
Media Diversity Quotes

There are 108 quotes

"Consume and share more Southeast Asian media by Southeast Asians. Do the work to find those underrepresented voices and share them with your friends."
"Involving ace-identifying people on screen, as well as off screen in the writer's room, the director seat, or even the producers table, having ace people at these stages can shape what we see on screen indefinitely."
"If I'm able to sue you and bring forth the contracts, I can show that you carry over 100 white-owned networks that have lower ratings than our networks."
"I just think there really needs to be a wave of kids that look like the kids that are actually listening because they do listen to radio at the end of the day."
"You need a diverse media in a republic like ours."
"It's like I'm tired of seeing the same cis gay love stories because we've done it plenty. I think it's great that we see it, but I also think we can push the boundaries further."
"I think these stories need to be told. I hope you see more of those. You start producing stories like that."
"Creators on the left, right, and center have all spoken out on it."
"People who disagree with me watch my show. I don't want a circle jerk."
"By offering program that includes sports, kids shows, political commentary, documentaries, and tick tock style videos, they are trying to appeal to as many people as possible who adhere to their conservative values."
"I feel like people need to see themselves reflected on screen."
"People are hungry for different voices, which is why yourself, which is why I can build up an audience just by saying something a little bit different."
"We need to rebuild and protect a diverse and truly independent press."
"I just personally believe that having more representation good representation of a character who no matter the body type can still resonate with people is great."
"Break the echo-chamber... check out other channels and see what they have to say."
"Not all media are created equal... even within video games... different video games have a different effect on your brains."
"It's also incredible because the amount of perspectives that we get on each news story is so much broader than it would be if it was just me and somebody else."
"It's the first predominantly African American cast led by an African American lead."
"Diversity can mean more variety, richness, and authenticity in media."
"Diversity of voices is probably the most important part of how the Internet has affected journalism."
"I stand for the truth. If you want to have black actors playing roles of main characters in TV series, do what they did at Marvel and set them, for instance, in Harlem. Heck, Cottonmouth is one of the coolest guys I have ever seen on screen."
"I think that now we're being able to have the voice and the ability with especially all the different platforms that we have to create more content."
"Black owned media deserves the same level of respect as white mainstream media."
"For some of us, however good these shows may be, want something a little different, something with a bit more bite."
"A tonal shift from the norm is definitely a good thing to have if only for the sake of variety."
"Representation by autistic writers and actors ensures authentic portrayal and empathy."
"Can you really cover a diverse society with all-white newsrooms?"
"A black Jesus has never been on camera, certainly not a crucifixion."
"Diversity in media actually leads to immense benefits when it comes to the normalization of minority groups."
"As programming makers, it makes creative sense to create a platform to use different voices."
"This one earned big points for me just for being something different for a change from Netflix."
"Try out a different flavor, watch or read news from a particular country or region."
"We need more bi representation and there are not enough gay movies."
"There is a broader, more beautiful sound beyond the narrow bands of right-wing radio."
"This isn't gonna be the chip and Joe network... this is gonna be, yes we want to do some stuff but we also think there's so many great stories to be told."
"You don't have to like everything but if you attempt to empathize watching media created by people from different backgrounds can be a great way to learn about an experience that's different from your own."
"Representation is important across the board."
"Being a woman, I like to see female characters in comics because it's such a male-dominated situation."
"Having an alternative media is very important."
"Your channel is doing a great job with bringing out a lot of different voices, a lot of different ideas."
"Diversity cannot be a priority of MTV or E when the shows that they showcase with black cast members don't even showcase them in positive ways."
"Diversity and representation can be a wonderful thing in media when it's done organically, when it's natural."
"I think cartoonists themselves are particularly keen on diversity."
"You're not just a review guy, you're not just a guy who's like doing reactions all the time."
"Should marginalized people in media be portrayed by those marginalized? Yes."
"There's this underserved market in America called 51 percent of America that like it's like he's joking i'd be like why isn't there a conservative news station."
"I love that they are exploring other genres."
"One of the things that's so important is that whatever side of the political argument you are on... you should have the opportunity to see films or see articles that give voice to people with the alternative point of view."
"I'm actually living for the Native American lore. We never get that in movies these days."
"Probably the main thing that made me fall so hard for this series is its ability to show queer narratives beyond a love story."
"This is the gay representation we need in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, guys."
"Three copies on two formats, one of them off-site."
"It felt like it wasn't always the case but at least for me growing up there were lots of representations of like very strong very compelling very multi-dimensional like female protagonists."
"You need to bring back diversity of ownership to guarantee all voices are heard."
"Animation is no longer just for children and in a noisy world oversaturated with content and stimulus animation has the power to transport the viewer into unlimited worlds with endless possibilities."
"We cannot live in a vibrant democracy unless people get divergent sources of information and have the opportunity to hear a serious debate about the major issues facing our country." - Bernie Sanders
"We're in film, television, streaming music, and pornography. Bye!"
"More diversification of the media channels, that's better for all of us."
"I want more voices I want more people in this space so that consumers of media can decide things for themselves."
"Who's speaking for your players, your movement? It matters to have diverse press and communications rooms."
"The New York Times does run pro-Trump pieces I think there's a balance between figuring out how do you get voices on the page who do represent the breadth of American opinion."
"For those of you who are not aware by now, Verve is a media hub built around culminating media channels of all different types to appeal to fans of video, film, anime, and more."
"You can't beat Black-owned media. It's time to be smart, bring your eyeballs home. You dig?"
"Support independent journalism. We are not mainstream media."
"That was brave to air that interview with Dr. Mike Eden. Well done, GB News." - This quote praises courage and open dialogue, acknowledging the value of diverse perspectives in media representation.
"Ultimately we need as many empowered voices in this space as possible."
"We want Hollywood, I mean just media, to make people that have different types of views, different races, different sexualities, but meaningful to the characters. That's all we want."
"The best approach generally with these things is to have a range of news sources."
"Free speech works..." - Reflecting on the diversity of perspectives in media coverage and public discourse.
"Comics are just finally catching up to reflect that and it's about time."
"One of the valuable things about having so many voices on YouTube, including theist ex-Jehovah's Witness channels, of which there are many, is that there's something for everyone."
"Wouldn't you want there to be alternative media because what if that wave switches?"
"It's important for him to show a diversity of perspectives from the left, the right, and the center."
"The Digimon franchise has seen outings in almost every media imaginable, beloved for its video games, anime, toys, and more."
"This is very amazing, this is wonderful to see the variety and the shift that's occurring in media."
"America loves entertainment, be it movies, television, anime, or comics."
"It's not lesser than Western gay content just because it's BL."
"If you're an artist that wants to experiment with different types of media, maybe it would be good to invest in a mixed media sketch pad like this one."
"I for one would like to see games media showing diversity both in terms of gender, sexuality, and ideas."
"I finally feel like there's some media for me out there."
"I really want to lean into non-English media."
"There's no end to the stories we can tell; there's so many reboots and relaunches and different interpretations."
"It's not just TV and movies anymore, there's not just two platforms with which to become an artist."
"I love the representation; it's so awesome because you don't get a lot of Pakistani and Middle Eastern leads and heroes."
"HGTV needs more black female shows."
"Adding different types of media to your blog post will increase user engagement."
"The multiplicity of media that we now have is a huge opportunity and an enormous improvement."