
Community Reaction Quotes

There are 90 quotes

"It’s such a shame to see a franchise that started as well as Corpse Party did turn into nothing more than a fleeting conversation in the wind of people asking whether anything new is coming from it."
"It breaks everybody's heart. But, you know, it's kind of mixed emotions. We're very sad and certainly I give my condolences to the families who are suffering a great deal right now, but it also just makes you angry."
"We might see that they over buff them in order to put them in the limelight so that people... are all saying actually enhancements popping now."
"In Mojang's eyes, it was a coding error, but in the communities, it was a downgrade."
"Piper's disappearance became the subject of hush conversations and furtive glances."
"We're definitely already in that position where clips are coming out of people falling way behind and not only that, other class is pulling way, way ahead, and people are deciding mains right now for Shadowlands."
"The crowd here is pleased with the verdict, it's what they've always wanted."
"Eli, the subscriber, and all of his other friends who were just sitting there are just like 'Oh my god, what just happened, man?'"
"Many in the community are understandably angry about the decision."
"IGN phrased it like this: 'Pokemon fans are coming for power world, the Pokemon with guns game that is taking steam by storm because they claim the designs are stolen and lazy.' Some folks are on the other side and just want to start blasting away."
"I think it's sick initially, but as I say, I think it's sick, I can just feel the wave of people like I'm expecting to be disappointed."
"Hundreds of comments suggested that the chant had summoned some kind of forest spirit."
"I thought we did something. I was like, 'Why am I getting so many mentions?' Then I was like, 'Oh, 'cause we're witches.'"
"Why are y'all smiling about that? That's not good, right? Put them back in."
"Every single time Jacqueline Hill releases a collab there is a problem. Not a minor one, the kind of problem that completely takes over the narrative within the YouTube makeup community."
"What a win post, god damn. If that was an ultra character, none of us would question it."
"No matter what happens, however you get something good, whether it's through finishing elite, getting lucky, or grinding your nuts off for 10 hours to build up a bunch of packs on a no FIFA point account, people will always find a reason to be mad."
"YouTube Rewind 2018 is the most disliked video on the entire platform."
"AJ Styles winning the championship was a very cool moment and the crowd going absolutely ballistic was anything anyone really there felt that he was going to win."
"Understandably, the Comeaux were blown away by the stunning act of generosity."
"When something kicks off, that mob mentality just grips a community."
"A lot of people are very upset with how this game has launched."
"Imagine being so lost, so unlikable by the entire community that even after getting shot in the gut, your entire YouTube comment section is still roasting you for surviving the gunshot."
"If any of them happen, we will absolutely lose our collective minds, ladies and gentlemen."
"The primaris again, something people were initially not at all happy with now it's largely been accepted and is at most a grumbling annoyance in that sense while people always have these very vocal emotional reactions to any change."
"The Tesla community's reaction to Plaid Plus cancellation was a rollercoaster."
"These snowballs have been shocking the people and no one believed this phenomenon until they saw it for themselves."
"No no development support for dogecoin much disappointment such sad much wow."
"This is a really big deal, and a lot of people were very, very excited about it."
"Games Workshop observed their fans breaking their backs to make amazing content that advertises their game for free and decided that stealing the very best ones to hide them behind a paywall is something that the community would love."
"I take great pleasure in people getting upset at what I do on my own FUT account."
"If nobody's angry about cheaters then nobody's talking about anti-cheat and working on anti-cheat doesn't bring you any benefit to your game."
"Guys, I can't believe our 7-Eleven is working!"
"As much as I want to say dead game dead promo just like everyone else is gonna be saying undoubtably this is cool."
"I think the reaction is overwhelmingly positive from the community."
"The entire Community stands shocked at your actions."
"Thank you from the bottom of my heart for saying how stupid the candy cane ban is. You spent 15 bucks for being mad about candy canes getting banned."
"I aimed for the dark green cloud flowing inside and let loose. More voices screaming over one another, 'Turn that off! Are you okay? Oh, thank Jesus!'"
"The amount of rage that's going to happen is going to be immeasurable."
"I was kind of surprised to see a ton of Gamers responding with cheers."
"Jim Ryan's departure is being celebrated by fans, by The Gaming Community."
"The sheriff's dead! The sheriff's actually dead! No way, bro!"
"Residents genuinely puzzled by what they had seen."
"My mother did not get off scot-free. She is no longer welcome in her church and none of her friends associated with her anymore."
"The fact that somebody is so angry about what it is that you guys are doing means they care that much to be angry."
"First of all, you just told me I'm a prophet, and then right after you told me I'm a prophet, you say your people are gonna run you out, which is unimaginable."
"I'm so happy that we can come back together to rage about the fact that they've told us these were dragons for 10 years."
"Ain't nobody saw this coming. You're right. You are correct."
"The community was astounded by the eighteen twelve that they had obtained."
"Fantastic Fizz and Yumi gone, what more could we really ask for?"
"Targon is back baby! Pantheon gone, but I'm playing Fizz again!"
"Overwatch 2's progression: regression across the board."
"The overwhelming response was that Sean was murdered."
"I'm so happy a lot of you guys are vibing our new love interest."
"People started spreading this like wildfire."
"Chad! Oh my god, holy crap! Someone's gonna clip that!"
"When Knight creates a halo around the Sun, the whole crowd, including Aristes and Laird, are stunned."
"We hit number one in the App Store without the card's leader skill even being out. How do you guys feel about that?"
"I'm disappointed in both the way that black men and black women are reacting to Kevin Samuels's death."
"A great start for a game that I know a lot of people were looking forward to."
"When Herod heard this, he was disturbed, and all Jerusalem with him."
"I feel disgusted... It was horrifying." - Denise, a community member
"Steve in Smash: RIP meat positions, we hardly knew ye."
"It's total disrespect, teenagers vandalizing the inside of Muskogee St. Joseph's Catholic Church."
"I just playing the wrong build the whole stream went wrong and then the petscop reddit exploded all because of this TV."
"Gamers everywhere probably breathe the sigh of relief at that."
"When they announced voltar the community went pretty crazy in excitement and then they quickly turned into realizing that this was basically the story part for they hadn't really done anything online."
"It's kind of sad, but Salty is actually gonna be getting removed from the game."
"Everybody's absolutely horrified, embarrassed that somebody in our broader circles could have been behaving in such a terrible way."
"When Dryden first came out of the ban list, people were really happy about that card being released."
"Once word got to their parents, it caused a huge moral panic, and they flocked to Facebook to warn other parents. From there it spread to mainstream news outlets, and the cycle continued."
"Command & Conquer finally returns as a mobile game nobody wants... dumbed down into a mobile game... I do hope you get your PC fixed." - Rich, WhatCulture Gaming
"High mobility used to be a thing, and when removed, it upset a lot of people."
"The slide change... everybody freaked out about it. But barely noticed it."
"People were losing their minds like people wanted these kids to turn up alive."
"It's just like anybody could be in, I'm so glad you got Aaron in for the reaction."
"This is like the best news that we've had in so long."
"Thousands of commenters were left grappling with the unsettling encounter."
"Something sane actually happened here in California, I can't believe it."
"The people of Dover were profoundly embarrassed by the actions of several members of the board of education."
"A hero lives getting limited to one as well... I think that's kind of to bounce Stratos being back."
"They actually did it. They got rid of Fortnite Rarities. Rest in peace, the random skin Fortnite challenge."
"Chinese New Year: the meme was born and from that point onward any mishaps and part choices or cost-cutting measures were given the all-encompassing explanation of Chinese New Year by the collector community."
"When he first dropped and we all went crazy and now he's a glitch difficult day for all of us."
"It was met with shock from many in the community."
"One punch later and the lantern became the biggest laughing stock of the superhero community."
"I've never seen such a unified positive reaction to a single game."