
Religious Influence Quotes

There are 485 quotes

"Moses was the creator of one of the two component parts of Western culture, the Hebrew religion, from which the fundamental tenets of Western civilization have come."
"It would be great; I'd much rather see more musicians, more YouTubers, and entertainers become religious Christians. That is going to help. That I think has a positive impact on Muslims."
"The Catholic Church has had more influence on the world for the kingdom of God than any other institution."
"The West would need to have a religious revival or its entire society would fall apart."
"One of the reasons why the life and the ministry of David the King continues to bless the body of Christ... was because of the character of the relationship that David had with God."
"Our Lady of Fatima helps us to get out of bed every morning in this world in upheaval."
"The Bible is the world's perennial bestseller, with close on 100 million new copies printed each year."
"Thomas Quain is really more than anybody else in the tradition."
"Paul's influence is almost incalculable, perhaps second only in the world to Jesus Christ himself."
"Medical miracles: unexpected recoveries despite dire prognoses, often with religious connotations."
"The prophets' number one goal is to testify of Jesus Christ and to get us to come unto Him."
"A religious connotation you know when Dr. Hynek interviewed Officer Zamora, bloody Zamora did not want to speak to Dr. Hynek until he had gone to church to confession and spoken to the priest about what he had seen because he was troubled."
"Jesus Christ will be served, adored, and glorified; charity will flourish everywhere. The new Kings plural will be the right arm of the holy church."
"Big God, small government; big government, small God."
"Challenging the status quo through prophets called to speak on God's behalf."
"Religions like getting to children young precisely because that's when they're at their most impressionable."
"If the only reason you don't rape and kill people is because of the Bible you're a [ __ ] piece of [ __ ]."
"Crime and Punishment is the book that essentially made me a Christian. I mean that's the book that changed my life."
"The Pope desires Sunday laws so the most influential religious spokesman on the planet is the Pope."
"Holy Spirit is definitely a creative designer... involved in drama, movies, writings, and architecture."
"One of the great marks of the Holy Spirit is joyfulness."
"It's Jesus and his message and his rule over us that brings about justice increasing in the world."
"He changes human beings, draws the nations, and as people love and worship the Lord God of Israel because of Jesus, they now love his law, they love justice, they love righteousness, and then that begins to permeate around the earth."
"It's more than just a stage, it's about affecting change in the nation for the glory of God and raising that standard."
"The Bible is the basis of our whole civilization."
"The basic idea that you have an individual right against other individuals... springs from the Ten Commandments."
"By destroying Pagan animism, Christianity made it possible to exploit nature in a mood of indifference."
"Tibetan Buddhism's influence: one in three men were monks."
"Paul is the single most influential writer of all time."
"The Book of Mormon will change your life, it will fortify you against the evils of our day."
"It was a shocking reversal, one driven by a sense among white Christians that their way of life was at stake."
"Our objective is to push all the people towards God, not away from God."
"Every person that we meet has formed us, everything that we've been through is like added to our experiences, making us ultimately who we are today."
"The movement for independence began in the pulpits of American churches."
"If you are doubting the influence of the Catholic Church to this day, you have not been paying attention."
"Even in their criticisms, they acknowledged the Quran's power."
"Your Catholicism affect how you comment on politics... Broadens it out... to cease to be Protestant."
"When you experience peace and true happiness and like yep true like I really am walking in my purpose, I'm where I'm supposed to be, when I can't not have that, I can't not have Jesus."
"It's not about lifting up conservatism or the republican party. This has everything to do with lifting up the cross of Christ."
"There is a kind of spiritual slavery that Satan wants to bring to the church."
"America will win because the church will arise to take her rightful place in the finest hour of her history."
"The kingdom of God is never intimidated by the culture of the world."
"So he is one of the contributing thinkers of the Mudawana."
"A kingdom voter votes for the person and the policies that will best advance the Kingdom of God."
"Positive religious values help counteract dwelling on the negative."
"The important thing is that your friend was a Christian, so everyone here needs to repent and all that nonsense."
"We don't want to lead others to turn away from God."
"Our Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was the single most successful person, the single greatest leader, the single greatest educator, the single greatest human being who has ever come in the history of mankind."
"If the world all moved according to the Bible, it'd be heaven on earth."
"The rosary has the power even to change history."
"Christianity won out because it had a more unified system of beliefs for both the common people and the initiated."
"No other person has spoken to more people in an evangelistic conversionistic gospel way than Billy Graham has here in the 20th century."
"This place has a past, a present, and a future that is dripping with Jesus."
"I don't think that religion should define like what a good person is."
"George Whitfield is beyond any question the greatest English preacher of all time."
"If you try to understand the Chinese version of Islam, you have to study Buddhism, you have to study Confucianism, you have to study Taoism."
"Thank you for your preaching. It really helps me walk in my walk of Christ."
"Jesus is big. So big that every knee is going to bow."
"There's a revolution of righteousness happening worldwide. Trump and God's prophets play a central role in this. The political landscape is changing, and God has anointed Trump to be in the middle of it."
"Christianity moves the world, doesn't move with it."
"We are either giving into the pressure of the world or the pressure of the word, the word of God, the Bible."
"We go around doing good, pointing them to Jesus."
"The United States has been blessed because of its stance towards Israel."
"The hold of Islam over the Muslim populations was mainly a matter of ignorance."
"In and through your career, men will come to know the Lord Jesus Christ."
"Christ changed fear to boldness in the hearts of men, despair to the highest confidence."
"We are conduits of the life of God, the love of God, and the power of God."
"There is to be the institutional separation of church and state. There is never, and I mean absolutely never ever ever never ever, to be the separation of God and government."
"Jesus's followers represent the largest group of people in the entire world... Jesus is the rightful king of all the world."
"So often it has been the women in our lives who have carried gospel principles wherever it would take them."
"The only reason science developed as it did was because of Christianity. That is, Christianity gave birth to science."
"Mary Magdalene was an extremely important person in the Jesus movement. So important that I think she actually is the real founder of Christianity."
"The transforming power of the Gospel expressed at that time in the hymn Amazing Grace had clearly played a key role."
"My own Catholic religion is a religion that exists with great power at the moment of grief."
"The reason why the black person doesn't believe in same-sex marriage is simply because your great granddad colonized, enslaved his great granddad, taught him the religion of his day which was Christianity, and he hasn't left it, you have."
"God's changing you, and you know what down deep they'll think? God can change me too."
"Supreme Court justices should prioritize the law over their personal religious convictions."
"People felt like Sherry was their ticket to Heaven."
"I thought that was like religious or something like that. I think it has its roots in religion, yes."
"The keys of heaven swing on the belt of the man who knows how to pray."
"People who practice Christianity frequently want to make their religious beliefs the law of the land."
"Tammy Fay's bright clothes always made a statement... her distinctive appearance and bold personality became a symbol of her modern approach to faith."
"For your first idea group as the Papal State, no matter what kind of playthrough you're going with, I recommend opening up with Divine ideas."
"The fear of God puts a sanctifying effect on human behavior."
"Once we get worship right and we get this function and flow of society right starting with man woman in the house, what God will do for his people will be miraculous."
"If America doesn't come back to God, its economic power is going to crumble."
"Grace helps your work ethic. Paul said, 'But the grace of God that was working in me.'"
"What the church needs today is not more machinery or better wine, not new organizations and more novel methods but men and women whom the Holy Ghost can use, men of Prayer, mighty men in prayer."
"Jesus is also the Lord over the media and the leaders of today."
"It is impossible to enslave a Bible-reading people."
"The Hebrew Bible and a belief in one God are woven into the very fabric of world culture."
"Christianity may contribute to a reduction in war and violence."
"Islam has so much to contribute to the space wherever you are."
"I'm not trying to get on his bad side, I'm trying to live right and do what he says."
"There's no question that Jesus changed history."
"What if somehow Christianity didn't stop rising? What if Japan had largely become Christian?"
"The Pope holds spiritual, moral, and sometimes political influence."
"Even if it's not, it's made me a better person, your faith."
"We've got examples of Jesus' perfection and the clearest one is the way he has all this power and only uses it for others, unmatched in all history and literature."
"Bethel isn't just a church, Bethel is a movement." - Describing the influence of Bethel Church.
"Wouldn't it be great if the state acknowledged the lordship of Jesus."
"Our entire concept of fairness and morality and ethics comes from the Bible." - Jason Whitlock
"People are fed up with theocratic bullying both at home and abroad...with our profession which always treats people as if...faith was something to be respected."
"A true follower of Jesus makes a difference."
"The foundation of America and conservatism is a limited government made possible by people who are voluntarily constrained by the principles of God."
"Their worldview was really influenced by twisting of scripture."
"He represents something of the social kingship of Christ."
"Jesus is the whole reason I'm on this platform."
"The soul of America is and always has been essentially Christian."
"If you're a person who's not at all courteous, very impolite on the road, you have to become a better Muslim, a better person."
"The church is the answer, and God's doing a work in our day which we wouldn't believe if he was to say it to us."
"The most loving thing you can do is just say, 'Here's what Jesus Christ has done for me.'"
"The gospel of Jesus Christ is the only power for true change because it's the only power that actually changes people."
"We need biblical stories being told, period."
"We acknowledge there is violence, but some are inspired by religion to commit it."
"The great vital and conservative element in our system is the belief of our people in the pure doctrines and divine truths of the gospel of Jesus Christ."
"The holy ghost carries on the whole Christian system in this earth... there can be no legitimate government but what is administered by the ghost."
"The Bible, perhaps even more than the Constitution, is our founding document."
"God's using social media tremendously to advance his kingdom."
"He saw Islam as a way to get white Americans to be cured from this cancer of racism."
"Henry broke ties with Rome, removing the Catholic church's influence over the country."
"The church will arise with power and love, our cities will know the glory of God."
"Our democracy is a prerequisite for all the other issues you care about. Abortion bans violate the separation of church and state."
"Islam influenced the structure and style of government in different regions."
"A good-hearted Christian would not suddenly become vile and mean-spirited if they stopped believing in God."
"I am not disciplining you to be like me. I'm disciplining you to be like Christ."
"It's time for Christians to not just push back against anti-Christian sentiment, but to actually try to replace those ideologies as well."
"Singing is medicine for the soul, but ultimately it leads us to the healer, which is Jesus."
"It's fear of God that'll keep you from compromise."
"There isn't anything better than [Christianity] for organizing Society... for teaching people how to behave to one another."
"Software developers set for life, part of the FIRE movement."
"Since our history of religious thinking and literacy are tied together, some of our greatest thinking in terms of Science and Mathematics comes from religion."
"Nobody has done more for Christianity than me."
"The heresy of the day becomes the occult, and the church does have the power to crush it and bring people out of it."
"If it wasn't for Jesus, if it wasn't for the Bible, I would not have been able to forgive my dad."
"Isn't that what it's about? Making a difference in somebody else's life, just like Christ has made a difference in yours."
"Jerusalem, Israel's capital... Please don't think that was Trump's idea... God is up to something."
"When you mention the name of Jesus, these things change in a heartbeat."
"When God gets one man, he can turn the world upside down."
"The more I read my Bible, the more I see that we're suffering because we ignore the way God told us to do things."
"May Christ be glorified and the church be strengthened by what we did today."
"The only hope for lasting peace in the Middle East is Jesus."
"Religions tend to put up a protective barrier in your brain so that when I say 'why not this,' they answer a completely different question."
"I can't understate how important the Hadith are for Islamic life."
"A lasting legacy... the true capital of Christianity."
"On a national level, the only answer is that there are enough true believers to influence this culture."
"Jesus is the most influential person who ever lived."
"Jesus doesn't matter because of his impact, he had impact because he mattered."
"I am the exception, I am not the rule. I happen to be very blessed. I think God played a major role in my life. I transformed, I became a follower of Christ. Things changed for me."
"First Enoch was enormously influential for later Jews, Christians, and even Muslims."
"Nations have risen and fallen based on their adherence or denial of God's authority."
"The spiritual revival will exceed the leadership in America."
"Acceleration, beloved, acceleration! Ministries and Christian-owned businesses are experiencing growth on a massive scale and quickly."
"The teachings of God as handed down through Moses become the foundation of our laws here in North America as well as our value system of what we consider to be right or wrong."
"When the world sees men and women of faith, it helps their faith."
"The root cause of the evil in America today is an apathetic church."
"Cosmology played a large role in the religious and cultural lives of the ancestral Puebloans."
"At least for the next five to ten years, religious congregations will remain very important sites for political and cultural dynamism."
"Jesus Christ was such a huge part...I am a product of the Lord."
"Reagan truly believed that God blessed America with freedom."
"The judge said whatever Scientology says are the rules are the rules."
"I'm hoping to introduce people to an authentic Jesus."
"The ladato C movement is poised to be the means of real change."
"Perhaps the greatest testimony to Islam’s power to organize peoples lives and their communities is that, in Egypt, 5 times a day millions of people turn away from the Pyramids and toward Mecca."
"Diminish it over time then long term yes it will diminish the power of religions over us."
"You can never discount the power of the Word of God."
"But when I decided to give my life to Jesus Christ, and he took the pen and started to write my story, I'm an author of six books, bestsellers."
"The puritans were post-millennial in their perspective. What did they do? They established communities where they saw Jesus' lordship from the bottom to the top."
"You don't just get to make up a god and then say that's where your morals come from and then start dictating what morals are."
"Femininity and masculinity can only come from two places: culture or religion."
"Even if you're an atheist... skeptic... the biblical narrative affects you... you better at least know what's happening."
"Republicans have found a way to use the power and influence of Evangelical Christians and Christianity in general as a weapon."
"I genuinely think that Quakerism helped me to grow up being very strong in my core personality."
"You are carrying the word of Allah that changed the world."
"Abu Bakr, the clear number one in that category."
"We've been so traumatized by religion that society tried to take away all the magical way of thinking."
"Organized opposition to slavery arose in 18th century England among the Quakers."
"Reinhard Bonnke changed the world with millions of souls."
"The only reason I cite the Bible is because the Bible was enjoining actual child sacrifice this is actual child sacrifice."
"The Priests of Amun accumulated immense wealth and power so after the pharaoh left the city unattended they could basically rule Thebes almost until the 7th century BCE."
"The world needs a new demonstration of Christianity, not just a new definition."
"I grew up with none of these books inspired by a god."
"As long as religious individuals are going to be attempting to legislate the world based on their views, it's worthwhile to stand in opposition to it."
"Swamiji single-handedly took it on himself to revive Hinduism, to bring back its cultural, religious, political, social legitimacies back to Hinduism."
"Some people are out there who probably ended up starting a religion after seeing this guy perform."
"We will keep them separated from the oneness by dogma and religion."
"Our system of laws and our system of government... were not founded on Christianity or Christian principles."
"Constantine won by the inspiration of divinity."
"It's not denigrating the Ten Commandments to say they're not the basis of American law."
"It will restore the faith of many Catholics if more do speak out."
"I was determined to kick my Judeo-Christian ghost."
"A world without the Catholic Church would be a more hopeless place."
"Thank you for these programs. They make me want to start reading the Bible again."
"Islam is the only religion that I've found that fixes the race problem since going to the mosque."
"I stand before you as living proof that Jesus Christ can do anything." - Roger Stone
"The Roman Empire never went away; it just reincarnated as the Catholic Church."
"I had a dream once... after the dream, they all bowed down to the figure of Christ."
"It's time to speak like God, speak life and love."
"The Torah radically changed the way right and wrong were viewed by introducing moral laws as primary."
"The only way America can be great again... is in an American Church."