the ground was a dumb way to make money and a dumb way to lose it."
"The Rock and Roll Cafe failed and set the tone for Ishmael's career as an investor."
"Undercapitalization, running out of money, is one of the three biggest causes of small business failure in the United States today."
"The number one reason why new businesses fail is they aren't able to attract enough customers."
"I opened a gym geared towards lazy pessimists; it didn't work out."
"A restaurant with bad food and a bad location goes out of business."
"As soon as I graduated college, I did not at all look for a job, I said, 'I'm going to start a business.' So I failed several times."
"A staggering 82% of businesses fail because of cash flow issues."
"When businesses fail that have been the backbones of their communities, that's permanent job loss for workers and a tragedy for the communities."
"Sometimes you need to fail at business to succeed."