
Political Significance Quotes

There are 112 quotes

"This election itself is so much bigger than Party politics; it's about the survival of our country."
"This is bigger than whether a Democrat wins. This is about restoring the character of America."
"Judicial appointments are critical because they can shape the future of our democracy."
"This is one of the biggest stories in the history of this nation."
"Moments like this are why the Senate exists."
"This committee worth watching because it's a congressional committee confronting a major global power."
"If black folks didn't matter, they wouldn't be trying so hard to keep us from voting."
"This is literally a case of life and death for our community not only that more than any other time our community can make the difference."
"Time will tell... and we'll see if people think that Alba or Alapa is a significant contribution to the independence cause."
"Every election is important, but some elections are more consequential than others."
"Omaha Nebraska could determine the future of the country."
"The election that's coming up is... the most important... hopefully again."
"This battle is much bigger than who gets to decide the next tax rate on the top bracket in the United States."
"This 2020 election is a battle of the Milvian Bridge moment in American history."
"It's a historic day...you don't get everyday affidavits released from presidential raids in this country."
"This vote is going to be the most important vote you've ever cast."
"The future of American democracy will come down to a handful of people and a handful of states."
"This is an election unlike any other. This is an election about us."
"This is an election for the heart and soul of the United States of America."
"The family is the bedrock political institution."
"This is a vote to proceed on the 3.5 trillion dollar stimulus package but if you've been watching the channel and following along you'll know this was actually a very important vote."
"This is the most important election of our times."
"This is one of the four or five most important elections in our history."
"When people see the truth, they absolutely wake up."
"Why Ohio is so important too because if you look at elections Ohio is one of those states that tip elections."
"This race has the most impact because it's New York."
"This election was 'the most important vote that we ever had.'"
"She's definitely not a politically important figure in that regard."
"This election is about more than politics. It's about who we are as a country."
"Kamala Harris becoming America's first female, first black, and first South Asian American vice president is a rejection of white supremacist politics."
"The explosive allegations against Fanny Willis... could Mark a seismic shift in the charges against former president Trump."
"CPAC has gained dark significance since Donald Trump became president."
"This is democracy's day, a day of history and hope."
"This race in Georgia could decide which party controls the Senate."
"Just because you have advanced far beyond and moved into further and further areas of the left doesn't mean that like those people aren't incredibly important in mobilizing people."
"Transhumanism is basically saying through genetic modification and cybernetic augmentation, we can hack ourselves."
"This is the election of your lifetime, the midterm election of your lifetime."
"Miss Tibet is not just a beauty pageant, but it is a political act, because Miss Tibet celebrates our identity, our culture and our proud tradition."
"It’s difficult to overstate the significance of the compact—it’s the basis for the entire modern economic and political system of the Marshalls."
"This is the most important election in this nation's history."
"This election year is the most important election of my entire life."
"The implications of Trump's reception at the Palmetto Bowl extended far beyond the football stadium, South Carolina as an early primary state held significant importance in the race for the 2024 GOP Presidential nomination."
"Our democracy really hangs on the thread of these January 6th hearings and hangs on justice for January 6th and ensuring that something like that can never happen again."
"The whole of British politics is going to depend on the outcome of it."
"This will be one of the most important elections of our life."
"Supreme Court rejects Texas and Trump's bid to overturn the election. It's impossible to overstate how big of a deal this is."
"I think this will be the most consequential presidential election, certainly of my lifetime."
"The election comes down to democracy itself."
"Let's talk about the significance of this vote."
"The biggest political fight in a hundred years is happening right now."
"This election is about so much more than people think it is."
"The election matters a lot... this midterm is probably going to be just as important as the election that we had."
"It cannot be overstated, this tremendous for the country."
"The story matters because it's not just about two men... it's about the future of our Republic and the principles that we stand for."
"Ghana's independence will be meaningless unless that victory leads to the total liberation of Africa."
"All of these visits will fall under the category of great symbolism."
"This is a moment of real political consequence in Canada."
"You're witnessing history right here right now."
"People who voted in the 2016 referendum thought their vote would actually count for something."
"Georgia will recount presidential election ballots by hand as Biden's lead over Trump grows."
"For all of us minorities, it's a nice moment to have a half-black, half-Indian female vice president."
"This is the most consequential election in US history because it will change the direction of our country."
"This election may prove as, if not more, important to the future of American democracy."
"I think this midterm election is going to be very important because I do think it's all going to be about the 2024 elections."
"This vote in November is not about the next four years, it's about the next 40 years."
"The 2024 election isn't just another vote it's a pivotal moment for America."
"It makes the election for the house and the senate more important than any we've seen in our lifetime."
"This is a watershed moment for the country, it really is for the first time."
"The words of the president matter, no matter who the president is."
"What we have to focus on is that in 60 days, as of this interview, in less than two months, we are looking at a midterm election in which so much is on the line."
"This current session could completely reshape this country."
"Race is an issue now, not just in this Wisconsin race, but also in several other races."
"For the first time in U.S history a former president is being indicted on criminal charges."
"Pennsylvania could be the tipping point state."
"Black women showed up in record numbers and brought us to victory. They saved this country."
"This is how the Constitution dies, by a tie vote."
"The only year that matters is 2024 when the election happens."
"The midterms are probably the most important."
"Every election is the most important election."
"It's a big moment, a celebration of democracy."
"2024 is right now shaping up to be the most consequential race of our lifetimes."
"The election of 24 is the single most important election in the history of our country."
"If something's significant, if it's attached to actual policies, significant policies are getting taken away."
"This November 3rd, one of the most hotly contested elections in U.S. history. An unprecedented White House race. Who will lead the nation?"
"It's unprecedented in modern times to have a U.S president visit a country at war."
"I think 2024 is an existential year. It's going to be one of two things."
"This will be the most important midterm election in our lifetime."
"The constitution's the greatest political document ever written."
"We haven’t had anything like the Mueller investigation really since Watergate."
"The country faces just about one of the biggest choices in terms of political direction that we've seen for a very, very long time."
"It's not an exaggeration to say that post-Brexit and with a wave of far-right populism sweeping Europe, the fate of the EU may hang on this election."
"For the people of Afghanistan, the significance of this gathering goes beyond mere symbolism; it is a matter of survival for them."
"This isn't just any election; this is going to be the election where we'll pick our new chancellor."
"Macron's France is a pivotal country within the EU, within Europe."
"When I sat in the Parliament that day, the Sorry debate, the Prime Minister got up and led it and the Leader of the Opposition seconded it. To me that was a very powerful day."
"The words of a president matter, no matter who he is."