
Meetings Quotes

There are 315 quotes

"Every meeting starts with a life quote and ends with a life quote."
"Every time that I see you in person, I come out much richer for it."
"More meetings do not mean more productivity."
"I think people are meant to meet. Sometimes where God puts people in a place for you to see them."
"A meeting with a stranger could be very important."
"He thought he was going to go there and be very impressive himself and he came away very impressed with you."
"It's kind of like a meeting. The one I'm waiting for has arrived." - Unknown
"I think they would have preferred to just keep it all nice and quiet, have their little meetings."
"I meet people as well...just nice to see all these people."
"I feel good about this we've done a lot I actually have to hop off and get ready for meetings but this is cool I feel good about this."
"It's pretty cool how they just randomly bumped into each other."
"I do not think that we meet just because of coincidences. I do believe there's always a purpose why we come across someone."
"Meetings should feel like they increase productivity, morale, and accountability."
"On the whole, I think the meeting went well."
"I hate when there's a meeting that should have been an email... do we really need to carve an hour out for this?"
"Children coming into meetings with adults and speaking their truth about how ludicrous it all looked from their perspective... little kids saying, 'This is not right.'"
"Every meeting has to have participants... talk to him from the heart."
"Family meetings were mom's way of making sure we were all on the same page."
"He's speaking candidly in a meeting that he doesn't know is being recorded."
"He agreed to meet with the director and talk about the film."
"My meeting with Wilbur was pretty easy, really easy clap."
"Weekly family meetings have completely changed how well we function as a couple and as a family."
"It's just people having meetings, but it can have a profound impact."
"Phil did say he was gonna go meet all the studios and see what they want to do next."
"I had probably the most exciting meeting of my life."
"The basic rule for meetings is that unless somebody's getting enormous value from the information they are receiving or they’re contributing to the meeting itself, they should not be there."
"Meetings suck. So you never know, did we cover enough stuff? And then if you do cover enough stuff, the new question is, did we cover too many things and waste time?"
"I flew a long way to meet people like you today."
"Late not yes not late yesterday but the day before which is now Tuesday the president had three meetings with the moderate Democrats."
"Reuniting with a friend or being in a group of friends is where you're going to meet this new person for sure."
"You're going to have to throw your stuff into the ring and come out for meetings."
"The next two tops I'm going to show you are definitely pieces which are great if you're going for meetings after work or if you're going out for dinner after work."
"How Zoom meetings now can arguably be even more effective than face-to-face meetings."
"That is honestly the best car I've ever seen at a car meet."
"Look, we've all been using Zoom for a little while now, and we've all seen it, right? People's styles and things that are happening during the meeting, oh the oopsies and mistakes that people are making."
"A meeting with a stranger could be important."
"Copilot is changing meetings for the better, freeing people to be more present and engaged in the conversation."
"...I mean, that meeting was supposed to last 15 minutes it lasted an hour and a half..."
"Investor meetings are a two-way street, they're like auditions."
"Prepare for a good beginning. Blessings are here. Please, can we meet?"
"I have never fought, I've had so many team meetings."
"...having a meeting where you're having that one-to-one connection is really, really important."
"Meetings should be treated as an actual dollar expenditure with an expected value or rate of return on the investment."
"If you're going to fly out for a meeting, well of course I'm going to take you for a meal, of course we're going to have a meeting, and we probably should do one other thing."
"The end of May, beginning of June could be very significant for when you're meeting this person."
"I also met Lydia which was just obviously a dream meeting someone with the same name as you."
"Whole company meetings aren't fun."
"Meetings are like herding cats. What that tells us is that we're essentially ungovernable as individuals."
"We shape our meetings, and they in turn shape us."
"Avoid meetings as much as possible and try to communicate on Slack directly. It forces people to get to the point faster."
"30 seconds is not a long time but when you are in a very important meeting it can really seem like an eternity."
"Having that virtual assistant sitting next to you in the meeting and being able to ask questions or generate meeting notes at the end so that I can just be present during the course of the meeting, I think that's huge."
"It's all right, children. Life is made up of meetings and partings, that is the way of it."
"Your pitch on the first meeting is just to get them interested enough to take the second meeting."
"Be effective and efficient with meetings to improve time management."
"That's when I met you for the first time."
"Well, I'm gonna meet in the U SEC office in 10 minutes."
"Every sale that has ever happened on planet Earth except for e-commerce has always started and ended with a meeting."
"They should always be meeting up like that, right?"
"You are a hoarder yourself and we're not gonna hoard anymore I'm sorry it's going it's going today well about to get rid of it someone's got to touch it again yeah you from there I'm not touching that I listen to my meeting."
"Just got off two back-to-back calls for Gals on the Go."
"The most effective meetings are type three."
"Conferences are going really good."
"This is why I love coming on here every two weeks and meeting all of you."
"We had a makeshift clubhouse, we were holding our meetings there, and it was a great setup."
"Lastly, be confident. Don't go into meetings being afraid and doubt yourself. Do not doubt yourself, be confident."
"Set an agenda for meetings. Let's figure out what our intention is, what our outcome is."
"Morning productivity, afternoon meetings, like if that can happen, then it's like ideal. So I'm going to try to adopt that a little bit more and see how it goes."
"...these meetings were a big deal."
"...you have to be very, very good with your communication part... half of your day or most of your day would be blocked with meetings and interacting with stakeholders or different people."
"Communication within the team is facilitated through meetings, emails, workshops, and memos."
"Communication with stakeholders is conveyed through meetings, emails, newsletters, and events."
"For topics such as those being discussed at this meeting, there are often a variety of opinions, some of which are quite strongly held."
"2016. in photos, we have the world's most powerful man and Vladimir Putin at a meeting in the Kremlin."
"There was nothing I hated more than meetings that could have been emails."
"Every time they met, he would show him what would happen in the future."
"Sibling meetings are something that we've been doing since we were kids, where we talk about things like convincing our parents to get us a pet or splitting the household chores."
"My meeting went so well. All I know is just 2022 is just cash loss."
"I look forward to seeing you again same time next week."
"With breakout rooms, you can split your Zoom meeting into smaller groups."
"All I gotta do is work the steps, go to meetings, get a sponsor, work the steps, and give it back away."
"If you are required to attend meetings, they'll also pay you for that. So, that's a good thing I think."
"Wuzette is the most effective, least used by non-politicians meeting people device ever contrived."
"In the future, I will only attend the meetings I am specifically invited to."
"Whenever we meet the RH family when we're out, it is the best feeling. Like, honestly, meeting you guys just makes me put like a massive smile on my face."
"It's good to kind of like do both while I'm here so I have a lot of like little meetings here and there I'm going to go see some plays got some dinner set up going to going to see some Hometown friends that now work here out work out here in New York."
"More than half of all meetings start late."
"I find it really simplified my life and now I'm only using confluence even when I'm doing a steering committee meeting and team meetings and whatnot."
"Some of the brightest spots in my day are when I receive an email that says a meeting has been cancelled. This is not a good thing. Meetings are important and can be very helpful, yet many are ineffective and a waste of time."
"Meetings are really powerful that way. They're a way of focusing and really making sure that people are aligned."
"If you are unclear what the purpose is, do not hold other people's time hostage. Other people's time is not for you to sit there and work out what that might be. If you don't know the purpose, don't meet."
"Having more regular financial meetings can be majorly impactful when trying to reach your savings goals."
"I'm excited about meetings. I'm excited about meetings. I'm excited that there is a science of meetings that can truly help."
"Satisfaction is one thing that I do get out of it, of course, I always go to a meeting in the hopes that we're going to win one."
"Science is done at meetings where there's peer review."
"We did meet, but all we did was have dinner at a hotel."
"Consider meetings as the time and place where you motivate and engage people with opportunities for autonomy, mastery, and purpose."
"A lot of it came down to snacks, and frankly, that's what makes a good meeting in any office too."
"It's funny how people meet up and you meet people you never know where things are gonna go and how people's lives change."
"A party without cake is just a meeting."
"I ended up going and taking a meeting with him."
"Those house meetings actually ended up becoming a lifeline for us all during that time."
"Your success and happiness as a grant writer does correlate to how your kickoff meeting goes."
"Well-designed meetings are awesome."
"Napoleon announced that from now on the Sunday morning meetings would come to an end."
"Prepare yourself for that big meeting."
"There is nothing more powerful or meaningful than a face-to-face meeting."
"Old-school handshake, face-to-face meetings are effective; they're super effective."
"You should always meet people from websites and apps in a safe public place first."
"I always dress up for an important meeting at work."
"We're gonna have group meetings and everything like that where we're going to talk with each other."
"I think the volume of 'Hey, this meeting could have been an email' is finally being realized a little bit more."
"It's always nice meeting any of you."
"Meeting face-to-face is just so much cooler."
"Thank you guys for coming up and having breakfast with us, and I hope the rest of your meetings are great."
"We'll have our little Monday morning meeting which we always do to see what's going on this week."
"I wanted meetings in which people could speak their minds without fear of being seen to say something foolish."
"All meetings are determined by Fate."
"There was something about some of these people in these meetings, they had peace, they were happy."
"When you start to customize your meetings and add these graphics, it really helps you to stand out in virtual meetings and presentations."
"Be on time. Just like in any kind of face-to-face meeting, I always urge my students to come early."
"I do so many meetings that don't look right on paper that five years later, you're like, if I didn't take that meeting, it wouldn't have led to this."
"I'm meeting with some big-ass people today, big-ass people with big brains."
"Thank you so much to everyone that I met actually over the past two days, it's been an honor."
"I guess there really is such a thing as a destined meeting."
"Every good meeting should have a forum to see how the meeting went."
"You have to earn your right to get into the Vince meeting."
"I decided to take ownership of the situation by encouraging everyone to be more focused on the meeting goals."
"Once the meeting was completed, everyone congratulated me for encouraging everyone to regain focus and clarity."
"Interactive communication: a type of communication in which information is exchanged among stakeholders, including meetings, video conferencing, phone calls, etc."
"We introduced a segment we start the meeting every week with a good news section."
"Be meeting smart. Never have a meeting longer than one hour."
"I loved meeting every single one of you."
"I had the exact same reaction when I first met her."
"As a scrum master and a project manager, you spend a lot of time in meetings... it's pretty interesting."
"Inform all the Friends of the necessity of calling special meetings to honour her exalted station."
"I'm happy every time we sit down, fellas."
"Here's everything: 144 meetings last 30 days, absolutely insane."
"What would make this a meeting that we can't miss?"
"Everybody's open to taking meetings."
"It's so nice to meet people in person."
"Extremely useful to have an annotation tool inside of a meeting."
"You can turn on local recording and if your organization account permits it, cloud recording as well."
"I have very positive beautiful feelings about some of those meetings."
"Both keys to a very successful meeting: it's a health to happiness and to getting things done."
"Whenever I have a meeting with my advisor, I like to prepare an agenda."
"You're getting into the meat of the meeting."
"This is a really great way to ensure that you're not manually typing things in for each meeting agenda and also makes it really easy to have discussions on the tasks in the meeting."
"This is a very nimble, flexible way of managing a meeting."
"We'll see you next time, same time, same place."
"I really try to protect my afternoons for meetings but sometimes it's inevitable."
"It was nice getting to meet people again for the first time."
"Nothing can approximate the real world meeting experience."
"The only reason you dress up for a meeting is if you're insecure."
"It's kind of nice to have these meetings via Zoom because you're in the warmth of your home and you didn't have to travel outside."
"My success was highly correlated to the quality questions I ask in a meeting."
"You know you're important when you've got the board meeting area."
"I go to meetings because I want to learn how to live on life on life's terms."
"I really don't believe we meet anything or anyone by accident."
"The newcomer is the most important person at any meeting."
"Your team meetings would become better."
"I knew if I didn't come to these meetings, there would be no marriage anyway."
"He's been wearing an astronaut helmet in meetings, it's incredible."
"More information has become available that better clarifies what happened at a set of secret meetings that took place in the upper atmosphere of Jupiter."
"One-on-one meetings are one of the most important meetings of your week."
"I'm done with going into London for meetings that don't actually happen."
"It was one of the most magical moments I've ever seen in a team meeting."
"This just sets the tone for great meetings, for great energy."
"Cold calling should only be used to secure meetings, not to sign up clients."
"I try to start all of my internal group meetings with three deep breaths."
"It's an absolute relief sitting in these meetings."
"Thank you, Lord, for the privilege to sit in this meeting."
"I find these meetings very helpful, motivating, and it kind of feels like a lesson because you learn so much."
"Then you can have all the information about the meetings that we are preparing."
"It's a game of odds; it's three successful meetings out of every seventy."
"These meetings are not designed to solve all your problems, but they are designed to equip you to solve all your problems."
"They met apparently on Thursday evenings regularly in his rooms, but also on Tuesday evenings at a local pub known as the Eagle and Child."
"It's one of those meetings you look forward all year."
"I'm just touching up my makeup because I have like two meetings that I still have to go to."
"There are only two kinds of meetings you can have: the ones you come out of with more energy, or the ones that you come out with less."
"Our meeting is going to be an exercise in spontaneity, and a spontaneous question will trigger spontaneous answers."
"Every meeting that I had day in and day out was a meeting that I wanted to have."
"Me attending a Zoom meeting at eight in the morning after waking up at 7:59: 'Yeah, I'm good to go.'"
"Life is short; we should have this meeting at a water park."
"He contemplates the significance of meetings between people: first as a coincidence, then by necessity, and finally as fate."
"In the universe's infinite wisdom, meetings are orchestrated that defy the logic of chance."
"I was able to schedule some meetings with my mentors."
"Understanding and taking notes at meetings, events, conferences, especially at the moment teleconferences."
"We listen closely at meetings and become willing to apply what we hear to our own lives."
"I hold meetings from anywhere. I don't have to sit in a board room or at a desk in an office to be a badass."
"Every time during the same day, I'm the happiest when I meet you."
"It will go smoothly if we can alleviate their concerns during our meetings."
"They're great for business meetings, great for work, great for situations where things are something very important is going on."
"We take care of the neighborhood. We have meetings."
"May you be anointed to have meetings."
"We just had a two-hour, two and a half hour meeting about the future."
"A meeting with people who are remotely is significantly better if everyone is in their own tile."
"Every time when you meet somebody for the first time, don't it be exciting?"
"We have bi-weekly community meetings we'd love for you to join."
"We have meetups like this every Tuesday at 12 Eastern time."