
Opportunity Recognition Quotes

There are 119 quotes

"The conscious use of the great power of visualization intensifies your wisdom and enables you to make use of advantages which you formerly failed to recognize."
"What is important is to acquire an understanding so you can recognize the opportunities when you see them."
"Financially educated means knowing where to look, knowing what type of opportunities you want, and how involved that you want to be."
"Right when you make these mental notes to yourself, you're just far more likely to see opportunities when they arise."
"Our biggest wins have always come with more experience. The more time you're in the industry, the more you're going to be able to identify a great opportunity."
"Great startup ideas just lying on the ground."
"Being an entrepreneur means seeing the world as opportunity-rich."
"You're seeing opportunities before they happen."
"Recognize the potential of the opportunities that exist around you."
"I feel like a lot of people can relate to that as well, I mean, a lot of things, opportunities come from like the most surprising places, so I feel like just keep doing you, keep grinding."
"Every decision I made in relation to who I go in business with, which vision I'm joining... is basically the way one should base run their life and recognize the opportunities."
"I think a lot of people in G2 have the X Factor and we can, like, I think we have really good eyes for like seeing the right opportunity to like punish enemy's mistakes and I think in EU a lot of people do a lot of mistakes."
"Don't give up; be open to unexpected opportunities."
"Trust your intuition... great week for creativity for writing and for being a person that can kind of sniff out the next best thing."
"Opportunity is an invitation to your next and it's often announced by a sense of dissatisfaction, frustration, and pain."
"You make money is when you're able to see opportunities that other people can't see."
"From an early age, Gordon displayed a remarkable knack for seizing opportunities."
"The opportunity comes along, you have to be able to spot it when it comes."
"Whatever shows up as a problem is actually an opportunity."
"There is nothing but a bounty of riches... because so few people are willing to do the work."
"Opportunity is around you, technology playing a big part."
"You are a trading master you see trading opportunities where others see coincidences."
"It's the greatest opportunity in human history ready to the doorstep at our fingertips right now."
"I agree with uh Duvall wholeheartedly I think that you have to recognize opportunity when it's not a paycheck attached to it."
"You got to be patient for the great opportunities but when they come, you got to recognize them and pounce."
"claw machine Arbitrage folks if you you don't believe that opportunity is everywhere"
"Change your thinking from obstacle to opportunity."
"Opportunities might not come in the shape or form you want them to."
"Once I began to see the world differently, I started to see opportunity."
"There's opportunity all around you that you're missing because you're only looking for one thing."
"Faker has the knowledge to know where there's an opening to go in."
"Aces are a gift... there's a hidden opportunity for you."
"The paths are going to be shown, the opportunities are going to become obvious."
"First-time founders just don't get sucked into 'grass is greener' syndrome."
"The emotions, the feelings that in the past I might have said 'oh this shouldn't be happening' is actually an opportunity."
"Retail investors seem to understand the opportunity a little bit more than institutional investors."
"Retail investors seem to understand the opportunity... than institutional investors."
"He once said, 'The reason a lot of people do not recognize opportunity is because it usually goes around wearing overalls looking like hard work.'"
"Don't be that person who misses the resources that are right in front of you."
"Opportunities are going to present themselves."
"I think the more I can try to train my brain to just be like, 'Oh, if this person's doing it, then like, I could probably do it too.' And being like, success for other people, it is not like a scarcity mindset, there are so many things to do."
"The windows of opportunity illuminate when we truly start to accept ourselves."
"How many opportunities do we miss just by not being there at the right time?" - Creative Juice
"You'd be surprised that just showing up places sometimes or just being somewhere at a certain period of time, all of a sudden, wow, there's an opportunity there's an open door."
"There is a window of opportunity opening up for you and you're being given glimpses of inspiration right now to really achieve long term goals."
"I think shorts won't be any different, there'll be some people who are like I'm not really sure about this model and they'll wait, and it'll be other people like I see a tremendous opportunity here and I'm diving full in."
"I recognized opportunity when it's not a paycheck attached to it."
"You've got to play offense, invest in yourself, identify new opportunities."
"I am good at seeing trends, finding opportunities, connecting dots that create money in exchange for value." - Bedros Keuilian
"There's always going to be an opportunity for a competing country."
"Don't look at this as an opportunity to check off boxes. It's not needed."
"Thank you so much to EA and the wholesome team for giving me this opportunity. Y'all's doing an amazing job."
"High value men are exceptional in at least one field... If you max out any of your stats, you don't even have to be one of the highest earners to qualify as a high value man."
"High-value men are able to provide a livelihood to others... High value men are able to see opportunity when other people don't."
"When you accept responsibility for everything, now you see opportunities and you see things that you can do."
"Stop finding the problems with everything, you need to start finding the opportunities."
"I think after the year of return I saw an opportunity in Ghana."
"If you don't know what a good deal looks like, you're not gonna know how to spring on one when you see one."
"Making money is a muscle. As you spend more time in the gym, you start to identify opportunities where you can step in to provide value and make money in the process."
"Seeing things differently is not going to make your problems disappear, but it will allow you to see different solutions, different opportunities, and different possibilities that you haven't seen before."
"Focusing on what you want is recognizing opportunity."
"If you have a broader perspective and understand everything that's going on, that's how you spot this opportunity."
"The biggest opportunity you have is in your 'no's, not your 'yeses'."
"The opportunity, the blessing that you're here for is already in your life."
"There's always opportunity to be found in the midst of craziness."
"Depending on who you are, you may say, 'Wow, this is an amazing opportunity!'"
"By getting deliberate about what you're thinking about, you are priming your mind to see connections and opportunities."
"Your greatest opportunity is keeping an open mind and listening to all sides before making a decision."
"Take note of the times where you fall into traps of boredom or apathy, because the offers are there for you."
"Luck as most people understand it is the ability to recognize opportunity and then taking advantage of it."
"I've been given so much, I've been given so many opportunities and I never want to be disrespectful about that."
"When everybody is afraid, that's when the biggest opportunities are made."
"We don't have to be a victim...we can be a victor...there's an opportunity...if you're prepared."
"I think what we have here is a wonderful opportunity to appreciate that magic is somewhat rare."
"You want to be wealthy, wealthy? You want to figure out which one of those things you can provide for society but it does not yet know how to get, but it will want."
"Try to see the good in them or try to see the opportunities."
"Every moment, there's a great opportunity here now for Liverpool."
"Every crisis there is an opportunity."
"I've seen opportunities at every stage in life."
"The most valuable things, the best opportunities are going to be unexpected."
"You have to realize how great the opportunities are and the different ways that you can capitalize."
"This tiny step is the tiny opportunity, it is you're going to become aware of."
"I think that's one of the strongest things you can cultivate as an entrepreneur is to not rely on luck but cultivating and the ability to recognize fortunate situations when they're occurring."
"The main thing I learned from my whole experience doing this was that there are often opportunities available to you that you had never realized before. In other words, work smarter, not harder."
"Positioning is being able to perceive a potential opportunity and put yourself in a scenario where you're going to be able to capitalize."
"I'm telling you what I believe it is completely naive to not acknowledge that there is a shot here."
"Get off the fence and make a decision because the right opportunity has arrived for you."
"The craziest thing in my mind about that whole deal was that if there wasn't a level 3 whitetail there I wouldn't have pressed record."
"The divine is usually gifting you with an opportunity to reach for assistance."
"There's a gold mine sitting right in front of you."
"I think this is a massive win if you choose to see it."
"Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work."
"By fighting against herd mentality, you can often identify and maximize on some of the largest opportunities sitting right in front of your eyes."
"An opportunity is missed by most because it's dressed in overalls and looks like work."
"People tend to look at the risk which are threats, that is negative only, but they fail to recognize the risks which are opportunities, the positive risks."
"the really big opportunities tend to be when most people don't see it"
"The best way to spot a great deal is to look at 99 bad ones."
"Just wanted to thank you for all the content you put out for us."
"As soon as you go for that opportunity, you will know exactly what this is."
"Luck through becoming very good at spotting luck."
"When you go where the water's flowing, as they say, and ride a wave, you don't need to be a genius to figure out what a really cool business looks like."
"Whether you know it or not, there's a grand scheme to things, and if you can begin to pick up on some of these blueprints, you can greatly benefit from them."
"I say that there is an opportunity for growth in this situation."
"Engage yourself in life; you see opportunities when you engage in life."
"This was a great opportunity that I was so appreciative for."
"You're getting a trade because you see a right opportunity, not because you want to make money."
"A successful business will be one that spots an opportunity to make a profit."
"Create the future that you want to exist, manifest it, don't get just angry, use that anger to recognize opportunity."
"This opportunity that's coming in may seem like a small opportunity, but it really can possibly grow into something big if you identify it and see the opportunity within it."