
National Improvement Quotes

There are 158 quotes

"We should all be invested in the improvement of our country. Infrastructural improvements, this should be like a non-issue."
"If you love your country and your fellow Americans, you should want to fix those problems, not blindly defend them."
"The single-handed way to make America great is to invest in the black man."
"A simple double-digit boost in productivity and some spending restraint and some sanity, and we can fix this place."
"It's time to up our game in this country. I'm not about putting these people out of business; I'm about making them do business in a normal way."
"We must reverse our country's decline and that requires leadership."
"You're a parent, I'm a parent. We have to try and make this country stronger and more whole for our next generation or we will have failed them."
"If we want to get America out of this mess and back on track, we've got to replace pride with humility, which is all about God and others."
"The project of saving this country belongs to all of us."
"Genuine change is what this country truly needs."
"This is an incredibly under-resourced medical system that has been stressed and strained, and it's doing amazing work in those conditions. But we should figure a way as a nation to make this better."
"Things are improving in this country greatly and have been improving considerably over the past several decades."
"They were willing to pay the price because they knew they had it in them to help make this a better Union."
"America, we will make us better than what we saw in that video."
"I want to solve the problem of Nigeria, I want to start building a new Nigeria where Nigerians can be proud of their country."
"Because we've done a great job and it's not finished yet, and when I finish this country will be in a position like it hasn't been maybe ever."
"Together we will make America wealthy again, we will make America strong again, we will make America safe again, and we will make America great again."
"Brexit is a necessary crisis that exposes the weakness of the state and could lead to a new politics of national improvement."
"We will make America strong again. We will make America wealthy again. We will make America proud again. We will make America safe again. And we we'll make America great again."
"You want to make America great again? Pour into things like that, pour into people like that, pour into people that are doing stuff, not just talking about it."
"Our infrastructure will again be the best in the world."
"This is transformative... it's not only to get America back in business again but to build America back better."
"This country needs it deserves to correct itself."
"Instead of divide and conquer, we'll unite for hope in this country."
"Every American should want to fix our country."
"When our nations are greater, the future will be brighter."
"A reminder that we can forge a more perfect union, one act of kindness at a time."
"If we want to claim that the United States is the greatest place on earth, we need to make it that way."
"We can do better, America. We can do better."
"The biggest thing that we can do is we gotta focus on improving America...stop this nonsense."
"We count ourselves obligated to lead this Democratic Evolution with sincerity, accountability, and unquenchable desire for a better Nigeria."
"Get off that number, stop with tax and spend, this is about investing in a country that needs investment urgently."
"This agreement will really help America over the long term."
"This might just be the opportunity the nation needs to break out of its rut."
"The Senate must immediately set to work on the mission President Biden described: restoring the greatness and goodness of America."
"America is winning again and America is respected again."
"When we invest in our workers and we build an economy from the bottom up, in the middle out, together we can do something we haven't done in a long time: build a better America."
"I want Britain to be a better Britain. That's why I fight for it."
"America is not great until it's great for everyone."
"I think this country is leaps and bounds better than it was in a fairly recent past." - Barack Obama
"We will unite to create an America as good as its promise."
"The country is in a better place now than it was before he took office."
"You choose the people that's going to make America better."
"On November 3rd, we will make America safer, stronger, prouder, and greater than ever before."
"We are trying to change America for the better and the entire world."
"Yes we can make America great and build back better."
"The same principles that change a person's life change a nation's life."
"Things are going to leave us better off as a nation and anybody who says otherwise is, uh, is a liar frankly, yeah."
"I'm not desperate to be president of Nigeria. I'm desperate to see Nigeria work."
"And I think this country can do much better than that."
"The idea that you could take something in your own backyard and make your country a big global player."
"The current economic situation needs fixing not just for its national leaderboard rankings but to improve the lives of its citizens."
"I think the conservative movement, our movement, can save this nation, we can save civilization."
"That's what we mean when we say America is exceptional, not that our nation's been flawless from the start but that we have shown the capacity to change and make life better for those who follow."
"We need to do more as a country to help tackle mental health."
"We need to offer America a way to show the institutions can work."
"We are going to make our country great again."
"The restoration promised by the founders. America has gotten better, can continue to get better."
"I think it's so important we do... It's a bottom-up approach that's going to fix the country."
"You want to see things generally improve in this country? That's how you do it."
"Canada is on the path to actually being fixed."
"Unions built this country, and if we can prepare more kids for those kind of jobs, we're gonna wind up being a better country altogether."
"Us fixing us is going to fix this country 100."
"We're going to start winning again. We're going to make America wealthy again, and we're going to make America strong again."
"Nothing wrong with saying we must and we can do better as a nation."
"We wanted to leave because we think we can do things better for ourselves."
"We've got to create a UK that people want to invest in and we've got to increase the prosperity of our people."
"Making America great again has to be people need to be great."
"Patriotism is knowing this country is great, but working together to make it even greater."
"Get Pakistan out of this Quagmire is going to be probably the most phenomenal thing that anyone could ever do."
"With your help, your love, and your prayers, we will make America great again."
"If we stand together and keep our eye on the prize of creating the kind of nation you and I know we can become, there is nothing that we cannot accomplish."
"Communication can solve many things. Thailand is on its way now to be a better country with some transparency."
"We need to leave a better Canada for our children."
"The only way forward for Great Britain at the moment is for people to start to develop a bit of [__] humanity and to start to look out for each other."
"America can do better because America has no choice but to do better."
"For the long-term sustainability of this country... institutions have to be reformed."
"Patriotism should be about making this country better."
"I know we can do better. We can bring this nation back. We can restore the American economy. We can secure our border. And we can stand for the god-given Liberties that have always made this country strong and true and great." - Mike Pence
"It's a great point I personally think we need to give other cities in this country the same level of infrastructure as London."
"Patriotism says I love my country enough to challenge my country to be better."
"It's about building a better future for all Canadians."
"The greatest country in the world will be better because of you."
"Anything that builds U.S. infrastructure I agree with."
"I support improving America's aging roads, bridges, ports, and other infrastructure."
"Third party is the only way to save the country."
"The Canada of his future needs to be better than the Canada of Sunday evening."
"Time to build a stronger nation baby, hell yeah!"
"We won't give up on this country, we make it better."
"We are making America wealthy again, strong again, safe again, and great again."
"Let's make sure that wasn't in vain, let's turn this into something that makes this country better."
"The reward is a return to greatness for America... The reward for us is that the swamp will be drained... The price to pay is exposing, holding people accountable, and then paying the bill."
"There is a huge opportunity to fix the country right now."
"It was a time when Heroes distinguished themselves on both sides in order to bring about a better Japan for the future."
"Let's fix this, let's get healthy as a country."
"We are putting this nation on a better and brighter path for you, for your families, and for all of our great citizens."
"Politics is about giving people narratives about how you're going to improve the country."
"I'm just a dude trying to figure out who really wants to help make this country work."
"It's up to you to fix the nation, to lead the nation into glory."
"We want to make America stronger and that's what we do week after week and we have found that collectively we can work together and find solutions to the problems that America needs most."
"We can't divide this country, we gotta come together and that's how we make it better."
"For the first time in nearly three decades, every single metro area in the United States has seen their income rise."
"We are making America wealthy again, we are making America strong again, we are making America safe again, we are making America great again."
"It's imperative that we the American people demand not just dreams but realistic Pathways that respect both our aspirations and our daily realities."
"If we're looking on the positive side by February to a stronger better America."
"We need to move forward as a country with concrete, bold plans that actually help people."
"I think America is looking for something better."
"You've done a lot of good things to help improve America's outcome. 'Make America great' is a slogan that's becoming a reality."
"I ran for office to build America, not just to get us back to where we were before the pandemic."
"Something has to change in this country, and it needs to be something in terms of digging deep again to strive to make this country better."
"We've got to rebuild our country from the ground up."
"We know that we have an opportunity to improve every American life and we can unleash the best of America."
"Being able to critique your own country...it's not critique, it's wanting to make it better."
"The United States is a better place to live now than almost when I was born by a huge factor."
"Politics is extraordinarily interesting, and I think that the country can be better governed."
"Our passion is definitely coming from a place that we want better for the country."
"America may be able to be much better than it's ever been on the other side of this whole thing."
"You could make the nation better."
"If you want to make this country better, fling a fiver to a food bank."
"The best way for all America to meet the endless challenges of the times is for all of us to become better Americans."
"Wouldn't it be better for the nation if all of the workforce was better educated?"
"We're getting on making the right long-term decisions to change this country for the better."
"If we can figure out a way to unite... we can actually build this country into a country that's better than it's ever been before."
"I had that firm belief that my country could be made better."
"This election is about you, no one else. We are a great country, but we can be even better if we have a better government."
"If you know your history, you'll actually have a better idea of what is going on and a better idea of what it is that we should be trying to do to make our country a better place."
"I hope you have a better life in a better Germany."
"I think it's reasonable to say that the Canadians were able to spend their money on a lot of other things to make their country better."
"This is make or break for our country; things are not going well in South Africa, but it could be going so much better for our country."
"He inspired us all to be better people; he inspired us to try to work to make this country better."
"We will get our country better, stronger, and more beautiful than it was."
"He left us a better country than when he found it."
"Let's start thinking critically and fix this country."
"I believe it's still the best way to change our country for the better."
"He looks forward to this opportunity, as well as to speak with some of the senators about the places where they can come together and make this country better."
"We will always search for facts so we can help this country find its perfection again."