
Expression Of Love Quotes

There are 122 quotes

"Never miss the opportunity to tell everybody in your life how much you love them and miss them and how much they matter to you."
"Use sex as an extension of everything else you do in marriage, just another way of saying I love you, just another way of giving myself to you."
"When's the last time you looked your best friend in the eye and said, 'I love you, bro. No cap.'"
"Sanskrit has 96 words to describe love; we only have one, which is very limiting."
"I love you so much that I have to shut my eyes so tight. And when I opened them, I see stars."
"You learned to say 'I love you.' You must have been studying, huh?"
"Express your love and appreciation. It's time to open up your heart and allow for more affection and appreciation in your life."
"Sometimes all it takes is just a few sincere words expressing your love and your care for someone."
"I just want to tell you that I love you and thank you."
"Turn to the person beside you and just say, 'Love never fails.'"
"I love you had a different meaning because if it gets taken away again noted this time I want you to feel the appreciation."
"Make sure you tell people every day you love them, like good morning, good night."
"Is this a weird time to say that I love you?"
"Some men never tell their dads that they love them."
"You really are, and I love you to bits and pieces."
"There's just something profoundly healing about telling somebody you love them."
"Instead of saying 'I love you,' you say 'you show me what love is.'"
"That is you. That is exactly you. That is why I love you so much."
"I'd rather have someone just genuinely tell me they love me than go up and recite long love poems."
"I want to scream 'I love you' at the top of my lungs."
"Mommy, daddy, did I tell you that I love you guys so much?"
"Letting go is an expression of love because letting go is free."
"As a husband, consistently tell your wife how much you love her. It will bring her great happiness."
"Allow this to be a display of your love, of your passion, of your divine energy."
"I love you, now, at this moment, I love you."
"I love you. I love people. I'll tell them the truth."
"If you have somebody in your life that you love, make sure you let them know."
"They just love expressing their love for you, and that could be in terms of a direct expression or through 5D."
"She sang of love just as she lived for love."
"This was so much fun. I'm gonna have to put I love that for you."
"He wouldn't hesitate to let me know that y'all son I love you me that [ __ ] that like and that I think that was one of the greatest things that I could say about him."
"It's because of you, it's because of you. I love you too."
"Shut the [__] up, I want you to know that, I love you."
"We don't choose to love, we choose to express love."
"I'm not good with words, but you know you love her."
"I make sure those that I do love know I love you."
"I don't think black men say this enough, we don't. I love you brother, love you too man."
"I say I love you to people that I really do care about."
"I am so sorry I didn't treat you well. I want you to know I love you."
"True love is to say, 'I love you enough to allow you to choose your journey yourself.'"
"I love you, I will say that's almost a standard."
"I love cars, you know, you've got those things that you're passionate about."
"Text your loved ones. Tell them that you love them."
"Humanity's back is against the wall and I want to tell all of you that I love you."
"Love, give them your love. Tell them they're loved."
"If I love you, you're gonna know that I love you. I'm not gonna withhold how I truly feel."
"Always make sure they know how much you love them."
"You know, that means someone loves you, when they give you their last."
"Saying 'I love you' is more than words; it's about genuine care and actions."
"I would be nothing without you all, I love you all."
"And if anyone hasn't told you today Mel, I love you and I believe in you."
"I love you, baby. I appreciate you so much. I hope that you enjoyed your little gifts. Oh yes, I did. I loved them. It was so thoughtful."
"Real sense of commitment, they express love."
"A song is not a song until you sing it. Love in your heart is not put there to stay. Love is not love until you give it away."
"That's right Tommy. I hate how much in love with you, um, perfect. I... It's perfect. I'd have nothing else to say to that."
"Fry would tell me he loved me by slow blinking his eyes, and I would tell him I loved him by slow blinking my eyes back."
"Y'all know I love y'all more than y'all will ever know."
"There's no failure in love. Once you tell someone that you love them, you've already succeeded in love."
"Tell a loved one how much they truly mean to you. It's better to tell them while they're living or while they're among the living."
"What is love is that I want to do anything I can to be close to you."
"Clear communication... it's not an act of anger, it's an act of love."
"I love you. Thank you so much for being here with me today."
"Literally telling somebody they love them, like they want to tell them that they're telling them the truth."
"They want to express the fact that they love you."
"Next Valentine's, feel free to send me chocolates, I appreciate the love!"
"I mean, I kind of had to, right? I kinda had to. Thanks babe, I love you."
"Every night when we go to bed he says I love you Susan and every morning when he wakes up he says I love you."
"Recognizing who you're not is the first step to understanding who you are."
"Somebody's gonna come in here and express their love Scorpio unspoken love is about to be spoken here oh whatcha gonna do with that from a soul mate twin flame life partner Scorpio."
"I just want you to know how much I love you, how appreciative I am of you, how grateful I am of whatever it is you and her and your dad are doing."
"They want reconciliation, it's worth waiting for, and they're expressing true love."
"I love you. I want to move into your apartment."
"Don't forget to hug each other more cuz I love you guys."
"Everybody wants to say hey, I love you."
"He wrote a message in the sand to his mother and to his wife telling them that he loved them."
"I came to tell you that I love you very much."
"If no one has told you today that they love you, I do."
"I'm going to tell you that I love you 100 times a day."
"Cooking for people is like such a pure thing to do. It's like saying I love you without saying it."
"Have I mentioned lately that I love you?"
"Help people today, tell people that you love them today."
"Do not pull the 'you too'. You type out or you say 'I love you too', do not say 'you too'."
"They do not love that do not show their love."
"Give me some kisses. No? Oh, give me, I want kisses. Love you."
"Tell somebody that you love them; sometimes you got to say that to yourself too."
"I hope that we comforted one another in a time of need, and I love you."
"Look into his eyes and tell him you love him."
"That's what love looks like, it's being able to tell someone you love them without having to say anything."
"I love you. I love you all right. I hope you have a blessed morning, evening, night, whatever it is, wherever you're at."
"Never be afraid to say I love you."
"...it's important to tell people that you love them and to not shy away from that."
"You love them by telling them, and you love Him by thinking on how He loves you."
Men can still very much be like, "I love you."
"That's when I started hearing more of like, 'Okay, I love you baby,' and he would say it."
"You just got to know that I love you."
"We like to use it as a tool to help couples express appreciation."
"We're allowed to say things like this, we love love."
"That is true love, when you love someone you tell them."
"Making me food is her way of saying I love you."
"I love you is not a word you can just go around telling everybody."
"It's just another way of saying I love you."
"Do you know that I love you, right?"
"Go tell somebody you love and appreciate them, and you thank God for."
"I love you so much, and I came to you about this today because of the fact that I love you."
"Say I love you. How much happiness that would bring to them."
"When you express your love to a woman, it's supposed to get her excited; it's the greatest weapon you have."
"I'm so sorry for being mean to you, you know I love you."
"I love you, love you, love you, love you, love you, love you."
"Tell people that you love them, it's just three words, and this is a way that you can be The Swinging Doors."
"If you love somebody, say it. Feeling it is not enough."
"I love you, you love me, won't you say you love me too?"
"I love you. I know I don't say that a lot, but I do."
"Let me start by saying I love you."
"Once they learn to love themselves, then they will feel at liberty to express the love that they feel for you."