
Divine Choice Quotes

There are 239 quotes

"He doesn't need to be merciful. He chooses to show us mercy."
"God is after you, God chose you, God said yes to you even before this moment."
"The Lord's anointed is not determined by appearance or countenance, but by the anointing of God."
"God could have chosen anyone, but he chose you to be here."
"God chose you before the foundations of the earth."
"For he chose us in him before the creation of the world to be holy and blameless in his sight."
"God doesn't pick who you would expect. He picks the broken, the weak to shame the strong."
"God could have used angels. God could have written it himself. God chose, being the omniscient, omnipresent one, to use human beings since his message is to man."
"I believe it is God who chooses who he desires to heal."
"We are the tribe cast out by the dominant narrative but chosen by Allah."
"When God appoints you as a chosen one, you gotta expect to lose family and friends."
"For it is in my, man it is my chosen David says the Lord, foreign that goes with everything I'm hearing."
"God had chosen someone as young and inexperienced as him to bestow divine power."
"It is not the inherently powerful or Mighty whom God seeks for his purposes. Rather, God often chooses the seemingly weak and unassuming to fulfill his will."
"You cannot say you love yah but hate his people he chose."
"The Son of God chose apostles, acknowledging they were already predestinated."
"God will allow man to choose who they want to obey but not without consequences."
"God did not make a mistake when he chose you."
"God chose the widow for more than just a miracle, he chose her for service."
"God picked a group of people because they were a group of people, not because of their pigmentation."
"Choose from the kingdom of God within you and move forward on the high road to happiness, health, freedom, and the joy of living the abundant life."
"Elohim has not Cast Away his people whom he foreknew."
"The Lord has chosen Zion, and He has desired it for His dwelling place."
"Before we was even born we was chosen by the almighty our spirit in heaven was already there."
"He chooses who he wishes to open eyes and ears."
"What more beautiful thing than to be unconditionally loved and chosen by the creator of the universe?"
"Every word of it God chose this word rather than that word."
"Jerusalem is the one spot on Earth that God picked and said that's mine."
"God says, 'I'm not choosing you because you're smart, I'm choosing you because you know you're not.'"
"God has elected you. You know what this means? Whatever your name is, to God, you were not anonymous, you were chosen by Him."
"Allah gave us a decision, a choice, we are delegates."
"When God saw you and saw his son, he chose you."
"God can decide A over B, God can decide this or that."
"The only thing in life you didn't get to choose was your parents; there is purpose in who God chose to parent you."
"I get to decide if I'm going to make some vessels worthy for Destruction and some worthy for praise. I get to decide if some people get drawn to me or not."
"God found you and he picked you long before you even knew what you were."
"God picks the weak things to confound the strong."
"You never criticize somebody's beginning because you never know who God has chosen."
"Be happy that God wants you to be His people."
"When God chooses, the person chosen usually is convinced they can’t do the job."
"God loves what is small. Hungary is kind of a small nation, and I think that Hungary has an inherent humility about her. God has chosen Hungary to be an example to the European Union, not vice versa."
"God chooses the nobodies that you think don't even have a name, that you think don't even have a purpose, because God loves them."
"Jesus could have been born in any lineage, but he chose that one."
"God picks out certain people above others because he doesn't, and so you don't have a chance for real repentance or mind change until you tell the truth."
"God has chosen us before we were ever born."
"Worship God for 10 seconds that He chose you."
"He chose us before we could mess up."
"God chose Paul and took him through a process."
"We are entering into a season where God is choosing to use people."
"God chooses the weak things of the world."
"God picks the despised ones and has chosen them."
"Allah chose Prophet Muhammad for himself. That's why he could only be attached to Allah azzawajal."
"God's choice is not based on merit."
"Lord, you have chosen Zion, you are church and have desired it for your Dwelling Place." Psalm 132:13-14
"God loves to confound the somebodies by choosing a nobody."
"The Lord has chosen my son Solomon to sit on the throne of the kingdom of the Lord over Israel."
"I want to highlight for you three choices that God has made concerning those of us who are saved: we are chosen for friendship, we are chosen for fullness, and we are chosen for following."
"God chooses the weak and the foolish things of the world to confound the wise."
"Not many wise, not many noble, but God has chosen the foolish things of this world to confound the wise."
"God will always choose the people that will glorify him the most."
"Allah chose them to demonstrate to the world what it looks like to be under God's shade, to be under the shade of Allah."
"...God chose you when everybody else crossed you off."
"God wants to pick those who are the least of these... somebody say, 'Preach on, Pastor!'"
"God can choose between genuine Alternatives."
"God chooses unexpected people to accomplish his purposes."
"You didn't choose Him, but He chose you."
"You've got to first establish that you individually are highly valued and have been purchased, and then from there, you have to realize that because you are highly valued and purchased and God chose you, you didn't choose him, you received salvation."
"God chose you and your children are safe."
"You did not choose him, he chose you."
"He chose you before the foundations of the earth."
"God hath chosen the weak things of the world to confound the things which are mighty."
"God chose them. The sovereignty of God. We've lost sight of that."
"Jerusalem: The chosen city of God."
"God chose me, I did not choose him."
"Chosen since before the foundation of the world."
"We are astonished that You love us, that You chose us."
"God never chooses the qualified. He qualifies the chosen."
"Prepare yourself. If you're chosen by God, you're going to be hated by men."
"But God has chosen the foolish things of this world to confound the wise, and God has chosen the weak things of this world to confound things that are mighty."
"You were chosen out of 400 million sperm, God had a lot of choices, and He chose you."
"One who awakens people to the fact they are eternally chosen."
"If Samson can be the savior of Israel, people can stop complaining about who God uses."
"God has chosen the weak things of the world to confound the things which are mighty."
"From my mother's womb, You have chosen me."
"God's contrast to Genesis 11 is Genesis 12 where God chooses to make one man great, namely Abraham."
"For the Lord hath chosen Zion; he hath desired it for his habitation."
"Allah chose him and made him amongst the righteous."
"He chose us, he predestined us, he blessed us, he lavished upon us."
"When you come before God, you have such boldness because He chose you."
"God chooses who he wants to choose."
"God chose the weak things of the world to confound the strong."
"God didn't choose the wise and the great; when he chooses people that aren't great to do great things through, it shows how great he is."
"God will always choose the unqualified to qualify themselves, to qualify Himself, to show that it is Him who chose them, not they chose themselves."
"He chose us in Christ to be holy and without fault in His eyes."
"Being chosen and then us responding to Him choosing us by responding on His terms so that we bear fruit."
"God chooses weak people to bear fruit that remains."
"Jesus chose us, we didn't choose him."
"He chooses to use earthen vessels; it was nothing that we did, it was everything that He did."
"God chose you, your life is going to be defined by God's love."
"Listen my beloved brethren, did not God choose the poor of this world to be rich in faith and heirs of the kingdom, which He promised to those who love Him?"
"God chose the foolish things of the world to shame the wise; God chose the weak things of the world to shame the strong."
"It's not of him that willeth, nor of him that runneth, but of God that showeth mercy."
"Stop dismissing yourself... just be what God has chosen for you to be."
"God hath from the beginning chosen you."
"I didn't choose you because you were more in number or greater than any of the nations on the earth... I chose you because I love you."
"God chooses, and we have choices."
"Who will bring any charge against those whom God has chosen? It is God who justifies."
"God doesn't choose the people we might choose. That's why some of us got chosen!"
"It is not we who choose God, but God who chooses us."
"God literally chose two individuals to be together for His glory."
"Thank you for loving us and choosing us; we're grateful to you for everything."
"We would not cower down or wonder why you chose us; we would understand that this is who you formed us to be."
"The consciousness is what you're after, it's not that humans are important, it's that humans were the divine choice to become conscious."
"I just love that God purposely picks people that others have rejected."
"Freely and lovingly God has chosen me to be God's creature."
"Arise, anoint him, for this is he."
"If Allah loves a servant, he uses him or her."
"God can choose not to use His powers."
"Behold my servant, my chosen one in whom my soul delights; I will put my spirit upon him."
"You are not an illegitimate child; you are a legitimate baby, a child chosen by God."
"I chose you before I formed you in your mother's womb, glory be to God."
"God again had chosen a humble house right here on Azusa Street."
"God alone gives it to whom He chooses."
"God was not compelled to create; He could have created a world different than the one He created."
"Behold! The angel said: 'Oh Mary, God has chosen thee and purified thee, chosen thee above the women of all nations.'"
"God Almighty has chosen thee and purified thee, and chosen thee above the women of all nations."
"God chose the foolish things of this world to shame the wise; God chose the weak things of this world to shame the strong."
"It was before the Lord who chose me instead of your father and all his house, to appoint me ruler over the people of the Lord, over Israel."
"Behold the angel said: 'O Mary, God has chosen thee and purified thee - chosen thee above the women of all nations.'"
"And God hath chosen the weak things of the world to confound the things which are mighty."
"But God already decided that it is you, even with your mistakes."
"God does not choose people by accident; there are specific reasons why God chooses people."
"The Lord did not choose you because you were more in number than any other people, for you were the fewest, but because He loved you."
"God chooses weak people... that does not matter to our Lord."
"Not many wise men after the flesh are called, not many mighty, not many noble, but God chose the weak things of the world."
"God chooses to use us despite our standing in life."
"You're chosen by God, he put that spirit in you, your spirit is insanely strong, it's really noticeable, it's very powerful, it's very bright."
"God has chosen you and you will deliver him."
"God has chosen the weak things to shame the strong."
"He chose to be born and not just to become like one of us for 33 years, but forever to stay that way."
"He hath chosen us in him before the foundation of the world."
"He chose me, and that choosing has completely transformed my mental disposition, my outlook, and my inclination."
"God has chosen you to stand before Him and to minister unto Him."
"God chose to create the universe, and He could have chosen not to create the universe."
"What God will choose for me is better than anything I could choose for myself."
"Our safety is not how clever we are or how spiritual we are, but the fact that God chose us."
"I declare that you would be transformed into a vessel of God whom God can choose, who he can trust."
"God chose the foolish things of this world to shame the wise."
"In the same way then, there has also come to be at the present time a remnant according to God's gracious choice."
"This is the mystery of mercy and the miracle of grace: God chose to love a race of rebels and prodigal."
"You may indeed set a king over you whom the Lord your God will choose."
"God chooses His people... He chooses them in eternity before you and I ever had a chance to do anything good or bad."
"The scandal of specificity, that God has chosen what He has chosen, it's not what men would have chosen."
"The Lord did not choose the nation for the sake of the Holy place, but the place for the sake of the nation."
"God chose you while you were still in the darkness and walked with you into the wonderful light."
"The Lord has set his heart on you and chose you not because you were more numerous than all peoples, for you were the fewest of all peoples."
"God respects the choice that I make, and if I choose not to be with God, He honors that choice."
"Just like male or female, you know what, I'm not picking. I'm gonna let God pick for me."
"Allah has chosen Adam and he chose Noah in the progeny and he chose the family of Abraham and he chose the family of Imran over and above all of mankind."
"It is in Christ that God chose us from before the foundation of the world."
"God chooses babes and sucklings... that all the glory must go to God and none to us."
"It feels like God handpicked everyone that was there to be there."
"God has a way of choosing and using people that you and I never would have put on the list of consideration."
"God is choosing you to start a generational blessing; you're the difference maker."
"You have not chosen one another, but I, God, have chosen you for one another."
"God in His grace chose me even before I was born and called me to serve Him."
"What Allah has chosen for you is better than what you have chosen for yourself."
"God chooses the most unlikely choice such that the glory would go to God alone."
"If God is pleased to choose you, and if God is going to have you, God will get you."
"God has chosen the foolish things of this world to put to shame the wise."
"God has chosen the weak things of this world to put to shame the things that are mighty."
"God by grace has already chosen to bless every one of us."
"God already knows and He chose you."
"The Lord loves to pick the person least expected."
"God has chosen the weak things of the world to confound the mighty."
"He chooses some places and he chooses some people to place special grace on."
"Why did Jesus choose these 12 men? The Lord wants to encourage us and say, 'Wow, you can be used.'"
"The Lord has sought out a man after his own heart and appointed him leader of his people."
"God is sovereign over people; He chooses whom He pleases."
"Indeed, Allah chose Adam and Noah and the family of Abraham and the family of Imran over the worlds."
"God hath chosen weak things of the world, base things of the world, things that are despised, things that are nothing, to bring to nought things that are."
"God actually chooses people that in the natural don't have it all together so that when supernatural power flows through them, people will say, 'That's got to be God. It's not that person.'"
"That's why God chose you because he knew you will never forget him."
"The Son of God... picked you, billions of people on the planet, he saw you, knew you, and he picked you."
"God's people have been chosen way before the world could be what we see."
"God's perfect choice to bring salvation into this world was Mary."
"Do we choose God or does God choose us? My answer is yes."
"You've been chosen ever since you were in your mother's womb."
"You've been a chosen one ever since you were in your mother's womb."
"God can always pick another ship."
"God chooses individuals to be in Him."
"And the Lord shall inherit Judah his portion in the holy land, and shall choose Jerusalem again."
"Your kingdom shall not endure... the Lord has sought out a man after his own heart."
"Election is God's choice of individuals or groups for a particular relationship to Him or a function for Him."
"He chose us in Christ from before the foundation of the world."
"Jesus Christ is the electing God, we must not ask concerning any other but him."
"Hold on, come on guys, you know that's not true. God chose me for this time in this place; all I did was trust Him that He'd do what He said, and He did."
"God has chosen some of the most unlikely candidates to do some of the greatest things."
"God's pick for you is always better than what you picked for yourself."
"Jesus said, you did not choose me but I chose you."