
Market Speculation Quotes

There are 229 quotes

"Anytime people say, 'Oh, I know the ceiling on the price of bitcoin,' they have no idea. It could go anywhere."
"Personally, right, anything could happen, right? Crypto's crazy, but I do believe that Ethereum's strength is really justified."
"Are we going to see a huge pump or a huge dump?"
"There's definitely quite a few meme coins on Ethereum that I could see taking off."
"Speculation about their involvement in cryptocurrency, with claims of market manipulation and expansion of their financial empire."
"All things considered, I could certainly see us not getting PS5 Pro."
"Futures enable traders to bet on market movements without actually receiving the asset."
"This is a prediction this is nothing that's set in stone they may end up extending it but jerome powell who works for the feds the federal reserve right has not stated anything about this yet."
"I'm a long-term dollar bull and when it breaks over 103, maybe, Brent, you and I will have a milkshake party."
"The real driving force behind bitcoin, if true, there is going to be an incoming pump like which we have never seen before."
"Let's hope your $300 bitcoin price prediction is correct."
"Solana: Irrelevant of technology, it's one of those projects that will pump hard in a bull market."
"I think 40k bitcoin will hold that I think it will it will be good for the market so we don't want to come back in so this has got to be it bro otherwise we're going to test the bottom ranges again."
"If Doge literally just has a little surge right now... easily happen if we see massive news."
"Seeing Dogecoin go to a dollar within the next one to two years is not out of the question by any means."
"Do you guys think Bitcoin is going to hit 40,000 in July?"
"I hope it keeps going, I'm really looking for seven eight nine, maybe even ten dollars."
"As soon as Bitcoin is going to sell off they're all going to go to zero and they may never come back."
"Now chips aren't available even with additional money; speculation in the chip market is widespread and the price of some products has increased five times."
"If you're willing to hold Bitcoin because you think it's going up not down, take half 1/2 X margin."
"Why would you want to short that? We're going parabolic; the green candles are getting taller and they're coming faster. If you short into a mania, you done screwed up, boy; you're gonna lose it all."
"I don't think we're in a phase where Bitcoin is just going to go like this for the next year."
"When one of them pumps, all of them are going to pump. They're all going to get stupid valuations. So it's just like throw it on the table."
"In the short term, the price is based around events, speculation, and hype."
"If we just get an announcement that Tesla's accepting Cardano, we would see Cardano explode."
"Let me know what you guys think: Are small caps too speculative to get involved with?"
"Cardano is on the brink of going absolutely wild."
"Sancho in the next two weeks... I think we will have signed Jaden Sancho by two weeks today."
"If you're just watching the charts and just expecting the Crypt is just going to go up because of how great it is or how much value you see in it..."
"Crystal Maiden's arcane aura can change the game drastically."
"A $10 Cardano is possible if Ethereum gets past $10,000."
"I think Cardano could see the greatest gains, of course, it would be a blow-off top situation."
"So, is this a sell on the news event or not? I think a lot of people have been saying that."
"Eventually, they're gonna have to cover, and when they start to cover, give a hug to your mother because you might be rich."
"The famed big short investor Michael Burry is warning that we're currently in one of the largest speculative market bubbles in history."
"All the hype's lost speculation is doing is drawing in retail before the mother of all crashes."
"Polygon hasn't even broken its all-time high yet... so do I believe there is more potential in Polygon at the time of this recording? Absolutely."
"It's the Phantom developer conference next week, and the Phantom price is gonna fly."
"Average normies start getting into an investment? There's probably a bubble."
"Nice upside move... maybe Shopify... a lot of spice happening right now."
"People always ask me what is going on in markets. It is simple: greatest speculative bubble of all time in all things." - Michael Burry
"Crypto is a real thing, but people are conflating its technology with what is it worth."
"AMC can get to 24 without a squeeze I believe that AMC with the squeeze can potentially get to 50 if it actually had a squeeze."
"AMC right now because it has a lot more squeeze potential."
"I think a ten thousand dollar ether is just going to happen at some point."
"You could just throw money at the market blindfolded like a baboon and probably make so much money."
"All the marbles are in play... we could be looking at a situation where we see massive green candles."
"Weekend prediction is bitcoin going to go back above 50k during this weekend or not."
"Bitcoin to 70k by April? Yeah, I believe that."
"There's an extreme amount of risk here. We have hedge funds betting against us."
"On one side you have idiots and on one side you have righteousness and what's correct."
"I think they're going to walk back next week."
"The nice thing about calling a bubble is that you can always if it doesn't burst you can always say well it's just going to burst later."
"If ethereum runs by 10, the good old coins are gonna run by 20, 30, 40."
"What you hope is that somebody else comes along and pays you more money for them later on but then that person's got the problem in terms of value zero." - Warren Buffett
"Even if you knew what the market was going to do tomorrow, you would make so much money. And I don't know if someone is doing that type of stuff, they definitely aren't announcing it on YouTube."
"It pops up the value of these assets, makes a higher value, more speculative investors see the price of this rising."
"Dogecoin is doing incredibly well, I feel like something behind the scenes is taking place that we are just simply are not aware of."
"I think he's got to break the spine of the speculators... if Powell wimps out now, I'd put everything all in on gold."
"It's really getting surreal here thinking we're kind of probably close to the end of this thing here in a few months."
"Bitcoin would go to a million bucks like literally very, very quickly."
"Pal will taper 1 million percent on November. You think the market is gonna like tapering? I don't think so."
"Is it possible that the insane stock market run that we have seen will utterly collapse under a Biden administration?"
"This feels like FOMO to me. This feels like people are chasing the dragon's tail."
"I'm just waiting for any good news to see this coin go back to 20 cents that's kind of my goal."
"Sentiment analysis is very, very important because ICOs are largely bought and sold from speculators."
"We're in such an echo chamber in crypto. You don't understand how early we are still."
"The only way that the bull runs can continue in their current form is if every four years there's more attention on Bitcoin than on the previous four years."
"I think I will not be shocked by the end of the year if 100k is achieved."
"Bitcoin could surge to 168,000 by the end of the year."
"What if this circulating supply is a lot closer to 5 to 10 billion? Well then there's going to be 10 to 20 x multiplier effects on the current price."
"Had it not been for the aggressive short selling, even with the growth rotation and some of the troubles that Skills has had leaving the pandemic, I would argue that this would probably be trading at like 18 or 20 bucks."
"Let's see what happens later today... We could see bitcoin back above 60,000."
"You're not gonna make millions off of a couple thousand in this market right now unless you find some balls out crazy coin that goes 1 million x."
"Being that last market cycle was with speculation, the new market cycle is going to be with DeFi."
"Dogecoin can continue to spike like crazy. It can make the spike we've seen right now look tiny in comparison to spikes of the past."
"If it hits 10K and still rallies up to 100K, that's still a pretty serious pump."
"Market participants are now placing a lot of bets... we will go from shock and awe to just destroy."
"If you get a Doge mention during the show or better yet if you get a Doge announcement, I think we break through a buck easy."
"Do you think this crash is gonna happen in 2020 which is an election year or do you think'll happen later or sooner let me know what you think or is it not gonna happen at all let me know why or why not in the comments below."
"You don't actually need a reason for things to go up you just need to follow the dumb money and the dumb money will send the money up."
"That doesn't mean that the fundamentals won't drive their prices higher than their current speculative prices in the future."
"The bearish argument for the VIX, the bullish for the market is the predominant one."
"Garyvee called up 30 heavy hitters... and said crypto punks are going to be the next biggest thing. If we all band together and buy them, create a monopoly, the price has only one option, it's going to go up." - Phillian
"While people say that it's going to come down to zero I think that the difference is that there's there's a lot there's a lot of energy and there's a lot of ways for this valuation to to happen in a very realistic way."
"Don't be at all surprised to see things like some of the cryptos like Bitcoin or etherium go up to $100,000 within the next two years, especially when everything starts to collapse."
"Still sticking to a million dollar Bitcoin by 2030."
"Should you actually short or long Bitcoin? Isn't it ironic that all you hear is bad news now?"
"When eth gets to the region of 8,000 to 8,500... East will hit a one trillion dollar market cap."
"I believe that you're going to see silver someday be at astronomical levels and I don't care who who who thinks I'm cuckoo bird we'll see who's laughing"
"Bitcoin's days are almost over... becoming digital gold."
"I think we could definitely see Ethereum hitting $20,000 by summer, sometime in the summer."
"The true fundamental value of an ounce of gold...is $11,500 bucks."
"I'm not giving up on it. I think there's legitimate cause to believe that there's a squeeze potential here."
"We may be getting very close to the late stages of this crazy market mania."
"I thought it was dead in the water, I'm like I thought it was gonna drop down to like 20 cents."
"This could be a perfect storm for an amazing explosion for XRP price."
"I think crypto is literally worthless outside of speculation."
"I think people are somewhat apathetic like we a lot of people recognize that crypto is the future and then it's likely going to Trend up with time but who knows what it's going to do in the next couple of months."
"I just think I see a lot of upside with Cardano right now and uh we'll see."
"If xrp, if xlm, if some of these other utility cryptos just get a small percentage of it, we're talking about a whole different ball game."
"Imagine a 10 trillion dollar or 25 trillion dollar market cap for crypto. What do the prices look like?"
"So, as Bitcoin asymptotically approaches monetization, it gets calmer and calmer and calmer because a larger amount of the demand is sort of being held as speculation that it's going to become the currency."
"GameStop is not the war. Is silver the war? Is Bitcoin the war?"
"It'll be interesting to see how high it ultimately ends up going."
"People that are buying Bitcoin right now are under the impression that runs will continue happening."
"Will it go up or will it go down? It's just a matter of, you know, the whales, if you will, trying to decide exactly where the price needs to end up going."
"I almost wonder, are there gonna be these stealth launches of updated AMD laptops in a few months?"
"There's a lot of room for 100Xs and 200Xs on the road to 516X."
"I think it's gonna be much higher later. It's still fascinating to see the short term movements and they kind of, at least, get in the mind of people betting on the short or maybe take tiny bets from time to time."
"Life in the fifties and sixties was very different; people didn't speculate in the market; they worked very hard."
"I think the theme park bubble is gonna burst."
"The top is gonna be a hundred thousand dollars."
"The hunt for the next Salana is going to be the major trend."
"Bosses are generally the core progression for the entire game, and this is where it really shines."
"Once it finally pops, I think it'll surprise a lot of people."
"Do I think a $70,000 bitcoin is possible in the first quarter of 2021? Absolutely."
"I can feel it, something really weird is happening with dogecoin. If we hear at any point from dogecoin developers that they're going to lower the issuance rate or just stop printing any more dogecoin, it's going to hit like five dollars."
"With NFTs, any chance is enough for some people."
"Silver $100 as I ring the gong for the final time."
"I think gold can get to $10,000 plus and silver $300 plus, so you know, do you really want to get cute with these? If you're a trader, certainly you can. If you're an investor, you can hold these through the bust."
"To fret over that kind of track record is to fret over real estate going up or let's let's call that what it is if uh mutual funds go away, you'll be dealing with much bigger issues in your life."
"Is it altcoin season? I think you guys are going to like this one."
"Ethereum also coming back together here... maybe we might be ready for another leg up."
"Decentraland was flying, so could it reach an all-time high? Yes, easily."
"Analysts are calling for more than a two-dollar XRP... potentially a new all-time high."
"Markets are pricing in a March rate cut, but not everyone is buying it."
"I could care less what bitcoin trades for, how it trades, who trades it. If you're stupid enough to buy, you'll pay the price for it one day."
"Absolutely insane absolutely insane and imagine what this could do if carp stops selling it."
"What I'm not excited about is the rank speculation and... fraudulent selling to retail... simply by buying something."
"There's no scenario that's going to make me more fearful than than that time unless Bitcoin Falls to two thousand dollars and either involves to fifty dollars right like there's nothing that I haven't seen so I'm just gonna keep TCA."
"Stock market overheated but potentially sustainable due to AI era."
"Basic Attention Token is a coin that I've been invested in for a while. Its price action has not been amazing over the past few months, but it is a coin that I think has some very nice surprise upside potential."
"I still believe that the current valuation is built a lot right now in speculation."
"Is it a dead cat bounce or is this a real thing?"
"The next Bull Run is going to be a spectacular BTC style Mania blow off top."
"Bitcoin might rally up to $66,000 in the next two weeks."
"Traders are now eyeing 40K as the next level."
"Squeeze is on in AI. If we break the high of day, can we get to 35.50 before the end of the day? Possible. Anything's possible."
"Imagine what could happen to the market if bitcoin goes to 10 or 8,000 again and touches that as a bottom." - Brad Kimes
"No matter what camp you sit on here, let's analyze price and just think about it."
"Are we destined for some just long grueling sideways action before the halving or is this all just gonna be a giant bear trap and we're just about to blast off to the moon?"
"You couldn't make this stuff up, and all I can do is say, man, if you got physical, hang on to it and just be long and strong everything."
"Probably looking more towards like 17 maybe even 20 bucks."
"For the foreseeable future, I don't see ethereum dying. I still see ethereum being number two. I still see institutional speculation on ethereum."
"Crypto's volatile. If you believe crypto is going to be around for a couple of years, that's all you need to ask yourself."
"I think this Theta could be a game changer... or do you think it's just a passing fad?"
"If this news breaks, it's going to push Bitcoin up to $50,000 and more very easily in my opinion."
"I'm just excited to see what happens with Dogecoin too, you know?"
"Bubbles are about, can I invest in them and make money?"
"Nobody knows how high the price will go after June 28th."
"Bitcoin could reach around $888,000 by the end of this year."
"On-chain analysts are saying above 41k is this a pump can we trust this pump or is it a trap?"
"From its low, let's just pretend this is the all-time low price... that did over a 100x return."
"There's a plausible scenario that we could see gold back above the 2000 level by the end of the year."
"Bitcoin could hit $200,000+ by the end of this cycle."
"Ultimately, I think potentially we could make it all the way to 3000, bounce off the 3000, come back down."
"So you pay people to go on media tours to bash AMC and say there's no squeeze, then why are you on tour?"
"Sunday Swap launching as a fully functional beta decentralized exchange on January 20th. Will it affect the price surge? Buy the rumor, sell the news? You decide."
"If indeed they entice their populace to buy silver instead of buying gold, yeah, it could get very, very, very crazy, very, very fast."
"If you think that that Bitcoin got overblown wait till they do the same thing with gold and silver and they are going to do it."
"It leads me to believe that we may go off on one final blowoff."
"I would be surprised not to see six figure Bitcoin over the next 18 months."
"Bitcoin could hit 100k by end of December I do think so."
"If all shorts cover on Monday, I would expect at least a double up possibly a triple up."
"That gas is about to close at 10 bucks, wow."
"Often we see these tokens and these stocks trading well into a results or into news and things like that with anticipation that the results are going to be big."
"Are we just gonna ignore the fact that Doquan's about to buy like a billion dollars plus with BTC?"
"By the end of the year, I think 75k is conservative."
"The question is what will happen to Dean... somebody's going to buy it."
"XRP will hit all-time highs... $20 in 2025 will happen for XRP 100%."
"Speculation can drive anything, whether it has utility or not."
"Bitcoin is gonna hit twenty thousand dollars and what is going on with the altcoin market."
"Bitcoin will be somewhere between $5 and $500,000."
"Even if we correct back down to 5K or so, I mean, wouldn't we by the end of the year be already back up to 7K this year?"
"Tether has not collapsed, and that's the final domino in the cryptocurrency space."
"I'm calling for easily ten thousand on gold by the end of the decade, maybe twenty thousand. Silver, you know, at least four hundred dollars."
"We're on our way to Bitcoin 100K plus and many of the alt coins in your portfolio... are about to 100x if not thousand X."
"Bitcoin will likely pop off rather quickly towards 60,000." - Draco
"it's gotta be a pork where at least like five money down right now I bet you money right now this year next year they're gonna know because I've been on the money about this they're gonna announce a smash DX version or whatever"
"If the price doesn't move this month, there's a question mark: where's the silver coming from?"
"The upside short covering trigger above $2100 is large enough to blow through to $2200."
"Bitcoin will hit 100,000 US dollars and I think everyone's throwing that number out there because it sounds nice and round and it sounds nice and pretty."
"Crypto is so full of things which will never happen until it does, right?"
"Valuations in both periods got to what I would call mania-speculative levels."
"Crypto is a speculative wealth-building underlying market."
"I really do see one cent one day for Shiba Inu."
"At the core of things I'm an investor I'm a person that is speculating on the markets and speculating on the future of blockchain and I'm investing long term for that exact reason."
"Bitcoin is just itching, itching to move higher."
"It's likely that we do get a pre-anticipatory run or at least a post-earnings boom followed by profit taking."
"If it holds, all coins still potentially have room to run..."
"Tesla... just keep going higher and higher."
"Gold is rallying because it senses that rate cuts are coming sooner than the market is potentially thinking."
"Silver could easily go up 50% while a 50% move for gold would be quite something."
"These miners will end up being cheaper and it's just really buying these miners right now are betting against ethereum doing what they are shouting everywhere that they are going to do."
"...it might be great, it might be terrible, but I guarantee you it's much easier to find a one or two billion dollar back deal that's a complete joke that's gonna be at zero two years from now than it is to fully understand Tesla."
"But when you start saying things like 'biggest bubble in the history of the stock market' and implying that it's the beginning of the end, it's almost as if this guy has an incentive to spread fear, uncertainty, and doubt to make money on his short position."
"Make the most of prop firms because they might not be around for much longer."
"We will see more gasoline thrown on the crypto campfire."
"The story teaches us the financial value of real goods and real assets whose value are more closely tied to factors like their inherent usefulness, not public speculation."