
Generational Difference Quotes

There are 82 quotes

"Kids have the knowledge but not the wisdom to handle this Internet in the world wide web. Adults have the wisdom but not the knowledge."
"These kids, they don't know what they're missing, it's sad."
"Well, um, as a young man, I guess a young boy back when it was, uh, you know, we had what was called public libraries before computers were brought in and, uh, right, you know, Mom and Dad would say, 'Look it up.' They didn't say Google it."
"I've been really my son put me on a gun and ever since I listened to this tape I like I don't want to call it a tape I don't know if his album I just call it a project."
"My grandmother worked ten times harder than me but I'm balling."
"I got to adulthood without the internet so all the stupid [expletive] my kids are gonna do it's gonna be on the internet."
"Kids today care more about their smartphones than actual history."
"It's amazing how much gets lost in just a couple generations."
"That's that generation; to them, that is more ideal than the harsh realities of the real world."
"I think he might be more tech-savvy than I am."
"Let the kids have what they want. That's their genius."
"In 60 years if you're still upset about this technology you're probably going to be the Boomer."
"They're everywhere now. I mean, they've always been around but this is next level we are dealing with folks."
"The professionalism of that generation is unmatched."
"Aggressive generosity to combat Boomer selfishness is so Punk."
"Old people are fun to talk to for a little while, but then if I go to heaven, I gotta talk to 'em all the time."
"Young people are not stupid... I think the Z's, the next generation, will be better than the Millennials."
"The first generation is the only Pokemon I like but I do think like generations one and four were good."
"It's surreal that people who were born in the year 2000 are not five."
"Young people don't value something they passively inherit... We have to fill that hunger for purpose and meaning."
"The far majority of people that are watching this right now that think nfts are scams or full of [] or a fad or [] stupid have to really reconcile something which is: they've become their mom."
"My girl makes like six figures and I feel like y'all have like a way better approach to life than what I saw growing up."
"I mean, think of how much the older generation not accepting this, it's definitely going to be the Gen Z."
"I think people really be into it I had the same experience with ski mask slump guys like you see the names right yeah and because we're older now you see names like look at these names these kids what are they doing."
"Disney is no longer the magical wonder-filled universe that it was when we were growing up."
"It's so strange... The older generation is like, 'I don't know, everything's fine,' and then all of us younger ones are like, 'No, no, this isn't for us.'"
"Stop getting fooled by the internet, old man."
"The interest in libertarianism is so much greater among the young than it is among the old."
"Why was my grandfather going to school with a .22 rifle? What happened to society to bring us to such a point where everybody's so scared?"
"I'm not old I'm just older than tick talkers which is normal."
"I'm so happy how generation 7's music is turned out there's just so much variety, the themes perfectly represent their subjects."
"It's just so crazy. Like my childhood home that my parents lived in together, I'd be paying over five times what my parents paid for that mortgage if I bought that house today."
"I think we're all, like, 'Have ID cards?' It would've been flipped. It would've been Boomers saying, 'Yeah, for sure.'"
"You guys are going to live very differently than us too. I don't know how or why, but get out of here dude."
"If a 93-year-old lady comes up to me in the airport, I know what she's going to say: 'I don't watch your show, but my mother loves it.'"
"It's officially abandoned, how about that? Zoomer Boomer."
"If you gaze into the eyes of a millennial, you will discover their truth, which is this: their phone is charging."
"My mother was a romantic you know she fell in love totally today she would have lived with these men and not married him and had he has said that yes she wished she grew up in today's world rather than the 30s and 40s."
"You can't be throwing out lunch dates to a man who was born in the 70s and is Italian."
"Each generation thinks differently. They have their own little bubble, you know, and they approach things differently."
"He knew it. He hit it with more pace than I thought he was going to roll. He'd roll it and shoot the one in the same pocket but he got good on this, you know, kids these days they just fire everything. Kids, everybody's a kid to me under 60."
"...the biggest difference I notic with them my generation came up we wanted to know how to do something they want to know how I did something."
"Probably the biggest change was understanding the generational difference."
"I remember I wanted to be a YouTuber back in like sixth grade. It's not the same as like wanting to be a YouTuber today."
"The difference between what things cost when I was say in my early 20s compared to now is just shockingly different."
"You're very polite, but I belong to another generation."
"Lord have mercy," said Derek, "today's youth and their rude responses."
"We're both a generation that grew up on the Internet, but you grew up with the Internet."
"This generation lacks forgiveness immensely."
"I grew up in the 70s, young men today don't know the horror of calling up a girl in the kitchen with everyone around only to have her 6'4", 250 lb redneck father answer the phone."
"Our current generation don't know what it's like to actually wait and be patient and work at something for delayed gratification."
"Our children are growing up in an age very different to us."
"These kids have no idea how good they got it now."
"I'm from an era where we don't play those kind of games."
"Cards, the paper rectangles that old people think are fun."
"Is it I who is out of touch? No, it's the children who are wrong."
"That full-on moment of like generational gap, that was so authentic."
"If you grew up with social media through all of your teenage years and cell phones, that's really what split the generations."
"When people get old, some get meaner and grouchier; some get nicer, like sweet Grandma and Grandpa."
"Front loaders look like they came from this century. Top loaders look like they’re stuck in the 90s."
"You woke me. In my young days, engines were seen and not heard, Grandpa. Remember?"
"I wonder if kids these days... it was so harder back then."
"Back in my day, we had some respect for each other."
"Kids today don't know how easy they have it."
"I told my grandson, 'My hard drive's full,' he's like, 'Oh okay, I get that.'"
"This vehicle is equipped with a millennial anti-theft device, also known as a stick shift."
"The Olympic athletes and our grandparents differ by degree and not by kind."
"My children have never lived at a time without internet."
"The sons of this world have become wiser than the sons of light in their own generation."
"Even my younger people, y'all can stand to listen to some legendary music and kind of get your mind out of the nastiness of the music of today."
"You youngans today don't know how good you have it."
"Kids today are soft; they could never survive this."
"I find your generation to be much less cynical than my own."
"We are not the same as the previous generation."
"I'm a dinosaur, these guys are young bulls running. What they do now is not what we did back then."
"I think we're less judgmental than our older generation."
"This is all just something I think we need to consider because the world is so different from when I was young."
"When I was your age, I didn't have a phone... I was always outside playing, and you're always in this room."