
Ongoing Process Quotes

There are 68 quotes

"Training isn't something you did; it's something you do."
"Tonight might be almost over but the election is far from it."
"Brexit isn't a single event, it's a process. Divergence in regulatory frameworks continues, fresh export opportunities."
"Purification is an ongoing process; it never ceases as evolution never halts."
"We are in the process of implementing it now."
"This Pond is not yet done. It is a big pond, it's a full ecosystem, it's rocking and rolling."
"I'm on this LevelUp journey still it never ends."
"Brexit should never be seen as an end in itself."
"But even though I'm doing all of this with the pannier tank, the O 8 is still going on its merry way, which is really, really cool."
"Quality is an ongoing process; there is no end to Quality."
"Life is just a continuation of figuring it out."
"Evolution is ongoing and evolution never stops."
"Therapy scenes are really well done... ongoing process."
"The key is that the work is never done, and there are always new things to optimize."
"An objective inquiry should be ongoing spirit regardless."
"As the chief indicated, this is not the end of this."
"Reparations as a process, not just a one-time one-and-done transactional kind of notion."
"Consciousness isn't just a matter of having a feeling. It isn't a matter of a momentary occurrence. It's a kind of an ongoing grappling with things, making use of background knowledge such as the meanings of the words, the language in question."
"Inner work has not been done yet, the inner work has not been done."
"It's a human experience. It's going to continue going on, and somebody's got to look at it. It's a challenge. And it's a mystery that has got to be solved."
"This is a good tip but the case is far from over."
"Once you wake up, once you have an awakening it doesn't just end there. It's a process."
"Cybersecurity is a never-ending story that will improve as the sector improves."
"Disclosure is happening now. It's already begun."
"Purity is not a point you arrive at; it's a pursuit after His presence."
"Best thing I ever done, not easy. It's ongoing process. I didn't come out there a closed book but I started to break down the barriers."
"Computer security is an ever ongoing process, something you need to be aware of each and every day."
"The full moon Aquarius says no you're not done with it yet, this is the culmination you're seeing what you've created."
"My citizenship is in heaven, that doesn't mean my character isn't under construction."
"I would say to enjoy the journey and not place a Finish Line because it's going to be ongoing and you never know where you're going to end up."
"Launch has not been scrubbed it has not been scrubbed to this point the count is is proceeding but at the moment conditions are not looking the best."
"It still seems like there's going to be some amount of working through that needs to take place."
"It's never really finished, so exploration is something that is ongoing."
"A game is never 'done', it's only 'released'."
"Tell your story while you're still in the process."
"We're masterpieces but we're all works in progress."
"A home is truly never done whenever you are living in it, using it, finding the ways that it functions."
"Respect is an ongoing thing it's an active thing it's happening right now."
"Our fitness is ongoing well-being is ongoing balance coordination our mental health it's all an ongoing process we keep having to we have to keep looking after and keep working on and that's not a bad thing that's a great thing."
"I think for me it's really safe to say, you know what, the restoration is ongoing."
"The build is never really finished, you can always come back to it and make adjustments."
"To me, a lot of this is like an ongoing practice."
"The Thirteenth Amendment: not just a one-stop thing, but an ongoing process."
"True repentance is not a single act somewhere in the past but an ongoing spirit and attitude where day in day out year after year we live repentantly."
"I do not feel like it's cut and dry. I do not feel like my recovery is over. I feel like it's still going."
"Brexit wasn't the end, it was just the beginning."
"Your reef is never done, no matter what you do, you're gonna have to change the aquascape at some point."
"This isn't over yet, so the next thing we're gonna do is get the engine in the car."
"You're never going to be really done with making amends."
"History is just one damn thing after another, and it definitely is not over yet."
"Even though impact is over, the process of moving the asteroid is still going on as we speak."
"It's been a remarkable journey so far, and it's not over yet."
"I'm still growing and I'm still taking care of myself."
"We're definitely not fully evolved; we continue to evolve."
"...mental health is not a Finish Line."
"We've solved a lot of problems, and we're in the process of solving a lot of problems."
"It's a long story which we can trace in the 1600s that really picks up in the mid-19th century and is still continuing today."
"A habit is something that you don't really finish. It's something that you want to do on an ongoing basis."
"It's a legal saga that will unfold throughout the presidential campaign, election, and beyond."
"Wedding planning is one of those things where it just creeps up on you all the time."
"Devolution is still ongoing; this suggests that it continues to be desired, in other words, it's a process rather than an event."
"The world is continually being born out of what seems to me a kind of improvisational ongoing improvisation."
"Getting your home organized will always start better if you accept that it's always going to be an ongoing process."
"The expansion of the universe is the Big Bang still going on."
"There is a sense of continuity for a number of you."