
Commitments Quotes

There are 83 quotes

"When you make small commitments to yourself and follow through with them, that builds your self-confidence."
"Venus is about betrothals. It's about pledges. It's about the agreements that you make."
"We all want a life of meaning. And you build that meaning into your life by the commitments that you make."
"We've lost the ability to recover from our injuries in life, which is part of the reason we've become so miserly with actually making commitments."
"Vows, oaths, pledges, commitments—throughout our lives, we all make them."
"I will do what is right by me and what I have said I will do."
"If that's not a sign of forever love then I don't know what is."
"You can't get out of bed when you say you're going to if you can't put in your mouth what you say you're going to if you can't reach the contacts you say."
"We've done a good job... promises made, promises kept."
"A contract agreement can be an agreement or a contract or a vow connected to third house matters."
"Some of you will be walking through the door of romance...wish fulfillment...making a commitment."
"We're making big decisions, we're making big commitments or big agreements."
"Don't be so quick to just jump up and sign up for stuff and accept things that are offered your way. Use wise judgment."
"It may not change their stance on the battlefield, but it does communicate to the entire world that we honor our commitments and we stand with our friends."
"It's a very good year for serious commitments in general."
"The full moon in the seventh house shines a light on relationships, indicating deeper connections and potential commitments."
"You can't get the money back whether you go or not."
"Faith over fear. I do want to do what I promised and catch up on these super chats before we end and pray."
"Hey guys I just have to go visit my dad now."
"If you're feeling burned out, figure out how to cut down on commitments."
"Sony has confirmed their commitments to accessibility options on PS5."
"A commitment or promise might be made on Valentine's Day, signaling a new phase in your relationship."
"It's not about that, bro. It's about you honoring your word and keeping the commitments that you made to your woman."
"I actually can't promise what the schedule's gonna look like."
"There is nothing guaranteeing this cheating PewDiePie here will follow through in his promise to retire and leave his channel to the winner."
"What commitments have you made that you need to complete?"
"Love is developing, commitments are being made, happiness is coming."
"New beginnings and new long-term commitments."
"You have to understand what you're signing up for."
"I got something I got to take care of so it's gonna be a few."
"Performance is literally doing what you said you were going to do."
"We've made some impossible promises; we're back."
"So many times it's the, 'Oh, I'm so sorry I can't come, I have a volunteer gig on Wednesdays,' but I'd love to come next time you do it or whatever."
"When a man is asking you to marry him I don't think nothing is too much."
"New moons are all about fresh starts, new beginnings, and new commitments."
"I've cancelled two funerals, sorted, I've got to be there, sorry I'm going to see Crouchy, someone else can do it."
"It will show our allies our word is still good and we will stand by them in times of need."
"Commitments are what holds our world together."
"We have commitments to our customers to run these trains on time. Tropicana is such a customer and has been since 1970."
"I'm honored but I have a girlfriend, okay?"
"commitments are greater than goals"
"When it comes down to commitments to other people and taking care of your body, your body will always win."
"Your person wants to break free from this juggling, whatever these responsibilities or other commitments are on their plate."
"Your brain did not evolve to remember, remind, and manage commitments. That's why people feel out of control."
"You're not breaking any contract if you leave."
"Commitments build our moral character."
"We've seen bold commitments from the EU, from the UK."
"Once you say yes, you are then already in the whirlwind of congratulations."
"I got a lot of things going on, about to do this big mentoring thing next month down in Dallas."
"I already have two kids. I'm already married."
"I realized that with baseball, school, and all that stuff... it's just a different thing."
"Life's unexpected turns can lead to profound commitments."
"You're definitely going into maybe a spiritual union, a spiritual contract with somebody."
"Beliefs and judgments result in vows."
"Commitments are nothing if not backed up with actions."
"Respectfully, my outside of work commitments are not less important than hers because I don't have children."
"The market value of debt is important to also consider the present value of commitments such as operating leases."
"This architecture, comprising legal obligations, political commitments, and transparency and confidence-building measures, has been built for many decades in the interest of international security."
"A solar eclipse new moon is all about seed planting, new beginnings, and new long-term commitments."
"New and improved long-term win-win commitments, alliances, as well as couplings and partnerships."
"Reflecting on what you want to cement within your relationships and commitments."
"We're probably gonna get on out of here, got some other things to do, man. March, very busy month for us, man, so yeah, it's a blessing."
"A new moon is all about new beginnings, new commitments, and initiations."
"So when I think of my year, key number one, critical business commitments, speaking engagements, my live events, etc., all the things that are critical to the business goes in."
"We need to act together to strengthen multilateralism as well as to honor and implement commitments made by the General Assembly and global partnerships for sustainable development."
"Planning ahead is key, especially when you have a busy schedule with signings and personal commitments."
"Traveling together as a family as much as possible while still holding down real world work life family and social obligations."
"I hate having monthly payments for anything."
"But when it comes to making covenants, you need to find a covenant maker and a covenant keeper."
"It's important for people to manage their time and modify their practice if they have family or work commitments."
"Personally, I avoid long commitments in my career."
"Keep your promises, have a great day and goodbye!"
"You have to respect others' commitments as well."
"I can't stay long, promised kids trip to the water park."
"We have a lot of new partnerships, collaborations, lovers, deep commitments that will soon be happening."
"Keep your commitments as light as possible and as flexible as possible."