
Foster Care Quotes

There are 339 quotes

"Kingdom Royale will be a luxury, state-of-the-art home for foster boys."
"This is our new beginning; together, we can tackle this at the root by specifically helping our homeless black boys who are already disproportionately represented in the American foster care system."
"I ain't had no mom or dad at all. I'm a system baby. I grew up in foster homes... I always told myself I would change my life when I had somebody else to care about."
"I grew up in foster homes in Los Angeles and then was adopted into a working-class family in northern California."
"Surprisingly, instead of giving up on me, my new foster parents showered me with love and eventually adopted me."
"My life will have a huge impact. My foster mom will make sure I help save and protect other babies."
"Two percent of America's foster youth graduate from a four-year college, so it's thrilling that Mackenzie Fiersten, a first-gen low-income foster youth, graduated from Penn and just won a Rhodes Scholarship."
"It's so important... so there is this sense of home for a child... I appreciate what it does, I just think the system is very flawed and having these kids jump from family to family this is what it can do to them."
"23 blacks only make up 13% of the population. But they make up 23% of children in foster care. That's a quarter of the kids that are in foster care are black."
"Kingdom Royale: Luxury state-of-the-art home for foster boys, instilling identity and empowering them to advocate for themselves."
"It's about a girl who goes to live with a foster family because her mom just keeps popping out babies."
"I've seen so many kids get the worst shit end of the stick of foster care."
"That child is plucked and put in foster care or with a family member a hundred out of a hundred times."
"These kids find the love, support, and care that they deserve and need."
"I think every everybody has to have someone to look up to, and I think just being in the system, we've worked with foster care before and I think that it's important for boys especially to have a strong male role model."
"Before you run your mouth about a whole bunch of black children in foster care, open your home."
"They each get a piece of our heart, and it's almost instantly. So... Yeah. That's why it hurts so bad when they go home."
"We found our biological daughter. She was in foster care."
"This rescue is a very small foster-based rescue, this is absolutely hard."
"Sweet Rosie, once abandoned and living on the streets, is now a foster mother herself."
"There are 125,000 I believe children in the USA foster care system waiting for an adoptive family."
"The goal with foster care is always reunification." - Bananas Foster representative
"I know that come the day where a very lucky family shows up to take Jamie home, it's going to be really hard."
"Please pray for my daughter to stay resilient and is placed in a loving structured happy home until she comes back to me."
"So anyway, the other thing is that the placement came with a newborn baby and I was just so in love."
"His childhood was quite turbulence because age three or four, he goes into foster care."
"Your love reminds them of the times they had to move through foster care systems."
"What does Foster mean? It means the puppy lives with us and we take good care of the puppy until we find his forever home."
"Life is worth fighting for, and that has to be our starting point when it comes to a conversation in foster care."
"It's a great movie for kids that are in the foster care system to watch and give hope to."
"The decision to place myself in the New York foster care system literally saved my life and for that I will always be grateful."
"These help so many kids in foster care, guys. These are amazing."
"Once you start welcoming vulnerable kids into your life, you're having breakfast, you're hearing their story, suddenly their needs become your needs."
"It is an occupational hazard of a foster parent that your heart gets broken on a regular basis, but that's our job, isn't it? We take the pains these children get the help and love that they need."
"Basically what they do is they provide an in-between house place for kids who are getting put into the foster care system. So basically they're taken out of a scary situation... what the Isaiah 117 house does is meet them in the middle there."
"The last thing we wanted to do was put these kids in that county care where it didn't matter how much money she would be given what kind of living arrangement she was given how much therapy was offered and not taken advantage of."
"Toby has now been in foster care for three months, there are signs he's beginning to thrive."
"I'm going to help anoint you to see that the broken foster care system is fixed."
"James never celebrated his birthdays but in his new foster family, it's time to learn what love and care are."
"It's really special when you see somebody doing foster care and doing it well and just opening their arms and their lives and their hearts and their wallets."
"A heartwarming affair dedicated to supporting youth impacted by foster care."
"One of the biggest hurdles to becoming a foster parent is the home study. It's expensive, it takes time."
"Every foster child should be treated just like all the other kids in the family."
"Part of becoming a foster parent or an adoptive parent is that you undergo training, you take classes, you learn about trauma and the effects of trauma on children."
"We're that much closer to changing the trajectory of the lives of our black boys in the foster care system."
"Children are rarely not considered in any of this... the trauma and guilt that I feel about my brother is honestly something that I think really resonates with many children who are adopted or fostered."
"The goal of foster care is reunification with birth parents."
"A lot of people go into foster care hoping to adopt, but that's not the primary goal."
"There are over 100,000 waiting children in the U.S. foster care system."
"Celebrate those in the foster care world."
"Being in the foster care system is a crap shoot because some foster homes, most, you know, people have... there's sometimes a cultural prejudice against foster homes that I find interesting."
"Come in as a foster parent, sure, be a foster parent but knowing it's temporary."
"Eventually, I was collected by child services and taken to a foster family."
"Sabrina was sent to a group home at the age of 14 and then moved to various places throughout the foster care system."
"Despite this, the placement of Sabrina in their home appeared to be successful, at least initially. Sabrina was doing well in school and liked having two sisters."
"He sadly committed suicide that summer because he had a really rough life with his foster parents."
"Thousands of kids in Foster Care will take you just as you are."
"It's really, really important as a foster parent to understand your role in what's going on. The majority of the time when a child enters foster care, the goal is reunification."
"When we got the kids, they were 18 months, two and a half, and four years old, and this July makes two years of being their foster parents."
"We made the decision to let the kids come live with us and that we were going to follow it through no matter what happened."
"I found my foster mother. I found my brother."
"We are becoming foster parents. We are stepping into the foster to adopt program in just a few short months. The biggest blessing of an open door we've ever walked through."
"He was there with his family which included three biological children but they also had with him three children that they had been fostering..."
"Children who need adoption in the U.S who are in need of families are in foster care and Foster Care has a brutal impact on the lives it involves."
"60% of sex trafficking victims in the United States are coming out of our foster care system."
"80% of the US prison population came from foster care. It's an extraordinarily broken system."
"Adopting through foster care is probably the most financially savvy way to go about this."
"And my other element or thing that I have going on is that I have foster children at my home."
"As foster parents, I signed to take care of every vulnerable child. Doesn't matter what color they are."
"I was detained at the airport and then they put me in a foster home."
"Life for this multi-millionaire was not always so fortunate, having spent his life in foster care."
"Anytime you can make her smile or laugh and to know with the situation that they come from and to know that you're giving her a better life currently feels really good."
"...having parents and family is the biggest strength in the world and who can vouch for it better than a foster kid."
"I was really proud of myself. I was once just a kid in the system... yet I'd beaten the odds."
"It must be hard to take in someone else's kid and their problems."
"There’s a heartfelt note from his foster father, encouraging him to be hopeful and adventurous."
"...my unfulfilled dream is in some way to help, you know, less kids be in foster care, more kids have families put together, lower divorce rates."
"Our goal from the very beginning of starting foster care was to eventually adopt through the foster care system."
"There's so much more to foster care and being a foster parent that you don't really see behind the scenes."
"It's a child you don't know; you were kind enough to take them in their time of need."
"It wasn't realistic for you to expect the 15-year-old not to get emotionally attached to you."
"Being raised in a foster home, I was taught just how important it is to be mindful of others and care for those less fortunate."
"Remember, no child is in control of the circumstances that may have landed them in foster care system. They are children and still human; they deserve a loving home and care."
"Meet Geminid and Weena Watson, a retired preacher and a retired teacher who reached back across two generations to bring a traumatized five-year-old boy into their home."
"I got into boxing and fighting in general from foster care, kind of moving around a lot."
"Conducted cognitive research while working at a camp for children traumatized by the foster care system."
"When a child comes into foster care, they experience so much trauma, but we often don't think about the fact that food can also be a source of trauma for kids coming into care."
"We talk about our Christian faith, our foster care and adoption journeys, as well as what it's like to live as a fire family."
"The one thing that I've seen being a foster mother is when a dog doesn't turn back and look at you, she knew that was her family."
"The reasons why kids enter foster care in the first place... it's abuse and neglect."
"Bonding and connecting and loving on kids is always fulfilling, and that is why we become foster parents."
"The most important trait for a foster parent is to know your resources, know your limitations, and just be able to communicate with your case team and the child's case team."
"Being a foster parent is incredible... a very amazing selfless thing for someone to do."
"I was starved for education, so when the authorities got involved with me and I was sent to a wonderful foster home, I learned how to read and write within a year."
"I made the decision in front of the courts to face the unknown and live in foster care than to live with a man who could treat his family the way he did."
"I've worked with Foster Care Systems all my life."
"For the past eight years, I've had a little foster son in Greece."
"And love is to miss the love that all parents should give, yet they cast you aside, put you out of their minds, they put you in care, there is no love there."
"We had said yes to so many other cases, but it was really hard not to start to get really excited."
"The day of picking her up was so emotional for us, for her foster parents, 'cause they had just loved her so much."
"Adoption from foster care comes into play."
"I grew up in the foster care system since I was three years old and I never had stability in my life."
"So right now we are actually waiting for our social worker to get here because we are doing a re-evaluation so that we can open our home back up for foster care."
"Being a foster kid myself, I think it helps you to realize that you just need someone to give you a chance, a bit of a timeout, a second chance, a fifth chance, a hundredth chance."
"Fostering sibling sets is super important."
"The need is there, and it could mean the world to kids growing up and getting to be with their siblings."
"You could be making such a life-changing decision that affects these kids forever and ever and ever."
"Children and teens in foster care without a permanent home."
"I would change a lot of things about the foster care systems, but I think the top priority should be foster homes."
"Kids that go through foster care have to leave their entire lives behind, they lose so much."
"Not everybody's called to foster, but everybody's called to do something."
"Generate lots and lots of interest in your foster kittens."
"That's the hard part of being a foster parent."
"As foster dads, we take in kids, we care for them, and we love them."
"As foster parents, we are never prepared for what's coming."
"The hard part is the unpredictability."
"My first time to have a big meal was when I went for lunch on a Sunday to my foster family that took me in. There was so much food on the table that I could not believe."
"I'm making this video because I want to bring more awareness to the foster care system."
"Foster care is terrifying and it's not something that people really talk about."
"I think that there's a huge issue within the system because it's traumatizing, foster care is traumatizing already."
"I believed that I was a statistic."
"That trauma still follows me, and I'm sure it'll follow me for the rest of my life."
"Every year thousands of kids enter the foster care system."
"These kids need us to get too attached and to love them fully and unconditionally."
"There's a lot of kids in foster care that are especially like older kids that don't ever get a chance really."
"Children's Services wouldn't function if there weren't foster parents."
"It was time to put all of it to an end, so my wife and I just said, 'Look, we'll foster all the kids and we'll take them in.'"
"Fifteen years ago, if you had told me that I would be the foster mother to over a hundred children, I would have probably laughed you out of my life."
"These kids are not permanently broken... they were just in a bad situation and they needed to be removed from that situation."
"It's a melting pot of family and foster kids and biological kids all together."
"Considering it is the season for giving, I'm hoping that some of you will consider opening your homes to a child for the holidays."
"We are foster parents to three adorable little kiddos and we are also home renovators."
"I will never forget how our foster mother confined us mostly to our rooms, rooms with no television and no radio."
"Foster care is something that's been on our minds for years."
"You're the adult, and you're fostering a child with severe trauma."
"Having kids and going through the foster care process, you see a different side of them and you appreciate them for all their flaws and all their strengths so much more."
"If you're thinking about becoming a foster parent, try it, please try it. You never know until you try it."
"Bringing a foster baby home right from the hospital and being that person for them is an honor and it's a privilege."
"For those of you who do think that people who are foster parents are in it for the money, I'm here to tell you that that is absolutely not the case."
"You do not have to be wealthy to be a foster parent."
"We do plan to continue to be a foster family."
"Being a foster family is going to be difficult and through the adversity that you face, just don't give up."
"We are so grateful for all of you who continue to support us, that continue to support the kids who are in care."
"Thousands of teens in foster care will love you just the same."
"It's all for foster children and children with special needs that need extra love and care."
"We need more foster parents. More people showing up and caring and loving these kids."
"We're donating to Isaiah 117 House, it's a non-profit that helps kids in foster care."
"The boys have expressed that they wanted to be back with family and out of foster care."
"The children are in very good homes; they're taken care of all their needs are being met."
"We want to keep all the siblings together."
"She's doing really well and happy."
"The children are doing well in their placements."
"Foster care is not a place to grow up; we want all of our kids to have forever homes, whatever that might look like for them."
"I do believe that Jade is going to thrive and flourish in Katura and Travis's home."
"It's called the foster youth connection, and it's a home for foster youth that have been emancipated from foster care."
"He had grown up in foster care his whole life because his mother decided to leave him at the hospital as soon as he was born."
"I think you both make fantastic foster parents."
"You are going to be foster parents."
"Your application has been accepted. You are going to be foster parents."
"Not everyone can be a foster parent, but anyone can help a foster child."
"Please send our love to foster mom and dad, we're also foster parents here in Vermont. How awesome!"
"Being in foster care since we were really young... we never really experienced Christmas as a kid."
"It goes to build tiny homes for young men who've aged out of the foster care system, it goes to end the cycle, that vicious cycle of foster care abuse."
"Those in foster care can find themselves abandoned, suddenly cut off from all support from a system that has cared for them, often for years."
"If the state is going to take over being a parent, then they need to assume that parental role until the child is actually ready."
"It's an exciting day, quite exhausting as well for the adopters and the foster carers."
"They've grown up trusting their foster carers, and then they see that their foster carers trust the adopters, and that's what makes it work."
"In just six years, 75 children and teens and three long-term placements, four kids adopted."
"The goal in foster care is always reunification, but when that can't happen, adoptions happen."
"The Chafee Grant is another California grant specifically for students who are or were in foster care."
"I really felt that kids are in foster care because the parents just don't love them very much. I was so wrong."
"Don't be scared of the foster kids. These are kids that have been through trauma."
"The first step to becoming a foster carer is having a big heart and being a good character."
"It's really emotional that you know, seven years ago, he was just a kid who was going to a group home that nobody wanted."
"I'm really grateful for Jim and Shireen taking Sarah in and just showing her that it's okay to open yourself up and it's okay to let people in."
"I would still become a licensed foster parent, I would still have said yes to these three girls, I would still continue pressing on."
"Moms aren't necessarily the ones that give birth; they're the ones that raise kids, foster moms."
"My biggest fear is that if we don't find a foster mum, he can die."
"I love those kids; they went through unbelievable abuse and had so much trouble trusting people, I couldn't abandon them."
"He joined us when he was 6 years old from the foster care system."
"If you can get to the point where your desire to make an impact in kids' lives is more important than your desire to not go through some pain and discomfort, then foster care is for you."
"You're good people, it's awesome of you to take in a stranger's child and treat them as your own."
"It's awesome of you to take in a stranger's child and treat them as your own."
"Life in foster care wasn't easy; each new home brought its own challenges, but I did my best to adapt."
"It felt good to be part of something positive, especially considering the challenges we faced in our foster home."
"The underpinning of Brace's philosophy that children are better off in foster homes than in institutions like orphanages continues to be an underpinning of the foster care system that we have in the United States today."
"It's not just about the kids; it's really about loving on birth parents."
"We are now foster parents to a precious little one that has really thrown us for a loop."
"The goal is always reunification."
"We are simply in foster care because the Lord asked us to."
"Thousands of teens in foster care don't need perfection; they just need you."
"Our message is that foster care and adoption can be great, but you have to really make sure you're doing it for the right reasons."
"There are thousands of teens in foster care who don't need perfection; they need you."
"When someone adopts a child out of a foster care system, they are being life to another person."
"For a foster parent, children in foster care need stability, they need security, but what they need more than anything else is for somebody to love them with all of our hearts."
"That broken heart might be the first time that child has ever been loved so much, so that when they do leave, I'm giving them a gift of my heart."
"Every one of us can help a child in foster care in some way."
"I'm such a lucky girl, first Mrs. Davis and now you and Mrs. White."
"I was raised in foster care. I never really knew my parents."
"Foster care is a calling; it's hard, but the Lord is graciously guiding us every step of the way."