
Boundary Setting Quotes

There are 252 quotes

"Don't feel guilty for saying no. Don't feel guilty for setting a boundary."
"Drawing boundaries effectively and healthily is actually learning an entirely new language."
"If you're dealing with a difficult person, chances are this person is really here to teach you how to stand up for yourself, how to enforce boundaries, how to love yourself enough that you can enforce your boundaries with others, and you don't feel any guilt."
"Communication is really, really hard... setting boundaries and having open, healthy communication is so hard."
"You're still allowed to remove yourself from situations that aren't healthy."
"Fewer assaults take place because people establish boundaries sooner."
"Let's understand how to set boundaries, right?"
"Learning to stand your ground knowing what you need beforehand and also setting expectations is very very important."
"Boundaries aren't about being inflexible, boundaries are about you being inauthentic."
"I need to start saying no next year. My challenge next year is to go deeper in what I've committed to and do it better."
"Balance is not better time management but better boundary management."
"If someone says no then you're like girl okay like let's take five steps back does my breath smell."
"Establish healthy boundaries to focus on yourself."
"Because of that I am able to do what I do today I was able to set boundaries for myself I was able to understand myself more the capacity that in which I could receive hate."
"She clearly and openly communicates she sets clear boundaries and she's met with a stronger and more meaningful connection because of it."
"Yo, just keep beeping bro, it's making me feel uncomfortable bro."
"Rules are important. Those who understand the rules can delineate boundaries and identify gray areas."
"When was the last time you fully became immersed in what you were doing? Realize that this is your house when you say leave me alone, you need to embody that."
"Things only get better when you set and enforce boundaries. If they comply, good. If they don't, it's goodbye."
"That's how you learn to set standards and boundaries because you don't just accept anything."
"Give them an inch and they'll take a kilometer."
"Each time you set a boundary, whether big or small, you can expect a litany of insane and dysregulated texts and emails."
"You need to draw a line in the sand and lay down the terms of engagement."
"Set boundaries and do not lower your standards."
"Knowing where you feel the most safe speaking those boundaries."
"The first thing you do is you just say I'm not gonna take this anymore."
"What are boundaries in a relationship? I think it's very important to have boundaries."
"Personal boundaries must be expanded and must be protected."
"I respect somebody setting boundaries like that."
"At some point we have to put our foot down and say enough is enough."
"You inspire healthy transformation, admired for boundaries and healing."
"If you give an inch they'll take a mile and you can never admit that you know anything is inappropriate for a school setting."
"I want to continue to do this because this is what I love but I need to start saying no when I can."
"If Jay is disrespecting you, I ain't gonna tolerate that."
"Establishing and reassessing boundaries in partnerships."
"You calmly call out the behavior you don't like and once it's clear that the message has been received, you move past it."
"Speak calmly, draw a clear boundary, and explain why the boundary is important to you."
"Start to unfollow people that make you feel bad about yourself. You have to respect your own boundaries."
"Drop your safety net, drop your limits, drop your distractions."
"You cannot set the boundaries on an emancipatory Movement by the unreasonable fears that people have."
"Boundaries are my way of fighting for the relationship."
"All this and they acting like they can talk to me a certain way."
"Analyzing past relationships to set healthier boundaries."
"Whenever you draw a line, all those people who potentially going over the line would provide them benefit."
"There's a difference between inconvenience and harassment."
"Don't give away parts of the principal to your family or friends."
"You're choosing a new path for you, and it's like you stood your ground and said, 'Enough is enough.'"
"Father, release Angelic beings assigned to Marshall the boundaries of the territories that belong to me."
"In an ideal world, we would hold our boundaries, communicate our boundaries, and assert our boundaries."
"When you truly love yourself, setting boundaries becomes so easy for you."
"I can't enable this unhealthy and destructive behavior."
"Long-term solution: Build abundance in all aspects of your life to enforce boundaries easily."
"As uncomfortable as it is, it's all about transparency, vulnerability, and making sure that you can set boundaries that you're comfortable with."
"With a little bit of putting a border around things, this can be really good for poets, writers, even songwriters."
"State those small boundaries, even if it does seem silly. Mental boundaries are just as important as physical boundaries."
"You do not know me girl, you do not know me like that."
"Self-care is really important... you have to create boundaries."
"A charming person sets boundaries, a charming person lets people know when they're not interested in something, a charming person challenges people."
"I'm done giving people second chances. I'm done inviting in negative and toxic energies into my life."
"Recognize what's best for you and root out anyone that doesn't serve you."
"If it is something you wanted to work on, you could say, 'Hey Nick, I'm not going to watch your kids unattended.'"
"If you want a healthy connection, you have to be vulnerable and learn the balance between setting boundaries and opening up."
"Just being aware of it and being mindful of these things will help you to practice boundaries."
"Setting boundaries is definitely the best thing I've ever done."
"Learning to stand up for ourselves and learning to feel and learning to set a boundary is all part of the adult process."
"There is a newfound spaciousness in how I show up. I'm no longer whispering my worth to myself as I rummage through the shadows of my psyche trying to find the courage to state the smallest of boundaries."
"Keep setting those boundaries and prioritizing your growth and evolution."
"Creating healthy boundaries with people is crucial."
"Setting boundaries with men is probably one of the greatest skills you can learn... the more boundaries you set with men, the higher quality men you will start attracting."
"Boundaries are not just a good idea, they're actually God's idea."
"know that you're not alone and that it's always okay to express your emotions and it's always okay to tell someone they you have to step back set your boundaries. Thanks much deal."
"Remove yourself from situations that don't serve you."
"You can be a chill girl and also set healthy boundaries and have some self-respect."
"Saying no is a skill; it takes practice and you're gonna have to get used to disappointing people."
"Know when enough is enough; it's okay to take a break."
"How do you deal with someone this emotionally manipulative? You don't deal with them... become the queen of swords and just set boundaries with them."
"There can be no happy outcomes and reinforced safe spaces without consequences because a consequence is a barb in the fence of boundaries..."
"Set boundaries to create more blessings in your life."
"This can't go without a response, it's one of those red lines."
"She stood up for herself, which a lot of times, when you stand up for yourself, you sort of set new boundaries and new dynamics in your life, which she's done." - Kristen Bell
"You're being taught a very sometimes difficult lesson about self-love and building healthier boundaries."
"Don't be afraid to stand up for your truth and draw a hard line in the sand."
"Do not accept any behavior that is unacceptable."
"Learning to say no is the best way to start."
"Work smarter, not harder—be willing to delegate, push back, say no."
"You are learning how to set strong boundaries as the powerful empathic being that you are."
"It's accepting the situation for what it is and creating a boundary."
"You know every line can be crossed and I think that like he's taking it like way way too far."
"Establish emotional boundaries to insulate yourself from their assault."
"You set clear boundaries and he agreed to them."
"You've got to intentionally disconnect from the drama makers."
"Going no contact is definitely the best way to go here."
"Say yes to yourself, guard your energy, and set boundaries."
"Learning to say no can be oh so hard but it is one of the best skills you can develop."
"Lay your boundary firmly but respectfully, based on what you believe is right."
"Establish that boundary of when your no really means no."
"Responding means stating our truth, setting boundaries, and enforcing them."
"Communication, having your boundaries, doing things that feel good for you."
"Recognize when a person is draining your energy and establish healthier boundaries."
"Gentlemen you must draw lines have standards respect yourself enough to not get caught in a Twist like that."
"You're finally finding the strength to put up boundaries because you're just burying these very painful relationship patterns in the past."
"Lesson learned: if you go to help someone but for some reason they don't let you help, walk away."
"You can't establish boundaries for something you don't even know exists."
"I refuse to be a doormat. I refuse to sweep her behavior under the rug."
"Boundaries are about deciding for yourself what you will do, not what the other person will do."
"Setting boundaries is vulnerable; it's displaying significant aspects of oneself."
"You are learning the gentle art of setting boundaries and saying no."
"You have to decide if this works for you. Pushing the edge means making a decision."
"This is an opportunity for you to learn how to build better boundaries."
"So we have to learn to be more tactical in how we navigate the world, learn the red flags, practice setting boundaries."
"The key is understanding that if you have a vision and boundaries, you can stay firm in who you are."
"No is a very magic word, no is a very powerful word, no is the word that can stop a cultural revolution."
"I'm a black person and I think that we need to continue breaking these generational curses, cut anyone off who keeps crossing boundaries, including family members."
"If they keep bringing it up you have the right to set boundaries."
"Setting boundaries isn't selfish, it actually just makes it so that there are clear expectations between you and the people that you love."
"Walking away from emotionally draining situations or people that have no place in your life."
"Narcissism is nothing more than a framework to understand these patterns and make them understandable, predictable, and help people cope, set boundaries, and stop blaming themselves."
"But you have to set up healthy boundaries and say no, I'm worth this, I'm hidden because I know that I'm meant to be discovered."
"Cutting off negative people because that relationship isn't benefiting you also doesn't make you a bad person."
"Some things don't need an explanation... The people that are pushing and want the explanation are then going to be the people that are going to try to cut you down."
"People's reactions to your boundaries reveal a lot about the nature of your connections with them."
"It's also about setting boundaries right, setting boundaries with firm intention. This energy is bringing you stability."
"As soon as you start to value your time and your attention, you'll naturally assert a boundary around it."
"You have options, new doors opening up for you, setting boundaries with all your choices."
"Don't let them guilt-trip you into 'well you're not Christian' when you read the context of your scriptures when boundaries are set."
"Part of learning to love yourself is having firm boundaries around those that you love the most."
"There has to be a point at which you'll walk away from the table... you've got to have your own red line."
"It does not make you a bad person to set boundaries. I think your emotional integrity is going to be put to the test this weekend. That's where I think the main meat and potatoes of this message is coming in. Testing your emotional integrity."
"Yeah, just don't get embroiled with her argument... A lot of dealing with women and even girls is setting boundaries with them."
"Setting boundaries is another great confidence building tool. Try to build the habit of saying no to at least one person once a week."
"You need to work hard to create an environment where the word no is welcome and respected."
"Please, if you're going to send a super that is trying to draw attention away from the stream onto your own issues and your own trauma, please don't."
"Our emotions are a resource, but they need boundaries."
"You're gonna be taking a stand of cutting people off... there's a lot of healing that is taking place."
"Respecting yourself enough to set boundaries is not an act of aggression, it's an act of self-respect and wisdom."
"Keep your boundaries up, keep your guard up."
"As long as you feel that sense of autonomy, of control, and if you have to give it up this month, it's a no. It's a hard pass."
"He was a warrior. He spoke with authority. He loved me, but he wasn't putting up with my shenanigans."
"Boundaries are not meant to be easy. Sometimes setting healthy boundaries can feel painful."
"Decide if that's what you want, don't compromise your boundaries."
"Once you move into overt threats of violence or support for overt threats of violence, then you have crossed a line."
"It's time to heal from some type of past issue that's bringing you down, setting boundaries with certain people, maybe even healing from certain addictions."
"Being forced to appease bullies and people who break boundaries is harmful."
"Healthy anger is nothing but a defense of your boundaries."
"I'm very proud of myself for setting boundaries."
"The block button is free, y'all. It is free, and it's also free to mind your business. Learn how to do it."
"You're over the negativity, the bad vibes, those who are trying to drain you."
"You're done with the relationships that are a constant battle and constantly drain you."
"Know Your Role and go back in your closet and shut the [__] up."
"We're not holding onto Loki, y'all can [__] off."
"Cancel the party. Seriously schedule another one later that he is not invited to."
"It's important to just not identify with that and to kind of push that away, sort out how to be more skillful maybe the next time but to not internalize what that borderline-ish person is projecting upon you from their own history."
"Lady, two things you need to know: one, I do not work here, and two, you do not treat customers or employees like that ever."
"This is you kind of owning your power and deciding, you know what, no more. I want balanced, healthy, loving, beautiful energy."
"A boundary can take all kinds of sizes and shapes and forms."
"That's my time, that's my time. If you see me with this right here, these are the 'don't mess with me' shades."
"I promptly blocked him the next day."
"Enough is enough, I'm gonna [__] sock this guy."
"You stopped extorting your energy."
"Husband finally cut off his toxic mom."
"You cut somebody off recently because they did something like that."
"I'm not coming in, I'm staying outside."
"Enough is enough. It's the same thing when you're working at a job that you hate and your boss be talking crazy to you. It comes to a point where it's like, 'Enough of it is enough.'"
"I'm making a huge point to only surround myself with people who support me this year, who are positive. I don't want to be around nobody who's coming to me with negativity. Out of sight, out of mind."
"If I don't like you, I hate you. If I don't know you, [ __ ] off."
"I've hit the wall I'm tired of taking your [ __ ] it ends now."
"Protect your energy, don't take things personal."
"I'm not putting up with any more [__] today, not for me or anyone else. Only you get away with that."
"Sometimes it gets to the point where she is hacking and harassing me and I calmly write, 'please stop harassing me and to enjoy her day.'"
"Hey, so this isn't the message I guess you want to be getting, but my ex contacted me again on the weekend and came to my work today."
"Stop looking at me, sir, no, no, no, I'm doing."
"Bless and block girl, that's my motto."
"The only problem I have is I don't take [__] from anybody that's not a crime, but it could be if you punch him in the face."
"Tell everyone else that you know no longer want to hear about this, they don't get to dictate how you feel."
"I don't work here anymore. Get your own effing beer."
"Cutting people off is your superpower."
"Everybody has to develop their own relationship to how they're going to go about boundary setting with other people."
"Anger is what allows you to say no to someone who's trying to play you, to push them away."
"If someone is causing me stress, why am I still talking about it, why am I still entertaining it?"
"I'm not gonna play into your games."
"Sometimes you just got to do your job and sometimes when you got to say enough is enough."
"I set a goal for that year, I said, 'I'm not meeting up with any men even if we're doing skits unless we're all getting paid.'"
"Once someone hurt you, they can always do it again. So, no. Get out of here."
"If you're in a situation like me, don't take [ __ ] from nowhere."
"What makes you attractive is that you don't hang out with just everybody... you have no problem initiating separation as well."
"What makes you attractive is that you don't really care to explain to everybody why you set a boundary with them."
"He mentioned that he stopped a lot of his sketchy family members and friends."
"I put my shield up. Now you wild out."
"Sometimes you gotta throw people off your life to get your storm to stop."
"Don't you ever say that to me again."
"You weren't trying to sit back and figure out if that family member believed you or not, you chose to focus on yourself, recharge your energy, do a lot of self-reflecting, do a lot of healing and cleansing, and you ended something out."
"Some of you that have some kind of domestic disputes or issues with a spouse, a significant other, or somebody else that you may like, tell them, 'You come any closer to my property or to myself, I'm calling the cops or you could be getting a restraining order.'"
"I told you not to [ __ ] with me."
"Keep playing with me and you'll be in jail."
"Good for him. He's unhappy, he wanted out. Tony, good on him, let him out early. If you don't want to be here, if you're not here to make me better, then what do you want? Go. I don't give a [ __ ]."
"He's sick. I'm pissed off now. Like, I just, like all of a sudden, bro, I just can't do this [__]. That's fine."
"He tried getting my name my date of birth and so forth so on and I pushed him right back."
"...I want to keep that distance away."
"Chill the [ __ ] out dude, like I don't want this [ __ ] like I told Keo I was like bro I like thank you but like stop [ __ ] like [ __ ] on people like you're going too hard."
"The conversation is over. Please leave and don't show your face near me again for your sake."