
Ethical Questions Quotes

There are 81 quotes

"Morality is not black and white... there's no easy answer to a lot of these questions."
"Shouldn't they have a right to defend themselves?"
"Immortality opens a rich vein of questions that span ethical, metaphysical, and existential dimensions."
"I recognize that this was very underhanded and probably the biggest dick move."
"How are we here right now in society that they don't value a life?"
"I think that's gonna create massive questions for society about what obligations we want to require companies to fulfill."
"Another morality question stirs up in this game."
"Why?" What would or could corrupt an organization so completely that they would betray everything they once stood for?
"On what basis can anyone say this action is right or this action is wrong?"
"Where do you draw the line? That's the question. It's what I call a human issue."
"When Hollywood makes 'Lord of War 2', the arms dealers are going to be the good guys as they vacuum up munitions from hot spots around the world to direct it to Ukraine."
"Is there a limit beyond which it will not be allowed as a record? Is there some rules about how good you can be at your job helping athletes?"
"When you break it down to that sentence, how is this acceptable?"
"What's evil about wanting to secure our borders... so instead of allowing people to cross our borders illegally and they get they get to rip away at the fabrics and take it."
"That feels like corruption. Is that corruption?"
"When is enough enough in a capitalist society?"
"Are there limitations to what can be done and are there ramifications?"
"Isn't the worth of human life worth three towers in Russia? That's the point in history we've come to, absolutely despicable."
"Does the enjoying of something justify the consequences of it?"
"It's age-appropriate? Can you explain how that could possibly be age-appropriate? How can a child consent to that?"
"At what point is the victim no longer fighting back? When does it become violence for the sake of violence?"
"Can evil be done with this technology? Yes, and so what?"
"The most important question a society can ask is how do you make good people."
"I gotta remember the energy that we express can help some people when they feeling depressed."
"A civilized society may ask itself whether control unit prisons like Florence and Westville are just tombs for the living dead."
"Would you charge them if the building literally burned down? Would they?"
"P.T. Barnum, his first real move into showmanship, came when he paid for the right to rent an aging black woman and parade her around cities, claiming she wasn't."
"Does it sound like maybe you're violating one of the seven deadly sins when you say that billionaires are inherently greedy?"
"Would Jesus abort a child? I can't see him doing that."
"Do you believe they should still be protected?"
"Is the onus on companies or consumers to combat misleading advertising?"
"The moral implications of this question and more are asked in Nightcrawler."
"Why alter such an important artifact? Why not preserve them in their found state?"
"How would we know right from wrong if we don't have divine guidance?"
"What do you think they hope to accomplish by mixing wolf genomes with literal polar bear genomes?"
"Are we in this to make people's lives better?"
"If Trump said I want to hold up the aid until you Ukraine investigate corruption surrounding 2016 I failed to understand how that is any different."
"Civil War asks should the superheroes be policed."
"Hey, let's just take some innocent people and then shoot them. What the [ __ ] is wrong with these Europeans?"
"The questions are finally being asked, who has the right to hold objects and to tell their stories?"
"How could something be unethical and not be cheating?"
"Have you ever tried to ruin someone's life really quickly?"
"There's nothing in the law that says you can't lie to suspects, guys. Dirty little secret, law enforcement, nothing says they can't lie to y'all in the talk."
"Thank God, okay, so you're okay with aborting a child at 36 weeks?"
"There aren't any easy answers. It falls in the gray, and it just provokes so many questions."
"How will the pharmaceutical industry make money unless they buy their way in?"
"It's a movie that there's no heroes or villains, there's a bunch of humans. It asks a lot of questions."
"Is it really a sin that we want to stop gun violence?"
"Scientists have revived a zombie virus that spent 4500 years Frozen in permafrost...why would you do that?"
"Ask yourself before every decision: Is it unselfish, is it honest, is it pure, is it loving?"
"Should we intervene when there's evil happening?"
"The US involvement in biological warfare and its aftermath raises questions about its commitment to international treaties."
"There are real life consequences here... this whole thing with superheroes causing collateral damage."
"This whole series addresses what if people have been asking about for years... what about when they go out and they just... they're saving the world but they're just doing it any which way they want to."
"If it's going against that realm of what's right, how is it not wrong?"
"Shouldn't Joe Biden and Tony blinkin and the others feel complicity for this Slaughter I would think so."
"How is it ethical, how is it logical, how is it legal to force this demonic crap on our children?"
"Captain America: Civil War... interesting questions about superhero culpability."
"Thanos' goal is so, in a way, stupid. It's like he just arbitrarily wants to wipe out half of everything."
"It's like at what point does it kind of go to the dark side?"
"The real question is whether we should, not whether we can."
"All our lives are moral equations; does the end justify the means? No, it never did."
"Godzilla steps out of line in some way shape or form I don't know how again I'm not saying he's gonna go around trying to wipe out every human from the face of the earth but I think he will do something questionable."
"I think if society in line with your preferences deemed it non-problematic to go around and kill human beings and eat them, then would I perceive it as problematic."
"Can a Christian stand for the murder of an innocent child?"
"How do you have humanity and love and respect for your people or you don't? It's that simple."
"This raises a lot of questions about AI rights."
"Who or what determines what is moral or immoral in your life, in your home?"
"Is it the truth? Is it fair? Will it build goodwill? Is it beneficial to all concerned?"
"This is one of those AI tools that's so good that it almost brings up more questions than it answers."
"It asks you to explore moral questions."
"There are so many morally and ethically interesting questions to ask here."
"How should I treat other people? The first most reasonable question is, well, how do I want to be treated?"
"In the absence of God, what authority is there to issue moral commands or prohibitions?"