
Attentiveness Quotes

There are 840 quotes

"There's no sense in panicking, but there is a sense in being attentive and responsible."
"Pay attention, a powerful message is being communicated to you now."
"The cost of experience across the lifespan is that it leads you to be on autopilot and you become less attentive to new learning events."
"I love that he watches me to know when I'm happy, sad, exhausted, or excited. He sees me."
"The reason gifts are effective is that if they're a good gift, they're evidence that you actually listen to someone."
"Listen to their voice as if you're gonna go deaf tomorrow for life...every tonality, every way they express themselves, see the sweetness in that."
"The universe talks to you, and you have to pay attention."
"The word vigilant means to be carefully observant or attentive, on the lookout for possible danger."
"God is constantly speaking to us, we must learn to listen."
"I've got to pay close attention to the twists and bends of the river bank."
"Whatever seva you perform, do it with responsibility, do it attentively. Do it with diligence."
"Love is about paying attention. Love is about I'm paying attention, I want to please you."
"I knew not to dismiss what my son was telling me and to ask more questions."
"These self hotspots become cooler when attentiveness is required and demanded by events in the external environment."
"It's really great to have someone just kind of be so attentive and just listen."
"And there are stories where people as last minute have a nightmare that they put something together wrong, actually go back in, and discover that, oh, I inserted this wire backwards or that one."
"Take notes... your life depends on paying attention to what God is telling you."
"I think it's important that you not use your character as an excuse to just not pay attention or not retain any information from your game."
"If you're looking for exotics, freaking pay attention, they're everywhere!"
"That's actually pretty, I better pick those up before I like DC."
"I hope everyone could listen out for some of those key words."
"Most importantly, you've been paying attention to the energy."
"Success in the service of Lolth lies with those who are attentive to her ever-changing, often contradictory will."
"When your wives dress up and change their appearance, take a mental notice. By not noticing her beautify herself, you have killed any future attempt for her to beautify herself."
"Keep your eyes open, watch for the glimmers wherever they occur."
"Keep it open and lean forward to show that you are listening."
"Guess what I do for a living now? Any guesses? 25 years later, it turns out that what I do for a living is pay attention."
"Engage in social settings, pay attention to cues, and reflect on interactions."
"With a little bit of attention, neglected plants can bounce back beautifully."
"You can really listen to somebody and respond."
"It's rewarding the player for exploring and paying attention to dialogue."
"Keep your mouth closed, your eyes open, and your ears open."
"When things get quiet, you have to pay attention."
"A successful investor is an accident-prone scientist that pays attention."
"You could tell within the day, you know, without any great effort if you were just observant."
"You'd hear the flowers speak if you'd only listen."
"The real teacher is life, and I'm just reminding you to listen to the teacher, listen to life."
"Thoughtful acts: little things that make it clear they care."
"Attentiveness: a sign that this person pays attention to your needs."
"I've always paid attention; I've always learned and observed."
"You never overlook any opportunity. If you see a heads up penny or heads-up nickel or dime on the ground you pick it up because um you know that's opportunity waiting for you."
"You gotta know what those little things are and know whether to ignore them, pay attention to them, or respond to them."
"Be attentive to the testimony and evidence presented."
"Next time you sit across from someone toasting a marshmallow and telling you about a friend they once had, it might just be worth paying attention to."
"God is always speaking, the question is, 'Am I listening?'"
"I want somebody that's... constantly working to become kinder, constantly working listen more focused."
"I'm very careful about how my skin feels, so I tend to listen to what it wants."
"Pay very close attention to what is growing in your life."
"I genuinely have to just take my hat off to them and say that I need to pay more attention to this team."
"Don't ignore the towers, don't ignore any area."
"There's nothing more special than a guy that's attentive, that you know he's there for you emotionally."
"The best way to prevent anything is by giving your orchids attention."
"Giving someone your full attention, showing them that you're listening..."
"You learn his unction and his stopping you in your spirit for something, and you stand at attention for it."
"Most of cooking is just paying attention, honing in on your skills, and improving."
"One of the things I would say a woman would be blessed to have me is that I'm attentive."
"I'm attentive. I do feel that I'll care about your desires, what you want, what are your goals."
"My brain has been entirely rewired and even if Milo is down the hall... if he makes a peep I can hear it."
"This is going to be an important moment... to pay attention."
"This person is going to take their time to study the environment that you're in and they're going to want to know more about you, which is great."
"Survival is not enough. Paying attention to things is how we show love."
"You just have to learn, you just have to pay attention. That's it right there, pay attention."
"He's really just keeping a count of what's going on."
"The best thing you could give a person is your attention."
"Life is short. I don't want you to hear me. I want you to listen."
"The teacher was the only one who was listening."
"Opportunities pass by all the time. If you don't pay attention, it will be gone."
"Someone provides you with proper emotional fulfillment. They remember everything, they pay attention to you, and they really want to be with you."
"I think if you show a girl that you're actually listening and paying attention to what she says, that's kind of special."
"I think the biggest thing is making sure I'm not missing anything with the kids."
"Keep your mind active so that when you sit for that examination you are very attentive."
"I'm trying to say the clearest words I can say, and I do that by paying attention, I'm listening to the words and feeling them as I move along."
"Lighting a candle gives you a moment, sharpens your attention to the everyday."
"We can't risk overlooking the details, meet me at Diamond City."
"Legal matters, pay close attention to your mail."
"On a journey like this, it pays to be observant."
"Your intentionality...you listen really well."
"Welcome welcome welcome, let me make sure that's not doing that, yeah so thank you all so much for joining me I'm glad you're here."
"If a man is not in pursuit of you, pay attention to that and just listen to that and take heed, take heed."
"Life is about attention, how keenly attentive you are is how much you know of life."
"Stay patient, stay vigilant, and pay attention."
"Listen, if you were screaming that I forgot a spot, I heard you, okay, I got you."
"The little option and opportunity is most certainly something to pay attention to because it's going to be hidden."
"The best opportunities come to those who keep their eye on the ball."
"There's just more, a little more attention, a little more just meticulous watching, planning your encounter."
"God will give you indicators, don't ignore the signs."
"Watch for the little bird, it's an amazing opportunity."
"Survival requires respect, humility, and paying attention."
"Listen to what people are saying, take diligent notes."
"Wow, this person is like really listening to me and they care and they want to know about me and they want to get to know me."
"Deep listening is using your entire body as a tuning or dousing rod for whatever you desire."
"We must give the more earnest heed to the things that we've heard lest we drift away."
"Be attentive to advice from a trusted elder family member or friend."
"The committee remains highly attentive to inflation risks."
"Always look, always react, and you'll catch more carp."
"Listen intensely and take it all,"
"There is beauty calling to us every day, every hour, but we are rarely in a position to listen."
"Help me to be attentive to Your voice, to listen with an open heart."
"Just be quiet, listen, hear, and respond."
"What do you want when a man deeply cares about you he's going to ask you what do you want because he's going to want to start providing that for you ideally."
"Good conversationalists know how to keep their ears pricked for facts and details they can draw on or ask questions about."
"The one who pays close attention to the word is able to obey God always."
"Sitting beside the resident, leaning forward, and making eye contact shows that you are listening carefully."
"The staff were amazing, honestly couldn't be more attentive."
"When you want to listen, you have to take it to a higher level, you have to really immerse yourself and focus on the person who's speaking."
"Imagine you can't hear what I'm saying and you're expecting to hear from God. If you cannot hear a human being who is speaking a natural language that you need to stay calm, observe, and really pay attention, how can you expect to hear from God?"
"I'm absolutely listening to every word the guest says."
"One of the most unattractive habits is when you're talking to a man and then he's just looking at you and not actually listening to what you say."
"You just listen. There's nothing else you can do, you just listen."
"A great seducer is focused on having fun, laughing, great conversation, sharing, communicating, touching, and being attentive to his lover's needs."
"He was very careful. He watched everything he paid attention to everything."
"You're perfect to me and I want you to know every single word too. Pardon the interruption but every single word you say is super important to me, so important to me."
"Listen, do not waste a minute. I said watch everything he does. Yeah, listen to everything he says because trust me, these opportunities are few and far between."
"Close your mouth, close your legs, open your eyes, open your ears, pay close attention."
"...listen with your ears, go back and listen to this portion of the video with your eyes closed..."
"Can you hear me now?" means listen carefully.
"In the beginning of the relationship, very attentive, very curious, you feel seen, you feel heard. This is a whole new experience."
"The man was so intent upon what he was doing that he never heard our steps."
"This is your only opportunity to sit at our table and if you're going to participate in the development of this opinion this is your only opportunity to sit at the table you better listen carefully to the other diners."
"Physically attentive, quite loyal as well."
"You are the kind of person who really pays attention."
"Pay attention to the words like they're a love letter."
"Lean in, show interest and engagement."
"I'm being very observant and I'm taking my time with you."
"I would say I'm attentive and I'm a hopeful romantic so I like to learn people and do little things like write them notes and just pay attention to their favorite things to make their day in little ways."
"Remembers exact details about someone's life."
"A Geisha will never let a glass go unfilled or a request go unheeded."
"There's a difference between hearing a sermon and listening to a sermon."
"Make people feel heard, make them feel special, make them feel like they're the only person in the room."
"Skillfulness is nothing but attentiveness paying off."
"When you're turning pages, do it slowly and carefully."
"You were super attentive to my concerns, always making sure I was comfortable, so I know it was a great experience."
"If you're having a conversation with someone and they match your gestures, that means that they're listening."
"...I listened until I eventually fell asleep."
"Whatever you do, do not fall asleep in class. Ever. For the love of God, please stay awake."
"All ears" - ready and eager to listen to what someone is saying.
"A great service is attentive without being noticed."
"I appreciate and I love y'all for that. Y'all don't miss nothing."
"Keep your eyes really peeled, keep your eyes open."
"Intellectual stimulation, we like when a woman can respond back and be attentive."
"The second rule of recording is you have to listen all the time and you have to listen in real time all the time."
"Be ready not just to hear, but to really hear."
"You're really attentive and intuitive. It's like you're just one of those people who, a friend is like learning to cook and you didn't even know this, it's just an intuitive thing."
"...you have to be respectful and attentive when you're with knowledgeable people."
"...you have to be present and respectful."
"He listened to her and he listened to her carefully."
"He seemed very nice and listening."
"I think women in general will just really dig the attentiveness that INTJs can have."
"Sometimes the Lord is in a voice so small, and if you don't listen closely, you'll miss it."
"A man who pays attention, ladies."
"The nurses came in, I was fast asleep on that chair."
"That's the sweetest thing. It shows that you're thoughtful, that you're listening."
"If you're watching this and you're a driver, then you know what I mean when you feel the rear wheels through the seat of the car. You're super attentive."
"We need to hear Him. We need to listen. Listen, I'm talking to you now."
"You're always double, you know how someone takes their coffee or their tea. That's love."
"Dr. Ry watched Anna for a moment, in all the time he'd known her, he'd never seen her look this alert."
"That kind of attentiveness and flexibility is how I would define good customer service."
"Observation is extremely important."
"It's all about consideration, little things matter the most to me."
"I couldn't have made a sound if I wanted to, I was entirely fixed on stilling myself and listening with an almost morphine clarity."
"Stay attentive, stay present, stay disciplined."
"We're more conscious of something the more we attend to it intentionally."
"Intentionality not only requires attentiveness that is we're more conscious of something the more we attend to it intentionally."
"How keen they were, how meticulous about the details and the timing and the questions and the topic."
"They're very attentive lovers when they find somebody who's very interesting."
"I just try to pay attention just see where it goes from here."
"Be a good listener. Put her preferences in the back of your mind and surprise her with them later."
"Look at the crowd. They're in it right now. They're listening instead."
"You get used to listening to the portion of the play that pertains to you."
"All relationships rise or god forbid crash based on how attentive somebody is."
"You just want to take lots of notes and be very mindful of what they want."
"Here's Boo. He's watching the cats. You can tell when he's watching a cat because he gets very intense."
"She's very attentive to us and what's going on."
"I literally sit here, I get rid of the distractions, and I listen."
"This was flawless service. The flight attendant checked on me every 10 or 15 minutes on an eight-hour flight but it never felt overwhelming."
"It was very subtle but unmistakable, and when I talk to patients now, I remind them, 'Look for the little things.'"
"I actually pr myself as a good present buyer though like I'm that person that has like a list in their notes of like everything you've ever mentioned."
"I'm trying to just teach myself to be more attentive and romantic."
"...simply holds us in the attitude of waiting upon God in general loving attentiveness. Not to his words, not to concepts, but to the Presence itself."
"Don't just sit at your desk and just kind of be in your own little world you need to be watching and listening."
"Our dog would sit at the bottom of the stairs and tilt his head as if he was listening to something."
"I'm going to listen more and I'm going to listen better."
"Always read all your question choices."
"David's been on his p's and q's tonight."
"Hopefully you've been taking notes."
"Still still to hear her tender taken breath."
"You've got to be attentive to your details."
"Ian's physical demeanor has changed dramatically. He's listening, he's paying attention."
"You should never neglect a chance however small it may seem."
"For me the key would be to treat every customer every time they come in like it's their first time, not like, don't remember their name, I mean you remember new clients' names anyways, but more like treat them like you would if they were new, be interested in it."
"A disciple hears and heeds the Holy Spirit, obeying His promptings."
"My dog and I literally stopped, just stopped and stood for like a minute, listening."
"We should be listening to children when they're trying to tell us something's wrong."
"We must have the ear to hear the voice of the Holy Spirit."
"God is always speaking to us because God is one. There is nothing else in the world. And so, if we pay attention to everything in our lives, we can be listening to God. It builds incredible closeness to pay that kind of close attention to God."
"Good things happen, but you gotta be able to listen."
"If you move from the ego mode to the witnessing mode, you have now complete attention because you observe things as they are."
"Every day we receive a ton of mail from viewers just like you, and believe it or not, we make the effort to make sure each and every letter gets read."
"God seldom yells. That's why you have to stay sensitive to him because when he speaks it's a whisper."
"It's never too late to listen to a signal."