
Data Reliance Quotes

There are 61 quotes

"You can have your opinions in all of this, but you can't argue with the data. You can't argue with the data."
"Formula One itself has become too data-driven."
"We can't just listen to people speaking their truth from their heart because... people disagree. We have to look to data, we have to look to facts, we have to have arguments, we have to let everybody participate."
"The truth always lies in the data, not in what they say."
"I am not anti-vaccine. What I am is pro-safety and pro-data."
"The only thing that makes me think something is true as a scientist is data that confirms it."
"We need to make sure we're utilizing the ARP dollars to help our students in reading and math and go beyond the data that we had in 2019."
"The only thing I worship is evidence. You know, I need data to believe what I believe. Show me the data. Show me good data."
"We have to actually have the facts, have the data, have the record."
"His victory is a profound reminder that no matter how good deep learning data-driven AI looks when it is trained on an immense amount of data, we can never be sure that systems of this sort really can extend what they know to novel circumstances."
"The only metric is evidence, so what are you going with?"
"We're data-driven. So we're data-driven and we work hard..."
"For all this blame on Fauci... Fauci gave his educated analysis based on data."
"Enthusiasm to everybody who will listen to you, but the danger of that is that you can become so entrenched so trapped in your own ideas that you can't see what's staring you right in the face: the data."
"I can trust the data. Anytime I get, I can feel that my body is fighting something."
"Graphics give us an elusive confidence. They tempt us to believe in this one aspect we can count and measure."
"We trust AI and e-governance because they just know better, with more data and better recall."
"When they try to implement any more mandates, you have the data to challenge them."
"Live decisions would be based on incoming data and the evolving outlook."
"It's verbal, they won't agree with it. You need some data to prove."
"We prefer to look historically at the only actual information we have."
"When you have good data about your applications, then you'll know if something doesn't work right, you can look to other causes for that problem and not a misapplication."
"The antidote to anxiety, to fear, to these false personas is facts, it's data."
"That's how science works, here's my data, and then they'll change their opinion, but that hasn't happened."
"Easy way to fight FUD is to follow the data."
"I only look at data. I'm a data-driven guy. I have no emotions."
"We are focusing on the science, the facts, and the data."
"Recognizing science and data even when it conflicts with our beliefs."
"There will be a focus on tracking data, as it's essential in football analytics."
"The truth matters, the data matters." - Ben Marcellus
"It's just really nice to have some actual testing and actual data that we can work with."
"It's kind of hard to argue with stats like this."
"Stay healthy along the way, arm yourself with credible data."
"Trouble may be brewing, but the data doesn't lie."
"Data drives the channel and no one provides better, faster, or more research-backed data than ARK Invest. Period."
"TA is not fortune telling TA is still a data-based acumen we need to see data points before making conclusions or hypotheses."
"National security isn't about feelings, it's about fact and data."
"The devil's in the data and the details, and the data don't care about your feelings. Facts are what they are."
"The media are conservative in calling elections; they're not quick to call unless the data is there."
"Numbers don't lie, people. The facts matter."
"A is A, a sign scientist cannot make a false theory true by closing his eyes to the data of it contradicted."
"This is scientific prediction. So prediction has to be based on the data, not from the mind."
"Life goes on, and that's the data we have."
"I like data; when I don't have all the data, I don't trust."
"There's a reason why we rely on data, independent confirmation of the data, independent replication of the results."
"Businesses always rely on data to make important decisions."
"Our training data is absolutely critical for what we do."
"Managers should not rely on their intuition when making important managerial decisions, but rather should rely on data."
"A forecast is only as good as the information included in the past data."
"Decision-making needs information, and information comes from data."
"So you need to have a discipline, you need to have a view, and you need to rely on your data. If you don't rely on your data, you're just lost."
"Everything really relies on data and you have to interact with the database."
"Data-driven healthcare is sticking around."
"The four percent rule... relies on a wealth of data and information such as the Trinity study done by Trinity College."
"God we trust, all others bring data."
"We rely on the data and it's not anecdotal, it's not political, it's not an opinion."