
Footage Quotes

There are 128 quotes

"This is indeed a remarkable piece of footage."
"The Hindenburg, one of the world's largest blimps, unfortunately exploded in New Jersey, and there's footage of it."
"What's presented here is genuine UFO/UAP footage."
"This is truly a mysterious piece of footage that no one can definitively explain."
"Flames coming out to the side, and this was off the raw footage here right."
"So this is the amazing UFO footage that we're discussing here."
"The most famous aspect of the case is the videotaped footage of anomalous lights."
"The Karma is a very functional, easy to use drone, and it's a great way to get your GoPro into the sky for some amazing footage."
"The effect of the earthquake as it strikes the state is captured on camera."
"Get out there and go record some footage with it, grab some photos and videos of something that you love."
"They went to break and when they come back from the break they showed the footage."
"This drone has one job: rich beautiful 5.1k footage, and it does its job very, very well."
"We may have real UFO footage, whoa."
"I think the whole footage thing was also very interesting."
"Time-lapse turns a 30-minute video into something like 30 seconds to a minute, speeding up the footage."
"10 bit footage can capture up to 1 billion colors."
"The surveillance footage caught during his Escapade makes for some truly unbelievable viewing."
"Actual landing footage from Phoenix International Airport."
"Despite causing significant damage, the footage also shows the man avoiding certain items."
"R2D2 revealed footage of operation Nightfall to Luke."
"The footage shared by Tammy is undeniably eerie and will continue to ignite discussions about the existence of ghosts and other paranormal phenomena."
"The Black Falcon 4K drone is straight up built to deliver spectacular high-flying footage."
"That's the original footage shadow laid in perfectly matched with the real shadow and then all the rest of this added in on top in the beautiful 4k."
"When the Avada came out there was a lot of footage AG that looked like it wasn't really suitable for a cwh like there was Mountain diving shots there was big wide surfing shots that were suitable for this guy."
"That bit of footage is going to go down as one of the greatest escapes of all time."
"Footage taken by a Coast Guard helicopter captured the moment a 40-ft wave rolled a 35-ft yacht into the realm of the deep blue, never to sail again."
"I'm just gonna show you guys the footage of what happened last week so you guys can see in real time how I dealt with the Vault puzzle situation happening."
"I wish I would have gotten more footage, I feel like I didn't get footage of anything."
"We even got footage of one of the big rigs cooking their brakes."
"The footage stands as a haunting testament, shattering the illusion of safety and highlighting the presence of a lurking threat just beyond the doorstep."
"There is one piece of footage on the internet that's left people baffled since it was uploaded to YouTube on the 26th of August 2020 by user named basy 666."
"The only [bleep] tragedy that can come out of this shark attack is if the footage gets buried. The footage cannot be buried, nowhere. This footage will make Poopie's a legend and it needs to come out."
"I want to see the footage from the helmet."
"If you have done your research right and you've done your interviews right and you've collected your material to tell the story, it's good, the quintessential aspect of that story is in the footage itself."
"You don't need to have all those things to get smooth great looking footage."
"It's still the best footage out there, the Patterson-Gimlin, to this day."
"The key to starting any edit process with a vlog is that you just need to know your footage."
"You already know that footage has been released about these UFOs."
"...I hope that you guys can understand how your GoPros work a lot better now and it'll help you to get even better footage."
"Silky smooth footage straight from the Drone."
"I was absolutely shocked at how clean the footage was, how much detail there was, how good the skin tones looked in almost complete darkness."
"Here's the actual footage of the arrest."
"Always, always download and backup your footage."
"I'm a loss of words right now. I just reviewed my footage and that door, dude, there's no way I caught that on camera. I literally caught that on camera. That's unreal."
"The footage alone is pretty strange. Just how exactly did this mysterious figure disappear from sight?"
"Multiple significant long-track tornadoes including this EF3 that plowed through the north side of Clarksville Tennessee, pretty epic footage here."
"it is heart stopping police dash cam"
"More saturation doesn't mean better footage and less doesn't mean more artsy."
"Some footage is not savable if you've shot it poorly."
"The footage that comes out of the camera is incredibly smooth and really usable."
"I didn't even think that I had enough footage to make a week in Korea weekend Seoul Vlog but it turns out I have more than enough."
"I know that saying kind of come across as pretty hardcore, but the footage really didn't show what was going on there that day."
"It seems like if they do have good footage they want to use it for something else."
"The eight most disturbing things caught on dash cam footage."
"Isn't it funny how they were taking footage in real time? It's almost as if they planned to release this footage in a strategic way."
"There's just the cinematic feel to the footage that makes it seem larger than life."
"This is absolutely viral footage, Comedy Squad."
"You'll want dashcam / body footage if it exists."
"You can't deny it, we have the footage."
"if you want to get the footage that looks like the professionals"
"But it's kind of eerie going through some of the footage and seeing everyone out and about and really happy, blissfully unaware of the tough times and hardship that awaited them just around the corner."
"The footage is amazing and there's a lot more of it apparently that we just don't have access to at the present time."
"But honestly, I feel like they wouldn’t even need to shoot the ending to release this footage."
"You could add detail and sharpness in post, making sure that you're getting the most out of your footage."
"The main benefit of aces is the transforming of the log footage into a more usable color space"
"Why is your footage better than the live stream Ed to yeah was live stream any good I didn't actually watch it I was also busy believe it or not we didn't watch it cuz we were there have you not watched it back it's not a lot I want to watch back Ed got most of it."
"You only really want to read in footage once, you don't want to have multiple reads all over your comp."
"I don't like my footage looking digital."
"That footage that you guys just saw right now, that was a shadow figure."
"We got over three hours of awesome garage sale footage."
"You met me in person, I have footage of you acknowledging my character and saying, 'Flip, you're a good dude. You're a cool dude.' Two times behind the scene Patreon footage."
"That is the most significant Titanic footage I've ever seen in my life."
"...fly up to three point one there's like three miles ya bout 3.2 miles 3.1 miles away and view the footage from the camera directly from your iPad or iPhone right as you're flying in 720p so that's pretty sweet."
"The initial response is usually not even intentional, it's an immediate response, and then when you show them footage, it completely changes their opinion."
"The footage that you're about to see is real, 100% authentic, and frightening."
"Surprisingly, however, the footage generated more questions than answers."
"This footage has never before been seen."
"We got to see some fantastic storm footage."
"Have you ever found yourself in a situation where you could really use some footage but shooting it yourself was either budgetarily or logistically unfeasible?"
"So now it's time to head out to the field and take a look at some footage from the maiden."
"I'm really impressed with how close the footage is between these two cameras."
"That's the best UFO footage I've ever seen."
"We end the year strong by giving you guys all kinds of good footage."
"The Independence Day footage refers to a Bigfoot video captured on July 4th, 2010, that stands out for clarity and interesting content."
"Isn't that just the sweetest footage ever?"
"What a really, really cool piece of footage, good job."
"Sometimes like in this footage... something subtle can be just as creepy."
"I hope you enjoyed this footage, it'll give you an idea what this thing's capable of."
"It's really amazing to me that not a single one of them checked where that footage actually came from."
"Hope everyone is okay, the footage that is coming out is so crazy and so sad."
"When I look at footage shot with this camera, it feels like I'm watching a memory."
"The value of footage was immense as it contained unique footage of figures of the Ukrainian revolution."
"That was some piece of footage we just showed there, that was quite remarkable."
"Let's see what kind of footage we get here at the start line."
"It's honestly the best looking footage I have seen come out of a 360 camera yet."
"The quality of the footage is really good."
"It's always better to have more footage to work with than too little."
"I've always been super pleased with the footage the Canon R5."
"Eventually, her dream was to turn that footage into a documentary."
"I hope you enjoyed the footage of Vancouver."
"Fantastic pairing and some wonderful new footage that I don't believe has ever been seen before."
"When you look at your footage, it's like, 'Oh wow, I am the star of my own show.'"
"If you feel you're alone in this world, this eerie footage might call that into question."
"Sometimes non-edited footage is the right way to go."
"It's still a genuinely creepy piece of footage."
"The footage is everything. I can lose a $20,000 camera and I don't care about it as long as I have that footage."
"I look forward to a lot of amazing Australian footage."
"I can't wait to watch back over the footage and check it out."
"It's a piece of footage that has been barraged with accusations of hoaxes from the beginning, but both Patterson and Gimlin have sworn on the clip's authenticity."
"That has got to be some of the funniest footage I've ever seen."
"If this clip... is authentic, then it might very well be the clearest piece of extraterrestrial footage ever captured."
"We're gonna see if we can get some cool footage over the skate park."
"If you run these both on the exact same project in the exact same scenarios, not only would the FX6 capture more footage, it probably would be the better looking footage as well."
"I have footage of him carrying a puppy in his arm and horses are following him around."
"Refining digital clay with some actual live footage."