
Global Harmony Quotes

There are 97 quotes

"Civilians, dear colleagues, no matter where they live, deserve to enjoy music in safety and security."
"When seven billion people create harmony, the planet will become heaven on earth."
"I hope and pray that all of us, as brothers and sisters, yes we have differences, but Inshallah, God willing, as we say, we come together, worshipping the Creator, following God's guidance, Inshallah, God willing, we can eradicate many ills and evils and problems in the world."
"Joy Boy would call this ultimate plan of his the 'Dawn of the World', the day when the sun would rise, or put it quite simply… the Romance Dawn, the Dawn of Adventure."
"We are profoundly grateful to your leadership, your wisdom, your compassion, and for your vision of a world in which conflict is resolved through dialogue, where religious harmony replaces religious strife, and where the oneness of humanity is respected."
"We need peace. Peace for the people of Ukraine, peace for the world."
"The world needed a symbol of peace to inspire a new age of Harmony."
"What would the world look like if we all came together?"
"We all deserve peace of mind, the world deserves unity and love."
"We are so close right now to True Galactic peace Everlasting."
"Symbolically it's a statement that we can get at least for 17 days every couple of years we can get the countries of the world competing amicably against each other on the playing field instead of on the battlefield."
"Let peace, virtues, and love between people and Nations happen."
"I would really want everybody in the world to just be nice to one another, yeah."
"Nobody wants war and chaos; we all want peaceful coexistence."
"Let us share this world together in the spirit of peace."
"Without peaceful human beings, there is no peaceful planet."
"Our unprecedented diplomatic engagements laid the groundwork for this historic peace agreement, which was just announced a little while ago today. We will not rest as we continue to work toward a world of greater harmony and prosperity for all."
"Sending to all species much love I wish you all world peace and fluffy unicorns."
"Make it a better place for you and for me and the entire human race."
"The ancient kingdom wanted to erase existing prejudices and help the world get along."
"I would wish for things for the world... I hope for peace."
"Keep your prayers going and visualize world peace and project love to everyone on the planet even those that are doing the harm."
"I hope we find respect and resonance with the world."
"We are beautiful people. We are doing good to the world."
"If seven and a half billion people did one thing a day to bring balance and harmony."
"I wish our planet would be a more kind place for everyone who wants it."
"Peace will win in the end, freedom and peace for all."
"Sending prayers of peace, prosperity, health, food, clothing, shelter, and water for all living things."
"When you stop dividing people into Indians or Blacks, the world becomes more pleasant."
"We must find some way to work to peace and to regain eternal peace for this world."
"If we all tried to understand each other, maybe Earth would truly be livable without the danger of war."
"The world is full of love and understanding."
"And then peace on earth. And then there was peace on earth."
"Wouldn't it be wonderful if that was the atmosphere of earth again? Let's pray for it."
"How can we come together, unite, unity, cooperation for the good of the planet is the theme of 2024."
"I think what is great about your stream, even though I don't agree with everything you say about China, is you want to see a world free of xenophobia and where there's goodwill between peoples of the world."
"There will be peace in the world when there is peace in Jerusalem."
"The social revolution potential now can, for the first time in history, realize economic success for all in a comprehensive world enjoyment."
"It's peace and love to the whole world."
"In the future we might see world peace. World peace would be when every country in the world gets along with every other country."
"We would travel this globe and people will come in unity and harmony and peace to hear our music."
"The world wants to live in peace now."
"Peace on earth begins with me; peace is real, it's meant to be."
"Within the four oceans, we're all brothers and sisters."
"Having peace throughout the world is very important."
"So lovely to see people from all over the world."
"Love is the key to a better world, with love for everyone, we could change the world."
"More happiness and peace, please. Yes, peace on Earth and goodwill to all."
"Global peace is hinged on respect and human dignity."
"It's essential to break down those artificial barriers to not just survive, but thrive on our planet in harmony."
"One love to the world, no matter what."
"Everyone in the country, every country in the world, are holding hands now, singing songs about peace and love."
"What about the possibility of a kind and just global society in which love is the power rather than the love of power?"
"In a world that's torn apart by hatred, the Dalai Lama is a voice for human unity."
"We find ourselves standing one step closer to the dream of achieving complete denuclearization on the Korean Peninsula and world peace."
"Be a good person, peace in the Middle East."
"They're actually waiting for us to awaken to their reality in a way that is peaceful and doesn't create any more chaos than we already have on this planet."
"It is not our business to collect trophies, but to bring back the world to peaceful habits."
"That's a vision of a world united."
"If we all did that, we'd have heaven on earth right now."
"I would wish for there to be peace in the world because if everywhere was peaceful and like loved each other like they were supposed to, our world would be very different."
"Let there be peace in the world; we are children of one home, one Earth, and one heaven."
"We live today in a world a little less fearful than we might have, a world a little less filled with hate."
"Peace, prosperity around the world, a new world order for sure, but much more positive."
"Feeling the love, want to heal the world, make it a better place, for you and for me and the entire human race."
"Baha'u'llah has come to unite all who are in the heavens and all who are on the Earth."
"We need to live in this world together with one heartbeat, with one love."
"It wants to unite people through peace."
"The peace of mankind will come when man as a whole wants to live in harmony."
"I know that our country is safe, I know that all the countries in the world are manifestations of spirit living in harmony with each other."
"Let's hope this never happens again, that we have peace in Ukraine, peace in Yugoslavia, peace in the world."
"Total world is according to the Sanatana Dharma, a beautiful one home."
"The life and the love that God is shall flow through me to the whole world."
"I pray to God that the love, joy, peace, and happiness stays in the hearts and the minds and thoughts of each and every person all over the world."
"Peace has been established; the world need not fight."
"I declare myself at peace with all the people on earth."
"If we could come to love others as we love ourselves, out of that then becomes a world filled with love and the kingdom of God comes to Earth itself."
"It's supposed to be unifying, together world peace, world harmony."
"Send some peace, love, and light out to the world."
"People all over the world, join hands, start a love train."
"It's a Small World, the classic Disney boat ride, all about different countries and celebrating our differences but also coming together as one."
"I wish the best for all and I wish for peace in the world."
"If there is to be peace in the world, there must be peace in the nations."