
Learning Opportunity Quotes

There are 197 quotes

"The world gave us a gigantic experiment where we got to practice and get to continue to practice the most important skill on the planet, which is emotional resilience."
"If you do have a chance to come along, it should be interesting."
"I started saving as soon as I started working, which was when I was eight years old. My mom would make us go and clean the office with her... I took it as a learning opportunity."
"There's definitely something to be learned from this."
"The tragic fate of the Luna-25 mission can be a learning experience, not just an embarrassing footnote in history."
"When you see an idea you disagree with, you can get angry or you can learn."
"Reframe failure as an experiment, a learning opportunity."
"He offered me pretty much an internship to come there every summer during school break and kind of just sit under and learn."
"I think as this plays out and we see these smaller guys moving up, I think that we're going to learn a lot. I think that we need to be open to the idea of changing our mind if we're confronted with new evidence."
"It's a learning experience... one that you can learn to benefit from."
"I'm going to focus on making this channel what I want it to be and respect the hell out of anyone who stays loyal to the community we build around it."
"The manager needs time to learn from his mistakes."
"There is so much to learn from this situation because it's actually bigger than one Kevin Samuels."
"It won't be the end of the world we'll actually just adjust our price and we'll keep it moving and even if worst case scenario we were to lose money on this we're definitely going to learn."
"Let's talk about it, let's figure out what went wrong because it's like an invaluable learning lesson."
"I don't really think like that. The way I think is that you can learn something from every player."
"I want to give you some good news that on Saturday... the Fearless Fluency Club is going to open."
"Failure is not a setback but an opportunity to learn and grow."
"This one's pretty impressive... I have a course that I can actually go through to Learn Python now and I didn't even have to pay for it."
"Hardship, pain, and suffering is a great opportunity to learn."
"Even if you don't always agree with Jordan, you're always going to find out something you didn't know before."
"It's a learning opportunity to make a better vehicle."
"The pandemic may be far from over but there are still plenty of lessons for us to learn."
"I think this should be a massive wake-up call."
"You cannot miss an opportunity to gain knowledge."
"Even players with several hundred hours will have something to learn here."
"I feel like if I learn how to lose more, it'll allow me to improve."
"We're gonna do it because it's fun, and hey, maybe we'll learn something."
"This is going to be fascinating I think we're going to learn a lot and I think this is such a unstated much understated uh part of how the war was won."
"The biggest mistake I made in sales was when I didn't prepare enough for a sales call."
"Instead of judging fan girls, we can learn from them."
"Understanding why it happened and the scale of it gives you the opportunity to predict where it's going."
"This ain't about saving the day guys, this is about learning from these people."
"The combat medic has already been renowned for being a great learner class thanks to its ability to earn certs quickly through healing allies."
"Right now is your opportunity to really just learn more about yourself, understand yourself better."
"There's levels to financial resources... it's always an opportunity for you to learn something new."
"Your first time doing anything can be your best."
"Lessons are being offered to you, and I feel like you're going to grab it with both hands."
"I think there's a lot to learn from Carl Icahn. He is the OG activist."
"Remember, there's no such thing as failure, only a learning of how to do what's right for you."
"What a great opportunity there from to learn about United States culture."
"Knowledge has no chance to penetrate you don't give it a chance to form."
"We're excited to learn from these world-class studios." - Jade Raymond
"I love that she's learning... there's a lot for an actor to draw in and stuff."
"I can be extremely upset or, you know, feel defeated from a failure, or I can decide to see it as a learning lesson."
"Failures are expected... it's a launch failure, it's not a test failure."
"Every man is my superior in some way, and that I can learn from him."
"Every event is an opportunity to learn something from it."
"There's an opportunity for you to learn something."
"There's always an opportunity for the players to learn something about the monster... there's always an opportunity to foreshadow."
"Take the job that pays one-third where you're going to learn the most. You're going to learn about the business. You're going to learn from the ground up."
"Failure is just something that you're gonna experience."
"But on the same breath like I know the world isn't so with that being said, I just feel like there's something to be learned about the term non-binary."
"I just want FSGS to look back on the game analyze it and then be like 'oh yeah.'"
"Correction means every time I'm corrected, now I have more wisdom."
"Let's talk shop, let's talk investing and markets and the economy with cool people who know things, let's try to learn from them."
"Failure isn't a hindrance, it's the path to success."
"Believe me, you're going to learn something right here."
"It's totally normal, it's a normal part of the process."
"If you're willing to take the time and learn a few things, it's worth it to buy a cheaper kit and make it work."
"Games like this are always just so great to have because you can reflect on what you did wrong and also learn a bit more about Pokemon."
"Nothing happens on accident and everything is such a learning lesson."
"The first 1000 people to click the link in the description will get one month of Skillshare for free. That is insane, you really have nothing to lose. Get your learning on today!"
"The push is underway and the timeframe and the opportunity to learn about the stimulus packages is very narrow."
"What holds the scientists is whether this could become another global pandemic."
"There is something always to be learnt from it."
"Enjoy the ride. Embrace the dips and use them as opportunities to learn and grow in the crypto space."
"I just want people to look at me and learn something from my story."
"Failure is an opportunity to move yourself in a different direction. It gets better because you've learned the lessons from the first time."
"Every challenge is an opportunity for me to learn and grow."
"Hope you learn a little bit something... this is an important case."
"This is an opportunity for you to learn how to build better boundaries."
"I might actually learn what dress to gath does this week."
"Thank you, everyone, for sticking with us and learning a little bit more about our backstory."
"He's somebody that was enjoyable to have a conversation with and someone I felt like I could gain a lot more insight and understanding from."
"Learn how to harness the immense potential of LMs for your own projects."
"Social documentary photography had a lot of what I loved about photography."
"Give it a try. You might just learn something."
"It's when we can acknowledge that we're wrong is that one of the most potent doorways to actually learning even more information."
"Wisdom is in the situation for solid growth."
"Embrace the opportunity to learn and transform."
"Any tough situation, look at it as an opportunity for you to learn something."
"Every Instagram story is an opportunity to learn at least one new thing."
"I'd also like to thank YouTube for holding me accountable. I deserve it, respect the decision, and appreciate the opportunity to learn and grow from a true lapse in judgment."
"I hope the orange haters watch this match and learn from watching this one."
"This is the kind of stuff I want you to learn from."
"This game's crazy, there's a lot to learn from."
"All help is needed, you know. So holler at me, hit me on the DM. You know, I could use a little bit of help, maybe you could learn something."
"This is a good step and a lesson for all of us to follow."
"Being wrong is the opportunity to get it right."
"Being wrong is the opportunity to get it right. Nothing else. It is no shame or embarrassment, only opportunity to grow."
"I hope this has been informative about the dangers of corporate bad habits."
"Everything has some value, even the dumbest guy out there has something to teach you."
"My goal today is to teach you something new."
"And hopefully you will make something beautiful out of it, or you'll learn something, or all that kind of stuff, that jazz."
"Be bold and not be afraid to fail. Embrace failure, fail big, fail spectacularly, just try something, mess up, learn from that, try another thing, mess up, learn from that, try again."
"It's a huge learning opportunity for new people in the market."
"Be open to other cultures' diets, there's something we could all learn."
"Mistakes shouldn't receive punishment, mistakes should receive reflection and then a second chance at Redemption."
"Join us to learn more about a new adventure unlike any you've encountered before."
"Just shut up and watch the show, you know? Just like you're probably gonna learn something even if you disagree."
"Learn from our mistakes where they were the guinea pigs for."
"This isn't every opportunity when you meet someone new or someone who is not in your walk of life... it's an opportunity to listen and learn."
"I'm sure you can do it yourself, but here's what I'd like to learn if I was doing my first build."
"It just shows that not every failure is a failure for everyone."
"Even if it is ridiculously nowhere near your rank, you can still learn."
"There's never been a better time to learn something new because a lot of us have time on our hands right now."
"I'm going to give you over 300 raw files so that you can try for yourself."
"I see this as an exciting opportunity to learn deeply about a culture."
"There's always a learning opportunity, always another side to a story."
"I don't usually try and make the roof into a feature I guess, I feel like I could learn from that too with this one."
"It's a whole new set of learning and I'm really excited about it."
"Even if you're like me in a bit of a know-it-all, you will learn something in this video that's for sure."
"I thought US animation could learn a lot from anime."
"There's a lot of things that can go wrong, so this is a cool experiment."
"Sounds like Opie could learn a thing or two about forgiveness."
"Throw away your phones, tablets, whatever. I want you to be focused on this lecture because this might be the one that changes it all for you."
"If you want to join that masterclass, you can click the link above my head."
"But you're also alert to the idea that maybe you have something to learn from them."
"There is such opportunity to learn from adversity and we just have to accept that we can't run from it we need to truly accept that."
"... it is the savior's place so still a teaching opportunity is something I should be looking for he does turn this into quite a quite a lesson"
"I consider that the best deal because of the amount of winning learning that I got."
"It's an opportunity to learn about new positions and I think that can be exciting."
"It was absolutely fantastic, we had 16 incredible classes."
"Ladies and gentlemen here we have the wonderful Mitch who's going to be running us through a whole bunch of cool stuff."
"It's a learning experience. Try not to judge a book by its cover."
"Grab ahold of the challenges and the struggles in your life and learn from them."
"If you've ever been interested in music or learning about an instrument, this would be a fantastic place to learn."
"A failure is a chance to understand."
"If you want to know how to make this or how to write it, you can learn how this gets put together in my course."
"Don't get frustrated, use it as a learning opportunity to figure out what you did wrong."
"Let's see it as an adventure and figure out what can I learn from this and how can I become a better person."
"Failing is not necessarily always a negative, it can be a positive thing depending on how you look at it."
"The ability to take criticism constructively is a very good lesson for anyone."
"I wanted to see this as an opportunity to learn something new."
"I want to thank both of y'all for giving me the opportunity to come on and really get an understanding about this social media stuff."
"Everyone has their own unique writer quirks; there's going to be different things that we can learn from everyone's writing."
"It is a fantastic opportunity to learn."
"It's going to be a learning experience, but how cool is that?"
"There's no time like the present to learn and to try something new."
"If you'd like to be mentored one to one with me and my team, then click the link down below in the description."
"Who can laugh about, we can talk about it, we can learn about, and we can move on."
"I had a tremendous amount of freedom and responsibility and opportunity to learn things."
"They are so much fun, they are cheap to upgrade, you can learn a whole lot on them between wrenching and driving."
"Every game is an opportunity to learn and get better."
"This gives us an opportunity to see where we went wrong and how that enemy got us."
"I want to explain exactly what's going on because I do think this could be a learning experience."
"Being able to share the ring with legends like the Nature Boy gave him an incredible opportunity to sit under the learning tree."
"Going out there and just having an open mind... maybe you're going to learn something, maybe you can be a little bit faster."
"It's a front row seat to strategies that will redefine your marketing approach."
"If painful, hurtful times don't serve to change you, what a wasted opportunity."
"What can you learn from this situation, how would it benefit you to do things differently in future?"
"I'm attending a digital marketing week conference."
"It's going to be a long day, there are multiple sessions throughout the day, so lots of learning for us."
"But this is free content for people to learn from."
"You can learn a lot from these young guys, you know what I'm saying, if you humble yourself."
"No job is meaningless; it's always something you can learn from it."
"The teacher is there when the student is ready."
"If you ever wanted to try something a little different, I could give you a lesson right now, free of charge."
"Wow, what an absolutely fantastic point to diagram and learn from."
"We're going to bring rookies into some great situations that they can learn from."
"Every time that we have a bug, we learn something; it's valuable and that's okay."
"The only way to learn is to get the product or service in front of real paying customers."
"I never thought I'd be able to take a true fire course with Eric Johnson."
"Every time you get a customer interaction, it's a chance to learn."
"We can learn from it and we can make it a positive."
"I think this is one of the best opportunities to really take the time to practice your shape design skills."
"He said, 'Alright then, I want you to come back stage after this set, and we're gonna talk about playing the blues.'"
"Imagine getting a lesson from Martino, oh my word, that would be amazing."
"It should be an awesome opportunity to learn a lot."
"It's very important for us to quickly learn from it, jump back on the horse, and to continue the journey."
"The last thing that we want to do is have these competitors come out and then not be challenged and us not learn something."
"Summer is a really good opportunity to learn new pieces."
"This is going to be your big chance to be exposed to the double data type and all the exciting things we can do with it."
"The opportunity to learn was fantastic either way."
"If somebody consolidates all the criticism, when you're being criticized, it's an opportunity to learn and to plug weaknesses in your industry."
"When you feel negative, it's just an opportunity to grow and learn."
"It's all right to make mistakes, it's all right to fall on your ass, as long as you learn from it."
"The discussion on grand juries speaking out was educational, something we can all learn from."