
Canadian Identity Quotes

There are 75 quotes

"Our government is here for you, and your fellow Canadians are here for you too."
"No Canadian will have to worry about protecting their health and putting food on the table."
"As Canadians, we may not outwardly demonstrate our 'Pride & Prejudice,' but our hearts are full of it, and we are determined people."
"It is going to require many different solutions and a collective effort, but we will do what we need to do and we will come through this together as Canadians."
"In times of crisis, Canadians come together."
"Most Canadians now consider the Canadian health care system to be a bigger source of national pride than the flag, Constitution, or national anthem."
"Being there for each other is part of who Canadians are and also how we're going to get through this."
"Canadians are really smart. Canadians are really well-informed... by and large I think as a country people are making really smart decisions, and those smart and well-informed decisions are saving lives." - Deputy Prime Minister.
"Canadians are really obsessed with not being Americans, they tend to really misunderstand the nature of the differences between the two countries."
"We need to start loving Canadians again. We're a wonderful country coast to coast."
"Yes, Canada is in North America... pretty hard to miss."
"Our two official languages are woven into the fabric of our country."
"The iconic Mounties: Symbols of law and order."
"Nortel had helped to rebrand Canada as more than the place where you got lumber, dairy, and maple syrup."
"Bilingual and bicultural does not mean you exclude the multicultural nature of Canada."
"Oh I'm such a freaking Canadian stupid Meathead."
"Being Canadian is whatever you make of it, whatever you want it to be. I kind of like that."
"Balancing personal freedoms with a healthy respect for Collective rights. According to the Canadian government, a Canadian is a Canadian is a Canadian."
"Loving the Canadian values is all it means to be Canadian."
"Being Canadian can mean being yourself, appreciating this place, enjoying food and culture from around the world. Live and Let Live."
"I'm concerned when I see people telling Canadians that they should not be proud."
"The seals were broken and the Canadian front couldn't hold it back any longer."
"We Canadians, we must continue to set the bar higher."
"I ask these questions on behalf of the people of Winnipeg, on behalf of the people of my province of Manitoba, and indeed on behalf of all Canadians."
"Join with your fellow Canadians, be courageous, and speak out."
"The Canadian tuxedo: from cowgirl chic to high fashion."
"What being Canadian is all about is about being inclusive and that's the Canadian spirit."
"The Canadians began to develop a notion of what they call living tree... it does have its in history."
"They genuinely make me prouder to be Canadian."
"That's the most stereotypical Canadian thing about the Canadian military, that we use maple syrup to fix all things."
"...he was a Great Canadian, a man of substance, a man of courage certainly, and confidence politically..."
"Designed by Canadians and forged in the frozen north by lumberjacks in flannel with glorious scarlet beards."
"After its introduction, the term Loonie became synonymous with the Canadian dollar in common Canadian language."
"Shooting a laser through the transparent maple leaf on Canadian currency projects the value on the wall."
"It's a very tasty, lovely beer, homebrew, Canadian homebrew I guess, called Cowboy Juice, brewed in house."
"The resourcefulness, the self-reliant initiative of the Canadian is most marked; these are men accustomed to solving their own problems every day."
"The Canadian ensigns started to be used more and more as a symbol of Canada's status as a separate country."
"A lot of Canadians these days seem to enjoy turning these sort of boring objects of middle-class Canadian life into these sort of tongue-in-cheek patriotic symbols."
"It's a dream of every boy in the province of Quebec, and maybe a good part of Canada too, to wear the Canadian uniform."
"The Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms."
"Good manners and a helpful nature make the Canadians stand out as one rare nation."
"Being a Canadian now actually means something in the world, being a Canadian is very respected around the world for the way that we do treat everybody here, everyone is truly equal."
"Hello, it's me, singing in the forest. #CanadianForest"
"Canada's broadcasting act... should serve to safeguard, enrich, and strengthen the cultural, political, social, and economic fabric of Canada."
"Canada is much more diverse than the US, people from various countries, various backgrounds."
"Yes, it is the day that we become Canadian citizens, guys."
"If you are Canadian, you will always stop at Tim Hortons."
"Gotta have a double-double in the morning."
"For Canadians, when they stand in front of his paintings, there is a deep connection that is so ephemeral it can barely be defined."
"Maybe they say we were inspired. All of us. Beautiful and broken pieces to be the meaning of Canadians."
"I think a lot of English-speaking Canada really likes the fact that Quebec is a part of Canada."
"Made in Canada means a lot to me."
"I love it so anyway I hope people enjoy it, but I had personally it was a collaboration I enjoyed very much, it's all Canadian."
"Canada is a country of immigrants."
"SC carts is proudly Canadian; every one of our vehicles is manufactured and carefully crafted in the heart of beautiful Okanagan Valley in Vernon, BC."
"The Canadian idea of liberty is an inclusive freedom, expansive freedom."
"Maple syrup is our national treasure, and you can't go wrong with plaid and Maple Leaf."
"I want to thank Canadians from coast to coast to coast for the unique privilege of being invited into their lives."
"This is Canada where this sport matters above everything else."
"Proudly pulling for this generation of Canadians and the next for over 40 years."
"It doesn't get much more Canadian than this."