
Precedence Quotes

There are 86 quotes

"Human life is the most important thing in the universe, comes before all else."
"Honesty has to be so high in the values which we espouse that it takes precedence over everything else."
"The spiritual realm takes precedence over the natural realm."
"Time is a shared concept. Nobody has precedence over time; it's a very unique concept."
"Can we unify spiritually in who we are? That right there takes precedence over anything."
"Parentheses can change the order of operations."
"This almost surely shows that this must be preceded to the Quran."
"One of the important tools and techniques used in sequencing activities is the precedence diagramming method."
"Is it truly the world's first calculator though? Leonardo Da Vinci designed one more than a century earlier."
"Being the first is also relevant."
"It stands tall and allows other movies to follow behind."
"I was the first in the door, I was the first to sashay."
"They were there first before you got there."
"The relationship always precedes the rules."
"Reality takes precedence over dreaming, and the greater reality takes precedence over the lesser."
"Islam categorically stands for giving Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala His rights, and the rights of Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala take precedence over all of the different rights that Islam came to establish."
"He's the OG, he's the original, he is the bar."
"They establish precedence and then break them in a way that is never muddled or confusing."
"The mercy of God precedes his justice."
"Send Judah first. There's a reason why we worship before we preach."
"I think why is more powerful because Y comes first. We have this compelling nature to figure out how things work before we could fly."
"She gave Raja too before Raja did."
"Well, we do have answers for you. He actually was years ahead of Henry Ford."
"The bodies of the dead in Christ will rise first."
"He was not the first person to do this."
"It's been an ugly week, a week for rugby to try and forget, a week we'll have to hope sets no precedence."
"The king is first through turn two."
"Nothing should take precedence over the Quran and Sunnah. Not Fuko, not Marx, not Mao, not liberalism, not nationalism, not communism, and certainly not some critical theory or postmodern philosophy."
"First of all, my family comes ahead of this church."
"Harvard University was founded in 1636 decades before Isaac Newton developed calculus."
"He that cometh after me is preferred before me: for he was before me."
"It's a huge honor shooting here even before Kai himself."
"I was obsessed immediately... that was always what took precedence for sure."
"Justice has to prevail over the technical rules."
"Everything happens in the spiritual world first before it's manifested physically."
"The world of immediate, our lived experience, takes precedence over the objectified world of Natural Sciences."
"Order of operations: You do what's inside the parentheses before the multiplication."
"If there are two versions, what's very important is that you have a clause that says which version prevails if there's a dispute."
"Personality trumps everything; it comes before politics, community allegiance, everything."
"She is a human before she is a Muslim."
"The damn morality emerges before the representation of the morality."
"We were not the first inhabitants of the Earth."
"I'm so glad they did it first, like they got it out of the way."
"The government of the Cherokee Nation predated the government of the United States."
"Lead yourself before leading others."
"The knowledge precedes speech and action."
"...the intellect will always take precedence over any other human faculty on this plane..."
"Personal growth precedes professional growth."
"Make sure your philosophy is ancient and put the philosophy first; don't get led by the technology."
"According to the rules of etiquette, you must always let out those who are leaving the room, building, or elevator first, only then enter."
"The soul comes first and so exists before the body."
"Surprise surprise, Greece leads the way."
"The belief of the efficacy came first."
"Jesus is superior to everything that preceded Him."
"Our tradition comes before the books."
"The spirit of the law takes precedence over the letter of the law."
"The dignity of the person takes precedence over your moral rightness."
"When God first mentions something in the Bible, that's pretty much a pattern that He wants to continue throughout the Bible and throughout our lives today."
"The church started before the Bible."
"My Mercy overcomes my anger; my Mercy precedes and comes first before my anger."
"The written word, the typed in word or handwritten word always supersedes the pre-printed or boilerplate form."
"Oxford University predates the Aztec Empire by three to five centuries."
"Atheism definitely predates Christianity."
"I come before you even in the alphabet."
"Where the equities are equal, the first in time shall prevail."
"Mercy always comes before judgment."
"The Creator has endowed us with reason, logic, rationality; they should take precedence over the emotional element."
"The spiritual wellness of an entire people takes precedence over national loyalty from time to time."
"Should a conflict arise between the witness of the Holy Spirit to the fundamental truth of the Christian faith and beliefs based on argument and evidence, then it is the former which must take precedence over the latter."
"When we have additions or subtractions joined with multiplications or divisions, multiplication and division are done beforehand."
"The decisive text gives preference; that's the boss."