
Play Style Quotes

There are 65 quotes

"I just play it as if a normal person would play the game."
"The Big Three is who we are; Fireball Three is what we play."
"The basic framework of a build allows players to work off of it and tailor it to their playstyle."
"The new version of Shadow Priest isn't not fun to play, it's actually like a pretty good playstyle."
"I could care less about being good at building. I wanted to go in, whip out the sniper, and get some flakes."
"When we add a new fighter we don't simply make their attacks or their movements a little different instead we try to offer you a whole new style of play."
"Makes my play style personally my absolute favorite."
"I'm excited to get to play him, like he looks more of like look at this type of characters that I would be into just rush down constant pressure you got it."
"I think it's very cool, you know me, I'm one of those in your face kind of players, you like rushing down nothing but risk."
"Some people don't give a flying [ __ ] about frame data... They just play off a feel."
"Abbasids is going to be a faction you really enjoy if you like that kind of mentality of trying to keep a mobile force."
"You get a ball-playing goalkeeper, you're going to get moments where he might not be the best shot-stopper but you're gonna get to help."
"Yakindar isn't changing his playstyle for anyone."
"This weapon is fun... you have a whole different type of play style."
"We're looking at addressing the condemned playstyle specifically."
"Rest assured that our goal is to provide alternatives that align with your preferred playstyle while widening the scope to include more viable perk options."
"Minecraft is all about enjoying the process instead of just speeding through it."
"Understanding rotation is dynamic, don't just take a static rotation at face value."
"One of the most clever ways to design a passive and by extension a playstyle."
"Lean into your playstyle... and max that out."
"I love this play style, she might be my favorite new hero."
"There's right and wrong, but always consider play style."
"Greninja offers players a fun and charismatic way to play with both speed and fury."
"Scrappers have one of the most interesting identities I've seen in the game because it encourages you to experiment with different styles of play."
"As my streak gets higher, I'm playing more zany shit again."
"Outside of that though I would choose other sniper rifles especially if you're just trying to play with a sniper rifle that's going to feel a little snappier and have a little better target acquisition."
"We're gonna stop playing a control deck aggro."
"It's your choice, do you want to play a dot and watch them rot style?"
"It's a kind of game that a lot of the time you are going to play on fast-forward."
"I don't think camping and tunneling is like the right play in a lot of situations you know I mean."
"The thing that made blade Stand Out amongst his competition was his play style opting to only use a knife to get kills in the game hence the name only use me blade."
"Mr. Fantastic is versatile and fun, just about any play style is viable with this character."
"I think this one seems like there's a lot of damage potential here, a lot of fun to be had with this play style."
"There's no definitive right or wrong way to play your games."
"My style of play, I'm a Workhorse."
"I always used to play Telus like I used to play like, you know, the cheapest tell us around ones like just mess some, you know, mess with pickups and stuff."
"Ali hated techies a lot. He had always hated techies because he thought that it was a different kind of playstyle that did not belong in Dota."
"Meo returned to the mid lane and continued his classic approach of a passive farming carry that occupied massive amounts of space on the map."
"I have a unique style of play. This hand never moves, it's always on the goalie, and I'm stronger with my left than my right, although I am right-handed."
"If all you play is like whole notes at 100 beats per minute, maybe a very high action is fine for you, but it won't be the right thing for everybody."
"One of the things that they have always prided themselves in is coming in here and playing real loose."
"Our play style is super aggressive."
"Judd Trump's a fascinating player, he's the only player I can really say that almost plays snooker the way a nine ball pool player plays pool."
"I want to make sure our identity is about how we play football."
"However you play is how you play and just go forth with it in whatever you do."
"It inspired me to play a little bit differently than I normally do."
"He's got one way to play, and that's what makes him great."
"What am I gonna do, like hit softer, hit with less spin? No, I'm gonna keep playing tennis the way I want to keep playing tennis."
"I love the way you play; I love your attitude. You've got the old school in you."
"To play like Rory, you have to be able to improvise and kind of mess around and play how you feel."
"Even if you're a very aggressive attacking player, you have to be able to adapt to other styles of play."
"The US has one of the most impressive play styles in bolt action, in my opinion."
"As soon as VP gets an advantage, that's when their play style really kicks into gear."
"If you're a tight player and your opponents are thinking players, you can win a lot of pots very quickly and very easily without confrontation."
"The Admiral, very similar play style to Giannis in today's NBA."
"We're just a better team when we play conceptually and random than we do slowing the game down and calling set plays."
"Games tend to be the most fun when you throw that Dominant Strategy business out the window and just play how you want to play."
"The way I play the game is exactly how I love the way he plays the game."
"Typical Carlsen game, he's playing quickly, time was taking his time."
"Find your style and play with your style of comfort."
"They have a principle, they have a style of play, they never ever go, you know what I mean, one week you know what kind of it's the same old same, they just literally play the way they play."