
Insurance Quotes

There are 1489 quotes

"Having life insurance feels great. Getting that peace of mind doesn't need to be complicated."
"The National Disaster Medical System and other programs play a critical role in ensuring that uninsured and underinsured patients can receive care during emergencies by helping reimburse hospitals."
"The best insurance you can give your new investment in tires is to get an alignment along with them."
"Last stop on the train if you're thinking long term. It's a great time to be looking at life insurance."
"Health care and health insurance are two totally different things."
"She also came to find out, way later down the road, that her house was built on a sinkhole, and that her insurance is significantly higher because of that."
"There could be creative ways of doing it other than legally requiring insurance companies to do it. They can do it through a government agency."
"Closing the insurance gap will certainly help protect property owners living in harm's way."
"It can be ridiculously difficult to get a decently fast car without being stamped with an insurance quote that tears your wallet to shreds."
"My plan expands affordable insurance options, reduces the cost of prescription drugs, will end surprise medical billing, increases fairness through price transparency, streamifies bureaucracy, accelerates innovation, strongly protects Medicare, and always protects patients with pre-existing conditions."
"The insurance company will lend us their money, which allows our money to stay intact earning interest."
"Whole life insurance... provides us the saving capabilities with a guarantee of compound interest but a death benefit at the same time."
"Imagine what a massive climate event would do to insurance and to risk in general. We're not just talking about tornadoes and floods, but the notion of insurance and property insurance."
"Bitcoin could be a good insurance policy against the current financial system collapsing."
"The Affordable Care Act has been the law of the land for 10 years. The healthcare sector has reshaped itself in reliance on the law. Tens of millions of Americans rely on it for health insurance that they previously couldn't afford."
"Data is practically gold in the insurance world, and Tesla has the most data about its vehicles."
"Tesla plans to dominate the insurance industry with its own insurance product."
"Things that so many people overlook is buying insurance. Insurance covers a lot of things, not only car but also your home, also your life."
"Everyone should have access to health insurance; everyone should have access to healthcare."
"The insurance industry is a money-making scheme that the government has allowed to fester for so long, it's become a special interest group almost impossible to disempower."
"A bill that would provide health coverage for all Americans; would correct the significant insurance challenges of affordability and preexisting."
"In the United States, I guarantee you more people have car insurance than have health insurance."
"What do you say to people who don't want to give up their private insurance plans? Well, I would just say, first of all, that nobody likes their private insurance plan. What they like is their doctor."
"It's because you can't predict the future that you should insure against it."
"There's a big chunk of people coming on the market every year who are 16 or 17 years old who pay very high insurance rates, and all of a sudden it's like, well, wait a minute, why would I have my kid get a driver's license and pay that much more for car insurance?"
"You have to support universal health care, Medicare for All, because you can't have a system... that's going to result in so many people losing jobs and insurance and not have something to fill in the gaps."
"It has never been so important to be insured and safe when it comes to the online World."
"Shipping is very, very safe and as a matter of fact the insurance companies are making money hand over fist."
"Policy Genius gives you a smarter way to find and buy the right coverage for you and your family."
"A good life insurance plan can give you peace of mind that if something happens to you, your family will be able to cover your mortgage payments, college costs, or other expenses."
"Don't overlook insurance... it'd be extremely expensive insurance wise for a low hour pilot."
"Policy Genius has reimagined the entire process. You can get the right coverage at the right price."
"Tesla will be in a position to sell you an insurance premium that will be maybe half what another company would charge you."
"It will be against the law for insurance companies to deny you coverage because of a preexisting condition."
"I don't know what people do without insurance."
"When it comes to insurance, it's nice to get it right."
"Americans want to keep their insurance plan and only 13% of Americans actually want to completely abolish private insurance."
"The only thing an insurance policy is good for is getting the right to sue your insurance company."
"Already, these wildfires in Oregon and California are causing huge losses in the insurance industry."
"Make 2021 the year you save up to $1055 by simply reshopping your home and auto insurance."
"Get your ass insured, get insured, insure your children, insure yourself and your family."
"Let's make some real moves back here, what insurance you need, let's talk about what's needed."
"You should ensure against that unpredictability... disability insurance and auto insurance and life insurance."
"A prenuptial agreement is basically insurance to ensure that if you part ways, it's going to be a peaceful parting of ways."
"Republicans have their way. That means 100 million Americans with preexisting conditions can once again be denied health care coverage by their insurance companies."
"Medicare today is the most popular health insurance program in the country."
"Tesla Insurance in Texas showed strong take rates and encourages safer driving."
"Tesla insurance based on real-time driving behavior now available in Arizona, Illinois, Ohio, and Texas."
"Customers who are low risk and don't actually file many claims end up overpaying on their insurance."
"It's like insurance man, you have to prepare for these things."
"Companies had already insured the ship's cargo over 100 years earlier so they all decided to divide the treasure with almost all of it going to the companies."
"Wow, yes! So this has to be four, this has to be one, this has to be four, that forces this to be a 1 8 pair which only goes in one direction, I mean, it's stunning!"
"How you gonna love the kids but you ain't got a life insurance?"
"I support private insurance. That's why I did not one single person with private insurance would lose their insurance under my plan."
"The court should strike the allegation of paragraph 25 that New York Marine reserved rights to deny any coverage."
"A significant collision in space will have a chilling effect not only on space insurance but on all space activity, and we can't afford that."
"Bitcoin is the perfect option because you need insurance on the Fed put not being there anymore."
"The zebra saves people an average of $922 a year on home and auto combined. It's a lot of money, it's an extra g."
"What if you could get the same exact coverage as one of the big guys but pay a lot less money?"
"Anything can happen in a suit young man absolutely I have certainly updated my life insurance policy for that matter good idea later on here tonight in addition to that we have to talk about"
"Superheroes do a lot of collateral damage; with this being a show about superhero law you would think they would go over superhero insurance or something."
"Hello Geico Insurance, I need a new car, I have full coverage on it."
"Unbox provides the best insurance that you can get for your entire sneaker collection."
"So then I got a call from my insurance company and was notified that they would be giving me a total loss on my car, that was the best news so far."
"Make sure you have life insurance, Policy Genius, the easy way to compare and buy life insurance."
"Anything can happen in life with a State Farm agent you can be better prepared for whatever life throws your way."
"Anything is possible. That's why State Farm agents are always thinking ahead, helping to make sure you're ready for the what-ifs in your life."
"That's so important for women that you could keep your kids on your insurance up to the age of 26."
"I'm doing away with all of your private health insurance premiums."
"I already have insurance on it, do you want to see?"
"Second, we're putting forward a proposed rule to require health insurance providers to disclose their pricing information to consumers."
"Insurance is one of the biggest and most important use cases for blockchain in the DeFi era."
"Lori complained that that one million dollar life insurance policy was switched. Lori said I look like a suspect but I'm a good person."
"Think of spending money on good insurance as an investment in strong defense."
"Barney is our baby, so it's all the more important for us to have confidence in vets and reassurance from having the best insurance for us."
"Cover does matter all the time. As far as I know, there's not different levels of cover here."
"I logged in with my current insurance provider, it showed me over a dozen quotes, and I was able to save a bunch of money."
"National Flood Insurance is now wanting to provide payouts for people getting away from at risk climate areas."
"Without the National Flood Insurance Program, there would have been far more development in the high-risk area."
"Disruptive innovation: Lemonade, the insurance company for the people."
"Insurance without the hassle: Lemonade pays out claims in seconds, not hours."
"Lemonade's mission: Making insurance simple, transparent, and delightful."
"The disruptive force of Lemonade: Transforming the insurance industry, one policy at a time."
"Instead, the money will come from the fees that Banks pay into the deposit Insurance Fund."
"There is not one insurance company on earth that does not have climate crisis contingencies..."
"Life insurance, if you have people depending on you, whether it's a spouse, a partner, or children, this is a non-negotiable."
"Tesla insurance is available in nine states."
"Please sit down because it could call your insurance company."
"If you buy a vehicle right now, make sure you get gap insurance."
"Tesla Insurance will dominate and transform the industry."
"They reasonably anticipated that New York Marine might be called upon."
"It's kind of like an insurance policy for the last seven days."
"Life is unpredictable. Prepare for the worst with life insurance."
"Universal healthcare with private insurance makes sense."
"Policy genius makes this easy by helping you compare life insurance quotes."
"Tesla is already starting to insure their drivers because they're going to need to get in the insurance business to ensure their own self-driving AI."
"It's wealth insurance, it's like fire insurance for your house."
"We specialize in one thing and that is Medicare."
"Tesla's insurance product, using driving data, is crucial for the robo-taxi network and future growth."
"Hey, it doesn't matter how old you are, just get the right paperwork, get the right insurance, and go sell the service."
"The cons of term life insurance? It's costly to renew."
"The Pearl Fire cost between 30 and 50 million dollars including the lost cargo and the lost ship."
"The insurance market for shipping has been built up over a very long period and is dominated by a small number of players."
"Imminent threat is the reason why insurance is the way that it is."
"So many agencies exist only to treat you like a king and a queen when you're brand new to Medicare."
"Lock in a rate for like a 10 or 20-year policy."
"You could save 50 or more on life insurance by comparing quotes."
"What if I told you that Geico had a bundling policy that would be very interesting?"
"File claims that matter and get you paid. That's my boot camp. That's what I talk about, I preach it, and I teach it."
"You know the insurance policies that i i buy every year are a drag on my savings for the year yeah you know they they cost money but man if something bad happens and i have the insurance i'm way better off than if i didn't have it right."
"$2 a month to protect $4,000 worth of equipment? That's a deal."
"Two dollars per month to protect $4,000 worth of equipment with an insurance policy? That's a deal."
"The G7 will instruct all insurance companies not to insure any ships out of Russia unless the agreed price is below the cap."
"Don't think that if you're on a tight budget that getting life insurance, getting that protection, is completely out of the question for you."
"15 million people are continuing to save $800 a year on their health insurance premiums."
"Simple health is also affordable and covered by most insurance plans."
"Insurance companies could find out this information and use it against you."
"I believe that health care should be guaranteed in the United States of America, and that is why I support single-payer Medicare for all."
"Everybody ought to have at least some insurance levels of gold and silver."
"Financial preparedness and insurance is also something to consider."
"If you had a more market-responsive system where people's insurance was not provided by their employer but it was personally bought, you actually went out negotiated on behalf of you can solve group insurance."
"Good doctors make mistakes too, that's why they buy insurance."
"Different insurances cover different things. It's not the same for everybody."
"We should not be penalized when it comes to getting car insurance... we should not be penalized to getting a job."
"That's how that client with $850,000 ended up making over a half a million in one year on his IUL policy."
"Indexed universal life accumulates tax-free."
"I think the idea is to offer a nonprofit insurance plan as an option."
"The financial motive in this case was the $1 million life insurance policy."
"If you're willing to insure your home, why aren't you willing to insure your family?"
"The shop is back open now after the owner filed an insurance claim."
"God healed him and 6 months later he was able to get insurance. He's in the ministry today."
"Get landlord insurance; it's your first line of defense."
"The way health insurance companies screw you over."
"It should not be an option in the United States of America for any insurance company to deny woman coverage for their exercise of their right of choice."
"This almost feels kind of like a 'oh honey, let's up your life insurance policy and then oops off a cliff.'"
"Insurance is really important. It is the backup to your backup."
"Bitcoin is essentially the ultimate irrepressible non-counterparty insurance policy against central banks."
"But most of all we represent your best interests. Not that of any insurance company and our services are free to you."
"Revenue was up 46 last year with product reimbursement available through CVS Caremark and Express Scripts."
"We're working as quickly as we can to get to 80% of customers having access to Tesla insurance."
"We are a fully vertically integrated provider of insurance."
"For insurance companies, the bigger the disaster, the more they stand to profit."
"This kind of fraud causes everyone to pay higher insurance rates." - U.S. Attorney Joseph D. Brown
"Policy Genius makes it easy and stress-free."
"Defi insurance is big in my opinion... I do believe insurance is massive."
"The importance of investing in a quality pet insurance program for your furry babies cannot be stressed enough."
"Life insurance gets more expensive as you age, so now is the time to buy."
"It sets you up for insurance, you got a lawyer on queue, and it gives you all the education and benefits that you need to be better prepared."
"If you are afraid of death at this point in your life, then you might want to be looking over at our friends at Policy Genius."
"Life insurance should be the catalyst to wealth."
"Parkour pro trainer offers a full curriculum, a development plan, and insurance for its coaches."
"Hippo raises full year growth outlook for total generated premium."
"You could be offered coverage instantly with no health exam required."
"FDIC insures deposits up to $250,000 per insured bank. If you have more than $250,000 in an account, it's at risk."
"Life insurance through Ladder is 100% digital."
"Having term life insurance is one of the best safety nets you can have for your family."
"Can I have my extra premium money back? Can I be good? No, you know we gotta put that through the red tape. He's fucking 90, he'll be dead in two weeks."
"ArmorFi gives you insurance against your crypto assets."
"Whatever game you play, State Farm supports you."
"Look for public liability insurance, which is available for photographers and videographers."
"Tesla Insurance dominating... practically 99.99 of Tesla owners will opt for Tesla Insurance."
"I really think everybody should have travel insurance right now because there's so many unknown factors."
"Tesla insurance is based on how you actually drive."
"Seriously guys, this stuff is real. Not sharing like made up stuff. Actually call your insurance company."
"When you go to lemonade.com, it is the most pleasant insurance application process."
"Our vision is to enable you, as an individual, to offer peace of mind to your family."
"Policy Genius helps relieve the stress about paying too much and helps ensure you're getting the right plan at the best rate."
"Get travel insurance... it can save you hundreds if not thousands of dollars."
"Tesla insurance is rolling out in Texas." - Sarah Dietrich Renzo Peachey
"Insurance companies are going to have to pivot." - Sarah Dietrich Renzo Peachey
"Everyone is now covered and Julia always has access to the doctors she needs."
"Policy Genius is the easiest place for Americans to find insurance that fits their life and budget."
"It doesn't matter, we've got insurance, we're gonna be okay."
"You could save 50 percent or more on life insurance by comparing quotes with Policy Genius."
"Keep in mind if you become ill if you become injured and you need to go to the hospital the hospital can't reject you simply because you don't have insurance."
"It's not right, but most of the time these places have insurance."
"Life can be unpredictable but getting life insurance shouldn't be."
"In general, it is very advisable to insure your gear."
"Insurance is not meant for you to build wealth on. It's meant to replace your income."
"I look at gold more as an insurance policy, silver more as a speculation."
"I don't drive it ever I haven't driven it since I haven't been having car insurance."
"141 million dollars in pandemic insurance, what a hustle." - Pat McAfee
"Please get renters insurance dude. It cost like two hundred bucks but that like I easily cause like a hundred grand and damage, really I don't I'm not gonna."
"You should always get insurance quotes before you buy a new car."
"The best time to buy insurance is when nobody else is buying it."
"This is a tool to transfer risk from the few to the many."
"Make sure you're covering yourself - get health insurance or life insurance."
"Protect yourself and your assets with insurance and estate planning."
"The premium for the legal insurance on any policy is the best money you'll ever spend."
"Insurance is broken, but most people have sufficient insurance coverage that they can get some sessions covered, and you're allowed to poke around and find a therapist that you think fits your unique brain."
"But other than that, they picking up this lady. I'll call the insurance company for this and yeah, have a great Friday, man. Definitely, thank you for watching, thank you for subscribing, I'll catch you guys next time, man."
"Mr. Krabs must have an incredible insurance policy."
"You insure your car and you insure your house, don't you think it's time to insure your identity?"
"I think what people need is a major medical insurance thing, but that the better way for ordinary healthcare is for people to buy healthcare the way they buy food and clothing and housing."
"Now I wonder if insurance companies would cover you misfueling your car."
"I love that I get an email... that my renters insurance was increased."
"We're going to make health insurance cool."
"Getting life insurance used to be a lengthy process, but Ethos makes it fast and easy."
"Your title insurance policy is the most important document you're going to get at your closing table."
"The whole concept of insurance is pooling of independent probabilities."