
Horror Gaming Quotes

There are 81 quotes

"And after all of this, I still cannot recommend playing anything else other than the very first game, as that small, self-contained gory horror game is all you need, and what Corpse Party truly is."
"Now, 14 years later, Dead Space has cemented its legacy as one of the scariest games ever created and a true classic for the modern horror genre within gaming."
"The best horror in Dead Space isn't always the big flashy sequences with string music and expensive effects; it's squeaking gears, blowing steam, and distant screams."
"Dead Space 2 isn't just a horror game; it's a piece of horror movie in interactive form."
"The game is so much darker and more oppressive than security breach and that goes a long way towards making it scarier."
"The next game in the Outlast series offers more mind-numbing terror, but this time with friends."
"Lone survivor is the best Silent Hill game we've had in years."
"Released in 2008, Dead Space is a master class in atmosphere and tension."
"Dead Space 2 is a case study on how to keep that Horror in future titles."
"One of the most influential, if not most influential horror game of all time."
"Amnesia a tier... it brought back a lot of interest."
"It's so lit, it makes it less scary because Mommy Long Legs isn't so scary when you see that she's just sitting there."
"Definitely go play it if you love short but fun horror experiences."
"Resident Evil 4... the scariest Resident Evil of all time."
"Silent Hill Ascension takes that feeling of communal fear to a massive scale."
"Jump scares are guaranteed with this title so you have been warned."
"Standard zombies: slow yet menacing, with elongated bony fingers."
"Crawlers in Dead Space 2: Babies possessed by the Necromorph entity, swollen beyond their natural size."
"The Suicider in Dead Island: The blisters are not just for show."
"Dead Space is a fantastic entry into the horror genre."
"This is not a survival horror... it's more of a narrative-driven horror game."
"For as simple as FNaF 1 is, it still gave reasons behind the animatronics roaming and killing you and the rest was competently left as part of the Fear of the Unknown."
"Never seen it before but a stuffed bear, how scary can this game be?"
"I think horror games just attracted me, it was just that thing."
"It's one of the greatest remakes of all time and it's one of the most fun freaking horror games I've ever played in my life."
"This is a game that wants to scare you or at the very least make you incredibly uneasy."
"The sound design puts a nice little bow on the package emphasizing the terror of those things that go bump in the night."
"Fallout 3's Dunwich building was honestly way more terrifying than the place we visit in Fallout 4."
"Resident Evil 7 biohazard, a terrifying experience."
"Wow, this is scary dude, something about this is kind of scary."
"As far as mascot horror games go...this is very good."
"Bloodborne is scary like a thousand [ __ ] spiders running up your legs."
"Nintendo's first foray into doing anything horror related with one of its original franchises... absolutely knocked it out of the park."
"Sometimes, I’ve played this, and the Alien will haunt my dreams that night."
"The true ending of The Witch's House is shocking, genuinely one of the most disturbing and unexpected twists I've seen in a horror game."
"Resident Evil 7 is one of the only games to compete with Resident Evil 1 for most horror focused title in the series."
"With time, it would become a staple of the horror genre."
"This game sells its scares in a way that I found genuinely impressive."
"The Kalisto Protocol is a new story-driven single-player survival horror game from the creators of Dead Space."
"While maybe not the scariest game in the world it has much better writing and is a pretty fun little experience if you're looking for a quick dive into a demonic disgusting world."
"It manages to maintain that sort of suspenseful feel of horror as you move through and try to contend with all these aliens."
"It's genuinely creepy, spine-chilling stuff."
"Games that stick in your gut long after you've put down the pad, games that change your perception, that gets inside and shift your core as if someone's tightened the focus ring on the lens through which you see life."
"A reimagined experience that's sure to scare and surprise both newcomers and veterans of the FNAF series."
"Five Nights at Freddy's tapped into the childhood uncanniness that is Chuck E Cheese animatronics, ramped it up to 11 on the creepy scale, and added hints of lore to keep people interested beyond just the atmosphere and gameplay."
"If you're looking for a horror game then I highly recommend checking out Polar Dread."
"I love the anti-jump scare, I love like the 'oh, it's just you'."
"Every single scare in the game got me so good. It was unbelievable, even the ones where I was pretty sure I knew it was coming still got me."
"Alien Isolation, very good horror game here."
"Silent Hill 2 is a cornerstone in horror gaming."
"Manhunt is a special horror game in how it creates its dark atmosphere, its gruesome content and its satisfying yet terrifying mechanics."
"Silent Hill: an absolutely kino horror game and it's gone on to become one of the most undisputed classics for the genre."
"Silent Hill works very hard to make sure that you are never comfortable."
"They understand that the combat itself is not very deep, so they make the combat to get a scare out of you."
"Prepare for some damn good scares my friends because the hauntings in apartment room 302 call for some of the scariest moments in Silent Hill history."
"This is literally every single horror game I've played."
"A truly brain-adapted horror game could be possible, and it sounds absolutely terrifying if done correctly."
"Fatal Frame 2 is absolutely petrifying... you're going to wish that you brought the toilet with you."
"A lot of the ambient noises in the game are tailored to make you look around and make sure that nothing's following you."
"The descent into madness and the horrific fate of your loved ones torment you more and more as the game progresses."
"Resident Evil 4: one of the finest horror action games ever made."
"The audio in horror games has a huge part to play in immersing you into the tone of that world."
"Fatal Frame franchise is a classic when it comes to Japanese horror games."
"This is spooky... typically don't do these types of horror games... but it's kind of like Five Nights at Freddy's in a way, right?"
"Maybe this game is actually not scary, and just maybe it's really cool."
"The Dead Space remake is a fantastic take on a horror classic everything that fans loved about the original game has been lovingly recreated here with a beautiful upgrade to the visuals that make it feel like an entirely fresh experience."
"Fatal Frame 2 was constantly ranked as one of the most frightening games of all time even years after it was first released."
"This game is like the perfect horror game because you don't know what it is or when it is."
"Such a cool unique idea for really a horror game of any kind."
"Resident Evil 2, so goddamn fun that playing through both the campaigns, all the different elements you can do with that."
"This is still an amazing FNAF fan game though and is truly the scariest one I have ever played."
"Let this be a little bit of a way for us to sink into Heta Oni before we reach the nitty-gritty of this game."
"In a horror game, the characters have to be victims, not heroes, and the threat of death must be real."
"So much of horror is about anticipating what the player really doesn't want to happen, and this game I feel like really had a great understanding of that."
"The opening moments are always gripping, but the first time it was genuinely terrifying."
"One of the best horror games ever made."
"Resident Evil 7 Biohazard VR was the most atmospheric horror game to me."
"If a horror game like Amnesia can not have any trial and error and still manage to be scary, perhaps even more scary, I'm not seeing why this shouldn't be possible for other games as well."