
Fear Reduction Quotes

There are 72 quotes

"When we asked people about their fear of death, people no longer feared death in the same way that we typically do."
"If you want to live a very long time, you look at those four things and make sure you don't have too much stress, and you don't feel afraid all the time."
"There are multiple ways to reduce your fear, like performing finishing moves on enemies or even lighting campfires, which your group can huddle around."
"Working on these backflip backup plans or insurance plans will help you reduce the fear."
"As you expand your vibration, fear diminishes. You see what's in that vibration."
"Many people have claims that they had no idea how a car even worked... served as the Gateway to them touching a real-world car and not being as afraid..."
"Law and principles protect, preserve, serve, guarantee function, simplify operation, bring peace and confidence, and are the enemy of fear."
"Believing in His sovereign control removes fear and anxiety for our safety."
"It's so lit, it makes it less scary because Mommy Long Legs isn't so scary when you see that she's just sitting there."
"Foreigns lose a lot of their creepiness once they've finally been solved. There's something about the unknown that can be much scarier than any actual answer."
"He had a gift genuinely of melting away fear."
"If you're prepared then you don't have to fear anything."
"Not everything out here needs to be scary, huh?"
"The fear-mongering, let's let it chill out a little bit."
"Witchcraft is a valid practice but it also isn't role play either, misinformation brings fear and a lot of the time people are scared of what they don't understand."
"I failed time and time again out on the competition floor and it's like it gets less scary every time you do it."
"Quit listening to the devil... turn off the media... it is designed to put fear in you."
"The best type of car you could get in because it combines removing the fear factor like you're driving a video game."
"Information breeds confidence, silence breeds fear."
"Education will help alleviate, if not completely neutralize and overcome fear."
"These moments where you take a second, get yourself to a position... take a freaking wrap off, and assess what's happening."
"Fear can be quieted by a simple survey of the situation."
"The more you study this book, the less fear you'll have."
"If Kirby was covering my sight and going on the ride with me, I don't think I'd be nearly as scared."
"All your fears would lessen when you're fortified with the right energies."
"Sharks aren't that scary, okay? They're just as scared of you as you are of them."
"It's not something to be scared of next time you're out there in the ocean."
"Every day that I add to my preps, every day that I'm able to learn something new... is one less day of fear."
"Knowing what's coming can kind of get rid of some of the fear or anxiety."
"If they list the ingredient and why it's in there it makes like it educates people but also takes away some of the fear-mongering."
"Something about generosity takes your eyes off of you, and the fear just leaves."
"Birth is a very natural process, a process that we don't need to be afraid of."
"Everything becomes less scary when you learn about it."
"I hope you guys have gotten a lot of good information that not only will help beginners start to dig into the process of bonsai creation and remove some of the fear and give you guys some guiding points."
"If Biden can turn the temperature down on the cycle of fear, we will all be better off."
"It's more practical, less scary, and more obtainable."
"It's not about fixing other people... it's about improving Dynamics between people that leave you feeling disempowered worried or afraid."
"Sharks don't attack you, you know, like this thing that sharks are like built up like they're this big scary monster but they're scared of you."
"We're here to make Financial Independence less scary."
"If those things come true, you've thought through them and there's a lot less opportunity for fear to be in place and a lot less opportunity for you to feel like so many things are out of control."
"When we get out of the mind and drop into the heart, so much fear just dissolves."
"Educate people on firearms to dispel irrational fears."
"I think the most powerful thing that science can do when it's applied to medicine is make people feel less afraid, less ashamed."
"...awe deactivates the amygdala, which is that old region in the middle of your brain that detects threat."
"Reducing fear is something I'm really passionate about."
"It lightens everything up, it lessens the fear and gets you more interested in making the change happen."
"...so the actual human contact seems to defuse that fear..."
"When we're in forward motion, it actually quiets the fear and anxiety circuits."
"We're allowed to make mistakes. That takes away a lot of guilt and more importantly fear."
"We want to manage cancer and take fear away from people."
"We are not scary, we're just normal people; stop being scared."
"If you're prepared, then you take down the fear, and you're ready, and you can anticipate."
"Dad seems like secure, you know strong, like well now I'm not scared because Dad's here so instantly his fear goes down."
"The more popular snakes become, the less people are going to fear them."
"The more you understand and learn, the less you will fear."
"The more knowledge they have, it seemed like the fear level went down."
"My political philosophy: Love Kills fear and let's have more love in politics."
"Promoting love and reducing fear."
"Role play, role play, role play, role play; people progress, the more they role play, the less they fear that."
"By just changing one element of how you play with your puppy, or your dog could have an astronomical effect on not only how that dog learns but also it can decrease fears and phobia in that dog."
"Starting from something less scary and building up to something more scary is a great example of grading that stimuli."
"When somebody learns a whole bunch of facts about something that they're afraid of, that usually helps the fear to subside."