
Life Influence Quotes

There are 131 quotes

"This mental picture we have of ourselves turns out to be a kind of life governing device."
"Thought is the real cause behind power or force in life, and there is no other."
"A longing is an ache that is out of your control and so undeniable that it becomes a part of the undercurrent of how you show up in your life."
"If there's anything worth a legacy of someone, it's knowing that the generations you raised and the impact that your life has reaches so much beyond your immediate circles."
"If you believe in the idea that the way you think has some effect on your life, that your thoughts produce some effect on your destiny, then the next most important question is: are you being defined by a vision of the future or a memory of the past?"
"Be careful how you think; your life is shaped by your thoughts."
"The spiritual world is the controlling arena of everything."
"Jebel in his own words he can do anything just like the endless power of imagination and mindset that really molds your life into something that physically maybe it is arbitrary."
"It's become almost something of a mythos in my life recently."
"He really touched a lot of people and made a difference in their lives."
"Success to me is when you make a difference in people's life."
"Your choices matter. You're gonna shape your own life."
"The more you understand your true identity and purpose soul deep, the more it will influence everything in your life."
"This book has just like stalked me throughout my entire life in various odd, strange, and wonderful ways."
"I view him as the most important person I've ever met in my life."
"Invisible particles that affect our lives in ways most of us are oblivious to."
"Our lives are shaped and guided by stories. The stories we're told become the stories we tell. The more we hear them, the more we believe them."
"You affect one person's life, they're connected."
"The patterns are unconscious so you may think things are happening to you when in fact you are attracting them because of the track record in your aura in your DNA."
"Owning a house or an apartment... affects your life a lot and the cost of it is not the cost of it."
"Music is really saving lives in Puerto Rico. If it wasn't for music, I'd be in prison. That's not even like it's not even a movie, this is the type things I'll be just saying."
"You are creating a balance between the head and the heart that will influence your whole life in a powerful way."
"You become your own God and the consequence of this believing in a Creator will influence everything else to do with your life."
"Believing in a Creator will influence everything else to do with your life."
"The favor in my life comes from the intimacy with God or the relationship that I've established with him."
"Everything that I do today is a result of being in that secret place, fellowshipping with him."
"All that matters is the lives that you touch and the human connection."
"The dream SMP has genuinely impacted my life so much."
"Loving is going to affect every aspect of our life."
"I think there's definitely some people that come in your life and they're supposed to be in your life."
"Our obedience affects not only our life but also the next generation."
"If I had a theme song for my life it would be this."
"Gears of War: Changed my life during high school."
"Relationships are powerful; it's what fills everything around us."
"I want to thank my family, my friends, on a day-to-day basis who pushed me."
"I would say that hip-hop saved my life, that's for sure."
"Your life is being affected by what God has declared."
"Your words have the power to bring life or death, blessings or curses. Don't underestimate their power."
"You can't let somebody else ruin your life for you."
"Whatever state has your attention holds your life."
"Life and death is in the power of your tongue."
"Your opinions affect your life, whereas their opinions do not."
"Words have power, the power of life and death is in your tongue."
"Roots placed and foundation laid from the very beginning of my life."
"The crushing feeling I had after that set the tone for the rest of my life."
"The power of life and death are in the tongue."
"A good coach can change a game; a great coach can change a life." - John Wooden
"Everything that's going on in your life you called it into being."
"Your spiritual life is dictating the course of your physical life."
"He became like my dad, he raised me my whole life."
"Something as primal as what you put in your mouth every day affects all of those things."
"Your attitude is more important than your past, education, or financial situation."
"Sometimes it's the smallest moments that can leave the biggest impact."
"As you go there, you are. As you feel in a great state of being, so will everything around you be a mere reflection of that."
"Success is not how much money you can make, success is more than that. Success is the impact you leave on this world and the impact you leave on people that you encounter."
"I never been able to tell him the impact that he had in my life... He'd never know the things he saw at that place were real."
"Nothing but bad things happen in my life except Nintendo. Nintendo saved my life."
"There is power in the tongue, life and death."
"He aspired to be a man who made possible the lives of others."
"Desire is such an awesome, powerful controlling element of life."
"The time that you spend doing things is eventually what and who you'll become."
"Whatever is cursed will wither, whatever is blessed will multiply."
"There's something so rewarding and fulfilling about being able to have such a positive impact on people's lives."
"Without him I would not be here today, and that's not even a cliche, it's just a fact."
"You're probably the only example I have of that in my life."
"I'm really happy that I was able to call your lives for a time."
"Names have a lot of power... it's funny how life works out."
"Life and death lie in the power of the tongue."
"I think when you have big goals and big aspirations, it kind of plays out into your entire life."
"My favorite Harry Potter book is the final book, it changed my life."
"Every single thing has an akashic record... rewrite it."
"Big big energy at the center here that can affect all aspects of your life."
"The impact that this game had on my life can't be overstated."
"My relationship to Jung was the central fact of my life."
"Never to underestimate the role that luck plays in your life."
"Hey, hey, Arai, is that your friend? Introduce me. Yeah, he's my best friend from high school. He's a very special friend who changed my life."
"Music is just, as a lot of people know who are fans of my music, is a huge, huge, huge part of my life."
"We still have to make content that will touch and affect people's lives."
"Show me your friends, and I'll show you your future. Show me the people you surround yourself with, and I'll show you what you can do with your life."
"Maybe it's the writer in me, but I think a lot of the course of our lives is determined by stories, not just the ones we consume, but the ones we tell ourselves."
"This one single video changed my entire life."
"That has always haunted me, and it's something that'll always be with me and it steered the rest of my life."
"It's definitely a great feeling knowing that I'm able to change at least a little bit of somebody's life."
"It's amazing what they used to compose, it's like part of life."
"Gaming was a big part of my life."
"Your vibration determines everything in your life."
"Give me the boy until the age of seven, I'll give you the man."
"I love love, as cringy as that sounds, and I hate that saying, but yeah, I think love is in everything that we do."
"The heart has a very big influence on our life."
"Vision is what you set your heart on and is going to be what influences your life."
"Everything we do, no matter how large or how simple it may be, has an impact on our lives."
"The first seven years of your life is very crucial in the way that you will kind of go about the rest of your life."
"The power of life and death is in the power of the tongue."
"Just know that you guys have had a massive effect on my life."
"If you hadn't been in my life, I wouldn't be who I am."
"It's really crazy for me to think about the idea of how much of your life is set based on what you were exposed to as a kid."
"Your past will shape who you become today."
"Death and life are in the power of your words. Make sure the words you speak are life-producing words."
"I hope you got a mama like that in your life."
"To impact people's lives in a positive way, that's winning."
"You have to learn you can not agree with something you may be upset about something but it's just that should not consume you or else that person is controlling your life."
"Whoever controls your mind really controls everything that happens in your life."
"The power of life and death has been given to us in our mouths."
"Kathleen's time in Britain during her father's term as ambassador dramatically influenced the remainder of her life."
"Airplanes, or should I say airline, have incredible control over your life."
"Caste has dictated almost every aspect of Hindu religious and social life."
"Rock and roll music is something that has given me so much peace of mind over my life."
"The environment, all the conditions surrounding us that influence life."
"This was the way I was weaned on the game that unbeknownst to me would become so much a part of my life."
"Music has always been a fundamental part of my life."
"Music is a very important part of my life."
"I have never really met anybody that I feel their music or their work has had such an impact on my life like his has."
"Have an impact on life, leave an impact, and leave a legacy that's a positive one."
"The death of his brother would haunt Elvis Aaron Presley, shaping his outlook for the rest of his life."
"My whole life had geared me towards superheroes."
"This album is dominating my life."
"Thank you, everyone, for being in our lives."
"He gave nothing but love his entire life and was able to change the world as much as he did."
"You're the reason I'm at university, the reason I'm happily living my life."
"Ideology is super important because it undermines so much of what we do in life, how we act, what sort of decisions we take."
"We measure things by rank advancement and volume and dollars, but the real measure is how many lives did she touch."
"Food has always been the center of my life."
"The same power that Father God used when He raised Christ Jesus from the dead is at work in our life."
"Our friends determine the direction and quality of our lives."