
Opinion Diversity Quotes

There are 124 quotes

"I want to cover this topic without denigrating anyone's opinions or strong emotions."
"The national divorce idea... I actually think that the premise of the United States is that people should be able to have different opinions."
"For every economist, there exists an equal and opposite economist; and they're both wrong."
"I respect your opinions even if they differ from mine, as long as they are shared in a civil way."
"No one's opinion on a book is ever wrong. Reading is a solitary activity and it's awesome that we have the Internet to interact with so many different people and share our opinions."
"At the end, there will always be some people who agree with you and some people who disagree with you."
"There are no wrong opinions in matters of taste. People have the right to express their genuine disappointment, even through review bombing."
"There's always gonna be conflicting data, differing opinions. It's never a hundred percent."
"In life, you mustn't surround yourself with people who have the same opinions. You've got to surround yourself with people who have different opinions and can challenge you."
"The concern here is that there has been an attack on unorthodox opinion, regardless of what it is."
"We can all have an opinion without it causing a war."
"The way my new friends accept different opinions by discussing them rather than turning them into a witch-hunt has made me feel so at home."
"To respect everybody's opinion at least and let them express respect this opinion."
"I don't have opinions that I require other people agree with."
"If you and I are not within the acceptable boundaries of what a society can tolerate as differences of opinion, we're totally screwed."
"That's a big part of it, feeling stupid when someone you respect has a vastly different opinion."
"Economics would rather have power than accuracy and diverse economic opinions."
"Disagreeing is one thing, but if you think that someone's opinion is untenable reflecting ignorance, intolerance, or lack of understanding, that's another thing."
"You have the right to your own opinion, you don't have the right to your own facts."
"Just because an opinion is wrong doesn't mean it should be censored."
"So dining experiences are going to be different for everyone before you take something that someone else says about a restaurant as absolute gospel do the research on your own terms and learn more about each restaurant's dining style."
"I firmly believe it is a mark of immaturity to attack and try to invalidate a person's opinion instead of just saying why you disagree and admitting that different people just plain have different opinions."
"Football is not a cult worship, it's okay to have different opinions."
"Football through every club and throughout history is about opinion and debate."
"It's not that I want everyone to have the same opinion as me. I want them to stick with what they believe in for honest reasons."
"You can have differing opinions from me. Don't ever be afraid to say I disagree with you."
"It isn't even about saying something tone deaf or insensitive, a mere difference in opinion might get you fired from your job if enough people raise a stink about it."
"Everyone's entitled to an opinion at the end of the day."
"Reasonable Minds can differ on these kinds of things."
"Opinions are like assholes, most of them stink."
"Just because I disagree with somebody doesn't mean I want to belittle them or that they don't have the right to their opinion."
"What's wrong is to think that your opinion is the only valid one."
"The Geeks hate when you give push back and don't agree with every word JD says."
"Removing and banning different opinions has not helped."
"These are just my opinions... you're totally entitled to your own opinion."
"Not everything you're told is a fact... opinions differ, that doesn't mean that that person's right."
"Not every difference of opinion should result in a disunity."
"You can have their opinion on something. You don't need to be fuming because they don't like the game."
"It's okay to not have a black and white opinion of a game."
"Consensus is a bunch of individual opinions that throughout the process of winnowing and debating different good ideas and bad ideas."
"Deadly Premonition... it's one of the most polarizing games of all time and no one knows how to feel about it."
"Don't just believe what some internet personality tells you, get variant kinds of opinions in the matter."
"You live in a fantasy world if you think every person has to agree with you 100%."
"Do you think it's the media's role to publish a diverse set of opinions?"
"For every person like that guy there's someone else out there saying it's not catastrophic like AI."
"The Fire Giant... Aesthetically, the Fire Giant is an S. Thematically, the Fire Giant is an S. But in my opinion, what's so crazy to me is some people are saying it's an S-tier fight, other people are saying it's a D-tier fight."
"No opinion is without hazards, and our responsibility is to reduce them."
"Differences of opinions are very important to move a conversation forward."
"Thank you guys so much for being so accepting of other people's opinions."
"It's okay for us to have a different opinion on this hot topic."
"People have a right to be wrong, to take in information, to read whatever they want."
"Some people are going to love it... and other people are going to be like it's not for me."
"I think people forget that these ex-players, these pundits, the media, they're an opinion."
"It's so subjective that you can have completely different opinions and everyone is absolutely right."
"There's a wide range of opinion about just about everything."
"Everyone is entitled to their opinions and I appreciate the different views. What is done is done and I regret nothing. Thank you."
"I don't agree that you can just ban somebody for having a different opinion even if the opinion is egregiously wrong."
"It is possible to believe that someone is wrong, and yet still find them fascinating."
"The United Stand is not Mark Goldbridge. It is not me. My opinion is not The United Stand."
"Whether you agree with him or not, I think he's worth listening to."
"In the end he obviously didn't kill himself just like Jeffrey Epstein."
"Fox News is the only outlet that actually has conflicting narratives or opinions."
"Everybody should have the right to have their own opinions."
"Art has a strange way of manipulating us... opinions that reinforce my own is cool and all but it's hearing from those of you that go in a completely different direction that's truly interesting."
"Freedom is not free, and if we can't talk about our differences, can't have different opinions, I mean where does it go? It's very dangerous."
"Opinions aren't right or wrong. Life is not an exam and no one made you invigilator."
"You don't get to say things that are against Twitch ToS and then turn around and go, 'Well, listen, I just have a robust different opinion.'"
"You are allowed to have opinions that other people don't agree with."
"If you don't like the opinion, you can either just accept it because we're different human beings living different lives that are going to have ultimately different opinions on things."
"Tier lists are just different opinions, just leave it at that, so that people don't get super upset, right? You can clear Genshin Impact content with whichever character you get."
"Plurality of opinion in journalism is good and healthy competition is also very good."
"Everyone can have an opinion and everyone can have that opinion challenged."
"It's okay to disagree, these are just my learnings."
"Whether you agree, disagree, love it or hate it, just keep talking about it."
"Opinions are just opinions. They're not right or wrong."
"As long as you respect me and I respect your opinion, we're good."
"Regardless of how you feel you should be able to express your opinion."
"Everyone can have their opinion but everyone's opinion doesn't weigh the same."
"Selective is good, it's good that people are thinking, it's good that they're saying maybe this is good and this is bad."
"People are entitled to their own opinions but never entitled to their own truth."
"If you're an extremist on any side of an opinion, you are tribal and regressive in your thinking."
"Thinking that your message is the only correct message... is something that deserves to be ostracized."
"Whether you agree or disagree... remember that at the end of the day, we all want the better game."
"Honestly, I love it or hated it. I'm having so much fun, comments hating to everything you say."
"Opinions, like these are my opinions, you guys might have different opinions and that's totally cool."
"Opinions are like assholes, and just because you have one doesn't mean you have to be one."
"This game is really mid so if you don't want to hear a different opinion then be butthurt somewhere else."
"Nobody under them, they're good good mommy and all these things but don't expect everybody to like your opinion or even have the same opinion as you."
"The vast majority of people don't care at all about the culture war... they have very strong opinions... but would you advocate for criminalizing that? Oh no."
"If we proceed down this track of everybody getting an opinion no matter how emphatically [__] it may be, it's going to break the epistemology of reality."
"Your opinions can exist whether you like or dislike something."
"I want to see the actual back and forth. I want to see the differences in opinion. I want to hear the why of why they both feel that way."
"Being okay, having an opinion that might be different than someone else's on the internet is a brave ass thing, it is brave."
"Let people hear all opinion and all possibility, and then you have the basic human decency and the absence of arrogance to say there's all the information, make of it what you will."
"Debating has been a thing since the dawn of time, it's like human nature almost."
"You've got to have differing opinions to make a market work."
"I don't entirely agree with, but the majority I understand."
"The very essence of free speech is that everybody gets to say their peace so that we can hear all opinions and decipher who we think is right."
"The ultimate edition of BvS is good, no it's not, it's yes it is, it's terrible, it's good."
"We all hold at least one opinion that might not necessarily gel with the majority and that's fine that's part of the fun of fan discussion."
"Everybody has the right to their opinions. That's what makes it an opinion, right?"
"Do not hate on people for not liking it, do not hate on people for liking it."
"I feel like that's what people like to do is find the reviewer that matches their opinion. So, if you don't like our opinion you can find somebody else's opinion that matches up with the one that you want."
"Everyone's entitled to their own opinion, like I don't we're here to change anybody's mind on something."
"Diversity of opinion is more important than diversity of color."
"Yes, we need a diversity of opinion."
"People have opinions about celebrities and public figures and those opinions, you're not entitled to have a good opinion of you."
"When did everybody get so intolerant toward other people's opinions?"
"We are all entitled to our own opinions, and if you agree or disagree, it's always a fun time reading the comments."
"This is a human endeavor. And whenever there are human beings involved, there are going to be differing opinions about what's just and what's not."
"Everyone's opinion is different; there's not two people in this world with identical opinions."
"Maybe the best thing about the internet is that it allows everyone to express their opinion."
"Evaluating multiple perspectives... we want many people who have differing opinions and arguments."
"The more human being is exposed to information and the more opinions become available, the more educated that person will become."