
Personality Disorders Quotes

There are 85 quotes

"Narcissists and difficult personalities usually don't follow rules... they believe rules are for other people."
"Narcissism is characterized by a person who has a lack of empathy. They're very entitled. They're very grandiose. They're very arrogant."
"Narcissistic personality is correlated with really undesirable personality traits, such as being controlling, pathological liars, never accepting the truth about themselves, very critical of others, less agreeable, and having very low empathy."
"Culture and personality also shape the way that we view ourselves and people with narcissistic personality disorder."
"This might be an appropriate time to describe a little bit about these personality disorders... Borderline personality disorder is a disorder of stability. It's instability in personal relationships, in their emotions, in their behavior, and in their sense of self and their identity."
"Eileen was diagnosed with borderline personality and antisocial personality disorder, but that didn't seem to make any difference in terms of her sentence."
"Malignant narcissism: grandiose, neglectful, emotionally and physically violent, Machiavellian, vindictive, entitled, manipulative."
"The people that are the most wounded, for example, they might have borderline personality disorder or narcissistic personality disorder, often have experienced a very bad trauma in childhood. Their core self gets sucked out, and they end up getting a sort of replacement for the self."
"Vulnerable narcissism is characterized by having a lot of shame, hypersensitivity to criticism, and resentfulness."
"Children treated as objects become either narcissists or suffer from borderline personality disorder."
"Therapists may help modify self-destructive behaviors, but there's no cure for personality disorders."
"No one can fix who you are; a personality disorder permeates every single cell of your being."
"Many personality disorders are actually post-traumatic conditions."
"There is no cure for narcissistic personality disorder... [expletive] Elden Ring players, they're nasty people."
"Pathological narcissism is a lifelong pattern of traits and behaviors which signify infatuation and obsession with oneself to the exclusion of all other people."
"It's a very quintessential basic human need; everything when it comes to personality disorders, within reason, is down to people feeling like they are not seen and they are not properly heard."
"The host may not even be aware that the other personality exists in them."
"Borderline personality disorder is instability in personal relationships, emotions, behavior."
"Personality disorders are the dissociative states of trauma... and accept that at the root cause of all this is trauma and dissociation separately and sometimes conjointly."
"The narcissist pretends to be a hyper-sexed lover tomorrow, a thespian man of god, then he's an imposter."
"If you've ever noticed moments like this and it could be with you or it could be with somebody else if you ever notice those moments where somebody seems this person seems extremely cold and heartless you might be dealing with a covert narcissist."
"A narcissist is anti-growth. They're not going to have put in that kind of work."
"Narcissism is on a continuum from low-grade superficial egocentric attention-seeking narcissism all the way up to manipulative exploitative menacing coercive terrifying malignant narcissism."
"Narcissism ultimately is an anti-love way of being on a personal level."
"The very essence of the psychopath is antisocial."
"I've never met a narcissist that wasn't a pathological liar."
"People with personality disorders need to learn how to safely deal with intense feelings."
"Are people who meet the criteria for personality disorders persistently mentally ill or are they people who've experienced extreme and/or ongoing trauma?"
"Psychopathy 101: The psychopath tells you what you want to hear, they shape-shift, they're a mirror. People fall in love with themselves."
"BPD is a treatable disorder psychopathy is not."
"Psychopaths don't play by other people's rules."
"My mom has personality disorder, so that's why it fell apart. Borderline. Yeah, she's very, very narcissistic and she has a lot of sociopathic stuff too."
"He was a pathological liar, he was a narcissist, and yes, there were some mental health issues going on."
"Differences in gut microbiota composition revealed associations with borderline personality disorder."
"But the short answer is yes. You can have a number of mental health diagnoses and you can have personality disorders."
"If you talk to the narcissist as though there's only one person there, you will fail."
"Psychopaths and narcissists are frequently comorbid."
"Narcissistic psychopaths will seek to become leaders or put themselves into positions of power."
"Our findings indicate that shame is a prominent feature of NPD."
"Gaslighting is a thing that narcissists, sociopaths, and Psychopaths do often."
"Is all of this really coming from depression or is it coming from narcissism?"
"He's a sociopath, he doesn't feel remorse for anything that he's done to anybody."
"Ego enhancement drives narcissistic behavior, instrumental goals drive machiavellianism, and psychopathy."
"The narcissist can no more get rid of a false self than you can get rid of your true self."
"Borderline personality disorder is an extreme form of infantile defenses."
"The key to understanding Narcissistic Personality Disorder is that the entire formation of the personality is based around a false self."
"Narcissists ironically don't have an ego, they are selfless, that's the irony, they're not egotistical because they don't have an ego."
"A narcissist wants the authority of a king while having the accountability of a toddler."
"Most people are nice and good; there's a small percentage of the population that are malignant narcissists."
"All personality disorders entail ego syntonic dissociation."
"Drama feels the existential void at the core of narcissism and borderline."
"Who you are is meaningless. Narcissists end up with borderlines, with other narcissists, with psychopaths, with nice kind empathic people, with people pleasers, with codependents."
"Psychopaths are people who feel and behave and relate to others in ways that are different from the rest of us."
"Borderline personality disorder is relatively rare, affecting about one to two percent of the general population."
"Ironically, when someone with borderline personality disorder has depression, her behavior improves, her behavior becomes more healthy."
"Attribution theory fails catastrophically when we try to apply it to narcissists, psychopaths, and borderlines. We need a new psychology for these pseudo-humans."
"In healthy people, these are inhibitory motives. In people with cluster B personality disorders, they are the driving force."
"Malignant narcissism is where we see patterns like coercive control, financial control, exploitation, and isolation."
"The study supports the hypothesis that personality disorders are hereditary."
"Those imprisoned at Broadmoor often have personality disorders or severe mental health conditions like schizophrenia."
"It's highly likely in many cases that these women are sociopaths."
"He tried to fake personality disorders as well. He would try to fake multiple personalities or detachment."
"Personality disorders are different from your traditional mental health disorders in that it's really part of the person. It's part of the person's personality. It's very deep-seated."
"Personality disorders are long-term patterns of thinking and behavior."
"Next time a stranger correctly diagnoses you as having a long, long list of personality disorders you will be able to say, 'I'm glad you asked if you're looking to get into deathcore, here it is.'"
"People with cluster B personality disorders, many of them have grown up in abusive behaviors."
"The truth is that people with narcissistic personality disorders or like other personality disorders generally can very much be good people."
"It's important that you're not seeing those characteristics of a personality disorder."
"Having been overwhelmed by reality, the narcissist becomes essentially a borderline, dysregulated, and depressive."
"...changes that are happening in terms of how we're going to be diagnosing personality disorders..."
"We praise these men so much to the point where they create this narcissistic personality disorder."
"Narcissists and Psychopaths deserve their own category."
"Covert narcissists, I feel like, are the real wolves in sheep's clothing. You gotta watch out for them most of all."
"He's petty. My therapist thinks he's like a sociopath."
"Don't hold your breath that this is going to be a quick fix or that a narcissist will change overnight."
"After eleven years of treatment, a few weeks later the extra personalities disappeared and never came back."
"Although personality disorders can cause strange or even hurtful behavior, always try to be empathetic and understanding with people who have disorders."
"I'm very passionate about working with folks that have personality disorders because I really do believe that they can do it differently."
"It's my opinion that... he was significantly impaired in these personality disorders."
"The real issue is always their emotional immaturity, instability, and personality disorder."
"One of the things that I think is happening a lot more in society is the awareness of personality disorders, especially narcissists."