
Professional Standards Quotes

There are 121 quotes

"Prosecutors are held to a unique and exacting professional standard in light of their public responsibility and their power."
"Licensed professionals who treat mental health issues must undergo extensive training and follow strict ethical guidelines. Self-help coaching requires no such qualifications or standards."
"Psychiatric diagnosis occurs in the context of an evaluation based on thorough history taking, examination, and where applicable, correlated or collateral information."
"If you are going to a licensed therapist and they do bring Jesus into the room without your permission, then that's a basis to report them to the Licensing Authority."
"Hugh Hewitt is a pseudo journalist that couldn't conduct a quality interview to save his life."
"There is a guild aspect to it... but licensing does give you a floor of care for areas that are too complex for you to find out about in yourself."
"Designing a website is not about the tools we use; it's about how we make it look good every single time."
"Once you've done that for every company in your area you'll now start to see some similarities you'll get to see if everyone wants to have a formal education are there certain certifications that everyone would like you to have."
"Every rescue worker has to be recertified once a year."
"I think that that's something that the mainstream adult industry has been kind of lacking severely."
"Thank you all so much for watching the video."
"Lies compromised, that's a term for termination right there."
"He was something of a proud throwback to what the craft of journalism ought to be."
"I made an oath when I joined the police... I will always maintain the highest ethical standards."
"You gotta earn the right to wear this badge."
"If you're cool and you work hard, I don't really give a [__]."
"I wasn't complaining about the price of the MacBook Pro. What I don't like is calling it pro when it doesn't even have a discrete GPU in it."
"We're gonna aim high. If you're not intent on being the absolute best that you can be, why are you even in the business?"
"Day trading and meteorology are the only jobs where you can be wrong 30 percent of the time and still get paid pretty well."
"I've always really appreciated his bravery to say to the studio, 'I'm finished for the day, I'm not shooting this scene until we come up with something better.'" - Tom Holland
"If you can count the eyelashes, you know you have the focus."
"Our decision today turns not on respondent's concession but rather derives from our constitutional authority and duty to protect the public from attorneys who are not fit to practice law."
"Trying to tell the full truth is a professional Duty."
"Every stroke has to be perfect." - Dave Jewett
"That's against medical practices, against the Hippocratic oath."
"Competent representation requires legal skill, knowledge, thoroughness, and preparation reasonably necessary for representation."
"The military is not an HR department at some millennial tech startup." - Michael Knowles
"You've got to get the best and you've got to be unsentimental."
"The expectation to have faster-paced content and a little bit more professional presentation is pretty clear to me."
"A professional is not somebody who doesn't make mistakes, it's someone who knows how to fix them."
"When I join the police department you had to make a 75 or above on the entry test."
"A writer's job is to tell the truth, his standard of fidelity to the truth should be so high..."
"I think they should make the agent process much more difficult and getting better representatives, weed out the bad ones."
"Capital Games has acted is completely unacceptable and unprofessional."
"I don't think I wrote many stories with named sources when I worked at the New York Times."
"That first impression's gotta be a positive one down to the white gloves." - Curtis
"There can't be any other definition: a good therapist makes their patients leave healthier."
"With their ever-growing presence, the esa wanted E3 to be seen as a more professional show in 2006 they banned the common trade show practice of Booth babes."
"I stick by what I said, I think he should get fired."
"Every single person that green lighted this should lose their job because they're bad at it."
"Precision is key: every dimension matters for professional results."
"What he did is literally what every journalist is supposed to do."
"This is high-end refereeing in the best-paid league in the world."
"A solid design process can help designers deliver quality work."
"You only have two choices, you will either change the way that you think about yourself or you won't."
"You are expected to deliver your best at any point in time."
"We went away from sliding, getting back into the integrity of this business, being blunt shaped, blunt, blunt, blunt edges for the sake of integrity and taking good care of the hair."
"I haven't seen case law to support the claim that ethical violations warrant removal."
"If you feel like you should fight guys that aren't ranked in the UFC, you probably shouldn't be fighting in the UFC."
"The professionalism of that generation is unmatched."
"If your teacher has weak pedagogy, then that teacher may need to find another profession."
"You got to do your procedures correctly you know there's more to being a mechanic than having fifty thousand dollars worth and snap-on tools and a scanner plugged in"
"The biggest mistake obviously is people going to people who aren't sex workers about sex workers."
"If you bring dishonor to the United States Border Patrol, if you bring dishonor to the uniform you are wearing, I'm going to fire you. Is that understood?"
"What's a bad rule? Taunting. We should be able to taunt the other player. We're in the professional organization. We should be able to taunt."
"Fundamentally, that is the one thing that if you fail at, you have failed as a journalist."
"It's once every four years and you're also a professional... That's what separates professional from amateurs."
"That's what it takes to be a true professional."
"We need to hurry up and make sure that this song gets done, get mixed and mastered right."
"Anything that's going to be expert in my opinion would need to do a much more vigorous comprehensive job of starting at the initial part of the encounter and following it all the way through to the end."
"It's not easy, it's work. Doing anything well is more work."
"Maintaining quality control and ensuring credibility."
"Ronaldo has standards... Some can't handle it."
"Nobody works harder to get rid of bad cops than good cops."
"You're in violation of several regulatory rules."
"Avoid causing harm to other beings, that's the main virtue in journalism, actually we call it vacancy."
"The two professions in America that should be harder to get and better paid are teachers in law enforcement."
"If genocide is considered a professional mistake, what's a war, right?"
"If you're not man enough to be able to handle a situation when someone is handcuffed, then you do not need to be a cop."
"The hypocritic oath forbids me to hurt a human being."
"Rolling for movement and/or actions should be banned. You should be reportedly removed from your designing office if you try to put a game on the market now that has that mechanism."
"If you cannot make a linear circuit and if you cannot take advantage of nonlinear circuits in the right way, you wouldn't be a very good circuit designer."
"A convicted perjurer doesn't exactly help with the whole prosecution."
"Let's keep it real, you know? Let's not be true. You know, it wasn't as professional as what people are making out."
"In today's day and age, the quality of in-ring wrestling has reached a level where just being good no longer cuts it. You have to be fantastic. It says a lot."
"Install the most responsive, professional, and accountable models of policing, including diversity training and accreditation standards."
"How ridiculous are you to think that people who have a job to hold others accountable should not be held accountable themselves."
"That's unacceptable, literally unacceptable. I think that manager should be fired. There's no coming back from that, that's unacceptable."
"Color management is a non-negotiable if you're looking at building up a really world-class efficient color grading practice."
"Bakers obsessed over King Arthur's exacting standards and consistency."
"You truly are only as good as your last performance."
"It's our goal to continually evolve professional rules benchmarks and experiences."
"Why is this relevant to the NMC code of conduct?"
"I can't do the things that you taught me to do that I learned weren't in my patient's best interest. I just can't do that."
"Your session notes need to be objective, clear, concise, and measurable."
"For professional sessions that I'm sending and it's getting mixed, I'm gonna use a 48 sample rate and bit depth of 24."
"We look for dancers who will not be potential liabilities and who treat their fellow dancers with respect."
"I believe a portrait photographer who is taking professional standard portraits should earn at least a thousand dollars a day."
"It's not about the amount, it's about the quality of the work."
"It's my food and as much as I appreciate the opportunity to run my own kitchen, if I can't make what I love, I don't want it."
"Therapists are required to use a reasonable degree of skill, knowledge, and care ordinarily possessed by a member of that profession under similar circumstances."
"Color accuracy is something that's super important to me."
"SDI is the preferred format for video in the professional world."
"This should be considered part of basic competence in this field."
"The best way to prevent from getting sued is to conduct high quality audits."
"We're not above the rules, but our rules are a little different based on what you do."
"The quality assurance associate works in a call center environment. The representative's role is to provide quality professional customer service that consistently meets or exceeds company standards of excellence and customer expectations."
"World class pool demands world class analysis."
"Raw photos do allow you a little bit more flexibility and it is sort of the professional standard for photographers."
"Color accuracy is going to be the most important factor because you really want to make sure that what you're showing on your monitors is also what other people are going to be seeing on their calibrated displays."
"You want to get in the habits of tattooing in a way that's hygienic and everything's safe."
"Professional competence and due care: spend long enough to do something properly; don't do something if you don't know how to do it."
"This is not how animation is exported in a professional production."
"There are safe working conditions for pharmacists that allow them to fill prescriptions safely for patients."
"The approved GM CRN shops will have direct access to the GM repair procedures and their scorecard and reporting within Connect and the estimate job."
"As a professional musician, I demand to have professional levels of hearing protection."
"That's going to give us the highest quality video and audio that we could render out of Resolve basically."
"We need to expect better from the professionals we entrust with the care of our children."
"Certification is really a way to prove that you at least know what the vendor wants you to know about the product."