
Police Conduct Quotes

There are 54 quotes

"The men who beat Rodney King do not deserve to wear the uniform of the LAPD."
"This type of police conduct is completely unacceptable behavior on the part of public servants and destroys the general public's ability to trust law enforcement."
"Welcome to Audit the Audits where we sort out the who and what and the right and wrong of police interactions."
"There have been times in American history where the police are in fact systemically racist. And the way that you can tell they are systemically racist is because you can name the actual system of racism."
"Every single person I have met ever believes that that police officer should go to jail for putting his knee on the neck of a man for nine long minutes while he says I can't breathe."
"Chief Justice William Rehnquist wrote... 'We think police officers can and will distinguish almost instinctively between questions necessary to secure their own safety or the safety of the public and questions designed solely to elicit testimonial evidence.'"
"But ending Qualified Immunity while it might be a step forward, won't end police misconduct overnight."
"Change the damn laws so you don't have these cops running amok."
"Some cops could be bad people, leading to false accusations."
"Despite the fact that the officers wanted to talk to Mr. James as a potential witness and victim, they placed him in handcuffs, took his wallet, and searched through it."
"Men are law enforcement they're supposed to protect and serve the public whatever was going on wasn't worthy of the death penalty this man is subdued so whatever."
"The fact that this camera was turned either turned off or uh never on in the first place shows to me that these officers more or less were deliberately trying not to be held accountable for their actions."
"What country that purports to be free would countenance a routine traffic stop as a possible death sentence?"
"Chief Churro's conduct was unnecessary, likely illegal, and only served to create conflict."
"We all agree that if the police act in a racist way, that is a bad thing."
"Individuals who are unarmed should not be killed by the police if the cop's life is not in danger, period."
"Officer Stambaugh gets an F for unnecessarily drawing her weapon during a purely verbal confrontation."
"The police acted badly. This is one huge angle of January 6th that needs to be told."
"The judge ruled that the police's behavior in their pursuit of Colin Stagg was 'a substantial attempt to incriminate a suspect by positive and deceptive conduct of the grossest kind.'"
"These videos of cops assaulting protesters... completely prove this whole thing right."
"Nobody deserves to be treated like that by police."
"I couldn't believe that someone would be handled so aggressively when they're in handcuffs."
"Why pull them over for air fresheners? People do stupid stuff, but it doesn't mean they should be shot and killed."
"Our silence is betrayal, no matter if you're a police officer or anybody in the community."
"We need to respect his humanity and had Mr. Chauvin shown some respect for George Floyd he would be here today."
"I was so impressed that these officers took 75 minutes, really wanted to do the right thing."
"Here's what I do appreciate, the fact that some of these officers are actually being held accountable."
"If a police officer feels the need to then throw somebody to the ground and beat and kick that person, that cop should not be on the force."
"Black men only make up 4.1 percent of Toronto's population, yet they were a quarter of the complaints alleging sexual assault by police."
"The police should not be judge, jury, and executioner."
"Despite Scott being one of the most polite and respectful suspects ever on this channel, he was actually hit with a better sentence than the majority of criminal cops."
"If we see police officers not doing what they should be doing, we should say something."
"I see no evidence of rough treatment from the officer to Miss Hargrave. I see none."
"CSPD's pattern and practice of targeting, retaliating, and violating people's constitutional rights."
"What happened to George Floyd happens way too often in this country."
"If it's not the British flag, what right do the police have to wave any flag?"
"Either way, how this police officer handled it... we expect there to be de-escalation... he's the one with the gun."
"The police should have honored and respected that."
"So cops didn't just start shooting people, she not upset just no one was talking about so I'm glad that when injustice has happened there's that reaction that is crazy."
"Sometimes all it takes is a lawyer talking to a police officer to change their behavior."
"The police had no reason to pepper spray a nine-year-old kid."
"When police officers say, 'If you're talking, you're breathing,' that is literally not true."
"There is no justification for the way those cops behave. That's why even in an anti-cop community, people are justifying what we are watching. It's so obvious they knew they [__] up."
"There is no reason for an officer to shoot a dog that isn't actively biting his face off."
"Officer Nicols' conduct underscores a worrying misuse of authority, contributing to the Urgent Dialogue on the need for police reform and the safeguarding of individual rights."
"The Black Lives Matter movement... was good insofar as it put its finger on another real problem in American life, which is the malfeasance of police authorities."
"It is important that where there are allegations of police misconduct, those are taken seriously and properly looked into. If there has been wrongdoing, it must be pursued."
"When police officers or police departments violate the public trust, they must be held accountable."