
Media Role Quotes

There are 76 quotes

"Trial by media is a Bad Thing, but I think we need the media to hold the elite to account sometimes."
"I'm Michelle Jub, and I'm not here to tell you what to think. I'd much rather hear what you have to say."
"When wealth gets too concentrated, when you got 150% turnover rates, high accident rates, you're going to have to have a media to vent your grievances."
"The mainstream media's primary role in America today is to tell the truth."
"The media's function, the point of a free press, is to be able to criticize power in a free country."
"Because of you guys and the awareness of kind of knowing what was going on and delivering that news to the public for so long, you gave it awareness to all of them, and because of you, I honestly think you guys saved my life in a way."
"People want distractions, and that's what we can give them. It's just distractions, man. That's all it is."
"Journalists are not there to pick sides. You're there to say what's happening."
"Is axios becoming the news or reporting the news... looks like axios wanted to create the news or create more of it."
"Are you not supposed to point out lies of politicians?"
"Our country needs the mission of journalism even more today than at any other time."
"We're not just here giving the bad news we're trying to explain what can you do about it."
"The press does not simply publish information about trials but guards against the miscarriage of justice by subjecting the police, prosecutors, and judicial process to extensive public scrutiny and criticism."
"Journalism is an act of faith in the future."
"Your show is crucial in reaching out to victims."
"Journalists hold a unique position in a democracy."
"I just want to point out that if it wasn't for independent journalists like this channel...the majority of people would not know that was happening."
"We do not live in a world of wars with weapons anymore, it is a war of ideology and media."
"All the cultural wars are used... to distract and divide us, and the media is their getaway car."
"There should be the FBI involved in this... it's ridiculous that it's now up to people in the media to do the investigation." - Ana Kasparian
"Journalism is not activism and this is activism."
"Blame the media? Our job is to Chronicle and Report what we see."
"Independent media voices like myself are crucial in combating these types of harmful ideas."
"I just see media as a tool to educate people and get a message across."
"The chief job of a newspaper is to inform, to tell people. For decades, the freedoms of thought and expression have been central to Western democracy."
"The media's entire reason for being is to defend the interests of the American people."
"The role of the host isn't to be an expert, it's to bring the expert's knowledge to the audience."
"In this pivotal moment Peter Ducey stands as an emblem of persistent inquiry."
"If you do good, yeah, I'm gonna talk about you. If you do bad, yeah, I'm gonna talk about you. At the end of the day, there's a role for those kind of people." - Roland Martin
"The media sees their jobs as policing heresy, not discovering truth."
"In any normal world, if 88% of voters supported something and we were in the middle of a pandemic that exposed the extent to which we needed that something, it would be the media that was holding politicians accountable."
"We salute all of those DJs working around the clock to provide information to people who need it most."
"What is the function of being a left YouTuber? Existential."
"More and more people are waking up. I really believe that."
"We need a media in this country journalism to actually report information and challenge those in power."
"The toxicity of Trump and Trumpism didn't start with him. Rush Limbaugh was a huge purveyor of a lot of that crap years before."
"Tough accountability questions, not softball slow pitches."
"It's incredibly courageous to be a journalist in an active conflict."
"The cops have done everything in their power to cover it up... it is incumbent upon the media to find it and show it."
"Citations needed is like a lighthouse in the storm."
"Sports is supposed to be fun, and I think you do a great job of this."
"It all comes down to this: would there have been this level of an investigation without pressure from the public and the media? That is a big fat no."
"As a content creator, you are an advertising arm, that's what you're here to do."
"The press has played a tremendously important role as watchdog over the government."
"We're heading right back where we were with the indulgence of the press."
"Democracy dies in darkness, and now we're going to give you the darkness. Welcome back to the darkness. Go back to brunch."
"Freedom of the press is sort of a community aggregate people communicating with each other."
"We're not talking about a human right here, we're talking about a social value and also a piece of legislation that was pushed by media, by powerful people, by corporations, and elected politicians."
"Media in a free country is a counterbalance against entrenched power."
"The bet on the student loan forgiveness worked out for Democrats."
"Right now I believe that's what this media is about the truth can be said."
"The press isn't the enemy, it's the protector."
"Their role is not to report the news, it's to defend the power of the state."
"I think we are the storytellers we are the storytellers of the future."
"We should challenge the government; that's the role of the media."
"Macron's strong condemnation serves as a call to action for Nations to work together."
"The media is not the engine of change; it's a tool of the prevailing order."
"Newspapers have done a fantastic job in exposing so much including the telegraph um of exposing so much of what's going on inside the blob."
"We need media where we can reach people and give them information that they need."
"Black media is involved in that effort... we've got to reach out through the channels where people are listening."
"That's what journalism is about being critical of the government."
"How's the truth going to get out there without this?"
"The media can do a really really important job in terms of holding politicians to account."
"The role of the media is to provide precise information."