
Tough Love Quotes

There are 365 quotes

"The person who loves you the most is the only one who's going to tell you the harsh thing."
"Tough love only works when there's actual love."
"I'd rather you hate me and get better than like me and stay the same."
"Sometimes loving them means doing hard things, and things they may not like."
"All you can do is love people, give them the tools, and sometimes loving them means doing hard things."
"Maybe America needs some tough love. Maybe America needs an intervention."
"It is my conviction that we will never put an end to the mounting problem of black on black crime until we stop coddling the hoodlums."
"Sometimes you need to thank God for the people in your life who say stuff that you don't like to hear. Those are the ones who often really love you."
"Somebody who really loves you sometimes they'll hurt you to help you."
"Tough love and just being real and honest with people goes a lot further."
"It is tough love towards my fellow Christians who I believe made a bad choice when it comes to voting for Democrats."
"Would you rather have somebody tell you the truth, even if it's difficult for you to hear, than die?"
"Tough love...sometimes you got to resort to tough love."
"As much as you might have been harsh or tough to people sometimes, you would also be the most protective loving person around."
"If I had to punch anybody patient wise if it got them to change it would hurt a little bit but if it made them change I would do it because it's literally killing them."
"What's not loving is to look someone in the eye when God says they are in jeopardy of an eternity in hell and merely wink and nod at their sin because you're afraid of being called names."
"I am willing to offend you into heaven but I will not love you into hell."
"Toughen up, cupcake. The world is not a nice place."
"I'm a big believer in tough love, yeah, absolutely. I'm a big believer, and if you meet me halfway, I'll meet you halfway and then some."
"Tough love, you know? That's how I got better."
"Let her hit rock bottom, but if you love someone, it's hard to watch a loved one hit rock bottom."
"I'm gonna beat the [ __ ] out of you but I still love you."
"It's not about the money, it's about tough love."
"Millions of fans fell in love with the tough-talking patriarch who reigns with an iron fist."
"Mentorship sometimes requires telling people what they don't want to hear."
"The only way to help somebody today is tough love."
"I missed your tough love. I hated it at the time, but you were right about me."
"I love you, but I can no longer stand by and watch you destroy yourself and your future."
"The most loving thing to say and do is not always the nice thing, it's not always the affirming thing."
"Sometimes you gotta let people go through the fire for them to learn a lesson."
"If I love you I'm not going to let you settle for anything but your best. I gotta hold you accountable."
"You're watching the game at home and you see a coach be hard on a player... that player knows that coach loves him."
"Speak the truth in love, confronting fellow believers when necessary."
"Sometimes comfort requires tough love. It means to give strength where is it."
"I can't thank you enough for the tough love that you gave me."
"It's really unloving to lie to that person, you know we don't want to be affirming their sin."
"Just because a guy is hard on you doesn't mean that he doesn't care about you, doesn't mean that he doesn't actually want you to be a better person. He's just doing that because that's effective."
"It's nice to be kind and lovely and caring at times but this is not one of those times."
"When I love people, I've loved them enough to offend them into greatness."
"A true friend is somebody that's going to give you unvarnished truth even if it's unpleasant."
"We need to love people so much that we keep telling them when they're messing up just like our parents did."
"Faithful are the wounds of a friend. I'd rather cut you with the truth than kiss you with a lie."
"A real friend will wound you in the incident so that you can be healed in the outcome."
"Buckle up, buttercup. You ain't gon' like it."
"If you don't discipline your kids, you hate them."
"This person needs a little bit of some tough love and your loving."
"When you love something you got to give it some tough love sometimes."
"Bullying is usually never okay, but in this case, a touch of tough love did just the trick."
"Your friends and family won't hurt your feelings by telling you the harsh truth. They're all not your friends and family, and we will."
"This shit is gonna get you nowhere. You're lucky you ain't died yesterday."
"Sometimes love has to be a little bit tough."
"The truth is pure love, even if it's tough love."
"The truth is not always what people want, but that's what my mother gave them."
"Sometimes a little tough love is needed. Now you listen to me."
"We love you and we can't stand you, so what do you think the people who don't love you are going to think about you?"
"I'm here to tell you what you need to hear, not what you want to hear."
"Love is not the same thing as enabling. Sometimes the most loving thing you can do is allow a person to experience the consequences of behaviors."
"I'd rather you hate me, you learn and use it to protect yourself."
"No one's going to rescue you out of this situation, it can sound like tough love but really you can rescue yourself."
"You want me to win, and the reason why you're kind of hard on me and the reason why you're kind of letting me leave me out on that island to flounder and learn is because that's the way you feel like it's the best approach for me."
"If you don't show tough love when someone needs tough love then you're just enabling the person to continue the path that they're on."
"Sometimes you lose your way emotionally, and somebody's got to give you that tough love."
"The people that are the hardest on you in your life are the ones that care about you most."
"I will arrange for you to go to rehab and I get one phone call about you pitching a fit or having an attitude or telling them how to do what they need to do and I will tell them to kick your ass to the curb before God gets the news."
"You want the prickly, you want the stuff that you don't really want to hear that you need to hear."
"It's a hard lesson, you know? You do something wrong, and your parents have to... It's like hard love."
"We met in order to hurt each other into awakening, I'm sorry that it's such a harsh form of love."
"I don't enjoy having to punish you. I do it because I love you."
"Let's be 100, brother. Let's be 100. Sometimes, every now and then, a well-placed ass whooping is what the doctor ordered."
"Real friends want to fix you so badly they're willing to walk away."
"You learn the most from your hardest times, so don't condone terrible behavior but don't make them feel like [__] for coming to you."
"Sometimes showing tough love is necessary to correct bad behavior when coddling doesn't fix it."
"You've got to stop enabling this behavior and let them figure it out the hard way."
"When they get into the real world and somebody says [__] off, they won't fall to the ground."
"I feel like tough love is the only way that's the only way I'll be able to save her from herself."
"Love means sometimes you gotta tell people the truth."
"I'm not here to make you feel good. I'm here to make you better."
"Sometimes giving somebody the dose of tough love that's like, 'You're so much better than this, you know?' This could be someone who was just really intensely judged throughout their formative years."
"Philip never the most patient of men took a swashbuckling approach to toughening up his son. His way of teaching Charles to swim was to jump into the Buckingham Palace pool and loudly order the often petrified boy to do likewise."
"It's time now for these girls to knuckle under or get out."
"True love is at times willing to punish, to insist on change, and to rebuke error."
"If we have gone through this or going through it, and God begins to slap us around and correct us. That's love."
"I'm not gonna let you sit around and cry about your problems."
"Tough love is sometimes necessary for growth."
"My mom decided not to pick me up from jail, she said 'you're going to learn'."
"Sometimes the best thing you can do for the ones who love us is the worst thing."
"You're not doing him any favors by being afraid to point out the obvious to him."
"Right now, you're not being the friend that he needs."
"Sometimes love involves tough love."
"Tough love is the best love especially my big Destiny people."
"...sometimes being mean is what's going to help them and you the most when it's done at the right time."
"Nobody gives a [ __ ] about you but that's it."
"Nobody loves you actually because you're saying no all the time if you want to be successful."
"When it comes to love, it's never tough love, it's just love."
"I'm talking to you like this because I love you."
"Sometimes you just can't rescue, you just got to let them find their way."
"Everybody needs a little tough love sometimes, as messy as it is."
"Some of the younger lads think that I'm just a prick but I'd rather be a prick whose apprentices got to go home to his mum and dad than a nice bloke at their bloody funerals."
"I love you, but I'm not going to stand by you while you throw your life away. So, you've got to decide, what's it going to be? Me or the dumb videos you're making?"
"Showing tough love is not the same thing as being controlling, especially when you're doing it for the other person's own good."
"You're the person that gives people genuine tough love."
"That's being a bro—smash their ego into the ground until they change for the better."
"Tough love is the best love. Reality is still going to be reality, no matter how we try to shape it."
"If your kids are constantly irresponsible, you are enabling them when you give them money."
"Sometimes you need a little bit of a kick in the pants and motivation and some tough love."
"If you don't fix it, I got to let you go, and that's kind of how I feel about America. Listen, I love you so much, but we're [ __ ] this up."
"Don't you think you're a bit too soft on Andrew?"
"Rock fans are either too young to remember or maybe they've forgotten... it's tough love time."
"Sometimes it's from a place of they love you so much they can't see you mess up, they can't see you make the wrong decisions."
"My methods may be tough, but the results are real."
"People outside won't tell you the truth. It's the people that care for you, love you, they'll tell the truth. And if you can't take it and understand that we love you, then okay, you're finished."
"That tough love. I know, that's a tough love. But I look back now and I'm like I'm super grateful."
"Tough love is better than fake love."
"Because if someone is heading for like a train wreck and you say to them, 'Oh, it's all right, man, yeah, it's cool,' you might make them feel better in the moment, but that person's still gonna die."
"Sometimes you do have to let them hit rock bottom and pull themselves up by their bootstraps."
"The old man is talking bad to you in front of the store when you think you adult boy, it ain't because he hates you, it's because he loves you."
"Tough love can make you stronger and make you better at what you're doing."
"I feel like tough love is what works not coddling and enabling."
"Tough love as a kid, tough love for me."
"If this is indeed the route you want to take, I will knock you on your ass."
"Sometimes when you really love someone, the best thing you can do is hurt them. Because when things are hurt, they grow stronger and tougher."
"You can tell them off harshly, but they know that you really love them."
"I'll hurt their feelings every time if it saves their lives and makes life better for their families."
"A little tough love, a little accountability, a little less 'yes, queen,' a little more 'huh, queen.'"
"I know you might be thinking, 'Katie, that's really harsh,' and like they're having a hard time you should let them stay. Here's the problem with that."
"I hate you look, how else are they gonna learn, right?"
"He is an extraordinary deity to work with because he will utilize tough love."
"Sometimes people just need to learn a hard lesson."
"Don't ever in your life hold nothing from me that can help me even if it's gonna hurt me"
"Not the [__]! He got himself into this through his dumbass choices. What the hell did he imagine would happen? The consequences of not paying rent are not having a home. Bailing him out won't help."
"You ain't gotta say nothing. You ain't gotta say nothing. I'm telling the truth. Sometimes the best place for your child is not with you."
"But I think sometimes the most compassionate thing you can do is ask them to bend over and give them a good swift kick in the rear a man and say straighten up man shake yourself come out of this don't let the devil run over you."
"I cannot stand by and watch you continue to do this to the people that are trying their hardest to help you and the people that love you."
"He protects those who need it and shows tough love to teach others lessons."
"We're disowning you as of today. Figure it out yourself. You're 30, aren't you? How long do you plan to depend on others?"
"You're gonna be back here next week. Stop crying, you look a mess."
"I gave them tough love, I coached them, and I mentored them constantly."
"We accept your challenge at Tough Love."
"Tough love goes a lot further than the baby."
"No matter what, I will never leave you and I will love you tough love but I will not leave you."
"I don't want to see people deceived, so I tell them the truth. Sometimes the truth hurts if you're deceived, but if you truly love God and the Bible, you would appreciate someone that told you the truth even if you don't like it."
"Tough love reminds you, wakes you up, and puts you in shape."
"Yeah, that's tough love, he needs to hear that. This is the aspect of the show I love the most, it's, I think it's the most unique."
"I am that type of friend that is not afraid to lose you as a friend if it's something that's not going to help you."
"It's called tough love and you have to show it sometimes and you got to do what's best for you."
"People need that tough love, people need that high energy, kind of aggressive, like, 'Stop being stupid!'"
"It's [__] tough love, and um, I'm going to leave him to it now."
"Sometimes if you really wanted to help that person, you leave. You'd be out of there."
"You got to have tough love with yourself."
"Sometimes love hurts and I gotta give you a spanking and I gotta tell you what it really is because that's where it feels like it's coming, trying to help them, help them too."
"You're not doing him any favors, you know."
"This one-liners. Hacksaw, hacksaw! I don't have time to help. Stealing a couch, crying never helped anybody do anything, okay? Don't be like your dad. Come on, you have a problem. It's kind of like his father's teachings helped him stay alive."
"He needs a little bit of that tough love, but I'm here for it."
"Tough love is the best love even if you don't agree with it."
"Me loving you sometimes is telling you the truth."
"There's definitely some tough love but we appreciate it and we definitely needed it."
"When we go hard against Nazis, I don't think it's entirely out of hate. If anything, it's more like tough love."
"You could choose to stop being pathetic."
"If she's so hesitant to not throw it away, throw her away. Throw her away, there you go."
"Family is a huge thing for me. They've always been very supportive of me even though they showed me tough love and didn't talk to me at times, but they always loved me no matter what."
"The reason I'm saying this, yeah, and sometimes I'm a little bit harsh, you know why, sister? Because at the end of the day, I want the best for you."
"You have to have the courage to be the evil parent."
"I'm glad I had that kind of tough love. I don't call it hating, I call it tough love."
"Girl, go get you another man. He doesn't love you, okay? He don't love you, he just wants you to go work."
"You have to love your kids enough to make them hate you."
"That's some tough love. But you'd rather hear it from me than to learn it the hard way, I promise you."
"If you participate in someone's crazy and assist them in it because you're sweet, and almost all enablers are very sweet people... they cannot do the hard work of conflict for someone else's good."
"Because I love you," he says. "I want you to be better." He goes, "I could give a crap about anybody." He said these other guys ain't going nowhere. He goes, "I care about you." I said, "Well, care less, dude."
"Sometimes people don't need kindness, sometimes they need a dose of their own medicine."
"It was rough, but I know it was that tough love that led to my success in life."
"Sometimes you gotta do it with tough love."
"Hang in there, I don't mean for these readings to be like rubbing salt in wounds for you all, you know? I don't. But I also don't sugar coat them because I know you want the truth."
"I think people need a little bit of bashing nowadays."
"'Cause it's called tough love, Your Honor."
"There's a cruelty in that... But it's cruel to be kind."
"sometimes I think well some people could actually use that kick in the ass"
"Sometimes I think you need a bit of a kick up the ass, if you know what I mean."
"You're not helping your kids; you're enabling them to be bums."
"...a little tough love never hurts."
"I know you're coming from a place of love, but you can't really shelter people from the truth."
"Your mom needs to stop coddling them. They will not mature unless they are forced to."
"Tough love builds the best character."
"The reality of life is sometimes you have to let someone hit the wall because that's the only way they're going to learn."
"You have to let them suffer so they could become into a person."
"Tough love is sometimes needed and this girl was in cuckoo land."
"You can have an aspect of tough love, but you also have to balance that with the compassion and the reasoning behind it. There's a human being."
"Tough love is what people need the most."
"We're not doing this because we don't love you."
"I think real love has polarity to it, you know, like if I really care about you and you're screwing up, I'm gonna say, 'Hey man, you're screwing up.'"
"You have to have both--lovingly truthful, lovingly tough."
"You have to love people enough to tell them the truth."
"The hard decisions as a parent, they're just not made anymore like they're avoided, like that tough love is avoided."
"Be there for him, but give tough love and set boundaries."
"Tough love sometimes means allowing others to experience the consequences of their choices."
"Tough love also means giving someone the good thing they need, rather than the lesser thing they want."
"Assuming the best and listening to their perspective are crucial in tough love."
"Tough love could be telling someone the hard but necessary truth."
"The first step in tough love is being willing to tell the truth."
"Ain't no babying you around and all of that."
"Sometimes the true friend is the one who tells you the hard truths."