
Life Essence Quotes

There are 101 quotes

"The essence of life is... happiness comes from my family."
"When I find the child, I have found life. Now, I have life in myself; I am no longer an animated body, I am a life-giving spirit."
"Unconditional love is the nectar and the drug of life itself."
"Crystals are the essence of life manifesting within the earth."
"Life becomes unlivable without the mysteries."
"The more important substance of life is the memories we share."
"Reflection is an opportunity to realize that relationships are our life's blood."
"The Spirit of God has made me, and the breath of the Almighty gives me life."
"You won't bullcrap Matt with these philosophical words. The man definitely read some Nietzsche."
"The essence of life is not in the breaths we take, but in the moments that take our breath away."
"Life never runs out when we are infused with the divine life."
"The essence of life, you found it, it's in there. Yes, I have the charm of Life, Sunny. Now what do we do?"
"Blood is not powerful because of the color or because it is liquid. Blood is powerful because the life of whatever organism produces it is resident in that blood."
"The life of any living creature is resident in its blood. The life of the flesh is in the blood."
"Energy is the essence of life... the driving force behind all matter and experiences."
"A vampire is a being from folklore who subsists by feeding on the life essence—generally in the form of blood—of the living."
"Ancient Dark Sider users believed that the Dyad in the Force was a nearly unbreakable bond between two force users which allowed them to share life essence and become stronger as a single unit."
"My life is the 'ah', but there is a silence that underlies it."
"But what about just nature and just the essence of life and just like the quietness and peace of mind you know."
"It was about life and capturing the essence of life which is a really positive thing, I agree."
"This is everything that it means to be human. This is full life."
"Life is about energy. That is the basis of all life."
"Relationship takes place and where relationship exists is where life exists."
"If you love, you are alive, and that is the only thing that matters."
"There is an intelligence within you which is unsullied by memory. It's only when you touch this you will experience life the way it is."
"There is no life outside of the presence of the Holy Spirit."
"Everything here is dead and we are the animating power."
"The purpose of light is to grow, and the purpose of life is to grow."
"Our spiritual life is the most important part of our life."
"The difference between a dead person and an alive person is mind."
"Recognize the inhale and the exhale as a vital part of our life."
"You can't have life without the breath of life, but according to the Bible, the breath of life is given by Jesus."
"Living things can heal, non-living things can't."
"Water is a key to life when that water is flowing it becomes alive because it breathes life into what it touches."
"Everything vibrates, everything is alive, even if we don't see it moving."
"I think of the soul as being like every tiny quantum movement and measurement of me from the moment I'm born till the moment I die."
"Connecting with being: a sense of presence and vitality."
"The divine feminine is the foundation of all life. It is what opens us up to feeling."
"The pursuit of knowledge, of understanding, will always be worth it. That's the very essence of what makes us alive."
"Life within ourselves is pure, conditioned by the mind and by the emotions, but the life itself is clear of all these things."
"Shadows can’t be alive… can they?"
"Connection is the lifeblood of what we are as humans."
"That's what life's about, right? That the relationship you have each other, that's all you have."
"In Bangkok, water has a life. Every River, everybody who lives by the water, every animal can sense the life in water."
"You can't suck the life out of music. That's my joy right there."
"Remembering our death is an integral part of taking the essence of this life."
"Life is a shadow of itself without friends."
"You can't live without your heart; it pumps the blood through your body. So, in a spiritual sense, you have to have heart to live spiritually."
"It's the feeling of love in our hearts and the extension of that love that is what it's all about."
"Life, in its essence, cannot be conceived in physicochemical terms."
"Key presence is the essence of all living creatures; it surrounds us, it penetrates us, it binds nature together."
"He is your substance; He is your life."
"Life itself is the consubstantiality of matter and spirit."
"There are certain landmarks in the face that always capture your attention and make you understand it's being alive."
"You're back to what life's really all about."
"That was like the sap of my life, you know, was in the danger and sailing around the world."
"The beauty of fatherhood is the essence of living."
"A life without a dream is not a life."
"The essence of life is spiritual."
"Once you close down ideas, once you close down speech, once you close down thought, you essentially don't have life."
"Emotion... is it essential to life then, to feel?" "I believe so," Ethan replied thoughtfully, "it's what makes life rich and complex."
"The essence of life is not in the grandeur, but in the simplicity of everyday moments."
"The flesh profits nothing. The words that I speak are spirit, and they are life."
"You are life itself, truly that which is unmovable."
"The essence of life is not so much the atoms and simple molecules that make us up as the way in which they are put together."
"The soul is a living thing; the body doesn't have a life."
"Our focus should be on the essence of living: the love we share, the wisdom we gather, and the strength we build from our vulnerabilities."
"The spirit is the pervasive not just pervasive of but the pervading ground of all that lives and all that exists."
"What do we really have in life if we don't have love? Nothing really."
"...everything we are, all of our experiences, is locked up within these cells and how they interact with one another."
"Vitality is probably the source of life itself."
"Water is the solvent of life, so this shape is pretty important for anything."
"All living things are born with magic inside of them."
"Love is life, and true love is more than just emotion; it's real intelligence."
"If the spiritual heart is dead, then I am dead with Allah."
"Underneath what's detectable with eyes, every particle's vibrating with the same life."
"Seeing the world, cooking, tasting, smelling things, that's essentially life."
"The first goo that a goo master refines will become their vital goo, interconnected with a goo master's life."
"Jesus is not a salt and pepper shaker that adds flavor to your life; He is the life."
"Life is actually the force that animates you."
"What is the most important thing in your life? My sense of being, what is there without it? Nothing."
"We're not overtly political, but it's more about the core of what makes us what it is to be alive."
"The truth about life as far as Maharaj is concerned is every single person here is just having a human experience right now."
"Our consumer society and pattern of daily life have made us forget the essence of living."
"The blood must be shed because the life is in the blood."
"God sees the pulsating heart that when he looks at our heart, and out of this flows all the issues of life."
"Without love in your life, you have nothing."
"What if the soul is merely that spark of life that simply differentiates us from rocks?"
"Love is everything, love is all there is."
"Everything living has its own further implying, its own further pushing, its own further needing."
"Life is not just a big pile of matter; life is a pattern that can do particular things."
"Life is in the blood, that's a fact."
"Music is actually my life; it's my everything."