
Sports Intelligence Quotes

There are 66 quotes

"The game requires more basketball intelligence now... It's all about finding the right matchup."
"Nicola Jokić was busy predicting double teams like he's got some cyberware installed."
"You can't beat high basketball IQ teams with a low basketball IQ team."
"It's a sign of intelligent players to take what you're doing in training onto the pitch with you."
"Wendell Carter has excellent basketball IQ as a big man."
"He just made it look so easy but it's his intelligence, he wasn't the biggest player but he never seemed to get pushed off the ball."
"Thomas Muller is among the most intelligent footballers."
"But his IQ is Drew. Came in with that. Drew came in with that. That's what you don't learn how to play, that kind of defense. It's so hard during your NBA career."
"Basketball intelligence just comes from always watching, looking, and learning."
"LeBron has the best work ethic that I've ever been around. His basketball mind is unbelievable."
"We need more players like Bruno, players with football intelligence."
"Henry's playing chess everyone else playing checkers."
"His ability to see the field in his true understanding and intelligence of the game of football."
"He is one of the smartest defensive players I've ever seen at his age."
"Marshall does have an incredible mind for pro wrestling and he is a huge part of AEW."
"If you have a nice footballing IQ or if you um you know if you have AG if you have a good feel for the game in general you're gonna be fine on this FIFA."
"I've always read the game really really well."
"Stipe's fight IQ is elite, he'll even make adjustments as a heavyweight."
"You're drafting him to be somebody who is one of the best glue guys in the league and somebody who helps raise your floor and helps support your star level players with his IQ."
"He knows exactly what he's doing every time he does it." - Freddy T
"He just knows exactly when to make plays on the ball and when not to and he's managing to keep the aggression high while doing so."
"Very rarely are the Patriots ever the most talented team on the field, but they are almost always the smartest."
"The playoffs lend itself to a player of LeBron's intelligence."
"We want to be in a position where we can finish the season strongly and potentially put City under pressure for that title."
"They play it like that, that's big brain football."
"His ability to change a game whilst the game is going on."
"He takes advantage of what the defense gives him."
"If Josh Allen can play smart football consistently, that's when people will begin to think they're starting to get it."
"When we talk about stats of tackling, etc., sometimes that goes out the window. It's got to be on your eyes and where to be and game intelligence, game understanding."
"It's a breed of instantaneous reactive rugby intelligence that can only grow when the player backs and believes in the team around him."
"He hasn't become this dominant physical force but he's super smart, he knows his assignment, he's always there."
"I think Bruno is a brilliant reader of the game... he scans the game so well, he reads the game so well."
"If somehow you knew any of the 10 players I do show you... you're smarter than all the students." - RV Team
"He's frighteningly intelligent in the footballing sense."
"Capsule makes the heads up play at the end of this game."
"Before the ball comes to him, he already knows what he wants to do with it."
"Larry Bird's IQ alone resembles the same aspect we get from Luka Doncic. Now do I think Larry Bird has a better IQ by far? But you could tell the resemblance."
"Larry Bird was a tough M effort... had a superhuman mode... he was a basketball genius."
"... he knows how to play the game."
"Basketball's a lot of IQ, man. It's just smart plays, watching the clock and all that."
"He's very smart in like small area, he's very aware of his surroundings in the offensive zone."
"He understands timing in space, he's not just playing defense, he's playing to take the ball away."
"He sees and reads the game, he's an intelligent basketball player."
"He's got great basketball IQ, a tremendous understanding of the concepts of the game."
"We have an IQ in this sport where we can actually appreciate the subtle things."
"Witherspoon reads everything before everybody else on the field; the speed with which he's able to read plays and anticipate what's coming is incredible."
"It's not so much the speed you have as much as it is intelligence and finding the open area and coming back for the football."
"As the son of the most accomplished receiver in NFL history, Rice's football intelligence sets him apart from most of his peers."
"There was no outsmarting Bill Russell, being able to read plays and actions like nobody else in the history of basketball."
"She diagnoses that play in a heartbeat."
"His IQ and his decision making is really, really up there."
"That's startlingly brilliant from GB Pack, very very clever."
"He knows how to be in the right spots at the right time."
"My basketball IQ, no matter what level I've played at, I've always been a savvy player."
"The Patriots have been beating most of the teams off football IQ."
"His footballing IQ is second to none."
"Hockey IQ is the skill that really separates the elite players from the good players."
"The game slows down for him and he's reading guys' moves before they can see it."