
Balanced Lifestyle Quotes

There are 58 quotes

"Always encourage clients like, 'Hey, if you like yoga, fine, like do yoga, but also lift weights. You have to lift weights.'"
"Balanced makes the warrior invincible. Anchor your day around these five things: time reading the word, healthy food, exercise, and sleep."
"One single meal or day or month out of the year isn't gonna make or break your health."
"Moderation is the key to not have too many limits on you."
"I'm living the most balanced life I ever have."
"It's literally like a 50 50. You got to go to gym constantly but also you got to take care of your health and like mentally as well."
"Make sure you have both education and sports."
"Just the right amount of fun. Have fun, but just the right amount."
"I couldn't even fully work out for me, I would rather kill it in the gym and have a balanced healthy diet than do something like this."
"Activate whole brain thinking through goal-setting, joyful work, and revitalizing play."
"Over exercising and under eating is not the answer."
"I like to do the 80/20. 80% clean, 20% 'dirty'. Eat what you love, keep it in moderation."
"Balance is key: enjoying treats in moderation is part of a balanced diet."
"Sacrifice is necessary to get through the stages, but it doesn't have to be complete deprivation. I'm a big proponent of enjoying the journey and finding ways to have joy along the way."
"Nothing in extremes... finding balance, finding that 80 healthy 20 is just intuitive eating."
"Health is the number one priority... I've always really tried to make everything that I share with you safe, effective, balanced, sustainable, and most importantly healthy."
"You can have cheat days, that's okay. You just gotta like next day get back on it."
"Balance your emotions through journaling, exercise, and healthy communication."
"Controlled laziness is a luxury, but it's important for mental well-being."
"It's possible to look good, feel good, and have balances in fitness and just life in general."
"Life is too short to completely eliminate foods that you actually love."
"I am not telling you Big Macs are healthy. I am not telling you to eat Big Macs every day... You can enjoy your favorite foods in moderation with no guilt, no shame, no anxiety."
"Not everything is so nice, I also have messy spaces too."
"Final advice: 'Having fun and staying informed.'"
"Emotional balance is about maintaining a steady and even-tempered approach to life's ups and downs."
"Take good care of your health and be cautious about what you're putting in your tummy. Have a balanced diet."
"Exercising is not just the answer, but one of the answers. Eating right is the answer but not just one of the answers. Meditation is one of the answers but not all of them."
"I'm not really an all work and no play kind of girl."
"You can have your cake and eat it too, it just takes practice and creating some healthy habits."
"The key to living a healthy lifestyle is seeking balance and freedom when it comes to food."
"Training, nutrition, relaxation, and sleep—each is a crucial cleaner for gains."
"Commit to those three things at that age: work, relationship, and fitness."
"Managing diabetes is mostly about having a balanced lifestyle."
"...just make sure you're taking care of your body and make it like a sustainable lifestyle where it's like I'm eating this food because I genuinely enjoy the way it tastes not because it's just the healthiest option or it's what's best it's like no like I enjoy this..."
"I'm all about balance; I promote cardio, I promote lifting weights."
"I try to make sure that I have like a good balance of the stuff I should do and the stuff that's like exciting to do."
"I have a healthy relationship with food, I have a healthy relationship with activity and movement and exercise."
"Life is about more than just eating spot-on clean and doing your workouts every single day; you also need to enjoy yourself."
"Eat the right kinds of food for you, do your fitness workouts, enjoy a margarita, and be happy with your body."
"Try not to strive for single digit body fat; get to a healthy body fat percentage for you, do your cardio, and just be balanced and have health and do it for you."
"I encourage you to take that leap of faith and get on to a balanced lifestyle, and today is always a perfect day to start."
"I'm not following this like intense crazy strict meal plan however I am mindfully choosing options that I know are like good for me and will make me feel good inside."
"It's important to keep up a healthy physique, but it's also important to keep a healthy mind too."
"Don't restrict yourself and have a nice balance of everything."
"I finally come to terms with what it's like to live a balanced lifestyle."
"The quality of life here is a family-centered quality of life; there is a balanced lifestyle."
"I love a balance between adventure and sightseeing and sunbathing and pool days and beach days."
"Nothing is unhealthy in a balanced lifestyle; everything can fit in moderation."
"I've been trying to approach it with a more balanced approach between run, cycle, strength."
"A healthy lifestyle is a mix of both."
"Focus on health, enjoyment, longevity, hypertrophy, functionality, mobility, stability, and not exclusively strength."
"I passionately believe you can still enjoy your glass of wine, your beer, your whiskey, whatever it might be, and still lose a few pounds."
"I live a very balanced life now in terms of my workout."
"The Food Babe way is not about deprivation."
"Everything in moderation... I still have all of that kind of stuff but it's balanced."