
Finiteness Quotes

There are 56 quotes

"You can't symbolize God because all symbols are finite and God is infinite."
"The fact that it ends adds to its value; it doesn't diminish from it."
"Our existence is most meaningful, most purposeful, and has the most value because it is finite, precious, and the only one we ever get."
"What seems infinite like stills from a movie actually is finite."
"There's a need for the infinite, yet everything we assess is finite."
"Time is finite, you can never get more of it back."
"Time is so precious and so finite."
"It is a reminder that there is an end point."
"For any reachy flow with surgery, after some finite time, all the manifolds have trivial pi2."
"Time's a finite resource... you have to deal with that."
"My relationship with my kids and my wife is guided by an understanding that it is finite."
"Nothing is infinite, not resources, not space, not even time, and we're running out of all three."
"There wasn't an infinite number of creators or causation for our universe. Our causes for our universe have to be finite."
"Spend your time wisely because it's finite."
"Do you treat your time and your energy as finite?"
"Time is finite, and the only reason time is so powerful is because without change, time would have no reason to exist."
"You have to manage something that is finite, and that's time."
"The surface of a sphere is finite."
"Resources like time and money are finite."
"We are here as finite people, so the work has to be finite."
"We each have a finite number of hours in our lifetime."
"The universe we know is not infinite."
"Time is our most precious resource because it is so finite."
"The universe is something like 13.8 billion years, which means it's finite."
"An object is finite, is distinguishable, persists over time, and is breakable such that the set of constraints to construct it from elementary building blocks is quantifiable."
"There's magic and there's magic. And you don't get an infinite memory."
"The great discovery of 20th century science is that at the macrocosm, the bigness, the universe is finite."
"The universe is finite; it's not infinite. It may be expanding, but it's not infinite."
"There is a limit to smallness... the universe is finite."
"When you realize that your life is actually finite, you appreciate your life more."
"We have a finite amount of time; we can never get more time than we have."
"The entire universe is finite and had a beginning."
"We should have theories of the universe that work just fine for finite data, for finite ideas, and not depend on infinities to make the whole thing work."
"Finite is what we're made of, and finite is how language works, how programs work, how the practicalities of mathematics works."
"One of the nice things about discounting is it ensures your value function is always finite."
"A line goes on and on and on forever... but a line segment is when you take a line and you cut it."
"The universe can be both finite and unbounded."
"Our universe is finite; it's not infinite, and it had a beginning."
"If you've got a finite group, it's just a finite set and therefore the total possible number of subsets of this finite set is going to be finite."
"We don't have an infinite amount of time."
"Every resource is finite, every resource is limited, and you have to prioritize."
"We like things that are finite; they're relatively easy to visualize and manage."
"A set whose last member can be found or counted is called a finite set."
"The tragic beauty to life is that it isn't limitless, which is the reason life is so beautiful."
"The fact that the universe is here is demonstrative of the causes of our universe is finite; the chain ends somewhere."
"The only thing that's finite is the amount of energy that we all have."