
Global Conflict Quotes

There are 176 quotes

"The more we celebrate things like that, the more that like Putin goes like if I ever hit that button I'm the [__] that's ruining the party forever and ever and ever."
"This is the fate of humanity on the line right here. We have to avoid a nuclear war."
"We're at perhaps the most dangerous moment in American and world history since 1939, on the verge of a new world war."
"We are closer to World War III than we have ever been in any of our lifetimes."
"This World War III that is being proposed... it's going to be a combination of a technological war, media war, psychological, and also debt."
"The whole world is waiting for the de-confliction of the war between Russia and Ukraine to end."
"The world right now is spending a trillion and a half dollars on weapons of destruction designed to kill each other."
"The whole world is locked in an ideological battle right now."
"This is just laying the foundations for Mass mobilization like World War II scale mobilization."
"The war would be fought on land, sea, in the skies, and in space."
"The conflict was truly global, and each of its smaller parts was crucial and decisive."
"This is a very significant conflict, not just for Ukraine, but for the world."
"His death would spark a war of the world even more horrific than the war to end all wars that had rocketed 20 years earlier - the Second World War."
"The Nations that launched World War III would not be much more than dust and utterly inconsequential in the new era of human history to come."
"Once we're told World War III has started, that's just the public statement about it."
"All of this is the Dark World War III scenario that the leader was trying to prevent by conquering the world."
"We may be looking at the beginnings of World War III. It's been said by many people, many people much more informed and smarter than I."
"It's going to be a World War III situation all options will be on the table including a nuclear response."
"Billionaire hedge fund manager: 'World War III has likely already started.'"
"Questions about how companies that have done business in the globalized world are dealing with something that has not been seen in a long time, which is a major war in this way."
"Unless the people wake up, we get the third world war."
"A war between the US and China would destroy the possibilities of organized life on Earth."
"The war in Ukraine is going to shape the contours of the rest of the 21st century."
"This is bigger than just one fight in Ukraine... autocracy against democracy."
"The only part of the world which did not really do very much in World War two."
"The world is being ravaged by conflict; all that stands between our current freedoms and the abyss of subjugation is the willingness of the people to stand up and fight."
"World War II was not a white man's war; it was a world war in every meaning of the term."
"Expect a Cold War between China, Russia, NATO, and allies till 2030."
"One sure sign of World War III is an explosion of hot zones and their escalation of conflict."
"Dark Side is not finished with Earth, there's a war coming."
"I'm worried about... we might be on the edge of something much scarier than Cold War II, namely World War III."
"The century of the common man... this is a fight between a slave world and a free world."
"Every time we've had a Thucydides trap in the past... there's been a mega war or World War."
"This is not just the fight for the United States of America, this is a fight for civilization itself."
"We're very close to World War Three, but again, we're all crazy, right?"
"The summit differs from the rest because it's taking place at the backdrop of the conflict in Ukraine as well as the tension among and between the bigger powers and other issues that are affecting Global Order such as climate change."
"The world is not sleepwalking into a wider war, I fear that it is doing so with its eyes wide open."
"The western world is once more preparing itself to wage global wars."
"We're seeing a world shape up where we just don't have a lot of selling pressure for bitcoin."
"His aggressive foreign policies would drag the world into a second tragic global conflict."
"It's clear that all of this is leading to war and financial collapse."
"We are moving towards war and peace will be moved from the earth."
"The world is being pushed into world conflict."
"What I fear... right now we're on the brink of World War III and it's absolutely terrifying."
"The US navy, the largest and best equipped in the world, would be the deciding factor in a global war."
"We shall go on to the end, we shall fight on a global scale, we shall fight in the fields and in the streets, we shall never surrender."
"Consider that in the midst of the global pandemic, the People's Liberation Army and the Ministry of State Security have conducted cyber attacks against hospitals, pharmaceutical companies, and medical research facilities."
"It's essential that Ukraine wins for the future of the world most of us want to live in obviously obviously."
"A world war will always draw our attention across the map, as things of greater or lesser significance occur, all of which are bricks in the same edifice."
"The news media won't cover it, your politicians and leaders, they're not admitting it, but there's no denying it now. We're in the second year of what is effectively a world war."
"World War III, for all intents and purposes, is pretty much underway, though it doesn't really conform to our current understanding of past world wars."
"There's a war going on in Ukraine that could lead to a conflagration that our world has never seen before."
"This sounds a whole lot like World War III has already started."
"We have a full-scale war coming whether or not anybody wants to admit it."
"Stalin leads an ideological battle against the world."
"The Earth does not have to be a place of conflict."
"In an era of global violence, a new breed of warrior has emerged."
"There is no such thing as a small nuclear strike. If Putin uses a tactical nuke, it's World War III."
"What would happen if the United States found itself in a war against the entire rest of the world?"
"The real important thing... is ultimately moving away from our addiction to hydrocarbons." - Stressing the importance of long-term energy sustainability amidst global conflicts.
"The world is now going to live in peace. You saved the humanity from the third and worst world war that ever happened on this planet."
"This is the war of the Free World against uh dictatorship and that's why this is so important what's going on in Ukraine."
"The Mingo nation would survive the global war they unintentionally helped start."
"Winner take all for power over Humanity on Earth and in space."
"Russia's invasion of Ukraine was a perfect topic to enthrall the masses."
"One great war will erupt in the second half of the 20th century."
"We're playing in the flash of World War III right now."
"Global warfare... You'll hear of wars and rumors of wars."
"What we are witnessing is a proxy war, a chessboard being played with proxy warriors as the pieces."
"A major war would be very, very bad news for the global economy."
"Humanity would engage in battle for the planet primarily with the United States appearing to have the most luck."
"I don't think that war would be positive I mean I think it would be uh it would be something like world war II where you or your trade partners get really all discombobulated and all of a sudden everything gets messed up economically."
"The use of lower yielded tactical weapons could quickly spiral out of control into Global destruction." - Joe Biden
"We are witnessing and experiencing the outbreak of WW3 at this very time right now."
"This is the most dangerous time we've been since World War II."
"The fighting inevitably spilled over into other parts of the world."
"So many people think that we are running an intolerable risk by not doing everything we could possibly do to de-escalate the situation."
"The fight is not between Americans and Arabs, it is moderates and extremists."
"I'm pretty sure he's locked in for that final war because that's his whole goal, he's waging war against the world government."
"This is not a game of chess. It's either we win or Putin wins."
"The battle inside the world right now is between these two ideas of socialism and freedom."
"Do you know what a nuclear war would do? Do you have any idea how high the stakes are with a nuclear war compared to literally any other kind of Engagement?"
"Franklin Roosevelt had a strong sense that one way or another, the United States was likely to be drawn into World War II."
"If it's a world war, I'm on England's side, but if it's anything else, yeah, exactly."
"There's a war going on out there right now, and it's happening in the financial warfare."
"I'm gonna declare war on the entire world government."
"The global war on terror has now killed 7,000 U.S. service men and women – more than twice the number of people killed on 9/11."
"800,000 lives worldwide through bombing, through drone strikes – 800,000 people."
"We could create a slippery slope into World War three with this thing."
"I think the wars of 9/11 have really made Americans more reluctant to get involved in global conflicts."
"Since the ability to inflict harm is now so widely spread around the world, it makes very little sense to make enemies."
"We must demand immediate negotiation of a peaceful end to the war in Ukraine or end up in World War III."
"Russia cannot fight against the whole world."
"It's just the most depressing thing to think that World War III is actually based on what our politicians are going to decide to do."
"The alternative is war, the alternative is World War Three, and no one will win, and no one will survive. That's insane."
"I hope this doesn't somehow butterfly effect into some sort of WW3 situation."
"It might have been a cold war to the United States and Soviet Union, but it was very much a real deadly conflict in all these countries."
"The victory won in the west must now be one in the heat is my earnest hope and indeed the hope of all mankind."
"The possibility of a World War, a new Cold War, and territorial transgressions are now heightened."
"When this war starts, it's going to be a world war."
"If Putin wins in his endeavor, more and more of the world would look like what's happening around Ukraine." - Yuval Noah Harari
"You know, we fight all over the world to create borders for countries, but we don't create a border for our own country."
"Is a global war something that anybody wins from these days? I mean, what does anybody want that? Not sure."
"Please guys, don't go to war. We don't want World War III."
"It's not like they're going to survive and their kids are going to survive a global nuclear war either although maybe they think they will."
"War is an inevitable reality in the future... the only wild card that might sort this out is if we get some common enemy."
"We have to address the Jewish problem. There is a Jewish problem. It is more urgent now than it was in 1890, it is much more serious now. We are on the brink of global nuclear war because of the Jewish problem."
"Guys, pray for Israel. This is what's so crazy to me. How we preach on end times, I felt like God told me to preach the last two weeks, and we're seeing an end time event happen right now with Israel being attacked."
"The failure by the official opposition to support the country which is fighting the world's fight right now for democracy."
"The resistance against the Axis was getting stronger, and the fighting escalated around the world."
"The missile launched by North Korea near its border with China was its longest range test yet soaring a record 2 800 miles clear over Japan then crashing into the Pacific Ocean."
"Which means this truly is becoming an all out clash between the world’s strongest powers."
"War Games acts as a cautionary tale of just how easy it could be for one small mistake in modern technology could lead to all-out war."
"This will be the greatest war the world has ever seen."
"World peace and everything that Roosevelt had worked so hard for was going up in flames because of Truman's ego."
"If we are that close to the tribulation, then the world is about to see war the likes of this planet has never seen before."
"Don't forget to donate to Ukraine if that is something that you care about as well."
"It's disgusting the people better stand up because you said it and I've said it World War III has begun."
"The deaths of women, children, and men happening in Ukraine is a tragedy, but in wars, people get killed."
"Boruto is a prodigy who will save the Earth one more time."
"Time is growing short. World War III has already started."
"War is just getting closer and closer and closer and it's gonna be world war because it's happening everywhere."
"It served in militaries all over the world in a lot of different conflicts since that time."
"We are in the beginning stages of World War III."
"World War III: Already happening, a means to start anew."
"It's in the interest of every human being on earth that Putin fails."
"You cannot sit around and be a coward and just watch World War III happen in front of your face. You need to go out there and actually try to make some change, and everybody needs to do it."
"Jesus describes a time coming when there will be a world war involving the armies of much of the world."
"This is the beginning of a war against Europe, against European structures, against democracy, against basic human rights, against a global order of law, rules, and peaceful coexistence."
"The Great War was waged on a global scale, brought to every corner of the earth by the mighty and terrible empires which waged it."
"World War III would be a true World War."
"We're on the verge of World War III."
"The First World War was truly a world war, fought on multiple fronts."
"World War II altered the course of history, shaping the world as we know it today."
"The Korean War was the first major theater of conflict between capitalism and communism."
"Men and women from all over the world fought for dreams of democracy or communism or fascism."
"World War II at sea was quite literally a global conflict."
"Every country in the world is on a side and a global conflict is just seconds away from taking place."
"Without the UN, we might very well have had World War three."
"We're in a battle right now for the world."
"If China were to become the Arsenal of authoritarianism, that could really change the nature of the fight that we see Russia engaged in right now."
"The sense that you could end up with a global conflict of such scale and duration wasn't something that people were talking about."
"In the summer of 1942, World War II was raging across Europe and the Pacific Islands."
"Brute Squad would like to take this opportunity to amplify calls for a ceasefire in Israel and occupied Palestine."
"He was a spy who survived through fierce information battles erupting worldwide."
"It is very straightforward in my view, a war to decide the future of this planet is being fought."
"But I have already said, and it is clear to everyone, that it will be one step away from a full-scale third world war. I think hardly anyone is interested in this."
"For many historians, this year marks the height of a truly global war."
"It's really important we frame Ukraine as... a global conflict in many ways, one that is having rebuilding, reshaping the world that we knew into different spheres of influence."