
Political Division Quotes

There are 222 quotes

"The reason that I wrote the book is because in 2016, I kind of looked around and... there's a certain level of hatred and tribalism that's building up in American politics that I hadn't really seen before."
"Our politics are increasingly divided, and we have stopped respecting those that we disagree with."
"Stop making this a left-right thing; this is an American thing."
"Talking across the divides is so important now...realizing that another party that has different views from you is generally not evil."
"No matter how divided we are on political beliefs, if there's an event that requires our solidarity, we come together."
"I think the most dangerous thing affecting us is the inability of the right and the left to come together and make any meaningful change through compromise."
"A whopping 79 percent of Americans say the internet and social media have made Americans more politically divided."
"This is what people, whether you see yourself as Republican or Democrat, left or right, progressive or traditional, none of us want."
"It's such a great point, it's so strange too that like you would think that we all As Americans can look at something like the insurrection and insurrectionists to look at terrorists and all come together as a nation."
"Far more Americans reject maga ideology than embrace it."
"We are so divided that political violence is in the air and is becoming acceptable."
"An iron curtain has descended across the continent."
"The right absolutely is steadfast and the left isn't."
"If we can't all be on the same side on this stuff then we're done as a country."
"President Biden ran his campaign on a message of unity, but since day one of his administration, he has been defined by divisive policies that are the wrong approach for Tennessee families and workers."
"There really is a clear dividing line right now between Americans who want to unify and those who won't allow it."
"We are 50% of the problem. The left is 50%. We are the other 50%."
"We are headed for a national divorce very quickly, and it's gonna be messy."
"It's not our left or right that is the problem that we are arguing over here in America."
"We're not even two Americas any longer, it's the left America and then what's left of America."
"What's left of America has got to get its stuff together here pretty quick."
"This is a contest between... a part of the country that believes in liberal democracy and a part of the country attracted to fascism."
"British politics has quickly changed from left versus right to leave versus remain."
"This is not sustainable; you can't have a country that sustains itself when 56% of your country thinks you're awful."
"This poll is a sign for national dissolution or as Ben Shapiro correctly calls it disintegration."
"This isn't about the red and blue, the GOP and the Democrats."
"Trump is as much a symptom as a cause of the division in our society."
"I think we're headed towards civil war because the left is completely inconsistent in their rules."
"But I think a lot of people on the left and the right believe we're headed towards some kind of very serious disaster."
"We have a choice to make: would we rather have our side win to punish the other side, or would we rather have our nation united?"
"The U.S. will break up into some different parts, the question is how we do it at this point."
"He literally framed this as a battle between light and darkness and called on Americans to come together despite their political differences."
"Political division is a national security threat... we need to come together for civil discussions about the greatest challenges we face."
"Even in PDP, you've been able to do primaries, and a lot of people look at your party, the PDP, as divided."
"It's time for companies to form on the right in direct opposition to this stuff."
"We need a national divorce... let's get together, agree that it's not working and find a way to divide up the assets and liabilities. The only peaceful path forward."
"The biggest issue here is that when you look at the poll statistics people believe that the other side is basically going to destroy the country."
"I'm totally unnerved by the current volatility in America, division to the 10th degree."
"Eventually there will be no choice but to have separate Republican and Democrats social media platforms."
"It should not be a Democrat or Republican issue. It should be an American issue."
"They really hate the divisive angry rhetoric and the toxic politics."
"Imagine that. Why is it at the start of each cycle that today's Democratic party writes off half of the country as being antithetical to their values and Republicans write off the other half as being antithetical to their values?"
"The country's not divided. It's the politics of a country. It's the politicians that are dividing the politics coming out of our capital and in Washington DC and out of every state."
"I think the left and the right are basically like, 'Can we break up, please?'"
"We all have a duty and responsibility as Americans to defend the truth and defeat the lies. That's how we end this uncivil war."
"A world view is not an excuse to sever a relationship. They might do that to you, you should never do that to them. That is cruel, it is wrong, and it only further divides America."
"Playing on people's grievances and exaggerating their differences tends to make the political system less healthy."
"The two party system is working perfectly because we're all at each other's throats."
"It's not the left versus the right; it's the top versus the bottom."
"People are very quick to kind of draw the battle lines and then line up on either side and wholly embrace or reject a given idea or agenda just based on who they think it's coming from, rather than the merits of the idea itself."
"We live in such a time that if a Republican's supposed to hate Democrats and vice versa, will this unify us?"
"I worry about our ability to come together and continue to see common ideals as a nation."
"The demarcation between left and right isn't about rainbow flags, it's a neoliberal fabrication."
"America that doesn't agree with this outnumbers the white republican Trump party that wants to remain in power even though it's a minority."
"America is supposed to be the land of the free in the home of the brave, and it seems like with this election, it's just a living nightmare for no matter what party you're in."
"The Democrats stand for crime, corruption, and chaos. Republicans stand for law, order, and justice."
"I think the disaffected majority of this country feel like there's not a home."
"A moment of truth appears imminent. It's one that will reveal whether the American electorate is still capable of large-scale shifts in opinion or whether the country is essentially locked into a schism for the foreseeable future."
"Release the Kraken and save us from the left taking America down."
"It's not a matter of left or right anymore, it's good versus evil."
"The Republicans want this all or burn it down mentality. They just want to go everyone who's here, deport them, shut down everything. And I'm sorry, that is not the United States of America." - Representative Crockett
"What does it say that they're all in for Trump? What does it say that he won't condemn the flag of hate, division, and losers? For us, it says, 'This is a time for choosing: America or Trump.'"
"Just because you have a certain ideology or a certain business model doesn't mean you should alienate the other half of America, right?"
"Impeachment only incites more division; it does not provide unity."
"Unfortunately, I think it will get better diplomatically with Joe Biden, but there are 72 million people who voted for Donald Trump, so I fear that it's getting worse in a way. That's sad man, it's very sad, very very sad."
"You want a constitution that unites us and political arguments that divide us."
"Nearly half the country believes the election was rigged."
"The amount of acceptance within the right-wing is extremely minimal."
"But on both the left and the right, there is just... divide, divide, divide. It's coming apart."
"The red states aren't doing this, only the blue states are."
"It's not abortion, guns, and church closings that made coronavirus a culture war; it's the clash between people who think those things should go one way and people who think those things should go another way."
"The 2024 election isn't a battle between two candidates or two parties, it's a battle between two Americas, one with democracy and one without."
"This demonstrates that political expression is an issue that divides the Democratic coalition between centrist Democrats and their left flank."
"Trump always pits Americans against each other, and that leads to our cities on fire."
"The mainstream media has been responsible for so much political division."
"It's either with us or you're with the terrorists."
"Gradient descent is surprisingly effective for continuous optimization problems."
"It's a choice between two very different visions of America."
"This faction is fundamentally at odds with America."
"The more that Sarah Palin was attacked by the left, the more that she was embraced by the right."
"Our political views are just so divergent because we're no longer coalescing around what our neighbors believe."
"We ended up with 56 Republicans saying no... only two Democrats actually voted against this."
"The Imperium had become basically so fractured so ideologically divided on many levels that it's almost in a permanent state of cold civil war with itself."
"Both sides are telling the other side that they're bad."
"A lot of the people that are at each other's throats in this country have way more in common than they think they do."
"That's the one thing that people can't deny is like you can have all the disagreements politically that you want but you can't deny those human experiences that people are going through on the ground in that moment."
"The culture war issues are the places where the progressive left is the most separated from the rest of the American population."
"Someone punches you, you punch him back harder. That's why I grew up."
"Two-thirds of Republicans today believe the 2020 election was stolen."
"We can't keep destroying our natural allies because the left has told, 'Oh, they're Trump supporters.' That same Trump supporter might be the person that saves your life because of their Christian beliefs."
"How do we survive if half the states become full commie dictatorship by blind CNN and NPR listeners who nod their empty skulls at whatever Democrats say?"
"It is shocking that not a single Republican would vote to even hear a bill that does things like make voter registration easier."
"If people aren't getting along like in a relationship they break up you know so like why don't we just finally just realize that these states aren't working and divide up into like two or three countries."
"The people who don't want to get vaccinated, they're Republicans. They just don't want to do it."
"We are not 50-50 in this nation, we're in the 70-80 percent that are truly righteous."
"Lucifer himself is trying to completely divide America and we forgot about Abraham Lincoln apparently he too he warned us."
"The federal government has aligned itself with the far left... we are now seeing the federal government seeking to destroy the lives of Trump supporters."
"The only way to prevent us confronting the problems our country's facing... is to pit us against one another."
"Most of the political division comes through the Legacy Media."
"It is wrong for the leftists to just separate those and say right never the twain meet... this is not true."
"When you fail to remain objective, you just want your side to win. That's when this country loses."
"We shouldn't seek to find common ground with insurrectionists."
"When both the populist left and the right want all of congress gone, we have a problem."
"Republicans won't recognize Biden, Democrats don't recognize Trump."
"The hatred for people who oppose them politically, it's unbelievable."
"This erosion of trust in the media and the spread of misinformation further deepened The Divide between Democrats and Republicans."
"46 percent of Democrats say the D.A Prosecuting Trump would be outrageous abuse of power. Democrats appear to be divided when it comes to rumors that leftist Marxist district attorney Alvin Bragg potentially might be indicting President Trump."
"This is the problem with the two-party system: people are so brainwashed to back their party that even when their party is wrong, they will defend it."
"These people are rejecting, they're so angry, they are on edge. These people want to do everything to bring down Trump."
"It's bipartisan, both sides think we are headed towards another civil war."
"You're against us if you wear that thin blue line, not for the constitution."
"This is an election about basically racism and socialism versus capitalism and freedom, something like that."
"Americans by overwhelming margins see the nation's democracy as imperiled."
"There are certain people that will never trust another election for as long as they live."
"The more politics preys on our divisions, the more we become defined by our divisions. This leads to a view of life that is a zero-sum game view."
"Bernie is the guy who's gonna bring the party together you're insane yelling at all the other candidates from Bernie supporters"
"The personal is what brings people together and the political drives them apart."
"The reaction to Rush Limbaugh's death is not happening in a vacuum; it's a reflection of our culture and the ideological divide."
"I have long been concerned that pursuing impeachment... is really really bad for the country... pursuing impeachment purely on partisan differences would be extremely divisive for an already divided country."
"We're not going to get a national divorce, but we might get something more along the lines of national separation."
"Democracies should unite people, not divide them."
"This election is not about the tired and false dichotomy of blue versus red."
"We need a leader who recognizes that the country is divided but a leader who can bring us back together."
"The Constitution matters, even if half the country doesn't see it."
"This is not something to break up the United States over."
"Hyper-partisan Democrats are about to drag our great country down into the gutter of rancor and vitriol the likes of which has never been seen in our nation's history."
"Palin, Trump, they didn’t create this divide, but they, more overtly than anyone since George Wallace, have on a national scene sought to activate it and exploit it for their own political purposes."
"Politics are divisive and all across the world has taught us anything is that people really disagree politically and it doesn't matter how right you think you are there's always going to be a sizable opposition to you."
"America is at a Crossroads because both sides seem to not like the country that much anymore."
"It's us against them, not Republicans against Democrats. That's yesterday, baby."
"The vote in the U.S Congress to allow statehood ran along party lines, but the formation of West Virginia was approved."
"We're the only people that are voting for them or these Cro-Magnon cave people that are trying to [ __ ] destroy the [ __ ] country."
"Half the left isn't actually there to divide people."
"There's a way in the United States where the left eats itself on these issues."
"It's become very popular in politics on both sides of the aisle to divide the people."
"As progressives, we are up against the politics of division, the nativism of populism often playing to the worst instincts of humanity."
"The populism of the left and the right, uh are individuals who will are fighters for those constituencies and there are very different values very different approaches."
"There are but two parties now: traitors and patriots."
"The idea that they're going to revive Vision... makes me a little nervous."
"Our country is so divided... the only thing that can save us is for left and right to come together."
"Some people have a deep abiding respect for the constitutional law that created this country and some people don't."
"Normal Republicans are being pushed out of the GOP in droves. They are being labeled rhinos and traitors by a fascist Maga movement."
"Political polarization is more of a threat than we could ever know."
"If you support Biden, if you support President Trump, then I can never be friends with you. They definitely, definitely, definitely have messed up priorities."
"This is about our way of life, about humans. Our future is threatened by a crisis that politicians have spent too much time separating and making partisan." - Shota Scott Martinez
"There's just pure evil in this country. I want to believe that the majority of Americans are good, even my fellow Americans who might disagree with me politically."
"That's why you'll often hear people say that the right thinks the left is misguided but the left thinks the right is evil."
"We don't live in red states and blue states... but rather really two nations interwoven with one another."
"If you want an end to these two entrenched camps..."
"You go right into the welcoming warm arms of Fox News as long as you hate the libs."
"The struggle we are facing is not just that Lindsey and I disagree on this or that issue, which we do, it's the future of American democracy."
"It is a war between those of us who love the United States of America and our founding ideals and a fringe minority who hates this country and what we stand for."
"I don't want to be in a country with these people. I want a national divorce."
"The party has become more divided every day."
"There is a civil war in the United States. Left and right have less in common than North and South did in the Civil War in the 1860s."
"Hashtag forced to vote revealed the divide in the left."
"The share of Republicans who said higher education was having a negative effect on the country grew."
"It's hard to get police reform when the left is unwilling to meet the right halfway on police unions."
"If you lose a relationship over politics, that's kind of sad."
"We all wish for unity...but what Biden and the Democrats are doing...is trying to unite us by stigmatizing and demonizing traditional people."
"Attempting to take away someone's conservative card for being pro-choice or pro same-sex marriage is why many young people don't feel the conservative movement is theirs."
"Think about putting your ego in check for the first time in your life. Not because you're not right about a lot of this stuff, but because for the health of the country and for true healing."
"We will see, it seems like it's a manageable thing making people realize that they're being [ __ ] over whatever side they sit on."
"The left does not want unity, they want submission."
"If Trump says that, half the population is not going to believe him because they don't like him." - Illustrates the political polarization and distrust in authority figures.
"The race is about Trump the beloved versus Trump the hated."
"Whoever wins the next presidential election in America will not be accepted as legitimate by at least a third of the population."
"Which is why I call this channel neutrality studies because we need to study how to get back to that."
"People have lost their humanity in their tribalist politics."
"Living in a complete bubble... They don't know anybody who would admit to them they voted leave."
"Republicans hating Republicans as Democrats have been United and stated that they are ready to work to make a deal."
"It affects everybody, it's a major wedge issue."
"There seems to be in my opinion forces in the United States that are literally trying to divide this country down the middle."
"I think right now we are seeing a federal versus state and local divide with some conservatives saying state legislators are pushing more on the issue and national Republicans saying we have to reel this in."
"This is a fight for our Constitution, it's not about Trump, it's not about Hillary."
"Creating mutual dialogue between conservatives and liberals is the way forward."
"I've visited red States and blue States and I found that the common values that unite us are deeper than our divisions."
"No matter how much union there appears to be, there's still a very clear line in the sand between those two very different Europes that today make up the European Union."
"Those who vote for it are on the side of corruption, and those who oppose it are on the side of justice."
"What the Rittenhouse trial represents is the battle between people that want to defend America versus people who want to destroy America."
"Certain people in high office have fueled that hatred, they've added and amplified division in our society."
"We love our ICE officers. The Democrats don't like them. ICE officers are the toughest human beings and they love the country as much as anybody in this room."
"We are facing the opposition who has been brainwashed... The Q movement is making inroads and people are waking up."
"I do wish the blue states would leave the red states well enough alone."
"Blue Collar people aren't the problem, the people who voted for Donald Trump are not your enemy. They're also victims."
"We will choose healing. Do we move forward together or do we let politicians like Rand Paul forever hold us back and drive us apart?"
"That's what America is, us versus them. In this case, the 'us' is Joe Biden and his rich friends versus literally everybody else."
"There's no real enemy that can defeat a well-equipped democracy. Internal divisions and excessive amounts of political maneuvering can definitely weaken its defenses."
"The United States is fractured, its lands divided between Mexico, greater California, New England, Quebec, and the Republic of America."
"America is in the grip of political tribalism."
"We need to start seeing each other as human beings again, not just pawns of two opposing political parties."
"It must be bipartisan; if it's not bipartisan, we're going to kill each other."
"The future political division in America is not Republican versus Democrat, the real division is either authoritarian populism or what we might call progressive or democratic populism."
"The nation is massively divided politically now."
"There's nothing more unifying than food; there's nothing more divisive than politics."
"Why is it that I never see two science friends fight as bitterly about the interpretation of quantum mechanics as I see people insulting each other across party lines over politics?"
"The Republican Party divides and it's really between the supporters of Theodore Roosevelt and William Howard Taft."