
Freedoms Quotes

There are 67 quotes

"Freedom to speak, the freedom to think, the freedom to live."
"It turns out a lot of rights and freedoms that we took for granted are not at all secure, are not at all safe."
"The idea of government isn't to control your life. The idea of government is to ensure that you have the God-given freedoms that are already afforded to you."
"Freedom of speech and the right to choose, the right to vote, the right to voice our views."
"The Constitution is such a strong document to form a foundation for a country that exhibits amazing freedoms and rights for the people that live there."
"I am very thankful to live in this country because we have so many rights and so many freedoms."
"The loss of basic freedoms has been nothing less than breathtaking."
"When a civilized country like the United Kingdom arrests and charges a private citizen for praying in her mind in a public space, you know the world is truly coming to an end."
"Give up your freedoms and your rights for society? That's the exact opposite of the ideas that lay at the foundation of this country."
"Freedom of Association for them but not for us. That's how it's going to go." - Michael Knowles
"America was created at a time of great turmoil... Thomas Paine's Common Sense... explained their inherent desire for liberty, freedom of religion, freedom of speech..."
"The loss of freedoms for even minimal periods of time unquestionably constitute irreparable injury." - Elrod versus Burns, 427 U.S. 347 (1976).
"Gay people in this country have more freedoms than anybody in the entire planet. They've been the most successful civil rights movement of all time."
"Freedom of speech, freedom of thought, freedom of association... without free speech, freedom dies."
"The freedom to write, the freedom to read, the freedom to speak."
"I answered the call to duty, dedicating my life to supporting and defending those freedoms."
"These past few few years have given me a new appreciation for the fragility of our freedoms."
"Increasing censorship, even if it starts to protect vulnerable people, will end up making us all vulnerable people."
"When you start treating people differently not because of any harm they're doing anybody but because they're different that's the path whereby freedoms begin to erode."
"Better protecting the rights and freedoms guaranteed by the constitution."
"Certain fundamental freedoms have to be respected even in times of emergency."
"China has been able to leverage the freedoms in the West."
"Freedom of assembly, freedom of speech, built on deep Enlightenment principles."
"We will defend our values, our voices, our faith, our heritage, our borders, our rights, and our god-given freedoms."
"Freedom of speech, open inquiry, and due process."
"I think it is possible for human society to maintain its core freedoms in the face of this growing technological society."
"The freedom of speech is why we have a lot of freedoms."
"Freedom of speech, freedom of association, freedom of assembly... being crushed on all fronts."
"Democracy gives you the freedom to preach, the freedom to gather, the freedom to worship."
"It basically guarantees freedom of speech, religion, press, assembly, and petition."
"Acknowledges that individuals hold more freedoms than those explicitly mentioned."
"In countries without the same freedoms, you don't even have the First Amendment, let alone the Second or Fifth."
"I think the future of our country depends on whether people are able to use their freedoms to protect them."
"If you want to live in our societies, to share in the material benefits, then you need to accept that our freedoms are not optional."
"Freedom of speech and freedom of press both of those massive rights."
"Capitalism is free enterprise, free markets, freedom of speech, freedom of religion, the right to bear arms. All that's being taken away, it's being stolen."
"Individual liberty is cherished in Canada; our government will always defend freedom of expression and freedom of peaceful assembly."
"Freedom of Association, Freedom expression, and freedom of speech."
"The opposite of socialism is more than just an economic system, it's fundamental freedoms."
"Americans have been far too willing to see their freedoms in the name of public health. That has to stop now."
"I'm a die-hard America fan of what it was founded on. America to me is the values of principles which is what freedom of speech, freedom of assembly, freedom of religion, freedom of your second amendment, free enterprise."
"It's not the normal that we thought we were promised, that is not the full return of our freedoms."
"Consequently, we are in need of as many Magna Cartas as we can muster."
"The 14th amendment has been through some twists and turns throughout its history, but when you add it all up, it's there to guarantee freedoms to all citizens."
"The focus is on the real freedoms that people have, as opposed to mere resources or utilities." - Lecture
"United States of America, freedom from fear and want, freedom of speech and religion."
"Freedom of speech, freedom of faith, tolerance."
"Freedom of the press, freedom of speech, freedom of religion, freedom of assembly."
"It feels like every step of the way, the freedoms and liberties we're supposed to be granted in this country, people try their hardest to take this away from you."
"Freedom of speech and expression, freedom of religion, freedom from want, freedom from fear."
"The Charter of Rights and Freedoms guarantees many individual and some collective rights."
"Freedom of speech, freedom of press, freedom of religion, freedom to assemble, and freedom to petition your government for redress of grievances."
"We still had the rule of law, we had the Constitution, we had free speech, we had freedom of religion, freedom of expression, we had free market capitalism."
"Freedom of speech, religion, press, petition, and assembly."
"Creating a good democracy isn't about voting; it's about having an independent judiciary, about having freedom of speech, freedom of the press."
"Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms and Magna Carta, the great Charter of freedoms."
"Freedom from want, and freedom of speech. Freedom from fear, and freedom of worship."
"Human rights basic freedoms have been denied to the citizens of Zambia."
"Freedom from violence, freedom of expression, ecological sustainability, cultural preservation, a sense of exploration in your life, and a sense of community and social connection."
"Our rights, our freedoms -- they are not given. They must be won."
"Freedom of press, freedom of religion, freedom of speech. All of them."
"Freedom of speech, freedom of the press, the right to bear arms - all of these things that are incredibly specific about American freedom."
"The freedom of entrepreneurship, freedom of speech, religion and ethics."