
Judgment-free Quotes

There are 55 quotes

"Enjoy all food with no judgment. When we take the power away from food, it no longer holds power over us."
"You should be able to share anything, hopefully without judgment, and feel pretty open and comfortable doing that."
"At the end of the day, whatever you consider self-care, what actually takes care of you, and what helps you relax, do it. Who cares, no one should judge you, if they do screw them, they don't matter like honestly, you need to do what is best for you."
"Real homies should be able to talk about anything without judgment."
"You don't need to bring your judgment on how I feel about something."
"You don't have to judge them, you just have to receive."
"Therapists are judgment-free and their job is to help you resolve problems."
"Love is stillness and space. It's come as you are. I come as I am, and it is a space that we create where in this space like I said you are you I am me and there isn't judgment here."
"Living in a place where you won't be judged, feels amazing."
"Failure is the greatest teacher, and there's no judgment in making a call."
"I refuse to be judged. If you won't judge me, then we can be friends forever."
"Understanding benevolence, compassion, no judgment is there."
"Communication straight from the heart, not judging with your mind."
"You say everything without judging, which is helpful."
"True Freedom he found, no judgment, no cares, just pure Bliss."
"I bring a state of perfect harmony into my world and do so without judgment."
"But, you know, you can't be judged on the decisions you make because you're making them for yourself."
"To observe without evaluating is the highest form of human intelligence."
"Remember, ascension is a judgment-free zone."
"You don't judge each other; it's pure unconditional love."
"Precious life memories may be fake but Picard keeps things judgment free and supportive."
"It's a judgment-free environment, it's a safe space."
"Let go of societal judgments and follow your heart."
"They view you as someone who's sensitive, in tune with emotions, a good person to vent to, without judgment."
"Seeking peace and tranquility, releasing judgments."
"I accept myself completely without judgment."
"...fortunately, Staying Alive encourages the dance floor to be a judgment-free zone."
"It's hard to find that kind of really true genuine connection with a person, really difficult. Your spirits both feel free together, there's no judgment, everything just flows."
"if you catch some but at the end of the day everybody is cool Vibes it's judgment free Vibes"
"...it's just really a nice environment where you can honestly feel welcome to just like do whatever or express who you are as a person and not feel judged."
"Be kind to one another. This is a judgment-free zone."
"I personally don't think there's any room for judgment in therapy, and I know that's a sentiment I share with many of my colleagues."
"No guilt gardening: grow food your way without judgment."
"The dungeon is a no judgment zone. Oh my god, what in the hell, like oh chocolate souffle was busting it wide open, wasn't she?"
"Therapy is supposed to be a private experience where you can be open and honest about your inner feelings. It's one of the few places where you can can be completely honest and there really won't be any kind of judgment like you really can't just say whatever you want to say."
"If you're not feeling it, nobody's gonna be mad at you for buying the pre-packaged gluten-free cookies from the grocery store. This is a judgment-free zone."
"I think curiosity helps us remain free of judgment too."
"Be supportive or get the [__] out. There's no room for judgment here."
"You have to be comfortable...judgment free is vital to anything creative."
"The soul longs for an experience without judgment."
"Spend time with nature because nature doesn't judge you; nature just doesn't. And what you really need to develop confidence is being in a judgment-free zone."
"No one ever judges you or looks at you, they just kind of let you do your thing."
"Neutral thinking is judgment-free, clear on what we want, then what we need to get done."
"What makes the bedroom good is open lines of communication and lack of judgment."
"Step into what it feels like to be yourself when you're not feeling judged."
"This is the point of everything, the perspective of seeing it anew and seeing it clean and free of all judgments."
"You two accept each other fully for who you are without judgments."
"Unconditional love is about having no judgment with another person, having no need for checks and balances."
"Let's take our judgments, put them in our little purse, put the purse in our pocket, and engage the judgment-free zone."
"People will be happier and there will be less judgment."
"Release all judgment of yourself."
"Our inner child wasn't worried about other people's judgment; they weren't thinking about other people's perceptions."
"This is a fantasy fall, and in this universe, there's no judgment."