
New Perspective Quotes

There are 168 quotes

"Perhaps there is a better way, for we are now on a different basis: the basis of trusting and relying upon God."
"I want to help transform a million lives. That's the new type of millionaire."
"A new understanding of death can give you a new lease on life."
"There's something about you that is foundationally different this time."
"I feel like I've rented a helicopter. I feel like I'm flying over a completely new landscape."
"You're no longer on the same level as your problems."
"This week is the beginning of a powerful creation and a whole new perspective."
"I've known you forever, but I feel like I’m seeing you for the first time tonight."
"It's like you're gonna see things with like fresh new eyes."
"Your person may just recently experience their spiritual awakening."
"He wasn't offering simply a new private spirituality or ethic."
"And to receive Him is to begin life from a whole different perspective."
"In the choice to let go of your known way of being, the whole world is revealed to your new eyes."
"You're being rebirthed into a new perspective in life, opening you up to achieving your dreams."
"This is a very new Hong Kong that we're seeing, this solidarity among the people."
"This was a truly great story... making them change their ways and really consider it all in a different perspective."
"I really hope you get a new perspective on an old classic, an old favorite, something you've seen a hundred times."
"I see you in a new light and I think about you constantly."
"My days of ignoring the strange things around me were over."
"When you watch Star Trek Picard season three, it's like watching a different show. It feels different from the very beginning."
"Falling asleep in the new assumption changes everything."
"Living without debt in a culture that's saturated with it requires a whole new way of looking at things."
"Red Hood brings a new viewpoint to the table."
"We're not living on Earth anymore, okay? We're living on super Earth."
"But in addition to being an iconic moment in movie history, the big reveal at the end of this film also puts everything that you've just watched into a whole new perspective."
"They're putting things behind them, they're becoming more gentle, they're seeing things in a different light."
"The sun is coming out and is going to make you very clear very quickly about things you've been unclear about for a very long time."
"It's us against them, not Republicans against Democrats. That's yesterday, baby."
"For those of you who just joined the livestream, we actually just called the police out, and they are going to address the scene of this bag."
"I honestly feel like I'm walking away from this with a whole new perspective. I'm only seeking positivity."
"You're gonna come into a place of gratitude for this situation, for this person, because of what you are now becoming or because of what's now happening."
"The hangman puts himself on the tree of life to get a new perspective, to learn something from a different viewpoint."
"You cannot fathom it's impossible to develop new content fast enough."
"Awakened to a greater place... life would never be the same."
"Meeting this person has changed their life; you've helped them to see their life, their self in through a new lens."
"By the 30th of September, you'll feel a whole new inspiration and perspective on life, with bright prospects ahead."
"I felt as though I had been born again and all the world was a perfect paradise."
"I was left with a whole new perspective of otherworldly beings."
"This is so dope. Feels like I'm playing a different game."
"Brilliant lets you see maths and science in a completely new way."
"Positive emotional shift coming, understand past situations with new perspective."
"Blade is just going to open up a completely new side of the MCU."
"Once you wake up, you cannot go back to sleep."
"It's a sea change, almost called a paradigm shift."
"For the very first time, I really liked how Finn was portrayed in the movie."
"Somebody is seeing something from a new perspective."
"You'll see shopping in a new light."
"I've got a new perspective; I can't be here, but I can't go with the Saiyans either."
"He realized he needed a new angle."
"Our journey over scripture takes a new turn."
"Never had thought about that before either."
"God changes us as we wait on Him. He gives us a brand new perspective."
"Exhilaration of seeing your life with new eyes."
"Thank you all so much for recommending this. Very interesting stuff that, wow, yeah, a whole new side of Cody that you don't normally hear."
"He brought a whole new way to think... It was a whole paradigm."
"It's time for a fresh look at One Jets Drive."
"This book made me cry, it made me laugh, it made me look at something from A New Perspective."
"I want to thank you for opening this brand new world for me, for which I never thought that I was capable of doing anything in this world, and I just see the world differently now, thanks to you. Like, if I'm traveling or if I see something, actually."
"The therapy, as unconventional as it was, had offered me a doorway out of the maze of my own fear and into a world where airports were just airports and the people within them were just people."
"It's a completely different dimension."
"I want a new outlook on life, I want a positive attitude for Christmas."
"The freedom is the moment you realize that Jesus was on about something completely different."
"This is so good. Suddenly the world I used to know, I see it differently."
"It really gives you this kind of new lease of life."
"Ocean Explorer 1 is a paradigm shift; it views ocean exploration in a different way."
"If they could taste this freedom... it's like literally having new eyes."
"Starting right now, you'll never look at music the same way again."
"It was a horrible place to be in, but I feel like a totally different person now."
"50s and 60s and 70s, it's the new 40s."
"You're seeing the sunshine for the first time, and you're no longer seeing things through this dark lens."
"Get ready to see man's best friend in a whole new light."
"It's an absolute joy to read, which is a strange thing to say, but when I read Joe Abercrombie, it is a new way to read his work."
"It felt like a breath of fresh air."
"As you make room for God's truth to take root in your heart, you start to see the world through a new lens."
"It was like a big breath of fresh air."
"It's definitely a breath of fresh air."
"If we accept the premise that beings from another civilization visited here ages ago, then some of the mysteries of our past take on a new and startling light."
"The data from Boaty McBoatface gave us a completely new way of looking at the deep ocean."
"Finding freedom, hope, joy, and peace and this new outlook on life."
"This feels like a breath of fresh air."
"I felt like I was driving an entirely new vehicle."
"Our traditional view of metabolic health is simply off base; there's another truer foundation that we need to be talking about and acknowledge, and the sooner we do, the better off we'll all be."
"It's worth coming up here just for this view, it puts Gatlinburg in a whole new perspective."
"It brings a whole new meaning to Breakfast at Tiffany's."
"We are calling this series Kingdom Manifesto because Jesus is launching a kingdom that is utterly different than anything the world has to offer."
"It's definitely helped me gain a lot more respect for my body, which is something that I've never even really considered before."
"It's almost as though I had the wool removed from my eyes."
"I got a whole new respect for what you do."
"A world that had been in black and white was suddenly in technicolor."
"An exponential increase in the pace and pressure of today's world brings a radically new perspective to enlightenment."
"It's a fresh take on our favorite Cybertronians."
"I would not be surprised if some people all of a sudden discovered a spiritual path, a spiritual tradition, discovered God in some shape or form, and it completely changed the way that they saw life."
"That puts you in charge of life, and life has a whole new meaning for you, has a sense of personal freedom."
"Suddenly, the world I used to know, I see it differently. You woke me from a dream; now here's reality."
"Suddenly, it was as if a veil had been torn from my eyes; I understood what painting could be."
"Man, what a difference a single day can make; we are fully covered in snow and just now able to enjoy a brand new view."
"It's just like the veil's lifted, and he's seeing everything with new eyes. It's awesome."
"At the end of all of this, be able to go back and start again, and it feels like a different experience going through because you know what's really going on."
"We need to completely rethink the whole story."
"Now that we're out of the matrix, it's like this isn't our world."
"It really makes you, you know, it's like he kicked the door in my mind and now I'm just seeing the full picture."
"I think I hit a new echelon because I almost had a paradigm shift."
"This is the good news, this is the new beginning; it's a new way of looking upon the world with a sense of calm and peace and stillness."
"When you look with a loop, it's a whole new world."
"Join me in the back of the house for a whole new perspective on cooking and food."
"I have never seen this view before; it is unbelievable."
"Honestly, it feels like a breath of fresh air."
"Cleaning it and then seeing it in a whole new light is what we do."
"That year changed everything; I got a new perspective and I started seeing Halloween as well... different."
"She gets a new view of God in the presence of the power of love."
"It was like a breath of fresher air."
"We've created volume two; we've taken a slightly different angle to produce the film."
"Learning takes on a whole new meaning and adds a whole new dimension to intelligence and thinking."
"Eternal life before was... I like this life better than what I was going to look forward to... After I came to know Christ, there's a yearning for heaven that I never had before."
"I never ever looked at poetry like that."
"As we pass through that 50th step, things take on a whole different meaning."
"It was as if he was seeing the world through new eyes, a new dimension; this filled him with a sense of wonder and awe."
"I'm seeing an entirely new world."
"It was such a breath of fresh air."
"There's also a possibility that you might start to approach the theory of intimacy a little bit differently, which actually seems to strengthen the relationship."
"Restorative justice is based on an entirely different way of thinking and leads to entirely different ways of exercising justice."
"I'm over here going through some of the hardest things and just she gave me a whole new perspective."
"...since leaving Scientology I've learned that the world out here is such a caring, empathetic, beautiful place..."
"I started to see the beauty of Jesus in a whole new light."
"I think it brings a new perspective."
"I'm learning to just leave work for work, and now the house is like okay. It's like something new for me because now it's like I see stuff different while I'm home."
"Like I'm seeing the full colour depth of these movies in a whole new light."
"I honestly feel like a brand new human."
"Disney will also bring the Disney villains Out of the Shadows with a curated collection of Premium dolls capturing these mischievous characters in a new light."
"I'm going to show y'all some of this video that I've been experimenting in, and I hope y'all like this viewpoint that you're going to get."
"You're seeing things clearly for the first time."
"Danaya is a very big breath of fresh air."
"It's simply a tool that lets you look at various types of geographical information with a completely new perspective."
"It really was a breath of fresh air."
"Quantumania looks awesome, like finally it's like a different take on an Ant-Man movie."
"We're really embarking on a paradigm shift here in terms of our thinking about apraxia."
"Every time I listen, I appreciate things about it in a whole new way."
"I like when things move around because it's just like, oh cool, that's there. It's a new perspective, it's kind of inspiring."
"To repent is to change your attitude towards life."
"It's almost like a new lease on life because you go back to high school but with the knowledge that you have as a 40-year-old."
"I'm really excited to kind of come at YouTube from a slightly different angle."
"You live in a state of awe, in a state of wonderment; it's as though your eyes have been opened for the first time."
"Things resurfacing from deep within you, it's time to face things, it's time to see things from a new perspective, and it's time to release it."
"It's like I'm seeing it for the first time."
"Challenge yourself, just have a new perspective and challenge yourself."
"He's feeling hopeful because it's finally the dark is behind him and the light is in front of him."
"You're in control of your destiny, getting a new perspective, and finding love within yourself."
"It definitely gives new meaning to the word love from the heavens above, doesn't it?"
"Dispelling a lot of your fears and worries, starting to see life almost like in a whole new way."
"It's really a breath of fresh air."
"You see yourself in a new light, you see yourself in a new way."
"There's going to be a shifting to your perception and the way you see things."
"Taking a leap of faith, someone taking off the mask, facing those fears, looking at things from a different perspective."
"What is enlightenment about? It's about seeing everything as if you're seeing it for the first time."
"It really freed up my mind to look at life in a new way."
"It can feel like we're waking up."
"Awakening, energetic upgrades, a new way of being."
"You may start to see you in a whole new light."
"It's been a bit of a breath of fresh air to be totally truthful with you."