
Legal Fairness Quotes

There are 89 quotes

"People should be not only held accountable but to be held fairly accountable, and that the legal system should be fair to everyone."
"This district attorney has not provided fundamental fairness, and without that, the system doesn't work."
"I think it's terrible what they did to him it's something that nobody's asked me but you're asking me for the first time I would certainly consider it."
"Courts have sought to strike a fair balance between the interests of defendants and plaintiffs."
"It doesn't matter if you're a Republican or a Democrat, Bill Barr wants to see justice completely done under the rule of law."
"Nobody's asking to get away with anything, just justice."
"An order like the one in this case is an appropriate measure for addressing the duty of the court."
"Let's move to a system where when you get to court you no longer have to question is is this happening to me because they need the money or is this happening to me because I actually you know broke the law."
"The purpose of sentencing is to assign proportional punishment and to do justice."
"To be a responsible prosecutor you must look at all of those things in investigation to be fair to everyone involved." - Fannie Willis
"Maybe they should have extended due process to the defendant."
"Equal justice under the law must mean that every American receives equal treatment."
"If you truly want a system where there's not a two-tier system of justice, then it's appropriate for him to have to face consequences for this."
"If he committed a crime, then he should pay for that, justice needs to be fair."
"I'm not rebutting them because I agree with Parks completely. They should be taxed all right. I'm saying the laws should be equal so there's nothing to argue out there. No, Jeff Bezos should be taxed the same way."
"Donald Trump has gotten treated differently by the law than average citizens like Michael Cohen."
"Remember, the outrage and the public zeitgeist has caused Derek Chauvin to not really have the opportunity for a fair trial in Minneapolis."
"We have to make sure that justice is done in this country."
"Justice can be blind but not to the suffering of the people it's supposed to protect."
"It wasn't fair that evidence of murder she wasn't convicted of yet could be used against her."
"If Mr. Coburger is to receive effective representation, then cameras must be expelled from the courtroom."
"I paid off the 30-year mortgage in 13 or 14 years."
"This is a major step in terms of securing procedural fairness."
"The way people have shown a complete lack of regard for evidence and due process has been one of the most terrifying and depressing aspects of my experience so far."
"All we can do is just hope that the Robinson family and Shankuala get the justice that they deserve."
"This trial was unfair because of the tick-tock storm."
"If you want the benefit of the US rule of law... you're gonna pay the same taxes that US people do."
"Expect to be subsidized by the other parent, even if proven not to be the biological parent."
"There has been no true adversarial testing of the prosecution case as it is anticipated/guaranteed by the constitution."
"No one should escape justice, but unfair prosecutions must be prevented."
"No one is above the law, but no one should be targeted by the law." - Joe Manchin
"I want Kyle Rittenhouse to stand a fair trial."
"I want a fair trial. I don't want him to be found guilty when he's innocent."
"I could never sleep well at night knowing that I'm just throwing people in prison without even giving our side, the defense side, a fair shake." - Rob
"This is getting close to kangaroo court status."
"They simply want the case looked at again and to be given a fair shot."
"Ensures a fair legal process for criminal defendants."
"If the prosecution gets a witness, the defense gets a witness."
"It's just he said, she said, and they're going to take the side of the girl in a lot of cases."
"That's mob justice and it's disgusting. You don't arrest people based on people screaming that they should be arrested."
"If on appeal a judge says this was a good venue, it was not tainted from the beginning, you got a fair trial by a jury of your peers, you will never in American law ever be able to justify change of venue, never."
"You can't be proven guilty on something you never should have been charged with in the first place."
"It's very inappropriate in this country supposed to be equal justice, the scales of justice right."
"A trial of a decade. How could she get a fair trial?"
"Due process. Nothing spoils a witch-hunt like those two words."
"I think it was unfair in the prosecutors put me in the position that they did."
"This kind of behavior should not be admissible should not be tolerated throwing your political rival into jail over his interviews over his criticism is not the way to tolerate."
"The law needs to be upheld, the people need to be respected."
"Democrats will also tell you he should be subjected to the laws just like everyone else."
"Capitalism itself makes it impossible to fulfill its own promises of equality before the law."
"The law is not a game for politicians to play, justices are not in place for rich politicians to refer poorer ones to."
"They're not supposed to be seeking every possible unfair tactical Advantage they're supposed to be doing justice."
"A fair trial is not guaranteed when laws allow for strict liability crimes, denying individuals the opportunity to defend themselves."
"We're not anti-anybody. We are trying to stop people from being anti-us. We want the law to apply equally." - Al Sharpton
"Nobody should be permitted to essentially write their own favorable laws."
"The goal should be the truth and the jury should have all of the information."
"Even if every single thing in that late disclosure is true, the prejudice to the defendant cannot be overlooked."
"There is no world in which the Constitution permits Nevada to favor Caesar's Palace over Calvary Chapel."
"The notion of impeding counsel's ability to establish a record creates an unquestionable appearance of bias and impropriety."
"I believe law can always be boiled down to questions of fairness."
"If fathers want to stop getting screwed in the divorce courts, then they better start acting like they're more than walking wallets to their children."
"No one would ever want that to happen to them if You Were Somehow being accused of a crime and the opposition kept video evidence out of the courtroom that could have exonerated you."
"What the protesters rioters are demanding is effectively a discretionary legal structure where there's one set of people for whom the laws apply and another set for whom they don't apply."
"Please be fair and let us make these arguments."
"Due process needs to apply to everyone. We are better than this."
"It's about law, law should be blind and justice should deliver onto righteousness."
"They let Hillary Clinton off the hook but keeping General Flynn on the hook."
"It's important that it's investigated, people shouldn't be tried in the court of public opinion."
"A judge said the prosecutor and defense in the land use case had a right to a fair and impartial jury hearing the evidence."
"Making sure that the law applies fairly to everyone is one of the foundational principles of our country."
"The system's rigged to protect these criminals from the consequences of their crimes."
"Equating an innocent individual with a criminal is definitely not justice."
"Can we just fight for a country with a fair justice system please, where the rule of law applies to everyone equally and laws make sense? Bad."
"Russell Brand is being convicted without any form of due process at all."
"The trial should not reward the president's obstruction."
"I don't think this is a fair trial because both the judge and the prosecutor are on the same team."
"We ask this court to consider fairness, respect that this was a cascade of tragedy."
"This case reminds us of the importance of equal treatment and fairness in the legal system."
"To do right to all manner of people after the law."
"The sixth amendment deals with things like a fair and speedy public trial by jury."
"If your religious views make it so that you cannot treat people equally under the law, you lose."
"...the state asserts that the citizens of Fremont can provide fair and impartial jurors capable of following instructions from the court."
"Using peremptory strikes in a racially discriminatory manner was unconstitutional."