
Communication Barriers Quotes

There are 167 quotes

"What happens in our mind, why does our mind prevent us from reaching out to other people? Speaking up? What are some of the mechanisms that go on in the mind that keep us from engaging with other people?"
"They have so much on their chest that they want to say to you but they just don't know how."
"Stepping on your dog's tail and not being able to explain that you're sorry."
"Arrogance shuts down discussions, frustrates people, and is a block to healing relationships."
"Refusing to explain yourself contributes to a form of classism in which people with less formal education and access to information are marginalized within anarchist community."
"The people turned out in over 50 cities... it was very difficult to get any access to communication."
"Jargon is the use of specially defined terms to exclude people from a conversation."
"It's this dismissive attitude of otherwise decent people that just makes it impossible to have an honest discussion."
"I wish there was just a way to kind of like bring the Two Worlds back in alignment with each other because the frustrating thing is like there's so many good conversations that just don't happen because we're so like hyper polarized."
"People are afraid to talk to each other and they're afraid to be human with one another."
"I don't think that the crazy people who've gone off the deep end can be reached."
"The bigger danger is that people with great ideas never get heard because we are only willing to speak to our own small Twitter followings."
"Showing up is really the key. In person if you can, but someone's not in their city then it might be harder."
"You can cite cdc data and people will still tell you you're crazy and you're selfish and you're propagandized and you're literally citing their authority and they'll still they can't even register for that."
"Someone who is willing to just completely mischaracterize and not provide evidence for their mischaracterizations, you can't talk to that person."
"You could totally neuter a candidate's ability to communicate and execute a campaign plan."
"fMRI could tell you the internal mental life of a person who can no longer speak."
"You can't build bridges to folks who are shooting arrows at you."
"It's frustrating, but there are some people who are dumb and deaf and they don't think."
"I'm no longer watching like I don't even want to say what I'm about to say because there's no way to say it nice."
"Communication being unachievable and that's likely a very lonely existence."
"It's political correctness getting in the way of accurate and informative Public Health messaging."
"Two different realities and it's impossible to convince people what's true."
"In our society, communication is not the first choice when a problem occurs."
"It feels like Roblox has put up a giant wall in between them and the rest of the community."
"How many things are we suffering from because we're afraid to say number one, right?"
"None of those questions were designed to further an honest dialogue with a person just speaking to they were entirely designed to prevent criticism or commentary on the thing you're initially talking about."
"Let's try to guess what he wants. He can't talk. Let's do that."
"Political correctness... it's anti-dialogical."
"Most people don't actually want to understand what you have to say."
"If you don't have grammar, vocabulary, or pronunciation, you're going to struggle."
"I think we should like stop demonizing people for having certain political beliefs because I think that really kind of makes it hard to have conversations like these."
"Everybody with disabilities is not slowing off and some of those people that may not be able to speak and do things as well they're highly intelligent."
"Language is a massive barrier, and we've seen how miscommunication has led to death in war."
"You'll see what you're going to get when you have a truth people won't speak it because they're afraid."
"Interrupting someone shows that you are not listening to them and hinders the flow of conversation."
"Facebook arguments... It's just people that just bury their feet in the sand and stay there."
"If men were able to express themselves effectively, there's so much... communication."
"We're unwilling or unable to have conversations with people because everyone is looking at different tribes as an existential threat."
"I can't even see what the [ __ ] you're doing."
"If you can tag them as bad people either stupid or bigoted, you don't actually have to listen to their concerns."
"They cannot play a role in their own defense. They have no regular access to tablets to communicate with their lawyers or family members."
"The breakdown of a shared reality... Both sides seem not to be able to process that they're speaking past each other."
"It's pretty heartbreaking seeing her try to speak but having to write words on Lloyd's hand."
"I've never done this before, there's someone in his ear and he's just like 'huh', like they can't hear."
"I feel like it's a less effective form of genuine criticism for people because it makes them get their guard up."
"I am the guy you can't talk to, I'm the guy that can't be heard."
"They more specifically don't listen to women's voices."
"Trying to explain to ordinary people who never understand is literally a useless battle."
"You can't reason somebody out of a position they didn't reason themselves into in the first place."
"Labels hinder meaningful dialogue and understanding."
"Both sides are telling the other side that they're bad."
"This poor young lady died a horrific death. Imagine being slammed like that and not being able to breathe, but yet you're dying and you can't speak or tell anybody. That is horrific."
"If you cannot explain it to a six-year-old, there may be a problem."
"I feel growing lump in my throat. It's impossible to speak. I thought that you'd understand."
"Nobody ever takes the risk of talking for fear of the evidence that is being held against them."
"We've lost the ability for rational debate. Everything seems to be predicated on..."
"If we can't even have a discussion and everything everyone says is disingenuous, then there's no point in having a discussion."
"Worried that you guys now shut down from them."
"You simply can't expect to have a serious conversation with someone who isn't interested in anything aside from taking complete control of the room."
"Even when you tell the truth now, a lot of people won't hear it and that's a worry."
"Nobody could understand what he was talking about."
"They feel like you're keeping them out, like you are not giving them access into this part of your life."
"The guild Navigator's voice becomes so bad that only translators make it possible for anyone to understand what they're saying."
"The emotion can't be expressed, I think that actually is a driver of the sheer amount of panic that we see."
"Very often speech is just the thing that gets in the way of the thing that's in our brains reaching the person that we're trying to communicate it to."
"The extreme state of censorship here on YouTube makes honest conversations not even welcome."
"It's certainly difficult to have a defense when you can't even speak."
"If no message a message to be lieutenant won't can't hear it."
"Unspoken requests really get in the way of so many relationships."
"Why are you scared of this question? Why you ducking the question?"
"They're feeling frustrated, it's almost like they want to communicate with you, they want that closeness again, but it feels like the divine is kind of blocking that in a way."
"When a woman puts you in jail, now you gonna listen because all you got is to call her."
"Defensiveness is the arch enemy of listening."
"Political correctness is like a monkey wrench in the machinery, preventing rational conversation."
"A reference for the truth might be a distraction that's getting in the way of finding common ground."
"It’s like telling a colorblind person that, 'Oh, trust me, you’ll see the colors eventually.'"
"It's important to have context in the person that we're talking about when we're critiquing their work because once you understand their worldview it's easier to understand why you can't communicate with them effectively."
"The silence is killing me, not being able to talk to you more about what I'm feeling, not understanding what you're feeling."
"I have a hard time understanding what people are saying when they're wearing a mask, so I mean what what does that do to people who are hard of hearing and how does that make them feel?"
"I can't mute him because, yeah, he's your boy, like he's your boy."
"Jargon creates an in-group and an out-group. People often use these phrases because they think it sounds clever or have heard someone else say it and thought they sounded clever. Often it's aspirational."
"And yes I realize she said that in regards to a movie but it's basically the real problem here that when you just dismiss certain people they're only going to dismiss you in return and the gaps that separate us are only going to widen."
"People aren't sharing what they're doing. People aren't even sharing with their spouse, boyfriend, girl, significant other. You think they're just gonna tell all their friends?"
"Nobody believed anything I was saying because it was so outrageous."
"I just want to literally just sometimes do nothing more than ask a question but I know the moment I do it's gonna be a block."
"I think that the challenge is that too often it swings to the other side where topics don't get talked about at all because we're afraid of hurting people's feelings."
"I thought taking the effort to kind of make it make sense obviously we don't we don't speak whatever they're speaking but like I think the subtitles were really good."
"Political correctness is killing our ability to communicate with one another, therefore a lot of knowledge isn't passed around."
"There's a huge language barrier between gamers and developers."
"This scene was so hard as a kid. I can't believe she's not gonna read my letter. You try and tell a girl you're sorry and your computer set you down."
"Whoever is not listening or doesn't want to hear it, I get it, I do."
"Just because you don't have access to words doesn't mean that you can't hear what people are saying and that you don't have feelings."
"I will not argue with someone who has made up his mind that I am wrong without even giving me a chance to prove or to say anything."
"The worst part of being a kid was not having adults take you seriously when you knew what you were talking about."
"It's not difficult... You can't insult, offend, antagonize, pursue cold wars against people, and at the same time expect those same people to come along and agree with what you want."
"Social media, which could have maybe been a way that we could all talk together, has become this place where we just gain likes by being angry and get heat instead of light."
"Some people can't read and understand banter."
"It's always hard when I feel like the person has no way of speaking or no way of communicating their pain."
"Everyone is lying to everyone about it, no matter who I talk to."
"We can't take criticism we can only give it yeah that's the point."
"It's impossible to have a conversation with somebody who has adopted a dogmatic worldview."
"He is fatal wrapped up in his own ego to hear what anyone else is saying to him right now."
"Not only did the one person can't speak but the 80,000 people who want to hear it, they can't, they won't hear it."
"Your person won't speak to you until they've changed... something has to change for this person."
"Genevieve can't hear me, she's wearing AirPods."
"When you're in a situation and someone's not communicating with you, it really hinders the healing process because you get caught up in the why of why that is happening."
"They really want to let you know how they feel but they're shutting their mouth and keeping their feelings to themselves."
"So often our message gets lost... like we end up silenced."
"I do have a good story for that 5% or 10% on the price side, but usually, I don't get the time of day to explain."
"Have you ever tried to use Google Translate and realize that the thing it's giving you back is not actually what you wanted to say? Well, that's..."
"Nobody gets that anymore because of the masks."
"Families don't talk about family violence. They're all very secret."
"When people have a different attachment style than you, it's actually no different than trying to play a board game with somebody but you each have a different set of rules for how the board game works."
"It's almost like the energy had to be processed that was very intense for them before they would be clear enough to fully step forward and communicate."
"Her little kid cannot understand what anyone is saying because their mouths are covered."
"The message isn't getting through. We're all looking for some easy three-step process, when really, the process is most likely going to start with something that most are willing to do, which is humbly listen."
"If we cannot agree on what is happening, how can we have a conversation on what we should do about it?"
"Their problem is in communication and I know it's super difficult to get back past the wall of propaganda that is Corporate media..."
"Boundaries get in the way of both things. They can't control the narrative if you put a roadblock in their way."
"I think it's basically impossible to bridge the gap with certain people at least in this moment."
"Our inability to have these conversations is stifling each of our growth and our intimacy, our ability to be close with ourselves and each other."
"Even in the age of cellphones, movie characters will go to great lengths to not immediately call the police at a crime scene."
"Until your ears are ready to hear, your mind is not ready to hear certain things."
"Knowing how the game's played, knowing what the rules are, going into any relationship with any woman expecting her to be able to think like you do is completely unrealistic."
"I understand your job, but I just, I don't even know what to tell you."
"They're contemplating, they want to talk to you, but something is in the way here and it's because of their fears coming back up."
"Don't get all twisted when I'm just saying we don't understand the situation just as much as you don't."
"I've never seen anything move like that in my life, they were screaming at each other in gibberish."
"You start learning a language, you've got no words."
"Misunderstandings can cause unnecessary pain and regret."
"Our connection feels real but I can't quite make out the words."
"I feel like a lot of people don't want to say things because there's this energetic rejection of what people are gonna say before they're even gonna say it."
"They're trying to plan what to say every time they speak to you. They want to just come towards you really passionately and just let their feelings out, but they feel like they have to be really careful."
"Because of Auto, Allison doesn't understand her."
"Yeah, now Japanese people, even if they like know how to speak English, they're very embarrassed to speak English to a native speaker. Okay, um, like in China, you'll hear a lot more people speaking English, just like Japan, they get very embarrassed."
"The inability to communicate your true feelings is a through line in this book."
"It's hard on social media where you're not having the face-to-face interaction, you're not being able to really truly empathize with a person, look them in the eyes, hear the tone of voice, see the sincerity in their face."
"What does your loved one want to say to you but they are just not able to say to you at this moment?"
"Arguments can get in the way of seeing people."
"It's hard to connect with someone through a screen."
"It's really beautiful because you can bring people together who can't communicate at all and you still can have some sort of understanding."
"Let's break down the communication barriers and get on the same page; it is worth it."
"Strong emotions frequently impede our ability to communicate, making it difficult to grasp the viewpoints of others or to explain oneself clearly."
"Sometimes the truth is harder to get through somebody's ears than it is to get it out of my mouth."
"I see as long as I have my prejudices, we can never meet."
"Stereotypes can impede communication by causing us to assume a widely held belief is true when it may not be."
"I was trying to call but my pride wouldn't let me dial."