
Vaccines Quotes

There are 422 quotes

"Vaccines are becoming extraordinary as a tool and whether you hate a COVID vaccine or love a COVID vaccine, it's a technology that has saved tens if not hundreds of millions of lives."
"These vaccines aren't the best infection blockers, but they're very good at acting as a hospitalization and death blocker."
"Vaccines are very good at blocking hospitalization and death, much more so than blocking the actual infection, whether it be mild or asymptomatic diseases."
"I completely have confidence in that, why? Because of vaccines, because of the science of vaccines, and because we've done the right thing and Canadians have been resilient."
"The live attenuated virus vaccines tended to increase longevity; they decreased all-cause mortality."
"Vaccines are coming out. These things are basically a damned miracle. These vaccines are unbelievably good."
"We've dealt with the HIV pandemic by using drugs rather than by using a vaccine."
"Vaccines are safe and effective, but personal beliefs and individual choice should be respected."
"Vaccines do reduce symptoms and they do save the lives of many people...but the discussion about mandates is 100% based on the premise that the vaccine protects others from you."
"Vaccines for me are just this win-win situation. It protects me, which I'm pretty happy about, but it also protects those around me and contributes towards herd immunity. So it's a win-win situation."
"These vaccines have saved lives... you could see how these vaccines completely severed the link between COVID cases and COVID deaths."
"Don't lose faith in those institutions. Don't lose faith in vaccines."
"I'm a big believer that this is the type of activity that once there is a vaccine and once people feel like they can do it safely, people are going to flock back to this type of activity."
"Freedom eventually, information law. After a year of litigation, they sent us a letter which is posted on CHD's website and acknowledges that they are now not able to locate a single pre-licensing safety trial, placebo control, for any of the vaccines that are now mandated for children. These are zero liability vaccines."
"I am a science fearing man. I believe vaccines may be, along with antibiotics, the most miraculous invention for public health in the 20th century."
"Vaccines have completely transformed what childhood is like."
"Vaccines save lives. They prevent disease, they prevent disability. Do they have side effects? Yes. But wisdom resides in the balance of those risks and benefits."
"The overall exit strategy from the pandemic as a whole...we're going to have a problem until vaccines become available."
"Vaccines are extraordinary. They save millions of lives."
"It's extraordinary that there are people who still don't believe in vaccines... to me, it's extraordinary that there are people who do not believe in natural immunity."
"The effectiveness and safety of vaccines is overwhelmingly supported by scientific research."
"We think that we have no reason to think that our vaccines are ineffective in preventing death or serious illness against all the variants that we are currently aware of."
"If you think about mRNA vaccines, it's like an envelope with a message in it, and that message is going to tell the cell what kind of proteins to make."
"The data so far suggests both vaccines are effective against the dominant strains of COVID."
"Vaccines are protecting people against severe disease, really protecting people against getting hospitalized, ending up in an intensive care unit, or, heaven forbid, even dying from COVID."
"The vaccines are doing exactly what they were designed to do, and that gives us the pathway forward for how to get out of this pandemic."
"It is a difficult time; the vaccines are coming to the rescue, we will get through this."
"Vaccines often offer a proven level of protection."
"Vaccines are probably the single most important invention, medical intervention, I think I've ever learned about."
"We are all guinea pigs in a couple of experiments running in parallel, one having to do with vaccines, the other having to do with this novel virus."
"Vaccines and other public health advancements have doubled human life expectancy in the last 200 years."
"Vaccines are one of the most important things that ever happened in public health."
"If everybody took the vaccine, the COVID death rate would literally diminish. Like, if we reached herd immunity, the COVID death rate, as far as I understand it, even with the Delta variant, would still be more effective than the vaccine for influenza."
"These vaccines show us what can happen through cooperation, ingenuity, and hard work."
"Vaccines provide a much better level of protection with just two shots versus Ivermectin, which you have to take continuously."
"I do urge everyone to get vaccines; they do work."
"The whole idea of a vaccine is to build up the antibodies before you get the disease."
"If you get the mRNA vaccine and then get actually infected, you get all the benefits of having seen the actual virus."
"I would jump into a pile of booster shots okay for a shot at a booster."
"I think vaccines, on net, save a lot of lives, whether we are talking about the COVID vaccine or something like measles."
"We eliminated smallpox because of vaccines. Vaccines have saved countless lives."
"The vaccine is not primarily about protecting you individually from the virus. Vaccines are our best available tool for eliminating disease across a population."
"I don't know if patents work differently for vaccines or what but I don't think there's a huge profit to be made."
"Vaccines work, that's why we don't die of smallpox anymore."
"Vaccines play an important role in population health."
"Vaccines are a very elegant mechanism for doing something that is clearly tremendously beneficial for health."
"I think we're going to have a vaccine in the pretty near future."
"It was the first glimmer that these vaccines were doing something."
"From everything we've seen so far, [the vaccine] looks to be safe in pregnancy."
"Things have changed, but vaccines will come."
"We will see hospitalizations and deaths drop down dramatically."
"The link between new cases and deaths is being broken by vaccines."
"To have this facility where a new antigen comes in and 100 days later a vaccine goes out could save billions of people."
"We're going to have loads of spare doses, well over 200 million, which are going to be donated to poor countries."
"The UK supply will partly be going to COVAX, the United Nations supply."
"Bid for supplies of Israel's leftover vaccines."
"Vaccines have really added decades of life to every person."
"Vaccinated and natural immune people can revamp their immune response to new viral strains."
"But it's also not just so simple as saying me getting the vaccine or not getting the vaccine has no implications it certainly does as far as we can tell it does have implications."
"I don't think people that have ethical concerns about vaccines are crazy like there are legitimate questions to be raised and concerns to be raised."
"There are two types of people who don't take the vaccine: those who don't think it's necessary, and those who oppose it politically."
"The fewer people there are getting sick, the less likely those possibly vaccine-defying variants are to emerge."
"The vaccine works, not perfectly but well, and it's a good thing to take it."
"The side effects of the vaccine seem to be incredibly negligible compared to the actual effects of COVID-19."
"The FDA is expected to expand Pfizer booster shots to 12 to 15-year-olds as early as Monday."
"If the market worked the way it was supposed to work, then you would have a large number of vaccine manufacturers competing with each other."
"Trump correctly said that Biden and Harris should apologize for the anti-vaccine rhetoric."
"Our quad partnership is on track to help produce at least one billion doses of COVID vaccines in India for the Asia region by the end of 2022."
"I want to stress that vaccines remain our best line of defense."
"I recommend taking the vaccines. I did it, it's good, take the vaccines."
"Biden announces purchase of additional vaccine doses."
"Vaccines have been one of the most important medical advancements in human history."
"Staying up to date with the vaccine is the most effective tool."
"What tells you you've been lied to: vaccines may be highly useful for some people, but across a population they do not solve COVID." - Tucker Carlson
"Vaccines are good for you and that's all there is to it."
"The vaccine is one of the greatest achievements of mankind."
"These vaccines are saving lives." - Out of context: Affirmation of the efficacy of vaccines in preserving lives.
"We want to continue to be the provider of not just vaccines but vaccine know-how and assistance to the global Community."
"We managed to give them the education of the importance of vaccines and also give them the education, the importance of safety and health protocols."
"The mRNA vaccine was computer designed and produced in record time."
"They should give you more, you should get the booster, you should get three."
"The flu literally does get stronger every single year, and you have to re-up on the vaccine."
"Vaccines were woven into the narrative Americans told about scientific prowess."
"We're years ahead on vaccines and they're going to be distributed very shortly."
"Because of vaccines, we were able to do something that is hardly ever done, which is to actually eliminate a disease."
"Vaccines literally upped our life expectancy. No vaccines right now, we would be living to 37 and a half."
"Now we have two vaccines that are really quite effective."
"The vaccines do reduce symptoms and fatalities."
"Vaccines will be key, the United States needs to step up for the world."
"This is record time, this is the fourth vaccine candidate in the United States to reach the final stage of trial."
"Since smallpox was eradicated thanks to the worldwide application of a vaccine, and as the virus has no hiding-place in nature, an international agreement was reached to keep the virus frozen in two centers."
"Vaccines are widely available across the country, and this suffering and loss are entirely preventable."
"Consider the amount of profits that Pfizer are likely to make from the vaccines."
"Vaccines, in general, have been a massive boon to humanity."
"We're on an excellent course right now with two vaccines that are looking very promising."
"Tonight, a new vaccine that specifically targets Omicron may be just months away."
"Pfizer's new vaccine would target Omicron and other variants already circulating."
"Definitive papers coming out now, we can summarize this that the vaccines are working."
"I'm so glad and I trust the vaccine. Yes, I had doubts, but I've made my decision and I'm here today."
"Vaccines cutting transmissions by over 50% could get deaths to near zero around April."
"The vaccine is by far the most important thing in British politics right now."
"Imagine where we would be if there wasn't a vaccine."
"As we move towards trying to combat other viruses with vaccines, we're going to find out that if we don't allow the innate immune system's involvement..."
"Every medicine has a side effect, even a vaccine is a medicine."
"I'm sick of this, I'm not gonna go to a doctor and say, 'Well, I don't care what you think about vaccines.' I'm gonna go to them and say, 'Yeah, you're the doctor, I'll take your word for it.'"
"I believe the vaccines are coming in spring. This is going to go away, I'm convinced of that."
"The vaccine appears to be as effective as it is against ba1."
"Vaccines are on the way but how soon? This morning my interview with Dr. Anthony Fauci."
"Vaccines will be the first major step in getting us back to a pre-COVID way of life."
"Yes, vaccines will help save lives, but we have to have a vaccination program. People have to choose to be vaccinated."
"It looks like the world will have its first RNA vaccine this year."
"Life-saving vaccines developed in record time came to the rescue."
"Vaccines work, and all of these people scaremongering for profit and clicks should be completely ashamed of themselves."
"One thing that helps is that dozens of vaccines are being developed and more than half a dozen are already in use." - NPR's Richard Harris
"Vaccines have been an incredible public health advance."
"The risk of breakthrough infection with the Moderna vaccine was about 50 to 60 percent lower than with Pfizer vaccine."
"We can thank improvements in sanitation practices and medical advances like vaccines for drastically reducing the impact of infectious diseases and extending our life expectancy to nearly seventy-nine years."
"Vaccines have saved hundreds of millions of lives in the past century... If you ignore the power of science, you're not being honest with the lessons of history."
"Natural immunity is more effective than vax immunity."
"Our message continues to be you should take any vaccine that is available to you. They're all safe, they're all effective."
"So all in all if it weren't for the vaccines we would be absolutely screwed um the vaccines are keeping us in at least uh the kind of uh level of functioning that as a society that we've got at the moment..."
"The vaccines saved tens of millions throughout the world."
"Is the COVID-19 vaccine female sterilization? Oh, this is a big one that's completely false."
"I believe this being an entry on the list refers to the idea that vaccines aren't really vaccines but are instead microchips being used to control the masses."
"So, we know a lot about the vaccines and I think most people are aware they decay with time, they wane even the booster wanes."
"What wanes is the antibody response, which is the direct neutralizing effect on the virus."
"My bet is we're going to be pretty good for years. My other bet is if you have the vaccine and any of the variants, you are what some people are calling super immunity."
"The FDA okaying boosters for kids 12 to 15, also shortening the booster wait time for many others as we return from holiday breaks."
"Another way to stop a virus is to create a sterilizing vaccine that actually prevents the spread."
"Please get your vaccines. Seriously, please get your vaccines and your boosters."
"There were no vaccines last year, there were no early treatment protocols last year."
"We are very confident that our vaccines will be effective."
"The American people deserve to know the data about COVID-19 vaccines and boosters."
"Vaccines are one of the biggest successes in modern medicine."
"After clean water, vaccines have saved more lives over the last century than any other intervention."
"There's something criminal about making [ __ ] up about a vaccine." - Louis Black
"The COVID-19 vaccines are by far the best way to protect yourself and your loved ones from the virus. Anyone who isn't vaccinated should get one as soon as possible."
"We're rounding the turn, and the vaccines are coming."
"The vaccines are going to give us hope and they're going to be the gateway to our freedom."
"China and Russia are practicing vaccine diplomacy, supplying doses directly to Africa and other developing countries."
"Actual important news: It now appears that vaccines could be on the way."
"We've made a lot of advances with several vaccines that are in the pipeline."
"Vaccines can be helpful, I think that we would definitely find common ground here."
"The vaccines have broken the link between increasing cases and deaths."
"No vaccine is without risk, but the benefits of the vaccines in protecting against covid-19 and serious complications associated with the virus far outweigh any currently known side effects."
"We must ensure that vaccine misinformation is tackled head-on, as it poses a threat to public health."
"We said yes to science, we said yes to vaccines, we said yes to ending this pandemic."
"We have therapies and we have vaccines utilizing these advances and the skill of our doctors and nurses."
"I did not hesitate. I told America these vaccines should be pulled off the market."
"It'd be hard for me to believe that a single protein causes heart damage which it does causes neurologic damage which just does and causes blood clots that the protein also causes cancer."
"Vaccines are the only way we could be healthy on the planet."
"Do you have vaccine hesitancy? Do you have questions about vaccines? What this implies is that you must accept that all vaccines are great and ask no questions."
"Misinformation about this causes vaccine hesitancy, not the data."
"Vaccines eradicated diseases? 90% of infectious diseases were in Decline before vaccines were introduced."
"MRNA vaccines can actually be designed and manufactured incredibly quickly."
"The vaccine that kills God is such a powerful premise."
"He'll just blatantly lie and misrepresent various data to the point where he effectively says the vaccines are killing more people than they're saving, which is patently false."
"Vaccine protects you against getting really sick."
"Mandate hundreds of vaccines to everyone across the country."
"There's no problem, vaccines are perfectly safe, even though we paid out four billion dollars in damages."
"Vaccines are not made from aborted fetal cells. Unfortunately, that is a myth."
"You know what we have to realize? That since the inception of the polio vaccine, there have been no outbreaks because of the polio vaccine."
"Save the Children Fund urges, 'We desperately need more vaccines.'"
"Vaccines and global efforts beat this lethal virus for good."
"I think there's a rule of thumb that we can assume that the vaccines are probably going to be about 20 percent less effective against these new variants."
"The benefits of vaccine kids outweigh the downsides."
"Vaccines aren't political. No, you should be vaccinated." - Michael Jones
"If we have a vaccine available, we should give it to elderly people, which is a very sensible thing to say."
"Dr. Fauci's agency profited off of the Covid vaccines."
"The amount of misinformation around these vaccines is crazy."
"It's fantastic that we've got so many vaccines coming to this level of maturity."
"Vaccines go through less rigorous process than drugs."
"It's completely absurd not to apply the scientific method to vaccines."
"There is already a known vaccine that is safe and effective."
"I've been pretty much saying that all along. This was always a three-dose vaccine."
"Best defense, probably even better than a vaccine."
"Vaccines are always voluntary and never forced."
"To date, two doses of an mRNA-containing vaccine against all three variants has held up."
"The vaccines use mRNA to send instructions to the immune system for producing specific proteins to fight COVID-19 virus."
"And that's the vaccines, with a 95% relative risk reduction for symptomatic disease."
"I think the vaccines are safe and effective."
"The vaccines aren't 100% guaranteed effective. New variants will emerge. We're going to have to treat better, start now."
"The vaccines do what they do and they are safe and they are safer than experimenting or hoping that all will be well."
"Vaccines are the best defense against severe illness."
"It's a real triumph that we've gotten the vaccines as fast as we have."
"I'm not anti-vaccine... I've believed in vaccines, but none of the safety testing was done the way we discussed earlier."
"Their goal is to take away our freedoms, then if we want them back we'll be forced to receive vaccines to gain a digital certificate of movement."
"I'm 100 percent pro-vaccine, but I'm also 100 percent pro-science."
"The vaccines are good; they have a purpose in ending the pandemic, but they also can cause injuries. That is a fact."
"One of the things that's clear from the data is that even though vaccines... don't protect overly well against infection, they protect quite well against severe disease."
"Trust in our vaccines to protect the public whilst monitoring the situation as it develops."
"Why would anyone in their right mind inject themselves with vaccines created by known eugenicists with Luciferase?"
"This blowout for the job gains shows how vaccines and the economic reopening are basically juicing it right now."
"Listen to your doctors when it comes to vaccines."
"I think you should be skeptical of anything you put into your body including vaccines."
"We are on the cusp of being able to fundamentally change the nature of this disease because of the way in which we're able to get vaccines in people's arms" - President Biden
"These findings add to the accumulating evidence about the safety of mRNA COVID-19 vaccines in pregnancy."
"The vaccine does not increase the risk of miscarriage, preterm birth, stillbirth, nor does it increase the risk of a small for gestational age baby."
"The vaccine does not inject a microchip that can track you, make you magnetic, or connect you to a 5g network."
"Vaccines demonstrably save children's lives and prevent great amounts of suffering."