
Niceness Quotes

There are 267 quotes

"Nice people are polite and considerate and compassionate, but they prioritize themselves first because they know you can't pour from an empty cup."
"The number one word used to describe the most successful people in sales or business is 'nice'."
"He's so nice, he's like one of the nicest people I think I've ever met. He's just a good dude."
"We're just nice to each other. We're just nice people and supportive of one another."
"Let's remember that today's show is brought to you by the concept of being nice to people."
"In human society, the most liked people are the people who are nice... because we can find confluence with them very easily and thus we don't experience conflict."
"Being nice. There's not one definition of cool. Just be yourself."
"Being spiritual doesn't always mean being nice."
"Bert was the nicest guy you could ever meet."
"On no planet can you make up for incompetence by being the nicest person in the world."
"His concept isn't bad, he's just saying be nice and religion and all of that, that's not bad."
"If being a nice guy clearly doesn't work, then why should guys continue to be nice guys?"
"If you need to be reminded to be nice, no amount of religion is going to help you not be a cunt because you're a fucking cunt."
"Being nice is good. Being overly nice is bad."
"Being nice is more about doing what people want or what makes others happy, while being kind is more about being a good person."
"Those guys are like the nicest humans you'll ever meet in life."
"Being nice gives you an insane leg up in a situation like this."
"Canadians are some of the nicest most agreeable most accommodating people on the planet."
"Ethan especially, we were just saying this before we started rolling, gotta be probably one of the nicest people I've ever met. I think so, I think he might be number one."
"Is he nice for the sake of being nice or is he nice because he has a motive?"
"Generally, when people think of Canadians, I think they think that they're pretty nice."
"Try to be nice and treat people with kindness."
"You're going to have such a nice surprise."
"He's actually the sweetest guy ever; he's so nice."
"She's an amazing person though, literally the nicest person."
"That's usually you expect when you're behind the scenes finally that you get to hear the real [ __ ]... but how anticlimactic is it that the real [ __ ] is so nice?"
"Sometimes you're too nice for your own good, but that's what makes you so lovable."
"Being nice and being kind is forever true."
"It feels like everyone wants something from you because they're so nice."
"At the end of the day, it's about being nice."
"A nice guy doesn't have to tell people that they're nice guys."
"I'm scared of people who are nice."
"Women despise men who are nice to them because they see it as a lack of prioritizing the right things for survival."
"She's letting me pet her. That's nice."
"Just be nice and be kind. Those are my thoughts."
"Sometimes I don't want to be nice, sometimes I want to show create boundaries."
"People too nice now. You go out to these stores, everybody, 'Hey, how you doing? Thank you for choosing us.' You think them people want to be your friend, or they'll get fired for not speaking? Which one you think it is?"
"I don't have that, that's one of the nicest guys in the world."
"How nice is that? He's got little Ruffles and everything and a dashing mustache."
"It's just really nice like everyone is just super friendly and understanding and welcoming."
"It pays off so much to be polite and to be nice."
"So instead of asking people should I be nice or honest and useful, what I like to do is ask ask people can I give you feedback on a couple Dimensions."
"I'm actually going to try to be nice now. I don't know if I'm going to pull that off, I don't know if I'm going to pull that off, Shannon, but I'm going to try, I'm going to try."
"Isn't that nice? Isn't that what we should all want?"
"Christians should only and always be nice? No, sometimes we need to fight."
"You're such a nice person, though. Not if you do something whack."
"So as you can see, this backs up what I talk about all the time. When you act like the nice guy and all that, look what very likely can happen."
"Nice is really the most dangerous one... nice is always tainted with this energy... getting something back... not always in your best interest."
"They're always going to be nice... nice is dangerous... you want people that are sweet and kind."
"Canadians, they're like the nicest negotiators on the planet."
"He's been lifted to an almost mythological level of niceness."
"He's too nice, I feel like there is a movie where he does play a villain, but I don't, I can't imagine him as a villain."
"Sometimes a good man can't be nice."
"You guys are all the nicest people on the internet. I'm convinced of this."
"The nicer I was, the angrier she seemed to get."
"When we're trying to be super nice, we're trying to get along with everyone, we're trying to be a goody goody, that actually holds us back more."
"I don't know if there's anybody that's not happy for him. He's like the nicest guy on earth."
"The number one mistake nice guys like you make: being too nice. That's the worst."
"Nice girls who do nice things and are nice to people."
"Mike was also one of the most affable and just nicest guys you'd ever want to meet."
"Every single guy I've ever liked is so different from each other. The only through line is that they're all nice, really good, sweet guys."
"If you're nice to everyone and super naive, people will take advantage of you."
"It's better for business to be very nice, but at points, maybe it's better not to be nice for business."
"I just don't get how you can talk about how I'm being so nice to you and then be rude to someone."
"Let's get into this one because this actually happened fairly recently, and I just, contrary to popular belief, I'm too nice."
"Even people that hate you try and be nice."
"I'm just trying to be nice so they can get you guys votes."
"I just feel like I'm very confrontational and a lot of people can vouch for that but I feel like I'm very nice as well."
"Absolutely brilliant, genuinely one of the nicest people that I've had the pleasure of meeting here."
"Prove me otherwise, 'cause I feel like I'm saying the most utmost nicest way into, you know, criticism-wise."
"I think this one is actually really nice."
"Being nice can be a very destructive thing when it isn't coming from a place of genuine care."
"Sometimes a person may be nice, but it doesn't mean that they're a nice person."
"The difference between nice guys and good guys are good guys whose niceness is not based on what they want but it's based on who they are. It's their actual character."
"Being a nice guy should be the cherry on top, not the sundae."
"When you stop being so nice all the time, which by the way doesn't mean the same as stop being kind to people or stop being compassionate, that you will live a tremendously better life."
"You're honest, and you're nice. In fact, you're just about the nicest maniac I've ever met."
"This bike is really nice. If you're in the market for an e-bike, this thing is one of the nicest that we've seen so far."
"Why are you all doing this locally? Really, everybody, Marshall Lee, why are you so nice?"
"I would agree with that. One of the genuinely most nicest people I've ever met in or out of wrestling, just a great dude."
"...it's just actually super nice."
"As long as I know I'm nice, I'm my own."
"You can't be nice to everybody. Knights don't work. You can't be nice. And a lot of times, you know, women are walked over like a doormat when they're too nice."
"I don't believe there is such a thing as being too nice."
"Compared to Twitter, Arch Linux users are the nicest people that you'll ever meet online."
"It's nice to be nice. Jess, be nice to people. Always be nice."
"I like the exchange right here just now that pretty nice."
"He's the nicest, most down-to-earth guy on the planet."
"you always know when a celebrity is nice when they're like hi my name is Tia and it's like we all know your name obviously but you still introduce yourself because you're just a normal nice human being and that's who she is."
"This one is so wholesome compared to... I know, this is kind of nice."
"I think we have to be nicer to each other. After I talked all that smack on Taylor Swift, I didn't talk smack. I just want everyone to be as rich and happy as, too."
"You never behave superior to anyone. That's nice."
"Just generally nice to everybody then they're nice back to you just by default."
"I think people like to imagine her falling for someone so genuinely nice and loving."
"Assume the best intentions, assume the best traits, because you want to have a nice time."
"When I first met Bird Person, he was... listen, and I'm not the nicest guy in the universe because I'm the smartest and being nice is something stupid people do to hedge their bets."
"It's nice to be important, but it is more important to be nice."
"Christianity does not mean be nice. Jesus did not say be nice."
"People are so nice, yeah. People are way nicer here than Toronto, honestly, at least from my experience."
"That dinner was amazing, like really, really nice."
"He's such a nice guy. Yeah, he's a cool guy. Matter of fact, the whole damn cruise is like that, man."
"I love people from Canada. Y'all are so nice. You're like southerners from the north."
"That's the beauty of an abusive relationship; you just need to be nice once or twice, yeah, they'll be with you just as you're just wrecking their [ __ ] the rest of the time."
"It's free to be nice, it doesn't cost anything."
"Nice guys finish last not because we are inferior, but because society as a whole endeavors in the opposite tendency." - Sir Sam
"Niceness doesn't indicate the absence of racism. A culture of niceness protects systemic racism."
"You're one of the nicest people I know."
"If you're gonna be in the southwest, this whole Sugar Land area is gonna be really, really nice."
"People take me for being gullible or stupid when I pretend to be nice."
"It's not about being nice, but it is nice."
"Be kind to people, be nice to people, don't be mean, and teach your kids not to be mean."
"You cannot win an argument just by being nice. No, not just by being nice, but I'm right as well, aren't I?"
"I refuse to be interrogated. I was just so nice to you, right? So sweet to you, yeah?"
"She had a heart of gold, she was always nice to everyone."
"Ain't nothing nicer than true love between mutuals."
"Can I just say again how nice it is to sometimes?"
"You're too nice. Be nice, it'll get you anywhere."
"It's always nice to be nice to the nice."
"It's just about being nice to people and doing the right thing and having respect for others."
"Because you're nice, and I feel I can trust you."
"And remember, there's a difference between being nice and kind."
"If you're too nice, people expect you to always be nice, so they're going to do whatever they want."
"It's just some of the nicest people in the world."
"there's not a lot of guys out here that are nice enough or honestly interesting enough to come out here and do stuff like this"
"Etiquette is a way of being a little thoughtful and nice to other people."
"Nice is sincerity and honesty, despite the fact that it might cause some type of conflict, and that's how growth happens."
"the nicest people are the best heels"
"How simple are they? They are really nice, then."
"I'm a nice guy, but I will flip on your ass. I will flip on your ass."
"Nice is not best. Being genuine and kind is. Nice is pleasing and agreeable, and kind is an action—it's the way you treat people."
"Niceness in seduction, however, though it may at first draw someone to you, being too nice can literally push the target away from you."
"This dude was one of the nicest dudes I know."
"Are you a cell maker, a nice fella like you?"
"I just remember talking to him and thinking he was... a really nice guy."
"If you need to tell someone that you're a nice person, chances are you ain't a nice person."
"We're not mad at people for being nice guys. It can't exist. It really doesn't work."
"My favorite one: When a man is too nice... Everything's ick, no? You want some friendly banter, you know?"
"When a man is too nice, and God bless, this is the best one I agree."
"I'm a nice guy but I'm not like a super nice guy, right?"
"I'm trying to be nice here. You'll hear from my lawyer soon."
"Everyone in these small towns is dead nice. How nice is everyone?"
"Niceness is cowardice masquerading as virtue."
"You almost feel like you're in a museum, it's that nice."
"Sometimes the people that are the nicest... become the toughest... relationships have these ways of bringing the worst out of us."
"When they talk to you, it was kind of like, 'Oh wait, this person does seem honest and really nice.'"
"The opposite of being nice is being kind."
"But I guess the moral is just being nice to everybody."
"Niceness is not an inoculation against violence. Always being nice to someone does not increase the likelihood that he won't act in a violent way."
"Being nice all the time doesn't increase the likelihood that someone won't act violently."
"You have this group of people that's nicer than you, you can't believe how nice they are."
"I've socialized with him a lot, he is the nicest guy in rock and roll."
"Why can't y'all just be nice to each other?"
"Can y'all just be nice to each other?"
"...just a bunch of nice guys. Real nice guys."
"Charly's normally the nicer of the two."
"It's nice when people say they like you even if they don't, it's just nice to hear that sometimes."
"Is there another way we could get rid of it? A nicer way?"
"Being nice to people always pays."
"...so at the end of the day people don't care if you're nice or you're not nice like good people are drawn to honesty..."
"Being a nice guy is no longer rewarded with good treatment for women typically when you're a nice guy women treat you like [ __ ]."
"She's going to be nice, I feel it in my bones."
"But at the end of the day, I think people in general want to meet somebody who's nice, when they get out of their system and they know, because then when you're too nice to these women, they walk all over you."
"Being nice was only for two things: one, making hurting people feel better, and two, using it to get what you wanted."
"He's actually, maybe even too nice."
"It's amazing how much credit guys get for being nice, I know, I know, I know, wild."
"Scarlet is very nice by the way a lot of you guys were asking she is the nicest person ever."
"It was pretty cool. That is pretty. He is, uh, as cool as you think he is, you see? Very nice guy."
"Grace was very friendly and so nice."
"The principle is always be kind, yeah. Treat people as you'd like to treat yourself. It's nice to be important, but it's more important to be nice."
"It's nice to be nice with everybody, especially, you know, you like I said to your friend."
"It's just really Pleasant and nice."
"I can't believe that who seems to be the nicest contestant just won."
"'Mrs. Klein was no picnic even for me, and I was the nicest boy in the world.'"
"He's a nice guy. Maybe the nicest guy I've met in a long time."
"He's genuinely the nicest YouTuber I've ever met."
"I thought your clothes were nice."
"she's one of the nicest people that she'll ever meet"
"He's just a really respectful guy, he's a really nice guy."
"Being kind and being nice are very different."
"I'd like to think I'm a nice person. Just nice, very nice, damn nice."
"He couldn't be nicer, and not in a way where it feels like he's trying to be nice."
"He is a lovely man to talk to, really really nice."
"George and Harold were actually very nice boys."
"It was really nice meeting you today."
"Pakistani people are such nice people."
"Considering who he is and how rich he no doubt is, he was really one of the nicest people I ever talked to."
"You're actually really a lot nicer than I thought you were going to be."
"The young are capable of being innocent, the young are capable of being nice, and neither tanned innocence are not bad words."
"If you say you know him and he's nice, then he's nice."
"She's pretty normal and, you know, pretty nice."
"This place is really nice, actually."
"I'm very happy, these seem like very nice people."
"You're so genuinely nice; you're honestly one of the nicest people I've ever met."
"It's such a difference just to be nice to people and like, come to them or say one nice thing to someone. Genuinely, it helps."
"You couldn't find three nicer human beings in that one three-ball on a pro tour anywhere in the world."
"You must be awfully nice to know what a true love is."
"This is really, really nice, very beautiful for spring as well."
"Please be as nice as you know very well how to be."
"I think that's actually quite nice."
"It seems like the people are very nice and friendly."